Civil War 2005


Temporal Novice
All the time travelers are talking about Civil War in 2005 in the U.S. Well its 2005 and I am seeing no hints towards it. However they did claim of WW3 and we are seeing many hints towards it. (However anybody could have predicted of a another world war)

What I want to know if if some of you know more about the Civil War that was already susposed to happen.
Only from what I read about John Titor. Check out the web site about him when you get a chance. ( I haven't read much on any other potential Time Travelers.
But basically, if I remember right, JT said that the first signs of civil war would start in 2005 then escalate to 2008 when people would know for a fact that things will never be the same. I took that as in 2005 we'd find people start being more vocal against the government then gets worse as people get more and more fed up with what's going on.
How about the war protests as signs? Not everyone is behind the president on that one if you watch the news.
didn't he also say a new president takes power in 2005?

do you think that means Bush either steps down to to protesters? or gets assainated?

That could be a leading step in the war.

But what I meant was whats the war between?
But basically, if I remember right, JT said that the first signs of civil war would start in 2005 then escalate to 2008 when people would know for a fact that things will never be the same.

NO. WHERE did he say THAT 2005 THING? I havent read anything like that. Please point out Where he said it will ESCALATE to 2008.
if you can't see the beginnings of a possible civil war in this country your not looking hard enough. we're at war in 2 diff countries, a war that now only 30% approve of, we're spending billions of dollars, going deeper into debt, losing american lives at an alarming rate, and everyday there's another suicide bomber somewhere in iraq.

back home we've got rove releasing the name of a CIA undercover, bush lying about the war (downing street memo), 500,000+ people signing a petition to bush asking for answers, to which he will not even respond. we've got WTC survivors filing lawsuits claiming there were explosions in the basement, and information that the buildings and specifically WTC 7 may have been taken down with demolition explosives in a pre-planned event.

oil above 60 a barrel, gas above $2.25 everywhere I go at least. Job market is scarce, economy is not doing too well, outsourcing millions of jobs.

and you can't see the possible beginnings of a civil war? this was just a brief summary of the last 4-5 years, imagine where we will be in 2008. There has even been talk about impeaching the president, for something a lot more serious than getting it on with an intern.
and you can't see the possible beginnings of a civil war?
Nope, I certainly don't Ren. None of what you've stated show signs of a civil war. And they most CERTAINLY do not show the signs of the civil war that the person behind Titor was predicting! Do recall that he said it would be precipitated by "increasing Waco-type events". We've seen nothing of the kind.

Do you WANT a civil war Ren? I don't, and I certainly don't see things being as bad as they were prior to and during the real American Civil War.


I stand firm that when my 80 year old grandmother tells me she thinks there could be a civil war, that somehow, the signs are there...

waco type events, hell I see them everyday, in IRAQ. while we are occupying a foreign country, its basically owned by us at this point until we pull our troops out. and we have explosions, ieds, rpgs, basically soldiers getting killed every single day. American soldiers. hell even the London Bombings could be seen as a waco type event.

and you were around for the civil war in the 1860's so you know how bad it was eh? This is ludicrous you can't speak for a timeframe like that, you weren't there... You can draw no comparisons. Titor stated we'd know it by 2008, well, all I am saying is I can see the beginnings of a POSSIBLE civil war, the pieces are in place. if we were not in iraq, afghanistan, I would NOT be so sure. that has a lot to do with it. if there had not been a Sept 11th I would be CERTAIN there was no civil war brewing...

I disagree with ya rainman, but only time will tell on this one, give it a few more years and if by 2008 you still don't see it, I will re-evaluate my thinking... my guess is, by that point we may have even tried to impeach the president and his whole cabinet over the DSM.

the civil war I speak of is really the division between the haves and have nots. perhaps you HAVE and therefore unlike most of the rest of us without cushy well paying jobs, nice cars and houses, the ones living paycheck to paycheck (and there are a lot of us), you do not see how bad it has gotten.

when was the last time you filled for unemployment, got laid off, made less than $25k/year, couldn't afford food until friday (payday) and its only tuesday. You are the Haves and therefore no doubt you have No idea what I'm talking about.

Will the Have Nots please chime in and tell this guy how bad it is right now?

Do you WANT a civil war

Finally! A question has been posed that may shed some light on the true nature of the Titor war supporters. The only real people that want to see anarchy throughout the world are terrorists. The Titor war supporters are terrorists. Don't we have laws in place against terrorist activity here in the United States?
titor said the president in 05 would be replaced.

