An Experiment in Time Travel

Re The tales of nonequities

An Adaption from the Paramont release, The Final Frontier:

When Sybock came to Spock, Spock was nonplussed.

The image began to appear via the power of the Messianic Sybock and Spock saw it unfold.

The interior of the cave appeared and the scream of the Vulcan woman having the baby pervaded the interior.

The illusion slowly panned to the right and Spock answered Kirk, "I believe what we are seeing, is my birth"?

On Vulcan the process of birth contributed by an Earth woman and a Vulcan must be born by a surrogate mother.

When the child is pushed via contractions from the uterus and the child is within the canal, there is a certain type of copper hormone, that is ejected upon the newborn.

Even is the child is half human, the mother must be full Vulcan, as if this certain hormone is not applied to the exterior of the child, the child, later-on,.. will go mad.

This is what Spock now knew, as Amanda his true Mother, watched from against the wall of the cave, mimicking the pain of birth the surrogate had endured.

Young Sarak was shown the child and the natural reaction was very little approval and much more rejection.

These words were spoken by Sarak, "He's soo, human"

This was the hurt that Spock had endured from birth.

Years later, after the wars on Earth, it was found that atoms held certain levels of vibratory frequency stations with reference to the said and supposed electron orbitals.

Some were odd shaped, even hat as well as origami Japanese paper sculptured shaped.

There was the tale told of the idiot savant in an institution, with his mind and vision, could tunnel into the smallest structures such as atoms.

He did this and told what he saw, till that one day he had tunneled into copper.

It took four attendants to hold him down while a tranquilizer was administered, so that the lad could be safely approached.

Upon questioning the boy was asked what he had seen within the copper that he had tunnel visioned into.

The boy simply said, I saw a little bad man, like a devil.

The Romulins were always different than the Vulcans, although related.

It was the copper element within the entirety of Vulcan, that made Vulcan so special.

One who wrote history in later years a would say, private within his notes;"It was as if the most brilliant people, talented and well skilled ever invented,.. were tenants of Planet Vulcan.

However to the attendance of this talent, there always seemed a large, hidden, enraged creature, that would bang unmercifully at, so massive an iron gate, hidden within the whole of the Vulcan psyches.

A HISTORICAL NOTE VIA CUDA>>The process of brillancy is sometimes, is sometimes, always easy.However the process of capturing the beast that is let out from within, still may remain more elusive.
Writ of script By; His Masters Of Sophistries, the Honorable Dialect, Ving Cuda, of Cestus Worlds Four

Thanks for all the great links. It took a while to read it all. I still haven't checked out the sites yet and all the associated images but I tried to visualize it as I went along and was struck by the fact that the science behind it all has strongly confirmed many of the conclusions that have been reached "synchronistically" by many members of this forum. In a very "synchronistic" way, you have summed up the extent and range of the varying things that constitute "reality" as we see it and how it can be manipulated to affect time.

Another thing that struck me was a total confirmation in my mind of a concept that has been dogging my trail for weeks now and has fully come to the frontal lobe. I had been trying to "perceive" the structure and form of "space". The image finally came into my head and the articles on angular momentum cemented it into place. I suspect your addition of material on quantum fluid dynamics will define the shape even furthur.

What I now perceive space to be is the most perfect "ball bearing" possible. Ironically, I was just recently watching some friends play the game "The Realm". I noticed the graphic used to "transport" the tunes from place to place. As I was watching it, it resembled several spheres grinding against each other in a finite space with lighting flashing forth from equidistant points in line with angular motion. What appeared to be objects in contact with each other were, in fact separated by space which was transferring the angular motion to the objects. After discovering the first four atoms(hydrogen, helium, lithium, and berylium) in the Old Testament Sanctuary, I had always believed that this was what it meant when talking of the "wheels withing wheels". However, I now understand it to be the perfect wheels that actually turn the universe. The shape of the universe is, in reality, the shape of space between all things. It is a lattice in flux. I can see how this would pose such a problem with nuclear fusion. What needs to be created is the most perfect ball bearing imaginable composed of a sphere of "superspace" transferring endless angular motion to the fused material. In concert to the articles of scales of sound which also transmit energy away, an equal force must be applied. When we can reach this point, the feasibility of space/time travel will be a few short steps ahead. Unfortunately, very specific formulas must be adhered to which cannot be found anywhere but in Torah. It takes more than just mind just as it goes beyond matter. It takes a leap of faith to see the correlations and then act upon them. The plot is thickening. I look forward to the next synchronicities.
Unfortunately, very specific formulas must be adhered to which cannot be found anywhere but in Torah. It takes more than just mind just as it goes beyond matter. It takes a leap of faith to see the correlations and then act upon them.

