Civil War 2005


The only people that have an interest in seeing a civil war in the United States would be people that have an interest in seeing our government fall. I think terrorists fall into that category. As for Titor? Lets just suppose Titor was real. He said he came from another worldline. His whole story was about his worldline. For all intents and purposes we may as well treat another worldline as another planet. We don't have a machine to get there. And we are not on Titors worldline because Y2K did not happen here. I didn't make this up. Titor is the source for the information I just presented. So just with simple logic you can see that anyone that says Titor predicted civil war in the U.S. is obviously lying. A liar that is trying to promote terrorism in my country.

In fact I feel so strongly about this that maybe we should just leak a rumor to all you terrorists out there. The human genome has been mapped. Have we perfected the Arab virus? That would be a virus that just specifically attacts Arabs and anyone with the Arab gene. Of course there is no cure. The virus kills once contracted. And the virus seesm to only kill Arabs. Of course that would be genocide. So I suppose there would be a lot of concern for releasing such a virus into the world. But then a lot of american lives would no longer be lost figting against Arab terrorists. Personally I just want peace. But I am a capatalist. So it may boil down to a matter of cost. It may be cheaper to manufacture the virus.
Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

Yeah I saw it, there is nothing like everyone realizes “something” about AMERICA. He is saying about everyone in the WORLD. So he did not mean the CIVIL WAR thing in US. MANY USE THIS INTERPRETATION, which I guess is a BIG blunder.
This is the kind of supposition that bugs me, and its the same stuff that CigMan does. Let's specifically look at this quote of yours:

"So he did not mean the CIVIL WAR thing in US."

With this quote (and many others like it) you are taking on the position of Titor. You are acting as his mouthpiece trying to pass off as fact that "this is what he meant by this". It is nothing more than your speculation. And furthermore, the odds of you being incorrect (for no other reason than Titor told us there are infinite worldlines) are quite high, because you are NOT Titor, and so you cannot possibly speak with authority on what he meant.

This is what I wish to stamp-out with logic and science. Neither you, nor CigMan, nor anyone else can authoritatively say what Titor may have meant by any of his vagueness. And his "rules" that you bring up are nothing more than the perfect cover for someone who wants to remain vague, and get people whipped up into a frenzy that leads to wild supposition ("I think this is what he meant by this vague insinuation").

Again, I ask, why are you so intent on putting energy into trying to prove Titor was real and/or right? What benefit is there for you in this? Are you an radical Islamist that had a vested interest in Titor being right, and there being a civil war in the US (which is one of Titor's statements that was not at all vague, yet incorrect)?

I'd like to know more about why you feel so compelled to be Titor's mouthpiece, and to try and validate his vague statements. WHY?

Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

Why accuse someone discussing about Titor?
You go beyond discussing. You always take the position of trying to validate his vague words with respect to some event... and you constantly give "excuses" for why he said what he said, and constantly give interpretations of "this is what he meant and here is why". As I asked in my last post, I would like to know why you are so biased TOWARDS Titor being real and events coming to pass as he predicted. The reason I am biased against should be clear: Because science and logic do not support what he said, and the fact that his predictions were so vague that they could not be positively, factually connected to events which are occurring. Without Titor here to completely clarify his innuendos, the case against Titor is much more compelling and factual than the case for him.

So again: Why do you so badly want Titor's story to be true? Do you not like Americans? Do you wish to see our economy and way of life destroyed? If so, that would explain it. And it would also make you the enemy of America.

To date there has been nothing to yet shake my belief that The John Titor Experiment was a terrorist PsyOp. And again I point out that the timing of Titor's arrival on scene prior to 9/11 would make this a perfect explanation for the whole Titor affair. Not to mention the fact that he SPECIFICALLY did not predict (or even allude to) the events of 9/11. Now, if you were a terrorist spinning the Titor story prior to 9/11, and you had knowledge through your terrorist connections that something big was coming on/around 9/11, then of course you would purposefully steer clear of ANY kind of prediction of 9/11 for that would draw attention to you after-the-fact as a terrorist working a PsyOp.

Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

so theres not going to be a war?
There are too many Americans that would NOT allow this to happen. It's just not believeable given the current state of affairs, AFAIAC. The US military would somehow have to get involved, and there are currently NO indications that there is enough divisive sentiment in the US that would cause people in the military to ignore their central command and "take sides" in any civil war. It would have to happen just as the last civil war did. We would have to see serious indications of states or regions wanting to formally secede from the USA. And I've seen NOTHING like this at all, thank God! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

In fact I feel so strongly about this that maybe we should just leak a rumor to all you terrorists out there. The human genome has been mapped. Have we perfected the Arab virus? That would be a virus that just specifically attacts Arabs and anyone with the Arab gene. Of course there is no cure. The virus kills once contracted. And the virus seesm to only kill Arabs. Of course that would be genocide. So I suppose there would be a lot of concern for releasing such a virus into the world. But then a lot of american lives would no longer be lost figting against Arab terrorists. Personally I just want peace. But I am a capatalist. So it may boil down to a matter of cost. It may be cheaper to manufacture the virus.
Oh Einstein, this is a fantastic counter-Titor PsyOp! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif In fact, being that I am really from the future, in my timeline there was no WW III because the virus' severity was heightened in the presence of C-4 and other explosive materials. So those radical Islamist Arabs who did choose to engage in such sports as suicide bombings were actually helping to propagate the genetically-engineered virus.

Of course, what was sad about this solution was that innocent Arab lives were also caught up in this pandemic and some did not survive. But as you said, it all came down to economics, and since Islamist terrorists operate covertly, this was the most economically effective means to quickly win the war on terrorism.

Suspose you are correct? John Titor hinted that the leader in 2009 was selfish and was worried about a fan base? (thats hinting about Preisdent Jesse Ventura<former wrestler who wants to run>)
Suspose you are correct?
About what? Titor being fake? I'd bet big $ on it.
John Titor hinted that the leader in 2009 was selfish and was worried about a fan base? (thats hinting about Preisdent Jesse Ventura<former wrestler who wants to run>)
Honestly, this is the problem with "hinting" rather than stating a prediction outright. What makes you think this "hinting" was referring to Jesse Ventura, and not someone else... like maybe... Arnold Schwarznegger?
Arnie would make a better president anyway, cuz no one would mess with the Prezinator! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But he is just as whimsical when it comes to fans, and wanting people to like him. It's a typical afflication of movie stars who get into the biz because they WANT fans.

Ren, the reason there was explosions in the basement is because there was fuel kept down there.
The Met Life building was recently under attack from certain groups because they too have fuel tanks in their basement. While how much fuel (for generator purposes) is limited aboveground, there are no laws restricting how much can be kept underground.

One more conspiracy theory out the window.

and 500,000 people? do you know how many people are in this county? You spend a month in Penn Station in NYC shoving papers in peoples faces you'll get 500,00 people to sign just about anything.

Also, thanks to god knows what, the NYT just reported that the deficit is about $100 Billion LESS than what it was. So things are possibly starting to turn around.

And much like Israel, most (if not everyone) doesn't know what a suicide bombing is even like. Everyone is simply reacting to what is portrayed by the media, when it comes down to it there are very few people who know what the war in Iraq is even like. People wouldn't create a civil war out of things that they fundamentally don't even understand.

I don't even want to get into the job situation because I'll offend more people than I just did with the last paragraph.

Your post just doesn't hold up.
Again, I ask, why are you so intent on putting energy into trying to prove Titor was real and/or right? What benefit is there for you in this? Are you an radical Islamist that had a vested interest in Titor being right, and there being a civil war in the US (which is one of Titor's statements that was not at all vague, yet incorrect)?

RMT, I know you are patriotic and you don’t want a civil war. I too don’t want a civil war or a WWIII in 2015. I already mentioned it. I am just ANALYSING his posts THOROUGHLY and in detail to find out what he was trying to do. WHAT is his motive behind this EXPERIMENT?

