Chronohistorian's Thread #1

I am by no means validating ANYTHING that Chrono says....however:

"The process where any body of mass found in the universe attracts other bodies with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance that separates them. First proposed by Sir Issac Newton in 1686."

1) If this were universally true, then we should not perceive all the galaxies "running away from each other". How would the galaxies ever escape from the "gravity well" of the early universe's spherical zone?

2) And we still have the problem that m1*m2/R does not reconcile with forces at the atomic level.

In my view, we are going to have to realize that our senses do not always tell us the truth. We are on the verge of this in our current time.

Dear Beloved Ray'

You don't understand the forum that you are in.

Expansion might be an illusion.

What we can not see, might be relegated to other frequencies and realms.

When you go forward in space using only vision, you go back in time.

This is because the character of matter is not concurrent with the nature of what light from distant stars is telling you.
Rhudey-I meant gravitational forces when talking about planets but I didn't think you would know what I meant.
So just because you don't believe me people will want me banned? where is the freedom of speech?

I am not insulting anyone. I am from the future.
ok. I insulted him and I think I was out of order then

can you prove I am not from the future? what if my predictions come true? will you believe me then?
can you prove I am not from the future?
I thought I already educated you on this, the concept of proof? Perhaps, young man, you have ignored the lesson like others of your generation. Let's try a quote from another great man of who you should know if you are an "expert" in the timeframe up to 2000.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."

1) Can you tell me who stated this quote?
2) Do you understand that the burden is on YOU to prove that you ARE from the future? And predicting future events is not sufficient...otherwise we would claim Nostradamus and/or H.G. Wells were from the future.

I am not stalking people. Just watching and studying certain groups of people.

Watching and studying certain groups of people is called "stalking".

I never said why I have to the mission.
I have come from the future to learn about your time and when exactly things happened because the history from 1970-2150 is partially lost when I come from.

That's the why. Or are you saying that that's actually a lie?

You will have to ask about the scientific thing again because I don't understand.

I thought people in your time were just smarter and found things easier to understand?

The question is how does this satellite that determines brain pattern work? Modern brain scanning equipment operates by detecting patterns of electric and magnetic activity. Is it a similar principal?

I was busy so I never included that and people from my time would most probanly know what I am talking about.

I don't believe that you can be too busy to include the entire point of a story, yet you aren't too busy to include the story itself. And, if people from your tiome are so good at understanding things, then how come you're the exception to the rule? You seem to understand very little of what you discuss.

There is a strength suit that we have that increases your strength 20 times so in the future it probably is possible to lift an elephant.

Cute. But it doesn't address the issue.

Gravity is different in space so how do you know other scientific things like atomic mass are the same everywhere?

What are you talking about? Gravity is exactly the same in space. So are atomic masses.

Ok not all the news of this time is recorded.

And yet you don't want to record that which hasn't been, prefering to badly type vague, incoherent notes? And you'll also sit there and watch those that have been?

kinetic energy is energy made by motion.

No, kinetic energy is motion. Motion and mass. And your spacecraft moving at either a substantial fraction of the speed of light or at several thousand times the speed of light (you've still not given me an answer to that one) will have both a fair bit of mass and a fair bit of motion. Your pilot leaning in his chair will have very little in the way of mass and motion. As I said, it's like trying to get a bullet that's just been fired to turn a corner by flapping your arms vaguely in it's direction.

The numbers simply don't add up.

The transformer just does what I said.

Ah, that would be the ultra-scientific "shine a red light on it", would it?

I don't know how it works, it just does what it is supposed to do.

Another thing you don't know? So, is there any beginning to your knowledge?

The reefs were destroyed because of a secondary effect of the terraforming then. not a primary effect.

Secondary effect? The purpose of enlarging the ice caps, according to you, was to reduce the sea level. That sounds like a Primary effect to me. Besides, that's besides the point. What you claimed - that it was "natural causes" - is patently bogus.

In the history books it said the killer bees killed the harmless bee.

Well, yet again, it seems that your history books are flat-out wrong.

Anyway, I'm back in the mood, however, this is a new thread, so I'm not going to drag up all the questions from the other thread that you haven't answered. No, just the ones from this thread. We can start a whole new game. Once more, you'll find it best if you actually answer the questions as you're asked them, rather than creating a whole stockpile. And it's so much easier if you quote what you're replying to. Come on, surely someone of your intellect can follow the simple instructions I gave you and use the cut and paste features. Don't tell me that you can't even do that.

