Creating Your Own Massive SpaceTime


Super Moderator
Each of us is ultimately responsible for the world we co-create:

SPIRIT_____________Concept of Tense
SOUL______________Concept of Motion
MIND______________Concept of Matter
PHYSICAL MATRIX____Massive SpaceTime

When we understand the architecture of universal Energy, we become more efficient Creators.


Finally... another non-titor thread! I have to agree with you on this one. Sometimes coincidence is too simple of an explanation for me. Let me explain : I have had several experiences where by I might have thought of someone or something only to see that person or object the next day. I have talked with many other people about this and it seems to be a common human experience. I have also seen demonstrated the power of will and how wishful thinking can manifest in the physical realm as desired in those thoughts. I like to look at cases like those as the power of energy. I believe that in some way perhaps we as humans have some type of control over the universal energy and influence it daily. I'm not saying that I believe it is as cut and dry as, "close your eyes, make a wish and it comes true." but I think it is a complex integration on energy that changes based on what you add to it with your thoughts and feelings. We as humans have not mastered the energy thus we influence it and have explanations, for events influenced by the energy change, that may not be accurate. I have by no means mastered the architecture of the energy and really don't understand where I fit in to it but I do know that we as a species are connected to it and I believe that we do change it. Can you recommend any good books on the subject?

When we understand the architecture of universal Energy, we become more efficient Creators.

This might turn out to be true.

However, efficiency only has meaning in a reality where one experiences the effect of time.

In that context I'd like to add that creating a planet in approx. 4.6 billion years is not efficient. Especially when you're omnipotent.

Maybe the word 'efficient' is meaning different things to the both of you.

After all if creating a plantet in 4.6 billion years is inefficient then surely, the primary inefficient creation, was time itself?

I think effeciency should be measured more on effect/purpose rather than time or labour. After all the material universe in totally 100% efficient. But only in its effects and puropse, rather than ease and duration.

Or maybe thats me. I think i've totally managed to change the subject, too. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

As for Rainmans mini diagram, i also think that its accurate. That all components work in unison in this dimension.
"Each of us is ultimately responsible for the world we co-create:"

Sorry it only just clicked as to what you were saying in your post. Yes i 100% agree with your comment. understanding the universal energy is the only way to understanding how to become more effecient at co-creating the reality we live in.

One of these lessons is ultimately understanding that you 'can' and 'are' doing this all the time without realising (theres no way to stop as you are linked at all times). Hence the real effeciency comes when you do it conciously and with positive purpose.

This is real efficiency.

In fact i think it's one of the most truthful posts i've read on this forum so far.
I think effeciency should be measured more on effect/purpose rather than time or labour.

Good point. You are right actually. I was under the assumption that efficiency was inextricably linked to time, but I think I might be wrong there. My definition of efficiency is not wrong in itself, but you can also use "efficient" as a synonym for "effective".

Still, creating a planet in 4.6 billion years is hardly efficient (in terms of time). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Also, in what way would the creation of our planet be effective?
We as humans have not mastered the energy thus we influence it and have explanations, for events influenced by the energy change, that may not be accurate.

Let's examine a simple Truth about Energy, and see if we can agree:

All bodies in our physical universe either EMIT or ABSORB Energy, in many different forms (frequencies).

If we accept this, then we can see that a Relativistic standpoint can identify an inertial reference frame within which one could measure POSITIVE Energy (absorption) and NEGATIVE Energy (emission).

This might turn out to be true.

However, efficiency only has meaning in a reality where one experiences the effect of time.

In that context I'd like to add that creating a planet in approx. 4.6 billion years is not efficient. Especially when you're omnipotent.


See if you can visualize the following in the 4-layer model I provided above:

The process of Creation proceeds from Spirit, through Soul, through Mind, to Physical.
The process of Absorbption proceeds from Physical, through Mind, through Soul, to Spirit.

There is an innate balance... and there is also a direct correlation to the concept of velocity, and why it is so "important" to the speed of sound, and the speed of light, and how we physically measure Energy.

Can you recommend any good books on the subject?

The book you need is within you, as you write the book of your own life. But there are some books that got me kick-started on thinking beyond Time. The Celestine Prophecy is one that you should check out if you are convinced that "coincidence" can no longer explain the things that come about in our lives.

Just learning to see the closed-loop cycles of Energy in nature can teach us a lot about who and what we are. And as we study these we begin to learn why we are here to experience Creation.