If YOU have seen the movie “THE PEACEMAKER” when an agent pursues a BOMB blast in Russia, it leads to avoiding a bomb attack in New York. I like to find out WHAT he meant so that if there could be a DISASTER which can be pre-predicted.

Your idea:
To date there has been nothing to yet shake my belief that The John Titor Experiment was a terrorist PsyOp.

A radical Islamic terrorist, who is interested MAINLY in TAKING the lives of PEOPLE wouldn’t invest so much time in this JT project. You tell me, if they were planning for 9/11 and WHAT use the JT project would bring them? They could have done it WITHOUT the JT thing.

I'd like to know more about why you feel so compelled to be Titor's mouthpiece, and to try and validate his vague statements. WHY?

What did I do, was I continuously posting STUFF about TITOR? I answered a thread of someone who is ANALYSING JT’s posts just like me. If you read the threads, YOUR “mass” of postings are WAY TOO HIGH in proving him a HOAX than mine.
Another thing is, he predicted the CIVIL WAR, and E.U. destroyed in 2015 completely. If there is a Civil War in this year, I would inform my uncle and his family in France to come back cuz I know a Civil War in 2005 validates Titor’s Predictions and the WWIII is 100% true. At least I can save the life of someone whom I know.
Here's something I can tell you without traveling through time... The events leading to WWIII have already begun. Started some time ago, its just a countdown untill the actual war starts.
I am learning a lot by debating these issues with you, Herc.

RMT, I know you are patriotic
More patriotic than you might guess, actually.

I am just ANALYSING his posts THOROUGHLY and in detail to find out what he was trying to do. WHAT is his motive behind this EXPERIMENT?
Yes, indeed. And what I am noticing is that you are analyzing his posts, and positing his motive, with respect to a specific point of view... the point of view which states that everything he was saying was correct, and the truth. I seem to see that you do not seem to analyze the position of "what if Titor was lying when he said....". If you were analyzing his statements for a motive, would it not be a fair and/or balanced analysis to assume that the person behind Titor may have had something to gain by pretending to be a TT, and by pretending to know the future, so as to influence people to a certain way of thinking? Yet I do not ever see you being critical in your analysis... you always seem to analyze as if what Titor was saying had to be real. Good science would say that you remain sceptical of the wild stories Titor tells until you see solid, scientific, factual evidence to support any one of his wild claims. At least this is what a good intelligence agent would assume in any evaluation of a potential PsyOp agent.

I like to find out WHAT he meant so that if there could be a DISASTER which can be pre-predicted.
What if his intention was to lie to you and get you to believe it? What if THAT was the mission objective behind The John Titor Experiment? What if the proper response to this would be to REJECT it, because it is a PsyOp intended to weaken American resolve against something? As used to be the old tag line of the American company HP... "What If...?"

A radical Islamic terrorist, who is interested MAINLY in TAKING the lives of PEOPLE wouldn’t invest so much time in this JT project. You tell me, if they were planning for 9/11 and WHAT use the JT project would bring them?
You make it sound as if I should somehow underestimate my enemy, the Islamist terrorist. That is chilling if you actually want me to do that. It would be silly and weak of me, as an American, to believe that terrorists like those of Al Qaeda are not smart enough to wage PsyOp terror. In fact, I fully expect it. And you want to know why? You ask me what the use of such PsyOps could bring them? It is quite obvious and it has been predicted by our specialists in terrorism. They wanted to try to bring down Wall Street at the exact same time they waged 9/11. Even today they still want to take actions to not only kill innocent people, but to also try to make the free markets of the world fail.

You are doing nothing but asking for a motive for Islamist terrorists to wage PsyOps on America prior to 9/11. Their motive was to not only "shock and awe" America with the attacks of 9/11, but to also soften market sentiment with gloom and doom predictions like those of John Titor PRIOR to 9/11. You will also remember stories of large blocks of airline stocks being purchased on "put options". The terrorists knew how to use the market prior to 9/11 because they knew that what they were planning was going to have a major effect on the aviation market after they waged the terror of 9/11. They were nothing more than the crooks we call "inside traders" in market lingo.