Anyway, questions...

Why wouldn't it decay in space?
What's different about space?
Why weren't these magical properties of the moon noticed?
If the language hasn't changed, then why would people in your time be more able to determine what you are saying than us?
And, if you now don't believe that Lunarium has a half-life, then why did you give me all that guff about extending the half-life with a box and a red light?
. You initially said that the ice caps were enlargened to drop the sea level globally and therefore to reduce greenhouse gases. You're now saying that teh ice caps can be larger because there are no greenhouse gases. Which is it? Are the ice caps bigger because of the greenhouse gases, or are the gases gone because of the ice caps?
I ask again how global warming is supposed to make an ice age.
What part of what history is missing?
Don't tell me you're trying to say that you made a mistake with regards to the Ruhr region because in our time the history it's self is actually wrong.
And now you're claiming that the two speeds are actually the same?
So, what speed do you travel at to get to Andromeda in one hour?
Why do you call this speed "light speed"?
And what is 3*10^8 (AKA c) called?
How do the ship's systems "make it work"?

That's 14 unanswered questions. And bear in mind that this is letting go of a lot from the other thread, and I'm letting quite a bit from these few posts in this thread go here, too.

And you've yet to apologise. Are manners and good grace no longer considered proper in the future? Or is it just you that's rude and immature?
I did not mean it the way you said it Ray.

Your not realm oriented and may not understand the parable of time realms?

If you go in distance in the universe, using only what you see, then you go back in time.

If you compensate for time and keep that time localed to your ship, then you travel in the actual time your traveling in.
1) If this were universally true, then we should not perceive all the galaxies "running away from each other". How would the galaxies ever escape from the "gravity well" of the early universe's spherical zone?

I've not heard of this spherial zone. Can you elaborate, please?

However, it is worth noting that gravity is known throughout the scientific community as "the weakest force in the universe". I mean, we're not exactly a strong species, but we can overcome the combined gravity of the entire planet acting on our bodys with very little effort.

2) And we still have the problem that m1*m2/R does not reconcile with forces at the atomic level.

This is true. Tere are, however, other forces at work when you get down to the atomic level. That the law may only be applicable within certain paramaters doesn't negate the entire law. I mean, Hooke's Law doesn't apply in every situation, but it certainly does within certain criteria.
I think I'm starting to understand Chronhistorian.

He is equal to a very advanced genetics excitements and does not know much about this time.

To me, he would be a very valuable child to take care of and nourish, as if he were my own.

I think what the rest of you have done, is to corner him and now he is only following nature and striking back.

If I ran this forum, I would require you all not to pick on him, without such a lack of either care, or caution.

To me he is a very interesting and valuable child and I'm fascinated by him.

The only other way they could make such a child, would be a room full of England's finest thinkers in a university level and a super computer that runs time travel scenarios.

I think, "to me that is", Chronhistorian is a rather large child, who only wishes to watch television and has little idea of what this era of time entails.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
1"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."

this quote is either from someone either working as a scientist who is looking for aliens or ghosts.

2. so if I do predict future events correctly then what am I?

trollface-I am not following them though. I just pick somewhere to sit and watch people go by.

I never said why the history is lost though.

The brain scanning equipment works in a similar way your xray machines and scanners that detect tumours work.

People in my time have an easy time of knowing what they are studying or what their profession is.

Gravity is different. Gravity is different on the moon than it is here and on all the rest of the planets in the solar system.

Ok. I will order a programme recorder to be sent.

Already answered the rest of the questions and you already know the answers to most of the scientific questions are-I don't know.

sorry for insulting you however I think you have insulted me more.
I am not following them though. I just pick somewhere to sit and watch people go by.

And this tells you what about society?

I never said why the history is lost though.

Well, that's okay, because I dont care.

The brain scanning equipment works in a similar way your xray machines and scanners that detect tumours work.

Well, which is it? Is it the way that x-ray machines work, or the way that CAT scans work?

People in my time have an easy time of knowing what they are studying or what their profession is.

That's nice for them. Why doesn't this seem to be the case with you?

Gravity is different.

Okay, I'll bite. How?

