Anthropogenic Global Warming is Bunk Science

Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

This just in: "Scientific consensus" on global warming was manufactured by the IPCC!

The IPCC consensus on climate change was phoney, says IPCC insider

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and IPCC insider. The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was 'only a few dozen experts,' he states in a paper for Progress in Physical Geography, co-authored with student Martin Mahony.


'Claims such as '2,500 of the world's leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate' are disingenuous,' the paper states unambiguously, adding that they rendered 'the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism."

I love it when people are exposed telling lies as if they are scientific fact! to jail with the whole lot of them! :mad:


Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

I could have put this in the UFO forum, but since it deals with both UFOs and the AGW scam, I figured I would tack it on here.

Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010

A newly-published book by a retired NORAD officer predicts October 13, 2010 as the tentative date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth's principal cities. Author says the event to be the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a "critical mass."
Well, Web Bot certainly has not predicted this! So it cannot possibly be true! :confused:
This stuff kinda makes me believe that the entire world has turned into a 24/7 comedy channel. This story seems like something you would see on South Park!


Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

That gives new meaning to the term GREENhouse gases. Hmm.. This is getting worse. lol I should stop posting on this thread for a while. :yum:

Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

Maybe Titor had it right - Global Thermonuclear War. Kill off half of the humans (and along with them half of all mammals) and no more problem with respiratory carbon emmissions.

Idiots! Cows absorb nitrogen and carbon from plants that they eat and the air that they breathe. Viola! Nucleosynthesis. They create new nitrogen and carbon atoms from the plants in their internal nuclear reactors and belch both the initial N and C plus the newly created N and C created in their internal breeder reactors. Brilliant.


Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

Global warming is real and slowly but painfully as time goes on the effects on mankind will be devastating. Anyone that tells you global warming is not real is working for someone, somebody, or something, or is likely not able to understand real world situations and information. That type of person is also most likely hostile to people who speak the truth.

There will be droughts, famine, war, and the underground secret cities of the worlds governments will fill with their rich and powerfully connected people and bulge at the seams. In the end if mankind does not perish they will learn that earth is mother and that you don't treat your mother like a lady of night to be used and vanquished.

The reasons for this reckoning is that nature is a closed looped system. In that system one has to function by the rules of nature or perish in ones pursuits of life. Mankind may be many but we act as one upon mother earth and mother earth will act as one upon us as time moves along. You cant have 6 to 13+ billion people feeding off the earths resources and polluting the earth as if there is no tomorrow without some kind of recking. Economics, communism, dictarships all withstanding will face the force of nature. Earth in the past has gone thru extreme climate changes and will do so again in the future. The life that lives thru those climate changes is the life that adjust and copes with nature itself. If we are to master nature then that mastery has to be done with a great understanding of how nature works. Not from the riches that comes for taken from it.

Re: It's official: AGW Alarmists BROKE THE LAW!

Global warming is real and slowly but painfully as time goes on the effects on mankind will be devastating.
Yes it is - and so is global cooling. We will enter another hot age during the next 5000 years and it will be followed by another ice age in about 12000 years. In between we will have variations. The ice ages kill off most life. The hot ages with high atmospheric CO2 levels is when new organisms form on this planet. Without hot ages this planet would be virtually lifeless occupied only by virii, bacterium and maybe some single cell life forms.
Whether it is real or not really isn't the point. The "science" behind global warming (the manmade kind) is less science than it is politics. Every 10 years during my adult lifetime the same group of crackpots have grabbed one particular political party's attention and headlines about worldwide calamity by alternating between the impending manmade ice age and the impending manmade hot age. The tactic has grown quite old and the public is no longer buying their propoganda. The recent EPA determination that carbondioxide is an environmental pollutant splatted down with a dull thud in the arena of the public's opinion of our federal government. By simply existing we're all felons because we inhale nitrogen and oxygen and exhale carbondioxide.

Oh oh! Those scientists at NASA has better watch out what data they release, otherwise some of those AGW alarmists are going to brand them "deniers"...

Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.

This is too damn funny not to share! Gather 'round everyone, and let us pray in the way that Our Father Al Gore has taught us to pray in his new religion:

Our Gaia, Who art in danger, Sustainable be thy name,

Thy renewable energy resources come,

Thy Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s will be done

On Earth as it is in the upper atmosphere

Give us this day our daily organic ciabatta

Forgive us our carbon emissions

Though we can’t forgive those multinationals who emit against us

Lead us not into excessive plane travel

Deliver us from genetically modified crops

For thine is the moral high ground

The onshore wind farms and the subsidies

For as long as the taxes can be raised. Amen.


Here we are at the end of 2008. Take a look at the data from 4 temperature sources over the last 8 years, including a linear regression of those last 8 years:

The last 8 years of data show NO WARMING.

There is no global warming! Repeat it to yourself over and over, because it is true!




Data proves this!

Looks like your timeline ends at 2008 it does not take into account the Methane Hydride plumes of 2013, over 40 Gigatons
