Charlie: Timeline39 Revisited


Welcome back.


Yikes, my friend. Surely you don't expect anyone to read all 11 long posts, digest them in one sitting and respond, do you?

---> <----- Shorter posts. One at a time. Give people an opportunity to respond. And as KT referenced, this doesn't appear to be your original work. How about a reference and credit to the author - assuming that it is not, in fact, your original work.


Welcome back.


Yikes, my friend. Surely you don't expect anyone to read all 11 long posts, digest them in one sitting and respond, do you?

---> <----- Shorter posts. One at a time. Give people an opportunity to respond. And as KT referenced, this doesn't appear to be your original work. How about a reference and credit to the author - assuming that it is not, in fact, your original work.


Thank-you, Darby.

Whether the posts are considered too long really isn't an issue with me. The issue I have with this is that there is no way to ask "Jacob Time" anything.

Now, I have no idea if time travel comes to be, or not. I wouldn't proclaim that such a feat is entirely impossible, however, whenever any time traveling accounts do pop-up, my personal belief(s) has no bearing on the merits of any particluar "story".

Jacob mentions quite a few details that, as usual, are lacking foundations in reality, depending upon exactly what happened to civilization. ( Which he apparently has no idea what happened )

One thing that occurs to me, relative to Jacob Time's story, ( although there are numerous other points that can be called into question ) is that storing food in snow doesn't really seem to be all that realistic considering the circumstances as described by Jacob.

IF there was a nuclear exchange, even living in a remote cabin in the depths of Colorado won't help you much at all. Where do you think the snow comes from ? Even as a non scientist, I know enough about weather patterns to realize that any snow in Colorado is sourced from the Pacific, and the moisture ( along with any pollutants ) is carried aloft via the Jet Stream(s); so assuming that the western part of North America, and from locations as far away as China, has been radiated from even a limited nuclear exchange, would effect massive sections of Real Estate...including Colorado.

Storing food in a radiated snow-pak doesn't seem all that appropriate, not to mention contaminated water sources, as well.

IF the "grand event" is NOT a nuclear exchange, and the population of humanity is reduced as is indicated by Jacob, then that means that the predatory animals would proliferate. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere about roving packs of predators, which would be a MAJOR concern IF and WHEN civilization collapses.

So, under this scenario, storing food in a snow pak ??? Anyone living in a remote region would become part of the food chain for wolf packs, bears, and survivors also would have to contend with tigers, lions and other predators that escape from the Zoo's where they are kept now. Unless, you live in an area above the tree-line, away from places where predators would frequent, but, Jacob did say that they had a small farm, and something about goats...a magnet for predators. Food being placed into snow = ringing the dinner bell, as it were.

Maybe RainmanTime and Darby remember the vacant area along the 605 Freeway in Los Angeles ( Sante Fe Springs ? if I am remembering it correctly ), when the properties were seized by the government to make way for an expanded 605... there were problems with roving packs of feral dogs, and this occurred within a populated area, mind you, not during Armageddon type conditions.

But alas, since Jacob Time isn't available to answer any of our questions HERE ... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Jacob Time!! A time traveller called "Jacob Time"!! Aha ha ha ha ha ha!! I can imagine the scientists in 2040 saying who shall we send into the dfim murky past of the early 21st century via our spanking new time machine? Shall we send Bobby Space? No, there is something not quite right with him. What about young Letitia Moon? Again no. Then a scientist pipes up "Wait! I know the perfect person, what about that teenage scamp Jacob Time? He has not got a girlfriend mayhaps if my memory serves me, has never so much as kissed a girl. And gadzooks, his surname is TIME! It is perfect!" The other scientists then cheered heartily at this almost heartstopping twist of fate. A time traveller named TIME.

What about Rule 4, do not make anyone die from laughter?