Gravity is different on the moon than it is here and on all the rest of the planets in the solar system.

No it isn't.

Already answered the rest of the questions[...]

Don't start spouting that tripe again; you know it won't work.

Why wouldn't it decay in space?
What's different about space?
Why weren't these magical properties of the moon noticed?
If the language hasn't changed, then why would people in your time be more able to determine what you are saying than us?
And, if you now don't believe that Lunarium has a half-life, then why did you give me all that guff about extending the half-life with a box and a red light?
. You initially said that the ice caps were enlargened to drop the sea level globally and therefore to reduce greenhouse gases. You're now saying that teh ice caps can be larger because there are no greenhouse gases. Which is it? Are the ice caps bigger because of the greenhouse gases, or are the gases gone because of the ice caps?
I ask again how global warming is supposed to make an ice age.
What part of what history is missing?
Don't tell me you're trying to say that you made a mistake with regards to the Ruhr region because in our time the history it's self is actually wrong.
And now you're claiming that the two speeds are actually the same?
So, what speed do you travel at to get to Andromeda in one hour?
Why do you call this speed "light speed"?
And what is 3*10^8 (AKA c) called?
How do the ship's systems "make it work"?
Wow, as I'm feeling generous, I won't pursue any of the lines that you didn't addres from my last post, either. You're a lucky boy today.
Why wouldn't it decay in space?
Answer, because mass gravity accelerates interactions at the assembly level of certain, if not most matters.
What's different about space?
Space is contigual, however not mass gravity oriented, unless one is near a large gravitational body, such as a black hole, or another planet.
Why weren't these magical properties of the moon noticed?
Our technologies in past timeframes, were nonadhearent to understanding this ability, once an element was cryofreezed.
If the language hasn't changed, then why would people in your time be more able to determine what you are saying than us?
Thought transference, plus the central computer has the data outsource, to translate most languages to that particular user.
And, if you now don't believe that Lunarium has a half-life, then why did you give me all that guff about extending the half-life with a box and a red light?
It is true, red light in a black box, can extend some elements of matter, by slowing the rapid change reactions, within the vibration patterns how elements function.
. You initially said that the ice caps were enlargened to drop the sea level globally and therefore to reduce greenhouse gases. You're now saying that the ice caps can be larger because there are no greenhouse gases. Which is it? Are the ice caps bigger because of the greenhouse gases, or are the gases gone because of the ice caps?
We had the ability to freeze at will, large sections of the ice caps, as left to their own resources, the weather would have either overcompensated, or undercompensaited.
I ask again how global warming is supposed to make an ice age.
Each planet is balanced in a certain way with respects to a dynamical system, to where there are ebbs and tides in how weather forms globally.
The ice age, is nothing more than the ability of a planet to regulate overabundance, by the curtailment of certain global weather trends.
In its truest sense, this is what an ice age is, the balancing of nature, so that one trend is not overprolific
In the past with reference to certain eras such as the tertiary periods and the age of the dinosaur, there had to be a stop-point, so that certain species could fade, while others were introduced.
Large wooly mammoths could not have possibly coexisted with large carnivorous dinosaurs, as in a short time, one species might have eliminated the other.
What part of what history is missing?
There was a future catastrophe were key elements of critical data had been lost to maelstrom.
We are interested in the era of the 1970s, as this period in your time, shows not only human independence, however the ability of a society to withstand social change.
Remember it was your Vietnam War, that had caused so much consternation in your time, with this wars ability to almost tear apart and destroy your nation.
It was in the mid seventies, that South Vietnam fell to the North and this was not only an ego blow to those in power in your time, as well as the people, but a time when your culture had to rethink all and what it stood for.
What if in our time, we for interracial purposes, would like to see if we can not disconnect somehow from our central computer and see if we can not try to make decisions on our own, as your time once did.
Maybe that is why I am here?
Don't tell me you're trying to say that you made a mistake with regards to the Ruhr region because in our time the history it's self is actually wrong.
And now you're claiming that the two speeds are actually the same?
What I was referring to with light speed, is that particles of light as well as its electrical constituents, can be held as C as a constant and then those electrical particles, be accelerated even past what standard rough universal speed of C is.
C is the same as background noise, say with reference to any one frequency.
So with this logic, one must then reach for the understanding, if C is a prime rest value, then this barrier can be transcended.
I can not tell you how, but will only hint that the speed of C as a barricade can be breached in a distant same way, as how Lunarium is made to be a possible fuel, once its decay could be halted and then so utilized?
So, what speed do you travel at to get to Andromeda in one hour?
We transcend C.
Why do you call this speed "light speed"?
It is as how you say in your time, a colloquialism?!
And what is 3*10^8 (AKA c) called?
Tri-cubed at ten greater than four realm
How do the ship's systems "make it work"?
By harnessing the bottled effect of C and forcefild as a prolate around the ship.
The stream of electrons which compose C simply pass over the surface of the ship, as a very slick oil makes it possible for penguins in your era to swim faster in water.

