An Experiment in Time Travel

"I've used standard descriptive terms from control system engineering, so I am hoping you understand what I am saying, and that I am saying the same thing that you were inferring to with your sentence. If all my assumptions are correct, then I am "with you" and willing to discuss more, and perhaps ask more questions. If any are incorrect, please set me straight so I can understand."


You are indeed following me very good thus far however, thus it is apparent that we are also in agree that the finer details must also be explored.

Now let's not forget to cross examine other clues here such as those that deal with diatonic ratios, the golden mean, fibranoncci sequences, and other cause & effect forces that also have a major role to play that are seemingly interconnected somehow.

"Time Has Come Today. . . . T I M E ! "
You are indeed following me very good thus far however, thus it is apparent that we are also in agree that the finer details must also be explored.
Cool. I will say that I have always questioned my classical controls training, where we always stress operating any closed loop system AWAY from its resonance frequency...and when you cannot do this, to "notch out" the resonance with gain and phase compensation in the control law. I have had the intuitive feeling that with the advent of Chaos Theory, and experiments therein with non-linear control schemes, that we would come to find great efficiencies in operating at and around the natural resonance frequencies of systems when phase/state changes are required. There is a whole new revolution in control system theory ahead of us in this regard.

So now a question: If you are saying we should exploit resonance peaks, then what is the significance of the 19.5 degree phase margin region you refer to? Are you implying that 19.5 degrees of phase lead or phase lag should be employed while operating at the resonant frequency? I would think you would somehow have to affect the natural phase angle at the resonant frequency, for otherwise you know the disaster that results from unchecked resonance! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Now let's not forget to cross examine other clues here such as those that deal with diatonic ratios, the golden mean, fibranoncci sequences, and other cause & effect forces that also have a major role to play that are seemingly interconnected somehow.
Yes, geometric progression series such as these, and their relation to both harmonics and the period-doubling route to chaos are also important, I agree. So how do you think these are related to using the benefits of natural resonance to achieving the goals of either anti-gravity, or time travel?

Re: a slightly religious thread


I tried not to slip into a religious forum and believe some success has been achieved. However, if you were to read these following sections of the works of Mathers I believe you will understand why I brought it into the picture. ( sections 34,35,36,38,39,42,56, and 57 ). The link or address to bring you directly there is

A word of is very interesting material and can suck one's mental focus in very quickly. The sections would be viewed out of context with the rest of Mathers works but I hope you will see why it "could' be applicable in ones quest to achieve time travel.

Yes, I know there is MUCH more to the Kabballah..however I am certain that to cover a greater portion of it in this forum is inappropriate and would consume way to much time and space ( ha! ).

Apparently you are a very astute individual that can presume one's complete understanding of a subject matter by reviewing one sentence that references such subject. If I said that "My car has headlights!"... would you assume that I have absolutely no understanding of the automobile?

Anybody who claims to have "finished" with any teachings regarding the Kabballah and it's attachments is full out in denial, the teachings of the kabbalah are a life long experience (and beyond ). I know many people that can recite the bible word for word, and other texts as well, but their in-depth experiences are shallow at best. To me it is all about personal experiences, not memorizing pages of print.

And portions of the Kabbalah are handed down by word of mouth and not even in print. The Kabbalah also has it's sub-divisions, i.e. Practical, Literal, Unwritten and Dogmatic. And I dont believe I ever mentioned which one I am studying.

In addition, I am a Frater of Builders of the Adtyum, which is an organization devoted to the study of the Kabbalah. Before you dish out judgements I believe you should know a little bit more of the person you are judgeing!

I wasn't even going to respond to your statement, but am feeling somewhat cantankerous tonight! Such is the nature of an Irishman- Gemini- /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

P.S. This post wasn't the first version, I toned it down a tad because I don't really know you yet, either!
Re: Kabbalah

Over Lord Legion

Yes the Kabbalistical concepts are all very interesting. Specially those that deal with the cosmogonical aspects and the very profound aspects of the Divine.

When you study the Ain Soph Aur you begin to acquire a sense of what is it that really matters. And at least to me it is the topic of existence.

Kabbalah defines existence as sprouting from nothingness by the insertion of the Name. As all Kabbalist name this insertion by the four letters is a beautiful allegory of the states of matter.

Yes, you might be right when you say that through the Kabbalah one could travel back and forth into time. The most wonderful thing is that this might have done in the past, they called it prophesy. However, the applications of this mistical art does not only revolves there. It rushes forth into the applications of practical magic, communion with other beings and specially the greater understanding of our place in this world.

When one studies Kabbalah, once I was told, it is not the student who learn Kabbalah, but the Kabbalah learns about the student. It is a very profound psychological journey into one's inner domains in order to grow into the luminous kingdom.

Have learned about the kabbalistic design of the pyramid? If so please reply for we could share some valuable information.

Until later becomes now.
--- "I have always questioned my classical controls training, where we always stress operating any closed loop system AWAY from its resonance frequency...and when you cannot do this, to "notch out" the resonance with gain and phase compensation in the control law.