Ray : Thanks for the suggestion on the book, I'll check that out. Do you think that a change in a person’s mood can change the frequency at which the most basic particles that make up our bodies vibrate? For example, has anyone ever listened to a great song or a good speech and got the goose bumps? I have, and I wonder if such a feeling actually changes the vibration frequency of our bodies. If so, then it is very possible that such changes would affect the over all pattern of universal energy. It would be like taking two audio frequencies with opposite peaks and valleys and playing them at the same time. You'll hear nothing because they will cancel each other out. I wonder if universal energy can be effected in the same manner?, though much more complex.

the 1stBorn
All thoughts, feelings, and emotions are vibrations, and that the frequency of these vibrations can create disturbances - not only in ourselves, but in everything that's made of the same materials.

We are all "collaborating" co-creators of our future...

"As a man thinketh, so he is." So are we all...
CAT - I agree but do you know of any way that such changes in frequencies can be measured? Can the materials, or basic particles, that make up our bodies have a base frequency range at which they vibrate? If so, then I wonder which emotions would fall on which end of the range? I would guess that sorrow would be on the low end while happiness would be on the higher end but I would love to see some scientific proof. I'm assuming that these vibration frequencies can not be detected by humans even with assistance from technology? This all makes sense to me in a very real way. This would also explain how blind people can sense another person in the room, without seeing them. Perhaps they have compensated their loss of vision with the skill of picking up on the vibration frequency of others? Please excuse my ignorance regarding this topic as I have no real knowledge of such things. However, I do have a gut instinct that tells me I have control over more than I have been led to believe. These are thoughts that I have had for some time but never met anyone that agreed or discussed them. I wonder if the frequency range at which a human vibrates can be mapped \ laid out? or has this already been done?

Also, in what way would the creation of our planet be effective?

I'm not sure what you mean by asking this. If you mean why would it be effective to create a planet, then the answer would be that its effective, in that you have somewhere to sit and ask the question in the first place. Also seeing as the planet itself is only another cosmic 'body', its a bit like asking; "in what way would the creation of our bodies be effective".

In short you could sum up a perfect balance which works both ways like rainman's diagram;

The planet learns from us - - we learn from the planet.

Though that is a very simplified summary of what goes on.

I agree but do you know of any way that such changes in frequencies can be measured? Can the materials, or basic particles, that make up our bodies have a base frequency range at which they vibrate? If so, then I wonder which emotions would fall on which end of the range?

I'm not sure if there is currently a way. Probably. Also if you talk about emotions then your talking about materiality. I'm 100% certain that these could be measured via material instruments. In fact this can probably be done now.

If you were talking about spiritual vibration, measuring this, i would have no idea. The only way right now you could accurately measure this is to observe how someone acts. In which case i would seriously suggest this planet is a totally varied spiritual patch work. Though this is no bad thing by any means.

Kind regards,
Do you think that a change in a person’s mood can change the frequency at which the most basic particles that make up our bodies vibrate? For example, has anyone ever listened to a great song or a good speech and got the goose bumps?

Most definitely. In fact, it is interesting you mention the "goose bumps" feeling. I tend to believe I have unveiled a correlation between this sort of feeling and a "signpost" in my life. The first time I had this sensation and really noticed it (and it truly is a deep shiver up and down my spine) was when I was 10 years old and I first got into an airplane cockpit and learned what an autopilot was. That was the day I decided I wanted to be an autopilot (flight control) engineer. There have been four other times in my life since then that I have felt/noticed that feeling, and they all came at times when I had a decision to make. In each case, I made the decision to create something, and over a period of time I watched as that creation came into being.

Now, I am not saying this is true for everyone, but I have certainly learned what it means in my life, and have learned how to create what I envision. Too often all of these "hints" are present in our lives, but we do not pay attention to them.

Hey Cat,

Is there anything that you don't "not notice"?? I like the drift of this thread. It "vibrates" some of my brain cells across cyberspace. Pretty cool, huh. As always Rainman, you vibrate me too. I also like the imaginative "non-linear" thinking going on here.

One of the first things I remember (after noticing what I was not noticing) was just how extensive the degree of that "not noticing" was. Everyone was utilizing the "energies" available, but with little or no realization that they were actually manipulating massive time/space. Either that, or they took it for granted and gave little thought at the amazing interplay of energies that were involved outside of their immediate range of influence and, therefore, ignorant of its power.