Am I making this clear enough for you, Herc? Do you disagree that Al Qaeda would not try to wage Psy Op warfare prior to their physical warfare of 9/11?

If you read the threads, YOUR “mass” of postings are WAY TOO HIGH in proving him a HOAX than mine.
This is because I have more evidence to show why he was a hoax than you have to prove that he was real. You say my posts are "way too high", but all I am doing is showing how Titor's posts are vague and intended to sway opinion in their vagueness. I am showing how the conditions that Titor predicted are nowhere near the conditions in my country. That whoever crafted the lies of The John Titor Experiment underestimated the response of America. If they thought the horrors of the John Titor story of the future, combined with the horrors of 9/11, and now 7/7 were going to frighten us and destroy our way of life and our economy, then all I can say is that it is obvious that the terrorists underestimated US resolve much more than we, the US underestimated the terrorists.

I'd still like to know why you take the side of "bad" outcome to the US in the Titor story, and not the other way around when you analyze? Could it be that you are not a US citizen? Could it be that you are a citizen of an Islamic state? Do you want to see bad things happen to America?

C'mon, you can tell us if you feel this way. We are all friends here on this forum, aren't we? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'd still like to know why you take the side of "bad" outcome to the US in the Titor story, and not the other way around when you analyze? Could it be that you are not a US citizen? Could it be that you are a citizen of an Islamic state? Do you want to see bad things happen to America?

C'mon, you can tell us if you feel this way. We are all friends here on this forum, aren't we?

Good questions. I like to answer them. I am not a citizen of US. But I am from a country which is MOST BENEFITED from the OUTSOURCING of jobs from US which RenUnconcious was talking about. I am in India (Not an Islamic STATE if you notice and dead against PAKISTAN which is Islamic). If the US economy falls, then the first country to be affected would be mine. So there is no reason I should take the side of “bad” outcome to the US in the Titor story as you claim. There are also terrorist attacks here by Islamic terrorists from Pakistan. Recently there was a major attack which was avoided.

Ren must be interested to know that I worked for an outsourced Company, its HP. Then I quit my job. Reason, you must come here and see. How they recruit for such jobs, is more laughable in Call Centres. There will be a group of people appointed for the posts where a group of people would quit. All they need is someone to attend to the customers. Another major reason is working in night shifts.

The reason, Profit! What about 4 Americans can do, they’ll make one Indian do it here. That is the profit in Outsourcing. The one who is LARGELY benefited is the one who is providing the service here. I would be happier if this guy takes less profit and RESPECT the employees.

Nevertheless I or anyone else quitting jobs, most of them (who can withstand it) are employed and that’s what the benefit is.

Now that answered your question. I have questions for you too RMT, my friend.

How do YOU VALIDATE your Government’s decisions in a positive manner while some others in your country validate it in a negative manner? What is the real motive of invading Iraq? Is it peace? Do you know for sure? Or is it WMD? Or is it OIL?

Can you tell me what is the REAL motive in the Vietnam War in which many lost lives and gained nothing?

If you look into history, the RUSSIANS would have SUPPRESSED Afghanistan long back if not for US intervention. The so called “MONSTER” would not be there today. Why did the gulf war happen? Who is responsible for all this? Russia?

Sure Russians are portrayed as Terrorists in certain movies I saw and games I play. Why so?

I just like to hear your comments about these issues, WHICH are dicussed widely on FORUMS and I am not accusing anyone of doing something wrong cuz I am not QUALIFIED to do that.

And about Titor. I’ll explain how I got into this. First about six years ago I saw a program called HORIZON in BBC which dealt with TT and multiverses and that is where I first saw Stephen Hawking on Television. Now a year I ago, I was reading the newspaper. There I saw an article about CERN doing LHC experiment in the near future which gave me the CONFIDENCE that Time Traveling could be achieved.