I haven't had the TIME to plough through the drivel you've posted yet as I have a life, although Creedo read it and was last seen vomiting into his ornamental pond, but I will make some endeavours to sift through it. I'm guessing you have a lot of TIME on your hands yeah? Maybe you could do what Chronohistorian never did and take a girl on a date, catch a movie? It may make you leave your internal fantasy world. OK its unlikely she'll be a looker, but looks aren't everything. Just don't pretend you're a time traveller or she'll think you're a bit weird, unless of course, your posts were an ironic joke, in which case tell her, it'll be HIL-A-RIOUS 'Hey you never guess what I posted, man it was SO funny....' and so on

Love as ever
Dave (Doctor Date)
ehh, good story. I enjoyed the read, although there inconsistencies from one post to the next. A few hundred builder in one post, then thousands eating at cafeteria in another. No fuel for cars? What? Making ethanol is easy.

As far as glowing horizon for 2 years... could be a solar wind/ionosphere interaction. As for place of time machine... sounds like Tesla's old lab.

And as for KerTex's roaming packs of wild animals... really? mankind may get flopped and kicked around, but not beyond the dark ages... I'm pretty sure mankind can out smart wild animals. Not every man, but mankind as a whole.

I guess overall, I'll keep the story in mind and if china and russia and usa all send armies to mid east then I'll go back and take a closer look at the read. And as always, if the internet, phones, and power go out for more than 4 hrs, I head for the hills already.
And as for KerTex's roaming packs of wild animals... really? mankind may get flopped and kicked around, but not beyond the dark ages... I'm pretty sure mankind can out smart wild animals. Not every man, but mankind as a whole.

Really. And yes, I agree with you that "mankind" can out-smart wild animals ( to some degree ). However, as you yourself pointed out, NOT every man. Jacob Time placing "food" into a snow pak, isn't one of those out-smarting animals.

Now...if he had said that they had a specially prepared cave of some sort located within a snow-pak, where they could safely store food from scavengers...that would make more sense.

From a survivalist's point-of-view, multiple scenarios have to figured into the equation. A full-out nuclear exchange, or even a limited nuclear exchange, a small cabin in the wilds of Colorado wouldn't necessarily be a safe location for survival, animals or no. Might be, I don't really know, but, knowing the jet-stream patterns, wouldn't expect that Colorado would be a un-effected by a nuclear exchange.

I don't know if you have run across the story of the balloon bombs the Japanese used in WW2...
Japanese Balloon Bombs

So, assuming that the United States isn't affected by mass radiation at the start, IF China is, eventually, North America, would be, too.

IF we're looking at the collapse of world-wide civilization, due to some sort of NON-nuclear event, one has to consider that those things that are managed, would no longer be so. As it is now, in this area, which is "in the Hills"...there are organized methods to keep the predator populations within managable parameters.

However, even within a managed environment, around these parts, nobody walks "alone", without a weapon. At night, any "outside" pets, will be "food" before the sun rises.

At this time, ammunition isn't a problem. In an Armageddon type scenario, ammunition supplies would be a BIG problem.

In addition, animals aren't as stupid as some might believe them to be. Why do you think most animals are frightened of humans ? How long do you think it would take for the animals to realize that something is different ? Without weapons, any individual becomes part of the food chain, and wandering around in the wilds of Colorado as though walking through the city park in the afternoon sunshine, well...that just wouldn't be so during "the end of life as we know it" type environment.

Now if I was telling the story, I would have said something along the lines of ; " I remember the ol'Winchester rifle my father use to carry when we traveled around outside our cabin. I remember him telling me, " Got to be be prepared for anything, boy ! I am grateful that my father taught me how to make it on what little supplies we had..."

But then that would make sense, something most time travel claimants seem incapable of doing, simply because when fabricating their story, it becomes obvious ( usually fairly quickly )that these authors are not experienced with the subjects they are professing to be living through.

However interesting as Jacob Time's story might be, it is just that --- a "fictional" story. But, as I wrote in the post above, although I believe "this" story to be a fake, doesn't mean I don't believe that time travel isn't a possibility, just have yet to read a plausible claim.
...have yet to read a plausible claim.