>* "Nothed Out" of phase particle emissions have been accomplished by many means, the examples have been published in research papers on the subject of Angular Momentum and Quantum Fluid Dynamics.

I have had the intuitive feeling that with the advent of Chaos Theory,
>* which has quite alot to do with everything, and nothing, what I mean by nothing, is to infer that there is quite alot of "something" within the vastness of nothingness within our cosmos. There is a great deal of pressure stemming from dark matter which makes up approx. 2/3 of our universe which places an enormous amount of exerted pressure upon it. Oh yes indeed the wonderfuly much hated & loved Chaos Theory! well, well, just what do you suppose we would have come to "be" without?

..."and experiments therein with non-linear control schemes, ["Angular Momentum"] that we would come to find great efficiencies in operating at and around the natural resonance frequencies of systems when phase/state changes are required. There is a whole new revolution in control system theory ahead of us in this regard."

>* Yes indeed that is so very True! and just as the pace of our silicon-carbon based computing platform has progressed, the race of Quantum Computing will quadripple this many folds beyond what we could have ever imagined.

Remember "If" is within the center of "Life"


"So now a question: If you are saying we should exploit resonance peaks",

>* One good potential method thus being in some form of a stored capacitor (VHF) Ion Cloud chamber for example that would release it's peak energy value in impulses that are wave~guided; utilizing a harmonic synchronos triggering mechanisim, which in itself is even moreso complex - as to other cause & effect mechanisims that will also be synchronized as part of a larger whole, yet each independant mechanisim broken down to it's basic components are quite simplistic in their function and form.

"then what is the significance of the 19.5 degree phase margin region you refer to? Are you implying that 19.5 degrees of *[phase lead] or phase lag should be employed while operating at the resonant frequency? [>yes in synchronization with other mechanisims that will operate in unison.]
I would think you would somehow have to affect the natural phase angle at the resonant frequency, for otherwise you know the disaster that results from unchecked resonance!"

>* Understood, that is why it is so important to take this in smaller bytes, "Baby-Steps" so that we can reverse, and replicate these experiments to ensure that the equations that will be written as we progress add up in 5 dimensions to the parnum of random equality, this will be done with the assistance of our new quantum computer development, after all we do not propose to merely write books about this!

In reply to:

Now let's not forget to cross examine other clues here such as those that deal with diatonic ratios, the golden mean, fibranoncci sequences, and other cause & effect forces that also have a major role to play that are seemingly interconnected somehow.


---"Yes, geometric progression series such as these, and their relation to both harmonics and the period-doubling route to chaos are also important, I agree. So how do you think these are related to using the benefits of natural resonance to achieving the goals of either anti-gravity, or time travel?"

Have you ever examined the research publications as to how particle mechanics behave under the influence of *Angular Momentum?
(Google it and see for yourself, Quite intriguing!)

>* My partner from Unitel Areospace is putting together a new series of books which topics cover Laser Propulsion, Quantum Chirp Pulse Phase variences, and Quantum Computers, we just signed a deal with Bowkers who will be placing them at boarders books and some chapters to be made available online, I'll be glad to inform you when it's available, Meanwhile I have another associate from Angular Momentum who has volunteered to start up a newsletter for our T.A.P.-T.E.N. Research group which cover these topics, and more (such as those discussed here) eventually I plan to follow up with additional new books as well, one of which I am contemplating the title as it speaks volumes about the subject of Antigravitic Propulsion & Time~Travel, the Title I am thinking about reserving will be the same as a thread that I posted all over the net just recently called;
"Breaking Out From The Gravity Well"
You can review this here...;action=display;num=1084325070
<or> here...

Some people ask what would we need of a transportation vehicle if we could open a portal and step through to where ever, or when ever we wish? the answer is thus in another form of a question;
if you were to go to another dimension, or universe in this Time, or another why would you put yourself on vacation to explore such places that would cause you to either end up working very hard to earn your keep as to avoid having to resort to stealing for a living when you can take your house, (food & supplies) and car, boat, plane, or combination thereof with you wherever you should go? I mean unless you are not planning to stay for very long! remember you can always return to nearly the moment you left, so why not plan to take some Time-Out?
I don't agree that time travel violates the principle of balance of energy. Because, if you can travel in time (let's say the future), then your future self already exists, and if you can travel into the past, the past forms of yourself, of every day of your live that has already passed, are still existing. And so does your current self exist (naturally /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) So what would happen then if you travel in time, is just transporting your mass, your energy, to a different time/place thus not adding energy but simply replacing some energy in time.
You don't have to espouse any religious beliefs to study or understand Qabalah. But if you're not careful, you just might become enlightened about the scientific basis of spirituality as a result of studying it!

Mmmh, although I acknowledge its scientific approach, it still sounds like a religion to me. But then again, I don't know much about the Quabalah besides having seen "Pi" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif What I do appreciate is the fact that the Quabalah seems to "explain" things, rather than just to force doubtful facts upon people.