That night I made a search on Time traveling and learnt a few theories about Time Travel. What HAUNED me is How to travel to the past and return to the Original timeline? The answer is Quantum Physics and Multiverses. Then another search got me into where I read his story and his theories and concepts. It convinced me that it could be a plausible method of TT cuz he gave clear explanation of traveling through time from a DRIVER’s perspective. I too thought a civil war would start in 2004. The reason? Titor wrote about WMD and war in the Middle East which was the beginning of his Predictions.

After 2004 nothing happened. Then I concluded it is a HOAX but was breaking my head why would a person invest a lot of time (years maybe) and effort in making this hoax? Then I read about the interpretation about Yellowstone which was PERFECTLY fitting his story. That made me go deep into his story. Then I pursued the LEGACY CODE and Y2K and I found what he told made sense. That is where I found that those who were discussing about Titor never UNDERSTOOD most of his concepts which were hidden in his posts. One example is, people were saying he sent messages on his return journey in 1998 to prevent Y2K. That made me realize the ones who were benefited from his story are not the hoaxers.

Now that explained my intensions on Titor. STILL you accuse me, I don’t know what to say.

I seem to see that you do not seem to analyze the position of "what if Titor was lying when he said....". If you were analyzing his statements for a motive, would it not be a fair and/or balanced analysis to assume that the person behind Titor may have had something to gain by pretending to be a TT, and by pretending to know the future, so as to influence people to a certain way of thinking?

Influence people for how long? May be for five months? YES I did consider "what if Titor was lying when he said....", that is why I say he was lying if nothing happens in 2005.

You make it sound as if I should somehow underestimate my enemy, the Islamist terrorist. That is chilling if you actually want me to do that.

Their motive was to not only "shock and awe" America with the attacks of 9/11, but to also soften market sentiment with gloom and doom predictions like those of John Titor PRIOR to 9/11.

You NEED NOT underestimate anyone. What I said was EVEN WITHOUT the John Titor’s gloom and doom predictions, a 9/11 WAS POSSIBLE. If it is possible, why would they invest time in this “TEMPORAL SCIENCE” and “TIME TRAVELING” projects? Sounds vague to me.

Again I am not validating Titor’s words nor want the US economy to go down, I explained what I felt about the Titor story. Anyone reading this need not be influenced by this because they have the right to Judge what is right and what is wrong.

Thanks for the time you spent for these discussions. I’m also glad that I am learning a lot by debating these issues with you RMT.
I don't not approve of this posting board, as time travel discussion, any longer.

My reasons are, that the content and intent of what has traditionally gone here, has been corrupted.

So there is no reason I should take the side of “bad” outcome to the US in the Titor story as you claim. There are also terrorist attacks here by Islamic terrorists from Pakistan.
Very well, then. I would think you are also interested in stamping out the hate-filled Islamist terrorist movements. You might want to examine the connections I make between the Titor story and its potential benefits to Al Qaeda, which is why I think it makes sense to be wary of the Titor story. The story is selling the idea that a civil war would actually break out in the US... would that not be a huge benefit to Al Qaeda if it WERE to actually occur? See below for the links to 9/11 and why that also makes sense in my mind.

How do YOU VALIDATE your Government’s decisions in a positive manner while some others in your country validate it in a negative manner? What is the real motive of invading Iraq? Is it peace? Do you know for sure? Or is it WMD? Or is it OIL?
First, I would be a fool to claim that my country always made the right foreign policy decisions, or approached things that needed to be done in the "politically correct" manner. My own personal thoughts on Iraq are that we are doing something that needed to be done (get rid of Saddam). I'd admit that we trumped up the wrong "excuse" to do it. As to motives, one could name many different reasons. Certainly one could be oil, but there is another that I know of: If we are going to fight terrorists, best to do it on THEIR soil rather than on American soil. Take the fight to the enemy, don't let them take it to you. I'd bet there are those in power who guessed that what is happening there right now would happen. There are yet other reasons: Establishing a strong democracy in the Middle East. There are certainly benefits to the US and the world if Iraq can emerge as a democratic state that will not threaten its neighbors or anyone else.

