Who among us can really understand quantum mechanics? but I love the irony too!
I am just now beginning to grab hold of the "hints"... Lets see if I can pretty much sum this up on what governs the future?
Since the future hasn't happened yet, we think of it as somewhat deterministic, but with a random variable. This is how we can predict where a quantum particle is. By using probability. There is a very high probability that the sun will rise tomorrow and a very low probability that all of the air will instantly navigate to the four corners of the room. Both possibilities are possible, but differ in their probability.
There is a lot of evidence that has not been proven yet with regards to predicting the future. It seems that unpredictable quantum random events are JUST as predictable as highly probable deterministic events and the future seems to be quite deterministic...
All futures - that is, all future time frames (next minute, next hour, next century) are non-random, pre-determined since the birth of the physical universe. Purely the result of cause and effect and completely predictable. Evidence for this theory lies within the basics of Remote Viewing. To be able to see the future at all indicates that it must be deterministic to some extent.
There is some evidence that the future is ultimately predictable which can be found in a series of experiments conducted at the Rhine Institute. Which discovered that low probability futures had the SAME chance of being predicted than did high probability futures. And it has been successfully demonstrated that subjects had a noticeable change in electrodermal skin activity SECONDS before being exposed to emotionally charged photographs. The photos were selected at random by the computer AFTER the bio feedback equipment had registered a dramatic change in their autonomic nervous systems such as electrodermal activity, blood volume and heart rate.
Some other evidence that might dispute the theory of the future being predetermined is the fact that fewer people ride the train on days when there is a train wreck. This indicates that although the future may be predetermined, we have the ability to change it. That suggests that we have control over our destiny.
Quantum physicists would refute the determined future theory by stating that it has been proven that truly random events happen at the quantum level. In quantum physics, uncertainty is the rule and probability is used to predict what a particle might do next, or where to actually find one when we look. But just because we are unaware of any "cause" doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It could just be a case of where the smaller particles or "causes" have not yet been discovered. It could be, in fact that these "causes" are indeed nothing more than consciousness itself based on something as simple as our conscious intentions, hopes and fears. We may be completely in control, and indeed responsible for our own destiny.
So if we are ultimately responsible for ANY future possibility - of all of the possible possibilities, we are able to freely choose which path we take. We don't actually predict the future - we MAKE it. For example, in remote viewing when I perceive a door and hallway, in some way, I am actually responsible for making that target happen. From the selection of that target from the database in the future or to influencing the photographer who shot the photo in the past, I can in some way to some degree influence that future possibility. And we may create our futures at many different levels from personal to collectively as a society. For example, imagine hundreds of millions of conscious minds actually working together to create our general reality. Within that general reality - a consensus reality - we work personally to influence it in our own direction a bit at a time. This would explain why new sports record are being set every year when physiologists in the 50's calculated that we had reached our potential as humans. We are slowly changing our consensus reality by collectively believing that breaking a sports record is desirable and possible. This theory also might explain why against odds of a million to one, the quintuplets ALL lived and are expected to live healthy normal lives. It's because we all wanted and believed it could be.
And just how are we actually creating this reality? Well, just because we aren't AWARE of a cause doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Possibly that "cause" is our conscious minds itself, where we as individuals and collectively as a society and even to some extent globally as a universe, are the invisible "cause" that makes the particle appear here and not there. In fact, matter broken down to it's most basic element may indeed be nothing more than consciousness itself. Not only are we possibly responsible for creating our futures, but we may indeed be responsible for creating our entire environment - the physical universe. Imagine an almost infinite array of onscious "thoughts" from the future and past interacting with each other. A vast, unlimited mass of thoughts Interacting with each other - like thoughts attracting, unlike thoughts repelling, and the struggle between the two finally resulting in actual matter...
The theory that we create our future is convenient, but implies that free will governs our destiny and that predicting the future with any degree of success would be impossible - something that we know IS possible. So where does that leave us?
Certainly most of the evidence points to a completely pre-determined future. I believe that to be the case, however, I also believe that we are responsible for creating our own future, both on a personal conscious level as well as on a cosmic conscious level.
But how can our futures be predetermined and undetermined at the same time? I think the answer lies in our interpretation of "predetermined". I believe that determinism, which must exists in order for us to accurately predict the future, and free will, which must exist in order for us to create our future can co-exist.
I believe that we do not understand determinism. Although everything may be calculable ultimately, I think that we still have free will. Here's a good example of what I mean. If you look at a transcript of all that you did, saw, experienced and said yesterday, you could view that as something that is final. You can't change that - it happened in the past and can only be observed now. Well, if you imagine yourself at some point in yesterdays transcript where you could have taken an alternate path - a point at which you had a decision to make - get out of bed on the right or left hand side. It's futile to imagine what would have happened that day if you got out on the right rather than the left because it's a done deal - it already happened - you already made that choice - you can't change that. Well the future may be thought of in much the same way. You had free will as you woke up and made a conscious decision to get out of bed on the left hand side. You COULD have chosen either side, but you chose the left NOT the right. You had free will, but you can't change what already happened. You made ONE decision. That's where determinism fit's in. If you view the future in the same manner that we have just viewed the past, you can understand how a predetermined destiny can co-exist with free will. We have free will, which is necessary to create our future, but in the end - we always make a decision and that decision becomes unchangeable history...
If time is an illusion, then it may run backwards as well as forwards. The way in which we know we can't change our past may indeed be the same as how we can't change our future even though we created our past, and are currently in the process of creating our future...
And blah blah blah, that all for now folks...