Yes Zerub! The codes are right there in Torah, (Genesis 1) the very first words in Hebrew "in the beginning". From there, forms what is called a "base 3" code. It is so perfect that not one letter is out of place forming a pattern! This pattern in all its amazement forms the Golden mean spiral...

Well of course what else would one expect the pattern to be, from such a divine being?

In conceptualizing this message, something more powerful is taking place. Beyond all else, it is a story of the future, of something trying to happen! A transformation of consciousness ushering in culture and society... No not a religion, but a science! Applied to the physical laws of superspace and concious time...

It will soon be realized that there is a measurable growth connection between the mind and events in the physical world...
The codes are right there in Torah, (Genesis 1) the very first words in Hebrew "in the beginning". From there, forms what is called a "base 3" code. It is so perfect that not one letter is out of place forming a pattern!

Can you demonstrate this code for me, please?

As it is, I find it hard to credit that there's a code hidden in the Torah, especially a letter-perfect one in English. Why would the code not be in the origianal Hebrew and Greek? Which translation of the Torah contains the code? What about the other ones?
It is interesting that the "code" has made it's way into this thread. I just started looking into the Bible codes. It is a fact that scientists in the past encoded discoveried into childrens stories to hide them from the political powers of their day. To avoid execution by a monarchy that felt such discoveries endangered what they wanted their subjects to believe, the information was encoded into text the scientists felt would survive for centuries.

If a time traveler wanted to encode information into a text, which one would be the most likely one to do so. The bible has its roots in antiquity and is the most widely read text. In looking at what "codes" have been broken so far, I must say I am rather dissappointed.

The "predictions" seem to cover just about anything that could happen, from Volcanos in Yellowstone,
Asteroids smashing into the planet, Earthquakes, diseases, pole no matter what does occur someone can say..."See, I told you so!"

The one event that I am curious about is the one that is suppossed to occur in the 2012. The alignment of celestial bodies that will result in quite an energy shift. I think that nothing will happen as I have been through many "last days" on earth, but the event will be creating something not experience before.T his date (12-21-2012) does seem to pop up in many cultures. Cultures that may have been visited by time travelers.
Oh I can assure you its there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Bible code is a special message. A message that speaks of multidimensional "possible outcomes" and history engraved in truth. The future is flexible and full of multiple choices, but to know that nothing is set in stone. Some codes will ring true and other will not. But to note and have faith, that there is an irony and intended purpose to the full code in its far reaching ways.

Its the beauty of FREE WILL! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I understand the multi-dimensional possiblities and the future being fluid, however IF a time traveller did encode information into the Bible, it would be his/her history. A time-traveller would not have to predict anything since it already had occurred.
Oh I can assure you its there!<br />
<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

I don't get it. That page seems to be saying that what you do is seperate out arbitrary letters from the bulk of the text, re-arrange them, re-arrange them again, and then you can turn them into something else. That's true of any text.

Look at the first two lines in that text (the green and the red). The first line consists of these letters: The 2nd, the 8th, the 11th and the 28th. The second line consists of these: The 6th, the 17th, the 23rd and the 25th. There's absolutely no pattern there. In fact, let's convert this to English characters, and see what the pattern looks like. A * is a character that isn't in the pattern. A capital is the most common letter in a "pairing" (A for top row, B for secodn, etc.) and a lower-case letter is the single letter in a pairing.

*A**C B*b *Dc*C B* *BC*a* *Ad BD**Ad

It's not a pattern that leaps out and grabs you, is it? In fact, you'll note that it only works at all because the first letter (reading right to left, of course) is excluded completely. If it weren't there would be two "d"s.

I mean, if you can explain the pattern of how the letters are selected and I'm missing something, please do. But, as it is, I see absolutely no pattern wahtsoever.