And so does your current self exist (naturally ) So what would happen then if you travel in time, is just transporting your mass, your energy, to a different time/place thus not adding energy but simply replacing some energy in time.

Yes I agree... Besides, why should the balance of energy only apply to this time? Why not see the past, present and future as a whole in which there is a balance of energy?

RainmanTime I will post some links, and information on a variety of these subjects here, so that we can share them with others whom may also find them of interest.

*Unitel Inc., (Our Partner)
Unitel Inc., is a technology development company that owns a generic patent with ten (10) claims both in the US (No. 4,817,102, March 28, 1989) and in Japan (No.1,864,717, August 8, 1994), with patents approved but not yet received in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom (No. 89906639.3, September 11, 1990) on a system with multiple applications. This generic quantum electronics system design applications include computing and aerospace propulsion. Unitel is prepared to build a prototype quantum computer system entitled HOLO-1. HOLO-1 uses a specially designed crystal laser lens to store, retrieve, and process data using light instead of electricity. Former URL's - [ ] - []

*Diatonics & Fibonocci Sequnces

**** DIATONICS! ****


The diatonic scale in just intonation
The prominent notes of a given scale are tuned so that the ratios of their frequencies are comprised of relatively small integers. For example, in the key of G major, the ratio of the frequencies of the notes G:D is 2:3, while that of G:C is 3:4. All ratios that involve the prime numbers of 2, 3 and 5 can be built out of the following 3 basic intervals:

Notes in music are related to each other by specific ratios. These ratios determine the 'space' between each tone, and in turn define the notes. Although to the human ear the notes sound as if they are equally spaced, the following chart shows that in fact the ratios are more complex. For example, the ratio between C and D is 9/8:
What is the probability of this happening by chance?
With 26 letters in the alphabet there are 1/2 x26 x27 possible pairs of initials, AA, AB, AC etc. So the probability of any one random pair hitting any one of the 25 names on the list is 25/ (1/2 x26 x 27) = 0.071. There are 9 geometries with 9 hits. By Bernoulli's binomial theorem the probability is a siqnificant 1.7 billion-to-one in favour.
Interestingly enough, Littlebury Green <hawkinsb.html> gives by what we could call "mathematical art," one more name on the list Myers, a fouader of the Society and pioneer in telepathy.
The correlation is statistically compelling, with a confidence level much higher than 99.9%. Strict criteria have been used, with all available geometries included up to the date of publication of the code. Eight others are listed in the Andrews catalog but with no survey or photo data. Even assuming the worst case (i.e. that none of these would fit, making 9 hits in 17 tries) the odds remain a million-to-one in favor. What does this result mean? Skeptically one could say that a secret group of hoaxers knew of the list and decided to memorialize these famous pioneers of the paranormal in the fields of England.
Yet, as it stands, the list could be the target for confirming that a Paranormal code has indeed been received as suggested by R. Thouless, a later SPR president. (JSPR Vol.38, No.686, p.172, 1955.)

Diatonic Ratios and Crop Circles
In 1967 the scientist Hans Jenny used different substances to observe the patterns that sound vibrations made in the substances. By doing this he could use film to capture the exact shape that sound makes when traveling through the substances. Once he had a picture of sound, he could compare the picture that his sounds made to that of the shape of Crop Circles and found startling similarities.

The theorems that Dr. Hawkins had come up with also made diatonic ratios, so the first implications of the connection was formed. When the formation shown below was found it lead to the undeniable connection.