Can you tell me what is the REAL motive in the Vietnam War in which many lost lives and gained nothing?
Again, I do not claim all my governments past actions were "right" or "correct" or "perfect". In fact, no one could claim that of any form of government. Has India made mistakes in its foregin policy in the past? I'd bet we could find some. And as for Vietnam, I believe it was a mistake to get involved. It was the problem of the French, and they couldn't deal with it, and they wanted our help and we gave them our help. I think it was foolish to do, and I think one reason France resents the US today is that we didn't bail them out in Vietnam the same way we did in WW I and WW II. Frankly (pun fully intended), I am sick of bailing-out France.

If you look into history, the RUSSIANS would have SUPPRESSED Afghanistan long back if not for US intervention. The so called “MONSTER” would not be there today. Why did the gulf war happen? Who is responsible for all this? Russia?
Here is an area where I believe the pressure against Russia in Afghanistan was the correct policy for the USA. I do not believe that decision was incorrect. The decision where I believe the US administration (of Ronald Reagan and George Bush I) made a mistake was in "bailing out" of Afghanistan just as soon as Russia gave up and left. We did not persist to ensure that a democracy was established. We allowed the Taliban to dominate and for Al Qaeda to be born. THAT was a mistake, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

But we must deal with the situation from the present, from today. How? Well, since you are from India I'd like to hear your thoughts on this idea: If there was some way that India and Pakistan could settle the Kashmir problem equitably, and form a strong PEACE between your two governments, I think that such a truce between your countries would spell the death nail for the Islamist terrorists who operate freely in many areas of northern Pakistan. Wouldn't that be a great thing to eradicate from that area? Wouldn't your country have a better situation....PEACE!?

I just like to hear your comments about these issues
I hope I answered all your questions. I do not think I overlooked anything there. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

After 2004 nothing happened. Then I concluded it is a HOAX but was breaking my head why would a person invest a lot of time (years maybe) and effort in making this hoax? (snip) That made me realize the ones who were benefited from his story are not the hoaxers.
I disagree. I think there is a clear motive visible in the Titor story, especially in the part of the story which predicts a Civil War. As I have said, and asked you, do you not think that a US Civil War would be exactly the kind of think Al Qaeda would LOVE to have happen? Hmmmm? Al Qaeda and its leaders are not imbeciles, nor your Yasser Arafat style uneducated terrorists. They are sly and cunning. They are not ONLY out to kill innocent people. They are out to bring down America. And they mistakenly thought they could bring down our economy at the same time they brought down the World Trade Center towers. To me, it makes perfect sense that they would craft the John Titor story, and predict a US Civil War, if they thought they could further damage the US Economy by doing so. I am surprised you do not see this obvious motive.

Now that explained my intensions on Titor. STILL you accuse me, I don’t know what to say.
I do not accuse, I have simply asked you pointed questions. I have wanted to know why it is you seem to favor the "Titor was real" view rather than the "Titor was bogus" view. And for the record, I am not buying the Yellowstone "fit". It is a stretch to me, and it follows the exact same path of supposition about what Titor said that I accuse CigMan of following. You are putting your own interpretation on what he said, and what he said was vague, and it could apply to virtually ANYTHING if you forced the fit. I think your and MEM's "fit" of the Titor story to Yellowstone is a forced-fit.

You NEED NOT underestimate anyone. What I said was EVEN WITHOUT the John Titor’s gloom and doom predictions, a 9/11 WAS POSSIBLE. If it is possible, why would they invest time in this “TEMPORAL SCIENCE” and “TIME TRAVELING” projects? Sounds vague to me.
Of course 9/11 was possible without the Titor story. But if a group of smart people like the criminals of Al Qaeda were planning an attack on America, do you really think they are ONLY going to plan a single-pronged attack? If so, that would be some pretty poor military (or militant might be a better word) planning. If someone was planning a large-scale physical attack on America, to occur on 9/11, I would expect that they had other covert operations going on prior to that, and in parallel to that. And anyone in any kind of intelligence agency would probably specifically be looking for a PsyOp. And I think The John Titor Experiment fits the bill of a PsyOp intended to try to weaken America during the year prior to the 9/11 attack.

