Charlie: Timeline39 Revisited


I believe the vast majority of the BS Charlie Haynes spewed has already been....uhhh.... to put it nicely..."overcome by events". If you go look at his other thread, wherein you also recently responded to me, you will see that by now in 2012 we should all be clearly seeing "Niburu" (or whatever he called it) and we should already be experiencing all the terrible consequences....but we are not. However, in any event:

Read through the entire thread on Godlike Productions

Come on...GLP? Really? Perhaps whoever posted this on GLP were too afraid to come post it here because some of us around here would point out the problems? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Go ahead and post the link, but I don't think most people who are scientifically-oriented thinkers lend much credence to anything posted on GLP...especially if it is not cited.

He also stated that weeks prior to the election the Tea Party will be marching in the streets of DC protesting the war buildup, also the current pope will die sometime before or after the elections

Citations would be good here, as this sounds awfully vague. And given the way things are in the world right now (and have been for over a decade) I don't think anyone would be surprised if a new war takes shape. I mean just look at Syria, and we have been dealing with Iran's insistance on developing a nuclear device for many years now. And the Pope? Another one of these? Who does this person think they are, Zeshua? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

and that China will attack Thailand in late 2011/early 2012 before the Chinese New Year.

Are you sure it was Thailand and not, possibly, Taiwan? We all should already be aware of what mainland China's intentions are towards Taiwan, because they consistently state as much. But if someone predicted Thailand I think they are not paying attention to what we already know.

also the current pope will die sometime before or after the elections



I'm could be wrong but I believe that every living creature on the planet will die "sometime before or after the elections".

and that China will attack Thailand in late 2011/early 2012 before the Chinese New Year

I don't know why you posted this one because it is obviously wrong. Chinese New Year was January 23rd and Thailand seems to be intact and free from a Chinese invasion.
Actually, rainman, if you go to , you will see threads there indicating that Nibiru has already been spotted in the sky . The zetas go into specifics on this. Will try to get a post up on this. Also check out for the latest pole shift events worldwide.
You raise a good point on the Thailand/Taiwan issue. Wonder if the time traveller got his countries confused? Could very well be. In any event, if we see China making bellicose moves towards either country then I think we should worry a bit. It does seem that Taiwan would be the more likely target though of their animosity as you point out.
Actually, rainman, if you go to ZetaTalk , you will see threads there indicating that Nibiru has already been spotted in the sky . The zetas go into specifics on this.

Uhhhhh, OK. But hang on a second. Charlie did NOT predict that only some crackpot lady, who has been wrong in all her predictions of the future up until now, would be the ONLY one to spot Niburu in the sky. No, no, no. Charlie was very specific about this. He claimed that EVERYONE would be able to see it for themselves...that, and of course, he also predicted all these dire consequences here on earth. I could go find those exact quotes if you like...but then again, so could you.

All kidding aside, you do know how much of a crackpot Nancy from Zetatalk is, right? The only reason I know about her predictions and their failures is that she is a regular guest of the SoCal comedy deejays Kevin and Bean on KROQ. Science is about independent verification. So if a few more, uhhh, trustworthy and transparent folks other than Nancy can report seeing it in the sky, then maybe we can move forward.


Heh. I thought it might be that. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyway, the part about someone dropping dead "before or after the elections" stands. Whoever posted that was either pulling folks legs or attempting to cover the spread thinking that no one would notice the silliness of the statement.

The real problem with GLP is that you never know who really makes a post. There's no requirement to register, you can paste anyone's handle on a post that you like to make it look like the OP (or some other poster) is responding. I don't hang out there but as I recall from lurking in the past that's been a major complaint for a long time there.

Re. Nancy, Niburu and the Zetas:


Planets can't hide and only be seen by one person. Sure, one person will be the first to discover it but thereafter anyone with the proper equipment can observe it. A new planet inside the Solar system is less than 1 LY away. A planet cannot go unobserved in the Solar system. Our instruments today are sensitive to detect planets 600 LY away. Kepler-22b, for example. Asteroids near the Kuiper Belt. Yes. They are so small and far away that they they can get lost in the clutter. But a body large enough to be classified a planet, inside the Kuiper Belt and on a collision course with Earth sometime during the next few months? Not possible. The Kuiper Belt is the edge of the Solar system and it is about 1 LY away. If a body was traveling toward us at near the speed of light (which it would have to be if it is a wandering planet from the outer edge of the Solar system but going to be here in short order) it would be glowing blue - bright, bright blue and also tossing off hard gamma radiation - lots of it, enough to fry the Earth. It would light up the night on Earth brighter than daylight (and the "suntan" would kill).
Agree with you, rainman, that Nancy and the zetas lost A LOT of credibility when her/their original predictions failed to pan out. However, there is detailed current pole shift info with pictures posted on the current site that clearly indicates that there ARE pole shift events occurring. The zetas have indicated though that they are surprised that events to date haven't been more severe than what they are, indicating to me that some outside force/agency is working to mitigate effects.

At ZetaTalk click on New zetatalk in the pink section(top left) to get the latest pole shift related updates from them.
Agree with you to a great extent about GLP, Darby . . . there's a lot of crap there, but a few gems among the dross. It also can be entertaining if you approach it the right way.
As per observing Planet X , I have seen some material which suggests it is cloaked. There is also conjecture that there are actually 2 objects around----a brown dwarf and then a planetoid(inhabited by dark ETs) which shadows it and plunders planets after the devastation caused by the brown dwarf.
In any event, will try to get some Nibiru sighting stuff up shortly.