This formation, discovered in 1996, provided a combination of the two most important shapes in creating diatonic ratios, the 3,4,5 triangle and the Golden Mean.
Diatonic Ratios and Harmonic Geometries
One of the first researchers to point out links with musical scales was Gerald Hawkings, a retired professor of astronomy at Boston University. Having worked at the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory in the 1960's, he had already done much research on the astronomical importance of Stonehenge. After earning a subsidiary degree in Pure Mathematics from London University he analysed aerial photographs and ground surveys of crop circles and was surprised to spot a clue to their possible origins - lying in the ratios of musical notes.
If we examine the exact frequency of the white notes on a piano we will find that, with perfect tuning, the note middle C has a pitch of 264Hz (vibrations per second). If we play the C note in the octave above (C') we will find that the frequency is 528Hz. This is exactly double, giving a ratio of 2:1.
If we now examine every note in the major scale we will find an elegant, yet exact, diatonic ratio - shown in the diagram below.
Definitions of tuning terms
[Greek: "thru tones"]
1. diatonic scale: An adjective referring to a scale composed of five tones and two semitones <semi.htm>, such as the Pythagorean <pythag.htm> diatonic or the familiar 12-tone <12-eq.htm> version.
See Diatonon <diatonon.htm>
[from John Chalmers <../chalmers/chalmers.htm>, Divisions of the Tetrachord] (The latter is also referred to as a '7oo12' or '7-out-of-12' scale.)
2. diatonic genus: In ancient Greek theory, one of the three basic types of <genus.htm>. It had a characteristic interval <ci.htm> of approximately a "<tone.htm>" at the top of the tetrachord <tetrachd.htm>, then two successive intervals of approximately a "tone" and then a semitone <semi.htm> at the bottom, making up a 4/3 "perfect 4th <p4.htm>". [see my Tutorial on ancient Greek tetrachord-theory <../monzo/aristoxenus/tutorial.htm>]
Below is a graph showing the comparative structures of tetrachords for the diatonic genus as explained by various ancient theorists:
A diatonic scale consists of three sets of major triads <MajorTriad.html>. Major triads <MajorTriad.html> are collections of three notes with frequencies in the ratio 4:5:6. Within an octave <Octave.html>, three major triads <MajorTriad.html> can be constructed as follows.
There are three intervals in this scale 9:8 (1.125), 10:9 (1.111), and 16:15 (1.067). The first two are called whole steps <WholeStep.html> and the third a half step <HalfStep.html> (or semitone <Semitone.html>), even though two half steps <HalfStep.html> are larger than one whole step <WholeStep.html>.
The diatonic scale is of ancient origin, but the particular tuning incorporated into modern just intonation <JustIntonation.html> (see below) is due to Ptolemy <>, and probably dates from the second century A.D. Ptolemy <> gave it as one of a dozen or so possible tunings for the diatonic scale (calling it the "syntonic diatonic"). It was rediscovered by Gaffurio in the late 15th century, from whom Zarlino learned about it, and it has remained the basic scale used in western music ever since (Jeans 1938, p. 164). In particular, all of the church modes (dorian <DorianMode.html>, phrygian <PhrygianMode.html>, lydian <LydianMode.html>, myxolydian <MyxolydianMode.html>, and aeolian <AeolianMode.html>) are rotations of the so-called major scale <MajorScale.html> are diatonic.

A Pythagorean tuning of the diatonic scale [A tuning system based on the line of fifths]
It is said that the Greek philosopher and religious teacher Pythagoras (c. 550 BC) created a seven-tone scale from a series of consecutive 3:2 perfect fifths. The Pythagorean cult's preference for proportions involving whole numbers is evident in this scale's construction, as all of its tones may be derived from interval frequency ratios based on the first three counting numbers: 1, 2, and 3. This scale has historically been referred to as the Pythagorean scale, however, from the point of view of modern tuning theory, it is perhaps convenient to think of it as an alternative tuning system for our modern diatonic scale.
The white keys on a piano form a diatonic scale. One of the most important characteristics of this diatonic scale is that the octave is partitioned into adjacent intervals of the following type and quantities: five whole-steps and two half-steps arranged in the assymetrical pattern
Electrons and Musical Scales
The "Electron-matrix" Theory.
Found on 5/10/01.
(Note: This is a discussion of a 2D plane of musical notes wrapped into, not a 3D, but a 4D-torus with its implications of the electron not being in the 3rd dimension, in the form of the pentatonic 5 note and diatonic 7 note scales. Incorporating the ratio Phi, recursion and embedding, it begins to imply, to me, how the structure of the electron relates to music. Perhaps you can see it.)
From the Author: Andrew Duncan
<a href="mailto:[email protected]"&gt;[email protected]&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]"&gt;[email protected]&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="mailto:[email protected]</a>
Fibonacci Series and Music- 5, 7, 19, 31 notes
Theorems in Wheat Fields - Ivars Peterson's MathTrek
It's no wonder that farmers with fields in the plains surrounding Stonehenge, in southern England, face late-summer mornings with dread. On any given day at the height of the growing season, as many as a dozen farmers are likely to find a field marred by a circle of flattened grain.

The Bohlen-Pierce Site
Diatonic Modes and Scale Variants
Explanation of John Chalmers's Lattice Diagrams
Powers of 3 are plotted on the horizontal axis, powers of 5 on the vertical, powers of 7 on an oblique axis 30 degrees to the horizontal, powers of 11 on a 120 degree axis, powers of 13 at 60 degrees, and powers of 17 at 150 degrees. Although there may be some coincidences when large scales are plotted, for small numbers of tones, this type of rectilinear display is useful as well as visually striking. The axes are color-coded with red assigned to 3, green to 5, blue to 7, yellow to 11, magenta to 13 and cyan to 17. The scale has 65 members and consists of 9 otonal (or major, harmonic) enneads 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 on the tones of the corresponding utonal (minor or subharmonic) chords.
Subject: New lattice
&gt; Joe: I was reading a book on the 4th dimension in art and saw a partial
&gt; diagram of a 7-D hypercube and realize that my latticing program could
&gt; reproduce it. Here's a 7-D hypercube interpreted as a 19-limit scale
&gt; with 1/1 in the middle (and the point 1*3*5*7*11*13*17*19 on top of it).
&gt; In other words, it's the Euler genus &lt;../dict/euler.htm&gt;
"How the numerical ratios of the notes were discovered"
from The Enchiridon by Nicomachus (ca. 2nd century C.E.)