As to why they would use Time Travel...that is so simple as to be laughable. Because if you spin the yarn well (as the people behind Titor did), it provides the PERFECT "cover" for such a PsyOp. You could never PROVE that Titor was real or whether he was fake... that "infinite worldlines" thing always gets in the way. That, and the obvious vague nature of all of Titor's "predictions". It seems to be a perfect fit for a terrorist PsyOp prior to 9/11 if you ask me.

And finally, I will close with another LARGE piece of circumstantial evidence for why I believe The John Titor Experiment was a PsyOp by Al Qaeda against the USA. The Titor story was spun in Florida, and it deals with Florida. Florida is where many of the terrorists of 9/11 lived during their "sleeper" phase of their operation. Coincidence????? Maybe... or maybe not!

Basic US history: The reason for the vietnam war was containment, the vietnam war was the first was where the people didn't jump in and agree. They were right not to, they discovered the gulf of tonkin never happened. We went to war because a president didn't want communism to spread, which it probably wouldn't have that much anyway. We are still paying for that mistake, though people don't normally realize it.

We had a less validation going into Iraq, and we will be paying for it for so much longer.
I think that such a truce between your countries would spell the death nail for the Islamist terrorists who operate freely in many areas of northern Pakistan.

What you say is, SOLVING the Kashmir issue EQUITABLY would ERRADICATE terrorism? It’s not a matter of peace. It is a question of how much PEACE there would be, AFTER SOLVING the issue. The Indian government is not CONFIDENT about how much should be given to SATISFY the terrorists. OK lets say the issue is solved equitably as you say. CAN YOU GUARANTEE that the terrorists would no longer attack cuz they aren’t satisfied with the resolution? That is why the Government is asking to first end terrorism and then begin the talks.

As to why they would use Time Travel...that is so simple as to be laughable. Because if you spin the yarn well (as the people behind Titor did), it provides the PERFECT "cover" for such a PsyOp. You could never PROVE that Titor was real or whether he was fake... that "infinite worldlines" thing always gets in the way. That, and the obvious vague nature of all of Titor's "predictions". It seems to be a perfect fit for a terrorist PsyOp prior to 9/11 if you ask me.

OK from your point of view, I need to re-think on this. What you say is the Titor story is a PsyOp. It could be cuz he is talking about GUNS and FIGHTING within the country which would turn people against the government if they are not satisfied. A good interpretation there I overlooked.

But I still doubt that they have the “Brains” to make such drawings and create a science which would be so much accurate to the ones who are interested in that method of Time Traveling which I guess no other Sci-Fi writer has EVER done.

There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years.

I am here for personal reasons. For a few months now, I have bee trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005.

They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

This worldline and my own are almost exactly alike.

I have another doubt which is, WHY did they choose 2005? Why not 2015 or anytime longer?

You are putting your own interpretation on what he said, and what he said was vague, and it could apply to virtually ANYTHING if you forced the fit. I think your and MEM's "fit" of the Titor story to Yellowstone is a forced-fit.

No one FORCED me to believe it when I first read it. Same is the case with anyone else reading it. After reading it, I ANALYSED the entire JT postings thoroughly with that interpretation and then only I said it is a PERFECT fit. This is one of the statements that made me say it:

While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you

And finally, I will close with another LARGE piece of circumstantial evidence for why I believe The John Titor Experiment was a PsyOp by Al Qaeda against the USA. The Titor story was spun in Florida, and it deals with Florida. Florida is where many of the terrorists of 9/11 lived during their "sleeper" phase of their operation. Coincidence????? Maybe... or maybe not!

That is a WRONG EVIDENCE you have there RMT. They used Florida in JT PsyOp because they were “emotionally” attached to it? If we all agree if the JT was done by Terrorists then the QUESTION is WHY they would do something THAT would prove JT is done by them. Of Course the next OBVIOUS question is why would they want TOO MUCH ATTENTION coming to Florida PRIOR to 9/11 through their PsyOp, IF they were operating in Florida?