Your culture is a noble one.
I am interested in this past era, as this history Im expierneing shows how a culture adjusts from not being very technical, as say in the 1960s, to becoming so technical, that people now have to have mental breakdowns form the quality of learning, as socially they can not adjust to this new everywhere technology.

Creedo, it's nice of you to try, but I think the boy can speak for himself. Putting words in his mouth is not playing fair. And maybe you're not remembering that he has called you a liar to your face, so I doubt he'll accept answers from you in any case. It seems that you have written him into your mythology, but he denies yours.

Besides, you've actually answered the wrong questions at some points there.

I will make one comment, though. Vietnam didn't nearly do anything to my nation - I'm English. In fact, it was the discrepancies of the reports of casualties between England and the US that made some people realise that they were being lied to by their Government. I think Dr. Who and The Beatles had more to do with the counterculture revolution in England than vietnam ever did.

I've not heard of this spherial zone. Can you elaborate, please?
Not sure it has a name, actually. As I understand the view of the Big Bang Theory, there was a point in time (in the fractions of microseconds under which they claim to have mapped the BB) where gravity first separated from the other 3 forces. They also express this time as either an absolute temperature, or a spherical shell. I don't recall the reference I read this, but refers to the "diameter of the universe" concept.

Tere are, however, other forces at work when you get down to the atomic level. That the law may only be applicable within certain paramaters doesn't negate the entire law.
I never said it did, and yes, the strong nuclear force is dominant over gravity at atomic diameters. I am one who tends to believe there is a fractal relationship between the 4 forces, related to their scale. I'd believe that might be the key to metric engineering.

I mean, Hooke's Law doesn't apply in every situation, but it certainly does within certain criteria.
Certainly. Just like F=ma works for one realm of resolution, but not in the relativistic velocity realms.

PS - is a neat little applet that walks thru the theoretical expansion.
I see what you mean.

At a guess (and this is a total guess) I'd say that the force of the outwards motion of the matter was enough to overcome the gravity. I mean, if it really was a singularity that was expanding so much in such a short space of time, then it'd have to be really shifting it. It'd have a lot of momentum for the gravity to overcome, and the further it went, the weaker the gravity would be in any case.

It's a theory, anyway.

Expansion is just an illusion for the most part.

In reality everything is recycled, however there is always a record of everything that did happening.

A traveling new, however always an access to an old!?
At a guess (and this is a total guess) I'd say that the force of the outwards motion of the matter was enough to overcome the gravity. I mean, if it really was a singularity that was expanding so much in such a short space of time, then it'd have to be really shifting it. It'd have a lot of momentum for the gravity to overcome, and the further it went, the weaker the gravity would be in any case.
I'd say as good a guess as any, as this would give a reason why gravity separated from the other 3 forces. High temp certainly does equal high momentum, at the extreme densities we are talking about.

Yet we still see the galaxies expanding. However, within galaxies we see the concept of gravity related to escape velocity. A body cannot leave the orbit of another body until is exceeds that escape velocity. A body at less than escape velocity remains in orbit. If we look at the scale of the galaxies in the universe, is there an equivalent to escape velocity? And did our universe have sufficient initial momentum to exceed it, or will we someday begin the Big Crunch? Is THAT what Time is all about? The eternal, oscillating cycle?

Cyclic phenomenon certainly show up in all other phenomenon in the universe...
Expansion is just an illusion for the most part.
Uhhhhh, yeah. You're repeating yourself.... In reality, EVERYTHING is an illusion, Creedo. Mass, Space, Time....

I just keep asking my inner self why I would want to create an illusion like you in my universe! :D
