And as for KerTex's roaming packs of wild animals... really? mankind may get flopped and kicked around, but not beyond the dark ages... I'm pretty sure mankind can out smart wild animals. Not every man, but mankind as a whole.
Really. And yes, I agree with you that "mankind" can out-smart wild animals ( to some degree ). However, as you yourself pointed out, NOT every man. Jacob Time placing "food" into a snow pak, isn't one of those out-smarting animals.
Now...if he had said that they had a specially prepared cave of some sort located within a snow-pak, where they could safely store food from scavengers...that would make more sense.
From a survivalist's point-of-view, multiple scenarios have to figured into the equation. A full-out nuclear exchange, or even a limited nuclear exchange, a small cabin in the wilds of Colorado wouldn't necessarily be a safe location for survival, animals or no. Might be, I don't really know, but, knowing the jet-stream patterns, wouldn't expect that Colorado would be a un-effected by a nuclear exchange.
I don't know if you have run across the story of the balloon bombs the Japanese used in WW2...
Japanese Balloon Bombs
So, assuming that the United States isn't affected by mass radiation at the start, IF China is, eventually, North America, would be, too.
IF we're looking at the collapse of world-wide civilization, due to some sort of NON-nuclear event, one has to consider that those things that are managed, would no longer be so. As it is now, in this area, which is "in the Hills"...there are organized methods to keep the predator populations within managable parameters.
However, even within a managed environment, around these parts, nobody walks "alone", without a weapon. At night, any "outside" pets, will be "food" before the sun rises.
At this time, ammunition isn't a problem. In an Armageddon type scenario, ammunition supplies would be a BIG problem.
In addition, animals aren't as stupid as some might believe them to be. Why do you think most animals are frightened of humans ? How long do you think it would take for the animals to realize that something is different ? Without weapons, any individual becomes part of the food chain, and wandering around in the wilds of Colorado as though walking through the city park in the afternoon sunshine, well...that just wouldn't be so during "the end of life as we know it" type environment.
Now if I was telling the story, I would have said something along the lines of ; " I remember the ol'Winchester rifle my father use to carry when we traveled around outside our cabin. I remember him telling me, " Got to be be prepared for anything, boy ! I am grateful that my father taught me how to make it on what little supplies we had..."
But then that would make sense, something most time travel claimants seem incapable of doing, simply because when fabricating their story, it becomes obvious ( usually fairly quickly )that these authors are not experienced with the subjects they are professing to be living through.
However interesting as Jacob Time's story might be, it is just that --- a "fictional" story. But, as I wrote in the post above, although I believe "this" story to be a fake, doesn't mean I don't believe that time travel isn't a possibility, just have yet to read a plausible claim.