He also hinted a female president in 2008/2009

would it make sense for Hilary Clinton to be president during the war?
He also hinted a female president in 2008/2009
Titor "hinted" at most everything he predicted. That is why the whole story is BS... because he gave just enough information for people to say "hey...when he said this, he could're really meant that!"

The whole Titor story makes me sick. And quite frankly, in my personal opinion, people who spend their time trying to figure out what he said, and trying to hook it up to current events, are wasting their lives. But that's just my opinion, of course!

Hey Herc, first of all I said "if I remember correctly"...and you're half right, it wasn't EXACTLY right. So I did some hunting for what I had read. I clipped the "prediction" from the JT web site. Turns out that I remembered Here's what he said and I included the date of that post so you can see it yourself:

01-31-2001 03:41 PM

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.
Hi Ren,

Good to see you back here every once in awhile...and nice to spar with you from time to time!

I stand firm that when my 80 year old grandmother tells me she thinks there could be a civil war, that somehow, the signs are there...
I'd imagine then, that you would also stand firm with respect to everything you say about me below not living through the civil war as also applying to your grandmother. Right? To use your own words, since she did not live through it, she can make NO comparisons. BTW, my parents are a year shy of 80 and they see nothing that would indicate a civil war... at least nothing anywhere close to our real civil war.

waco type events, hell I see them everyday, in IRAQ.
This argument you are using is making a case for potential civil war in Iraq, not the US. And I would certainly agree that this potential is real. In fact, if we were to bail out of Iraq right now, I would wager that a civil war would Iraq. However, nothing you've said yet has explained why we would have a civil war here in the US! To make my point: How many civil wars do you know of that occurred because of military actions in some OTHER country?

hell even the London Bombings could be seen as a waco type event.
Please explain how, as I see NO similarities! Waco was government action against people. Londdon was nothing more than terrorist acts against civilians. There is literally no comparison between Waco and the London bombings. Unless you think there is a similarity between 9/11 and Waco... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

This is ludicrous you can't speak for a timeframe like that, you weren't there... You can draw no comparisons.
Well, historians of today did not live through most of the events in history that they study and report on. Yet they draw comparisons, and thank goodness, because it is the comparisons that historians draw that help us avoid repeating historical mistakes! (Like civil wars!) Anyway... what you say here actually supports my postion: There are no REAL comparisons between the civil war and our current events. The American Civil War happened because of secession over a single, important human rights issue: Slavery. If you can point to an issue of today that is as emotionally charged, and divisive as slavery is, such that it affects people HERE in the US, then I will listen. Otherwise, I will have to point out that times were VERY tough in the US during Vietnam (which I DID live through, so don't tell me I can't make comparisons there) and yet we did NOT erupt in civil war over that! You need to explain to me why current events are WORSE than Vietnam, and so MUCH worse that we will erupt into civil war. Personally, I don't see it.

but only time will tell on this one, give it a few more years and if by 2008 you still don't see it, I will re-evaluate my thinking
So until then you are going to continue to be a cheerleader for civil war?

the civil war I speak of is really the division between the haves and have nots. perhaps you HAVE and therefore unlike most of the rest of us without cushy well paying jobs, nice cars and houses, the ones living paycheck to paycheck (and there are a lot of us), you do not see how bad it has gotten.
This is a separate issue, and you really want to get my ire going on this one? Do you realize that the kind of words you use here are the kinds of words that are actually meant to INCITE what we call class warfare? Let me ask you: Is it actually the "haves" fault that the "have nots" have not? Or let me make it more personal: Is it MY fault that because I worked my ass off in college, and that I had a dream to be an aerospace engineer, and that I had a vision of living in a nice house near the beach, AND that I did everything I needed to in order to achieve those dreams... is it MY FAULT that there are people out there who do not know how to make their dreams come true? The American dream is not free, my friend. It is paid for by SWEAT EQUITY. And all the success stories of people who come here from foreign lands, with almost nothing in their pocket, are testament to the fact that this country is free and ANYONE can achieve their dreams if they are willing to do what it takes.

Please don't incite class warfare, Ren, unless you know what it takes to become one of the "haves". If you consider yourself a "have not" I feel sorry for you. However, it does not mean you will forever be a "have not", unless you are not willing to put in the time and effort to realize your dreams.

You are the Haves and therefore no doubt you have No idea what I'm talking about.
Dude, I WAS a "have not" through 4.5 years of college! Don't tell me I don't understand this kind of life. It was pretty terrible, and I was eating tuna fish and mac-n-cheese every night. But the important thing was I had a solid vision in my head, and I was NOT going to let ANYONE deprive me of it. Anyone can do the same. Don't give me the argument that people who have achieved their dreams are somehow responsible for people who didn't have the persistence to achieve their own dreams. Like I say, you are using words that incite class warfare, and that would tend to make you are person who WANTS to see a civil war!