How I envision massive space/time, especially in the view of non-local experimentation, is that the "object" does not reappear at some distant time/point as effect before cause--the information generated by first cause traversed space/time and the information ITSELF formed a mirror image of itself--with no apparant passage of time or space. Thus, the information itself, if you can PERCEIVE what I am saying, is accessible to us and can be manipulated by us because we are a magnificent information gatherer. Here is just one small example of what I am talking about:

Imagine that all information about anything at any time past or present is available to us MATERIALLY via the same means (vortexes) that non-local events do. Now imagine that our magnificent information gathering body stores this information locally for ready access. Any question we would ask of it (spiritually, materially or emotionally) should, then, be capable of answering those questions. This, in fact, occurs all the time. We just don't notice it, accept it or even listen to it though it be screaming in our ears. I have tested this for many years, and the answers have never failed being presented, in some form or another. The universe is really "of a piece", and we are magnificent beings in the scheme of things. I try to tweak myself, sometimes, to "take notice" what possible "form" that massive space/time could take and what comes through is a "symphony" of vibrating and ALIVE sounds and colors in celebration of BEING, testifying TO being. I am certain that this will be the last great frontier in science and will open the way to accessing all time and space--physically.

Again, this is just one example. This is not just about "knowing". It can also do "work" in the sense of quantum physics. In other words, you can effect change outside of your local influence. The ramifications and permutations of this are so vast as to boggle the imagination. Properly understood, we will be able to literally recreate our own universe. It kind of puts a different slant on what "praying" is all about. I just love the irony.
Who among us can really understand quantum mechanics? but I love the irony too!

I am just now beginning to grab hold of the "hints"... Lets see if I can pretty much sum this up on what governs the future?

Since the future hasn't happened yet, we think of it as somewhat deterministic, but with a random variable. This is how we can predict where a quantum particle is. By using probability. There is a very high probability that the sun will rise tomorrow and a very low probability that all of the air will instantly navigate to the four corners of the room. Both possibilities are possible, but differ in their probability.

There is a lot of evidence that has not been proven yet with regards to predicting the future. It seems that unpredictable quantum random events are JUST as predictable as highly probable deterministic events and the future seems to be quite deterministic...

All futures - that is, all future time frames (next minute, next hour, next century) are non-random, pre-determined since the birth of the physical universe. Purely the result of cause and effect and completely predictable. Evidence for this theory lies within the basics of Remote Viewing. To be able to see the future at all indicates that it must be deterministic to some extent.

There is some evidence that the future is ultimately predictable which can be found in a series of experiments conducted at the Rhine Institute. Which discovered that low probability futures had the SAME chance of being predicted than did high probability futures. And it has been successfully demonstrated that subjects had a noticeable change in electrodermal skin activity SECONDS before being exposed to emotionally charged photographs. The photos were selected at random by the computer AFTER the bio feedback equipment had registered a dramatic change in their autonomic nervous systems such as electrodermal activity, blood volume and heart rate.

Some other evidence that might dispute the theory of the future being predetermined is the fact that fewer people ride the train on days when there is a train wreck. This indicates that although the future may be predetermined, we have the ability to change it. That suggests that we have control over our destiny.

Quantum physicists would refute the determined future theory by stating that it has been proven that truly random events happen at the quantum level. In quantum physics, uncertainty is the rule and probability is used to predict what a particle might do next, or where to actually find one when we look. But just because we are unaware of any "cause" doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It could just be a case of where the smaller particles or "causes" have not yet been discovered. It could be, in fact that these "causes" are indeed nothing more than consciousness itself based on something as simple as our conscious intentions, hopes and fears. We may be completely in control, and indeed responsible for our own destiny.

So if we are ultimately responsible for ANY future possibility - of all of the possible possibilities, we are able to freely choose which path we take. We don't actually predict the future - we MAKE it. For example, in remote viewing when I perceive a door and hallway, in some way, I am actually responsible for making that target happen. From the selection of that target from the database in the future or to influencing the photographer who shot the photo in the past, I can in some way to some degree influence that future possibility. And we may create our futures at many different levels from personal to collectively as a society. For example, imagine hundreds of millions of conscious minds actually working together to create our general reality. Within that general reality - a consensus reality - we work personally to influence it in our own direction a bit at a time. This would explain why new sports record are being set every year when physiologists in the 50's calculated that we had reached our potential as humans. We are slowly changing our consensus reality by collectively believing that breaking a sports record is desirable and possible. This theory also might explain why against odds of a million to one, the quintuplets ALL lived and are expected to live healthy normal lives. It's because we all wanted and believed it could be.