Musical Mathematics
a practice in the mathematics of tuning instruments and analyzing scales
© 2004 Cristiano M.L. Forster
All rights reserved.;/a&gt;
Part V: Musical, Mathematical, and Linguistic Origins of Length Ratios
&lt;a href="][/url]

MP3 music created from crop circle geometry.

Mathematics of Tuning and Temperament With audio examples

The Scientific Sonification project is based on the concept that sounds are dynamic events which evolve in a multidimensional space. Each sound is a superposition of component waves (partials), whose evolution is determined by a set of static and dynamic control parameters. By defining a mapping from the data space to the sound space, we create a formalism for the faithful rendition of data in sounds.
Diatonic Music in Greece:
A Reassessment of its Antiquity
These are the same ratios found in popular music.
was led to the concept of crop circle music by way of two long time interests, music and paranormal studies. Although I have had no formal musical training and my experience playing live was limited to local garage bands in the 60s and 70s, I am an avid lover of music and sometime composer. The possibilities for music composition increased substantially each time we upgraded our computer, leading me to an interest in computer generated music.
My interest in paranormal events has been an intense lifelong pursuit. In the 1980s I first became aware of the phenomenon known as crop circles and read everything I could get my hands on about them. Again, with the advent of computers and the World Wide Web, my interest level and the information available to me increased radically. This is how I heard of Prof. Gerald Hawkins who I believe was the first person to uncover the presence of diatonic ratios in some crop circle formations. These are the same ratios found in popular music. This led me to search for crop circle formations with enough diatonic ratios to form a scale. To date, I have found three scales; the same three scales used in creating my CD "Crop Song."
I am 47 years old and live in the "purple house" in Shelburne, Vermont, with my wife Carol. I am a decorative house painter by trade and a cyber musician by night.
Drone Music AB - Catalogue

The Baroque
The Baroque period lasted from 1600-1750. The composers were influenced by the ancient Greeks. The affections, rationalized emotional states or passions in which the Greeks believed, were used as the basis for their works. Compositions depicted emotions like anger and fear. A composition depicted one affection which was the unifying aspect of the piece. Certain musical figures came to stand for ideas or emotions.

Related Information:

Fibonacci Spirals and how they reflect the natural forces within nature &amp; the kosmos (from the micro-to the macro)
Did you know that Fibonacci numbers and Phi are related to spiral growth? - If you sum the squares of any series of Fibonacci numbers, they will equal the last Fibonacci number used in the series times the next Fibonacci number. This property results in the Fibonacci spiral seen in everything from sea shells to galaxies: 12 + 12 + 22 + 32 + 52 = 5 x 8 {SO} 12 + 12 + . . . + F(n)2 = F(n) x F(n+1) Note: The Fibonacci series spiral on the left is slightly different from the perfect spiral generated by Phi (1.61804...) because of the approximations early in the series leading to Phi. (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 13 produce ratios of 1, 2, 1.5, 1.67, 1.6 and 1.625)

I wonder of a connection here to that of the Trumpets used to take down the walls of Jericho according to biblical history?

Could it be?

Could it be the same technology used in the construction of the Coral Castle?
or the Druid Stone Henge, the Egyptian Pyramids?

I understand the quantum randomness of probability, but I do not believe that such re-occuring synchronicities are just chance random coincidence!
Another unusual crystal find bears directly upon the use of crystals as the generator of a universal form of power. In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, was scuba diving with friends near the Bari islands, Bahamas, in an area 20 miles from the edge of a submarine drop-off called the Tongue of the Ocean.

During the dive, Brown became separated from his companions, and in trying to rejoin them, suddenly saw a strange pyramid shape looming up against the aquamarine light. The pyramid was situated 22 fathoms down, stood 120 feet high, with only 90 feet projecting out of the sea floor shifting sands. Brown was at first struck by how smooth and mirror-like the stone surface of the structure was, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.

Swimming about the capstone, which the Arizona diver thought looked like lapis lazuli, he discovered an entranceway and decided to explore further. Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. What was amazing was that the room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless.
In addition, though Brown had brought no flashlight, he could nevertheless see everything in the room perfectly. It was very bright and well lit, but no direct light source was visible. Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod 3 inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center, and at its end was attached a many-faceted red gem, which came to a point.

Directly below the rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate rested a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat. Nestled in the hands, and situated 4 feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere 3-1/2 inches in diameter.
Brown first attempted to pry loose the ceiling rod and red gemstone, but neither would budge. Turning back to the crystal sphere he found it easily separated from the bronze hand holders, and left the pyramid with it. As he departed, Brown felt a presence, and heard a voice from somewhere telling him never to return.

Fearing that his unusual prize might be confiscated as salvage-treasure by the U.S. government, Dr. Brown did not disclose the existence of the strange crystal or his experiences until 1975, when he exhibited the crystal for the first time. He displayed the crystal only a half dozen times, but each time witnesses have seen or have been sensitive to strange phenomena directly associated with it.

Deep inside the crystal form one gazes upon three pyramid images, one in front of the other, in decreasing sizes. Some, entering into a meditative or alpha brainwave state of consciousness, are able to clearly see a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three.