And so, I must once again ask you a pointed that you ignored and I would really like you to not ignore it, and answer it point-blank:

Do you WANT to see a civil war, Ren?

Because from your rhetoric, it certainly sounds as if you are sitting there all primed-up and just ready to see anarchy break loose...just so you can say "I told you so". Another pertinent question for you, Ren:

What are YOU doing to PREVENT a civil war (assuming, that is, that you don't want one to occur)?
Thanks Adam for helping put down the Titor BS. Let's look at the facts of the Titor quote you have posted here....And I would like the fervent Titorites to please refute these facts (if they can):

The civil war in the United States will start in 2004.
No civil war started in the US in 2004. This is fact. Now, of course, someone will find the Titor quote where he hedged this original statement, and brought 2005 into the picture. But the fact is, it is 16 July 2005 and there is still no sign of civil war. By the end of 2005, we will all have "Titor was bogus" parties, and I will have the first one here at my home in Huntingon Beach! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse.
Fact: There has NOT been any sort of Waco-type events occurring every month here in the US. Nothing even close. Unless someone with a twisted mind can say things like runaway brides and children being kidnapped, sexually abused, and murdered are something like Waco events!?!?! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Point of fact from this, and other evidence: The people behind The John Titor Experiment guessed wrong, and these terrible events they predicted have NOT come to pass. Nor will they.

Titor Was BS - Party Planning

As noted above, I'd like to be the first person to have a party with a theme that I think will catch on and become part of the pop culture landscape of 2006. Maybe we can start a new trend?

"Titor Was BS" parties! I think I want to plan to have the first one. We can make it a New Years Day shindig. We'll drink bloody marys (how appropriate! maybe for that day we will call them bloody Titors?), we can watch the Rose Parade, and watch some good college football.

Just like when we used to have Monty Python & the Holy Grail parties, I would expect attendees to come dressed in their favorite John Titor theme. Who will build the Titor Time Machine? Can someone bring a laser pen? We need someone to come who has a '73 Corvette! Oh, I can think of LOTS of fun kitsch that we can have at this party!

Please use this thread to RSVP if you will be coming to my party! :D
Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

Now even though Titor was bogus... do you think a civil war will/could ever happen?

When do you think WW3 will accur?
Who really WANTS civil war? Even though Titor seemingly thought a war would be "good for us", I think he was alluding to the possibility (i.e. we can change things). I don't think Ren meant that he wanted a civil war. Just that there's a good case for one.
I agree with RMT that the Titor story is sketchy. But I take it all with a grain of salt. This is a "Time Travel" forum afterall. It's all beleiving in the possibility of TT. Was Titor legit? Maybe. How will we ever know? If he was from the future, how could he EVER possibly prove it so that EVERYONE beleives it? If he's a fraud, it was good fiction for a few months.
Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

01-31-2001 03:41 PM

The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse. The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012 and end in 2015 with a very short WWIII.

Yeah I saw it, there is nothing like everyone realizes “something” about AMERICA. He is saying about everyone in the WORLD. So he did not mean the CIVIL WAR thing in US. MANY USE THIS INTERPRETATION, which I guess is a BIG blunder.

If Titor is real, it has to be 2005 or else he wasn’t telling the Truth. Please note, I am NOT EXPECTING a civil war.

Something big like a natural disaster could Trigger it in 2005, so that was the reason Titor wasn’t specific about it (2005 and 2004) cuz it is conflicting with his THREE rules. These things were already interpreted and discussed and only time will give an answer.
Again, I am not hoping for a DISATER, don’t call me a terrorist, I am saying if Titor is real, this could be the answer cuz no civil war started in 2004 and nothing seems like POLITICS would Trigger it in 2005.
Re: Titor Was BS - Party Planning

The reason he was vague could be this. If he was clear, then his story would come to the notice of a government agency (FBI, NSA or any intelligence agency) which can access certain records a normal citizen can’t. He did gave information about the IBM in 1975. Any intelligence department, if hooked on to it can pursue it and find out the truth about the LEGACY CODE and it could even be possible to pin point his family. But he did give details on bombings in 2015 which is against his three rules. It is because, after the disaster which causes the war, no one would be hooked on in pursuing his story.

So he was under the cover that it COULD be a hoax, making him one of the hoaxers over the internet. Why I say this is he was not the one who is benefited from the experiment.

Why accuse someone discussing about Titor? Go through this site to find out WHAT USE his postings could be put upon.