[Edited to add]OvrLrdLegion, I've heard stories of children's stories having codes in them before, but the only two examples I know of are nothing but urban legends (that would be "Ring-a Ring-a Roses" and "The 12 Days Of Christmas"). Can you give me some examples?
The book I first encountered this material in was a book about synchronicity. The story of Rapunnzel(?)( it's really late here and I probably couldnt spell his name if I was awake ) apparently contains astronomical and botanical information encoded within its text. Symbological references were discovered by those in the various fields and with more in-depth research they extracted quite alot of information. The tarot cards were also encrypted with mystical information, they were not created for divination purposes, but to allow the information to continue onto other generations. Our modern playing cards are a by-product of the tarot cards. I am looking for that book to provide you with the title.

I agree with you about the Bible Codes. I wouldnt need to encode anything with those kind of predictions. My prediction could be simplified with one sentence..." In the future something really bad is gonna happen to someplace, somewhere, and you won't like it." My main point is that a time traveller encoding information into a text wouldn't be hit or miss..but would be very accurate if de-coded correctly. Even if our future isn't set in stone yet..their history would be.

I know that if time travel does become a reality, then it would be feasible that a time traveller would place encoded information into a text; to be discovered when the time was right to do so. That information would be in a text that we currently possess, but have yet to unlock the time travellers codes.

Perhaps our technology isnt quite there yet, or we havent found the right key. I think the bible is a good place to look because of what it is and because of its historical origins.

Another quote I read somewhere always is in the forefront of any quest..Do we really discover answers to our scientific inquiries..or does creation give us the answers we are "seeking to discover" to our scientific inquiries...?
The story of genesis is a duality, in historical happenstance.

The garden of Eden was supposed to be located west of Iraq, in an area that is now covered by sand.

Scans by a radar imaging process, had found evidence of a lush forest, that went back in time.

This new piece of information coincides with evidence from the bible.

According to Sitchin, the contrivance of mankind, as we know him modern, comes from the interplay between the Anuki and residents in the Mesopotamian area.

This is where elements of the Heira and the people had a secret sexual liaison.

This in time turned into what is known as the Heira Complex, which now today yields the words, Hierarchy and phrase, "you're hired".

It was the sexual liaison between two males, as told in Sitchin's book, that when sensed by the masses at worship, which had yielded the biological intangible of rule.

The elements of Lemuria and Atlantis were different however, because these elements were either relocations of souls from other worlds, or relocations in the physical, that were from other star systems.

So the ruling factors were different.

There was a deal between the Greeks and Atlantians for a breeding program, where a boatload of wimen would be taken to the capitol city of Atlantis, fertilized and then I think it was half of them returned.

The Council of Twelve in Atlantis were bourt seven foot in height, almost physically perfect and had a wizard's gene within them, that was more than formidable.

Lemurians on the other hand, had oversized heads and mental capacities way beyond what is considered normal today.

The 1960's movie, Lost Continent Of Atlantis go gives almost everything about Atlantis that was true, however did not include the correct size of the capitol city, which was massive in dimensions.

They had also omitted the many flying vehicles shown above the city.

The city at the South Pole, I think is called Agarthie, was written about by H.P. Lovecraft and is buried deep beneath the ice.

It is forbidden for any surface human to venture into that city, due to intrinsic evil, which pervades there.

Even to R.V. into this city is forbidden, unless you are immune to this type of evil.

There are like three people who can have both knowledge and are permitted to R.V. into Agarthie.

Agarthie can be accessed by going back in time and viewing the city when it was above ground, at a safe distance of six miles off.

Any closer than this, you will stopped by a guide.
creedo i enjoy how you speak of atlantis as if you were there...i bet youre a great story teller in person

t12 id love to hear more about these pyramids? like why isnt it more common to hear about these things? ive read alot about the hall of records believed to be under the sphynx i believe..i could be wrong.

very interesting...
This is probably somewhat out of context in relation to your entire post, however I am curious as to your thoughts on the celestial event in December, 2012.

"A planet's velocity and distance from the Sun will change but the combination of speed×distance will not change unless another planet or star passes close by and provides an extra gravity force."

The above website contains star charts and a description of the event that will occur in 2012. If the information revolving around this time period is accurate, would such an alignment effect the formula you mention? Or do you believe the distances are still great enough to not really cause any real energy shifts in our location of the galaxy?