Actually, that isn't quite true. I have come across an interesting account of a time anomaly that seems to have some merit, and will present it in another thread as soon as I work out some of the details. I don't want to get debunkerized to badly by the "Evil Debunker". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Well we all agree on holes in the story. Wait, did I just say that? We all agree on something? Well there goes that dynamic. . ..

As for faint glow on the horizon... From Boulder that would mean looking east and I'd guess that in a non-nuclear event, but one where electricity was ka-put, such as solar EMF, I would imagine that it would likely take about 2 years for what was left of civilization after event to stabilize. Meaning that for 2 yrs we'd have people/bandits/gangs/militias, rebells, etc roaming and foraging and trying to survive. The dumb ones (and that may be the majority of us) would do things like burn houses for heat or fun or entertainment. It would likely take the idiots of the world about 2 yrs to either be killed off or burn all the buildings.

Wild animals... still don't think they'd be a problem. If you placed me in the rockies in 1812 with a knife and shelter, I could make do. Yes, I may run into a wolf pack or bear or gang of thugs that could eat me, but that is not a certainty by any means. Shelter location, hiking paths, times of day, common sense, etc all would help the savvy one survive amongst the animals...
Charlie -
"Here's what I know.

Before the elections in 2012 there is a crisis in the middle east. All the big countries send armies there, its a massive build up larger than ever before. As the confrontations continue to the lead up of the elections here, there is a tremendous pressure placed that causes America to call for bombings of facilities in one of the countries. This is followed by a counter strike and a massive ground campaign. But now its more than just America its China and Russia and Germany and France and Britain. Nothing happens until another crisis in the same area days before the election."

SO, here is what I read today..

...Britain and France argued for immediate action while Germany and Russia opposed such a move, according to two European diplomats who were briefed on the meeting....On the same day, Clinton had a short meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, in which Sarkozy pressed Clinton to come out more forcefully in favor of action in Libya....Sarkozy told Clinton that "we need action now" and she responded to him, "there are difficulties," the source said, explaining that Clinton was referring to China and Russia's opposition to intervention at the United Nations. Sarkozy replied that the United States should at least try to overcome the difficulties by leading a strong push at the U.N., but Clinton simply repeated, "There are difficulties."
Source :

Now, from the perspective of 20 yrs in the future... "before the elections of 2012" could very easily mean 2011.

When this Charlie stuff was originally written, I would not have pondered the thought of "But now its more than just America its China and Russia and Germany and France and Britain" in the middle east. And yes, as Darby will point out, Libya is NOT the middle east, its africa. But again, from the perspective of 20 yrs in the the future, 15 of them in the woods drinking coors for "sterile hydration", I would think you may be allowed to group northern africa and middle east in one category.
I disagree. I think it was a controlled gamble, like every other "prediction" made by potential time travellers. The whole "America calls for the bombing of facilities" fits the vocabulary of the whole "Iran's nuclear program" newsline over the past few years.

It's no different than if I claim to be from the future and say "The 2012 election will see a new President and a larger influence by the Tea Party." I may be wrong, but currently things are trending toward me being right. When those predictions were written, he was trending toward being right.
no, i watched the first 4 seconds, skipped to a few seconds in the middle, then a few at the end. That was enough for me.
Keeping it fresh as events seem to be following along the lines of what he predicted. Read through the entire thread on Godlike Productions(will post that link when I get a chance). He also stated that weeks prior to the election the Tea Party will be marching in the streets of DC protesting the war buildup, also the current pope will die sometime before or after the elections, and that China will attack Thailand in late 2011/early 2012 before the Chinese New Year.

Interestingly, there is also another thread from another time traveller at GLP who was actually sent to apprehend Jacob Time for violating the rules of his mission. His disclosure of upcoming events according to the time cop will only make matters worse. In any event, that's where things stand.