The significance of the image may have been hinted at by psychic Elizabeth Bacon of New York. In a trance reading on the mysterious sphere, she received the message that the object had once belonged to Thoth, the Egyptian god who ages ago buried a secret vault of knowledge at Giza, near the three great Pyramids there. Do the positions of the three pyramid images in the crystal hold a key to finding a fourth, as yet unfound subterranean pyramid, that is the fabled Hall of Records? From the side, the internal images dissolve into thousands of tiny fracture lines, and Brown feels these may be electrical in nature, like some form of microscopic circuitry. From still another angle, and under special conditions, many witnesses have been able to see a large single human eye staring out serenely at them. Photographs of this eye have also been taken.

Like the mysterious crystal skull of Central America, Dr. Brown's crystal sphere is the source of a variety of paranormal events. People have felt breezes of ionic winds blowing close to it; cold and warm layers surround it at various distances; other witnesses have been phantom lights, heard voices, or felt strange tingling sensations around it. A compass needle placed next to the sphere will spin counterclockwise, then begin turning in the opposite direction when moved only two inches away.

Metals are temporarily magnetized in close contact with it. There are even recorded instances where one person has been temporarily healed of an ailment by touching the crystal sphere, but then the next person to come into its range took on the symptoms of the ailment of the other person, as if the crystal could draw out and then activate human disorders at will.
Just what the purpose of the crystal sphere was, and what role it once played in the enigmatic instrument Brown found inside the sunken Bahaman pyramid, remains a mystery, though of course there are some interesting possibilities. One idea proposed is that the sunken pyramid once attracted, accumulated and generated cosmic forces.

The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone; the faceted red gem at its end concentrated and projected the energy to the crystal sphere below it; and the burnt and blackened hands, showing the evidence of an energy transfer, probably amplified the release of energies; while the crystal sphere acted as the tuner and broadcaster of the energies.
All that we know for certain is that the crystal sphere Dr. Brown retrieved from this system is by itself testimony to a most sophisticated technology, for as experts at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington noted, the technology for cutting quartz stone to the perfection exhibited in the crystal sphere was not accomplished by our civilization until after 1900.
there are some kabbalists that claim this is EXACTLY what is going on in ANY human interaction... we are simply meeting ourselves, exchanging information (energy) with ourselves, and all the time (pun intended) we do not recognize the other person AS OURSELVES. Separateness is the grand illusion

Yes Ray, this is precisely what is happening!

I remember a scientific experiment which proved beyond doubt that ones own cells still remain alive outside and away from the body, and acting as if they were still connected to the body. In one such experiment several people were placed in different rooms. And mouth tissue cells were taken from each individual. They took the cells accross the hall to the lab room and placed them under microscopes. During this time the individual people in the rooms were subjected to stimuli's such as excitement, fright, and pain...While their cells were being observed under the microscope in the lab room accross the hall. It was observed that miraculously the cells under the microscope were reacting as if they were still connected and attached to the body even at a distance appart.

This might also explain the twins psychic connection phenomenon... In truth, we are "all" really connected to our species in some form of atomic entanglement, perhaps in some HUGE way!? Well that's just the half of it, but I can guarantee that most of this potential experimental knowledge in untouched...

With that said, it fast forwards me to the numerous experiments done with (Atoms) Particle entanglement. Incase anyone doesn't know, it has been succeeded in transferring the properties of a photon (A single particle of light) to another photon, instantly and without any connection between the two. In this ground breaking experiment, the first photon disappeared and an exact duplicate appeared three meters away.

The theory of quantum mechanics states that elementary particles such as photons don't have precise properties until they are measured, before that, they exist as a set of probabilities. Than, an uncertainty principle prevents you from ever measuring the state of an elementary particle with precision, the very act of measuring it disturbs it. The more accurately you measure it, the more disturbed it becomes; before you achieve complete accuracy, you've disrupted the particle. Since teleportation involves making an exact, particle to particle replica of an object, and you can't measure particles that precisely due to the uncertainty principle, teleportation was long assumed to be impossible. But it has been figured out how to get around this uncertainty principle.

The method they came up with, Certain pairs of particles have a mysterious linkage and correlation, or entanglement. Measuring one particle of an entangled pair instantaneously determines the state of the other particle of the pair.

It doesn't matter if the particles are three meters apart, three kilometers apart, three light years apart or at the opposite ends of the universe. This was confirmed in a dramatic experiment just last May, sending two entangled photons along fiber optic cables to opposite sides of the city, 11 kilometers apart. Each was then fed into a detector and their states were found to still be linked thousands of times in a row!!!

This entanglement is the key to quantum teleportation. Here's how I suspect it works... Two photons (B and C) are entangled, then separated. (B) is sent to a scanning station along with the particle that is to be transported (A). (C) is sent to the receiving station. (A) and (B) are scanned together, which disrupts them. The information from that scan, although incomplete, is sent to the receiving station and used to alter (C), which becomes an exact replica of (A). The information that the scan of (A) could not reveal was provided by the entanglement of (B) and (C).