Where would it be possible to find research materials that include the mathematics of the celestial influences on Earths movement. Detailed as to position, speed, rate of rotation, shift of weight (as in melting ice caps ), distances and effects of neighboring celestial bodies, distance flucuation of the moon, etc..etc.. And how much of a deviation could occur with a galactic alignment; mathematically speaking?
Rho' Pictures are better than words.

Rho Laren in the next generations, gave me a serious woody.

Happy mucous /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
From the song balance as performed by the Moody Blues

And he thought of those he angered,
For he was not a violent man,
And he thought of those he hurt,
For he was not a cruel man
And he thought of those he frightened
For he was not an evil man,
And he understood.
He understood himself.
Upon this he saw that when he was of anger or knew hurt or felt fear,
It was because he was not understanding,
And he learned compassion.

From the song question, as sung by the Moody Blues

It's not the way that you say it
When you do those things to me
It's more the way that you mean it
When you tell me what will be.

It's not the way, ...that you say it, when you do those things to me, it's more the way,..that you mean it, when you tell me what will be...
OvrLrd, I'd definately be interested to hear more about the information in stories. Particularly ones like word-of-mouth folk tales.

T12 said:
In this short passage of 371 letters at least the following English
words and names appear to be 'coded' into the text:


And reading backwards (yes, they did this too!), we get:

Um, you do realise that that site is debunking the idea of a code with this, don't you? The example they gave and that you an I have now quoted is there to show you exactly how come this kind of thing has no value.
No, I was unaware that this code site was attempting to debunk the codes!
if this site is a wolf in sheeps clothing as you have claimed, please elaborate, I certainly do not want to further promote them if that is in fact what they are doing.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
could you give me more details on this?
The site isn't an anything in anything's clothing. It's not pretending to be anything that it's not.

As for giving you further details, and bringing this to you attention; it's written explicity in the text of the article:

I then ran the text through a computer program which extracted
every seventh letter and subjected the resulting "text" to a
search for my own name, 'DES'. It turned up 45 times in the
single "run" from one single chapter of Genesis!
The Hebrew scholars were not even searching for particular
words but just scanned for anything that made up a known word
or name -- and they were using a total text some 3600 times
longer than mine. So they were guaranteed to unearth many
thousands of true Hebrew words and even short phrases by
simple chance. What is more, they could take any three or
four consonants and add whatever vowels were needed to make
sensible words, since they were unconstrained by "context".


Yet many people, eager as ever to find signs and wonders,
flocked to read the book and reacted with predictable wide-
eyed amazement.

And so on.

I find it hard to believe that you would use such a site as a peice of propaganda, thinking it upheld your side of the argument, without actually going to the trouble of reading it. I would suggest that you pay attention to your sources, because otherwise people are just going to wonder (legitimately, in my opinion) about how carefully you've looked at other sources which you believe support what you have to say, and that you've drawn your conclusions from.

As for not "promoting" the site because it's saying some things about the "code" that you don't agree with (although have not actually disputed...or even read). Are you interested in discovering what information there is out there, and promoting the truth, or are you just looking for things which confirm your ideology and promoting those, let the facts go hang?
The book that had the info was in the Anaheim Library. I have to make my way over there next time I get the chance. I do live only 15 miles from it, however the freeway is the worst one in California..91 fwy, sometimes taking 2 hours to go 10 miles.

As soon as I am able to get there I will post the title and some excerpts.

The proposed conversion of T-12

I can get him from where I am, no problem, duck soup:

I think that its debatable as to whether to turn T-12 into a full wizard or not.

I have the coordinates on him, R.V.ed into him, have his body type and even his body odor.

However what is of debate here, is whether or not karmically he deserved being turned into a full wizard.

Vivid Dreams on this board said that the gate is still open at Stone Henge in England and that a certain Sir Nelid, has been keeping a well placed eye on me.

I don't know, its the semantics of the situation, as T-12 was of an Atlantian royal family, when he remember doing magic back in Atlantis.

The Atlantians were different from the Druids and in this mix, if I did hit him at length with a DNA conversion beam, I don't know his introns, or founding genes would convert.

Might be a crossbreed, but an interesting thought.

The process has already started for me and has been for some months now.

Remember what the paint in the movies as being rabid dragons, that harass people, is not always true.

To a true wizard, a dragon is no different than a house pet.

Your companions tax you.However' in the same token, bring out the very best, that is in you.

I guess you would refer to this as a universalism?