Anthropogenic Global Warming is Bunk Science

RMT, I don't feel it's misinterpretation of data, which would invest as a political ploy for control, however this current condition may elude to a past headline.This headline and it was made during the Bush eras, read, ( Pentagon scientist say that we're going into another ice age ).The Bushes then, let this out and I feel that this was the most correct action they had ever taken.*Notes, the gove spooks have tried to sanitize this from searches, but I think that Jeff Rense is the only one that still has a record of this national front page story.*Definition ( spook ) is also known as either a government agent, or a person placed highly, within the government ruling hierarchy.

An ice age goes into a type of planetary mechanics,.. a rung tone if you will, that's supposed to occur. I feel that this is what we're supposed to be going through now. All-be-it remember, an ice age demonstrates itself as also being a new marked level of evolution demonstrated in all animals. And I feel that we humans are starting to observe this now, by how certain kinds of animals are acting not only in their characters, however new abilities not seen in nature's settings prior to this time.

On the graph, as offered by Wiki, I had to laugh at the statement X may have nothing at all to do with Y, as portold in the equations offered. Kind-a sounds like who worry warts that were trying to place the blame, for the 911 debauchal.

Know that an ice age is a vibratory condition that is supposed to occur. This is an active edifice that is part condition and part purpose.The only issue with ice ages which remains to be seen, or to occur, is a global freeze-out. Which in spite of said weather controls, can occur at any time.

This may be one reason that I am extremely interested, as well as others, in this website.

If the condition would be centric, however still localized. Then there should be other graph by vibratory inferences, which would indicate that this would be the second case,.. which is an ice age. Part of the evidence for this new condition, may be dogs that say, "I love you".

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Then what is the so called "100" year storm forecast for if not to tell us of short as well as long term cycles?

Ever hear of a 1,000 year weather event or a 10,000 year events? Did humans cause those weather changes too?

Then what is the so called "100" year storm forecast for if not to tell us of short as well as long term cycles?Ever hear of a 1,000 year weather event or a 10,000 year events? Did humans cause those weather changes too?
Flavoring, but not the main event of an ice age.It will take one town or city getting totally frozen out, to where when they get back into the place, finding people frozen in similar fashion to deep freezer meat, that they will say, "Oh my' there's something particularly odd about this who stitch".
Regardless of how excellent your weather control and modification ability is, one cannot totally control nature. The condition, Ice age holds the bigger and better hand of cards and I fear that those in authority eventually will be mindful of this.

I'll take that bet! I was trained by Dr. Gray many years ago and he said it was all bunk from the left headed fools like al gore.

Opinions are like butt holes as everyone has one. Total human activity equals less than 6% of green house gasses on earth.

The earth has seen about the same temperature change as has been recorder on Mars at the same time line. How may we stop the people on Mars to end their pollution problems? Chicken little lives?

BREAKING NEWS! This just in!

Old stalwart RainmanTime has returned from his time travel road tripping and has settled back in at his old TTI homestead. RMT had just one thing to say to his TTI friends and family: "Anthropogenic Global Warming is STILL BUNK SCIENCE. That is all."



BREAKING NEWS! This just in!Old stalwart RainmanTime has returned from his time travel road tripping and has settled back in at his old TTI homestead. RMT had just one thing to say to his TTI friends and family: "Anthropogenic Global Warming is STILL BUNK SCIENCE. That is all."

Welcome back. It seems all the old hands are coming out of the woodwork. Happy days!
