Building a time machine anyone wanna help?

You said, <<What a wa***r>>

You know, if you didn’t censor that curse word, I’ll bet some still wouldn’t have a clue as to what that means.

It doesn’t start like an American one I know of.

No i think most americans are worldwise as far as that word,i say that but once i went to a message board and i was talking about a few things (as you do) when at one point i said something that involved ".....and i smoked a pack of fags that night"

Now other than the health risks of smoking,what one of them said kind of shocked me,they said "you mean to tell us you murdered a bunch of homosexuals"

That f***ing killed the air mate i tell ya,i totally creased up,so i put up "LMAO" up as a message, a few others had figured out but this geezer was like "you think thats funny?"
i was just dying in my chair i couldnt bloody breath he just didnt get it.
Who bags supplying the DeLorean? I may be willing to consider parting with my sedan for the cause of Science *jj*

No on a serious note, good luck with this Firegod, just hope the friendly neighbourhood Government agents don't come a-knocking if you succeed!