I'm estimating that we'll be able to teleport entire atoms within a few years, and small molecules within 10-20...Of course humans wont be teleporting anytime soon! But I suppose with the rate of computer progression able to process information infinitely faster than those we have now, maybe our ancestors really will be able to "beam" from place to place.

So where am I going with all this? Well it seems the Kabalists have already discovered this "post" history. Aside from all this, believe it or not, the science of "Remote Viewing" is strongly structured with the same laws of the entangled particle principles...Need I say more?

All my postings are also not in depth as to exactly what I am doing with my experiments and what components are involved since they are rather voluminous and are somewhat scattered about the household only to be utilized when needed and then tossed aside at random when the mind is inspired to follow a new revelation that must be immediately contemplated and/or worked. Plus the wife in her attempt to clean...causes a loss of knowing exact locations of calculations, contemplations and solutions.

Thomas, I know where they are, they are in the garbage! A simple solution to your problem...Don't leave things laying around! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif One of the principles of your survival of being a disorganized person is do to the fact that your wife, who has skills complimentary to yours... You must acknowledge that without her strategic assistance and genius at cleaning up after the messes you create, you would have burned out years ago!
Hi Cat!!

I believe your "entanglement" theme hits very close to the heart of the matter. Over the last several weeks, I have been pondering this very process within the paradigm surrounding the properties of "superspace". It is very difficult to perceive how "nothing"(at least from our observational viewpoint) can be the means for transfering the "energy" inherent to the entangled particles. Some recent posts by several people (including atheists!!) have provided several pieces to the puzzle. Even the irreconcilable (seemingly?) differences between the "beliefs" that are diametrically opposed as to whether "intent", consciousness or intelligence fuels the energy transfer can (almost?) be compared to the Uncertainty Principle--even though it is upon entirely different lines of thinking. Change some of the terms and viewpoints and a similar paradigm emerges.

If, as I believe, that space(as a whole) is the source for the missing 90% of energy necessary to hold the universe together, then that space has to be traced all the way back to the quantum level. Outside of the concept of the initial singularity, space exists in every form in the universe--both micro and macro. Even at the very heart of massive stars where fusion is commonplace, space intervenes between things. It is the ONLY "element" which is present in all interactions. As you know, I believe that "gravity" is a push. Although it is a "weak" force, it is essentially as "infinite" as the universe is--at least from initial singularity--and even beyond if we can accept that "space" within the singularity becomes "superspace"--perhaps the very engine that determines the nature of the singularity itself rather than the "matter". I can conceive of "superspace" within stellar structures operating at the quantum level under unimaginable pressure and moving everything so fast that superspace(not matter) is flung outward, carrying with it the entangled particles which is the only way that we can even deduce that anything is going on at all. The behavior of the particles determines the "shape" of superspace which is literally connected in an unbroken stream throughout the cosmos in "real time". The "photon" has no energy in itself, the energy of the superspace seems to be transferred to it. Upon observation, it "seems" that the energy is contained in the particle and we can measure it at that moment, but we cannot predict where it will be in the next moment. If we trace its path, then it is no longer a particle but a wave--invisible except for its effect. There is just no way possible that a "finite" photon can , of itselt, transmit the information necessary to affect is "twin" at macroscopic distances. It is superspace that "transmits" the message and "transmutes" the photon at its destination point. Energy removed from one makes it "disappear" or lose momentum while the other "appears" with momemtum. There is only an "appearance" of travel from one point to another. It may also appear that there is a possibility of a "multiverse" when, in reality, it is the "Langoliers" in reverse.

This is the only way that I can see that will allow us to get beyond the Uncertainty Principle (at least in theory) which is a real thorn in the side to time travel--or matter transportation as far as that goes. There is a little known (or understood) concept regarding the Creation event from the scriptural point of view. Whatever method or power used to initiate first cause is no longer in use. That implies that however "Providence" accomplished it--it is accomplished--a done deal. However, the scripture clealy states that "the Father and I WORK". The process has changed form but it is still in "flux". The universe is still being "created". Whether we want to place labels on it such as God or "nature", the results are the same.

Will we ever be able to manipulate superspace? We already do to some extent, but we cannot contain it for more than microseconds. The superspace escapes along with its associated entangled particles. It is just a matter of time before we will be able to use the entire electromagnetic spectrum in the correct "formulas", fractals, and differential equations to "tame the beast". However, when we do, then that point mentioned in the scriptures will change forever the nature of forever because "time will be no more".
re, T-12:

This pyramid is part of an array of pyramids which had composed the entire western air defense assembly, of the Atlantian Empire.

These pyramids could have been activated separately or in unisen, in order to emit a beam at close flying objects, or even directed at another planet.

This is given in Marciniack's book, The Pleiadean Keys.

They used this crystal to hit what was once known as Planet Maldeck or Molina and destroyed it.

Because of this pyramid system, many in the galaxy had blackballed Atlantis I hear.

Keep in mind that the Atlantians had come here fourth dimensionally, then changed to third dimension.