And just how are we actually creating this reality? Well, just because we aren't AWARE of a cause doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Possibly that "cause" is our conscious minds itself, where we as individuals and collectively as a society and even to some extent globally as a universe, are the invisible "cause" that makes the particle appear here and not there. In fact, matter broken down to it's most basic element may indeed be nothing more than consciousness itself. Not only are we possibly responsible for creating our futures, but we may indeed be responsible for creating our entire environment - the physical universe. Imagine an almost infinite array of onscious "thoughts" from the future and past interacting with each other. A vast, unlimited mass of thoughts Interacting with each other - like thoughts attracting, unlike thoughts repelling, and the struggle between the two finally resulting in actual matter...

The theory that we create our future is convenient, but implies that free will governs our destiny and that predicting the future with any degree of success would be impossible - something that we know IS possible. So where does that leave us?

Certainly most of the evidence points to a completely pre-determined future. I believe that to be the case, however, I also believe that we are responsible for creating our own future, both on a personal conscious level as well as on a cosmic conscious level.

But how can our futures be predetermined and undetermined at the same time? I think the answer lies in our interpretation of "predetermined". I believe that determinism, which must exists in order for us to accurately predict the future, and free will, which must exist in order for us to create our future can co-exist.

I believe that we do not understand determinism. Although everything may be calculable ultimately, I think that we still have free will. Here's a good example of what I mean. If you look at a transcript of all that you did, saw, experienced and said yesterday, you could view that as something that is final. You can't change that - it happened in the past and can only be observed now. Well, if you imagine yourself at some point in yesterdays transcript where you could have taken an alternate path - a point at which you had a decision to make - get out of bed on the right or left hand side. It's futile to imagine what would have happened that day if you got out on the right rather than the left because it's a done deal - it already happened - you already made that choice - you can't change that. Well the future may be thought of in much the same way. You had free will as you woke up and made a conscious decision to get out of bed on the left hand side. You COULD have chosen either side, but you chose the left NOT the right. You had free will, but you can't change what already happened. You made ONE decision. That's where determinism fit's in. If you view the future in the same manner that we have just viewed the past, you can understand how a predetermined destiny can co-exist with free will. We have free will, which is necessary to create our future, but in the end - we always make a decision and that decision becomes unchangeable history...

If time is an illusion, then it may run backwards as well as forwards. The way in which we know we can't change our past may indeed be the same as how we can't change our future even though we created our past, and are currently in the process of creating our future...

And blah blah blah, that all for now folks...
Great post, CAT! Especially:

Imagine an almost infinite array of onscious "thoughts" from the future and past interacting with each other. A vast, unlimited mass of thoughts Interacting with each other - like thoughts attracting, unlike thoughts repelling, and the struggle between the two finally resulting in actual matter...

I think this describes the state of reality pretty darned well. I do tend to believe that the present is a balanced creation of past and future. Given what we know of how our universe works via balance between opposing forces, it certainly seems like a reasonable conjecture.

This is why I think it is important to envision the future you wish to create. The power to envision some end state, and then go about creating it, is the most important gift we have been given as physical beings. If we do not use it to create the future, we are enabling an imbalance with the past, such that it can be repeated.

"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

And as always you, Zerub, cause me to think deeply!

the "object" does not reappear at some distant time/point as effect before cause--the information generated by first cause traversed space/time and the information ITSELF formed a mirror image of itself--with no apparant passage of time or space. Thus, the information itself, if you can PERCEIVE what I am saying, is accessible to us and can be manipulated by us because we are a magnificent information gatherer.

I couldn't agree more, sir! You've hit on a main theme of mine in the "God?" thread: Information. The vast majority of our high-tech developments center on better, and more accurate, control of physical processes. The best forms of control are closed-loop, self-referent ones. Ones that use feedback. Information.

I am certain that this will be the last great frontier in science and will open the way to accessing all time and space--physically.

More agreement from this end. Truth be told, our "hi tech" of today is quite stone-age compared to what we will develop, and the evidence is everywhere. Why do electronics give off heat? That is wasting energy! The reason is because we have focused on creating linearized circuits, so they can remain "deterministic" (linear). However, in doing so we are not only not availing ourselves of the power of non-linear math, but we are wasting energy in the form of heat that need not be wasted.

I'll give a better prediction than John Titor: We will develop a quantum computer by 2006, and it will far exceed the computational abilities we have today, and they will run WITHOUT generating anywhere NEAR as much heat as today's computers.

RMT said>couldn't agree more, sir! You've hit on a main theme of mine in the "God?" thread: Information. The vast majority of our high-tech developments center on better, and more accurate, control of physical processes. The best forms of control are closed-loop, self-referent ones. Ones that use feedback. Information.

Creedo299 shakes head and says; Closed loop can not be without the society destroying itself, due to social staleness.