Know also that there were three eras of Atlantis, the new relocation area, the middle moral era and the later decedent not well situated eras.

This crystal is not meant to be touched and should be kept either in a large box, or taken aboard a controlled boat to an area near where it was found and be left for what is left of the real Atlantians to take back.

This crystal is not ours, is dangerous and is property of the Atlantians.

Put it back where it was taken and they will claim it?

See book Mysteries Of The Bermuda Triangle, chapter said description of Miami based private pilot, encountering underwater building, that uncovered itself and beam shot from building hitting plane, till glide engine restart, mile away?
Angular Momentum is another interesting subject to review,
to futher explore this subject I will place some additional infomation &amp; links.

Angular Momentum - (Introduction)
Definition: The moment of the linear momentum of a particle about an axis. A quantification of the amount of angular motion of an object. Angular momentum is conserved in the absence of external torques. The angular momentum of a body, measured relative to some axis, is the moment of inertia (I) about that axis multiplied by the angular velocity of the body.

"In 1923, Arthur Compton noted that J.J. Thomson's model of the electron did not account for the lower frequency (longer wavelength) associated with "electron scattering."

To account for this, Compton imagined the photon as a billiard ball that passed through the atom and dislodged electrons from a force within the atom according to the Doppler principle. [1]

Compton's theory accounts for the momentum of the photon itself, and explains the scattering of radiation in terms of corpuscular photons, it does not explain how the photons always manage to miss the nucleus of the atom or fail to strike electrons from the outside toward the inside of the atom. His theory also fails to take into account the angular momentum of the incident photon.

Further, Compton's theory of a corpuscular incident photon assumes that the light is emitted as bullets that happen to be shot directly at the target. Also, this bullet would have to retain its full energy from the moment it left its source and transfer its full energy to the target atom.

--- Angular Momentum Graphics Homepage ---
Graphics and web design services. Includes company and contact information and detailed descriptions of graphics, design and web services.


The angular momentum of a rigid object is defined as the product of the moment of inertia and the angular velocity. It is analogous to linear momentum and is subject to the fundamental constraints of the conservation of angular momentum principle if there is no external torque on the object. Angular momentum is a vector quantity. It is derivable from the expression for the angular momentum of a particle.

Angular momentum and linear momentum are examples of the parallels between linear and rotational motion. They have the same form and are subject to the fundamental constraints of conservation laws, the conservation of momentum and the conservation of angular momentum.

*The Conservation Of Angular Momentum
Our theory for the origin of the Solar System is a very old one with some modern innovations called the Nebular Hypothesis. A crucial ingredient in the nebular hypothesis is the conservation of angular momentum.

Objects executing motion around a point possess a quantity called angular momentum. This is an important physical quantity because all experimental evidence indicates that angular momentum is rigorously conserved in our Universe: it can be transferred, but it cannot be created or destroyed. For the simple case of a small mass executing uniform circular motion around a much larger mass (so that we can neglect the effect of the center of mass) the amount of angular momentum takes a simple form. As the adjacent figure illustrates the magnitude of the angular momentum in this case is L = mvr, where L is the angular momentum, m is the mass of the small object, v is the magnitude of its velocity, and r is the separation between the objects.

To describe how things move we often use the basic quantities of length, mass, and time. Quantities such as velocity, acceleration, force and energy are very powerful ones that help us understand how an object's position will change over time and how it will interact with other things in the universe. Momentum and its cousin angular momentum are other very powerful quantities.
Ordinary momentum is a measure of an object's tendency to move at constant speed along a straight path. Momentum depends on speed and mass. A train moving at 20 mph has more momentum than a bicyclist moving at the same speed. A car colliding at 5 mph does not cause as much damage as that same car colliding at 60 mph. For things moving in straight lines momentum is simply mass × speed. In astronomy most things move in curved paths so we generalize the idea of momentum and have angular momentum. Angular momentum measures an object's tendency to continue to spin. An ``object'' can be either a single body or two or more bodies acting together as a single group.

angular momentum = mass × velocity × distance (from point object is spinning or orbiting around)
Very often in astronomy, the object (or group of objects) we're observing has no outside forces acting on it in a way to produce torques that would disturb the angular motion of the object (or group of objects). A torque is simply a force acting along a line that is off the object's spin axis. In these cases, we have conservation of angular momentum.

conservation of angular momentum---the total amount of angular momentum does not change with time no matter how the objects interact with one another.

A planet's velocity and distance from the Sun will change but the combination of speed×distance will not change unless another planet or star passes close by and provides an extra gravity force.


--- *Angular Momentum (Doin' the Math)
- More Formulas...

*Eric Weisstein's World of Physics...

*Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body. Remote &amp; Local Terms.
A rigid body is both rotating about its center of mass and translating with respect to the origin of the reference frame, O shown in Figure 1. From [1] of Angular Momentum - System of Particles and Figure 1, the angular momentum of a particle composing the rigid body is...

where m = the mass of the particle, rCM = the position of the body's CM, vCM = the velocity of the body's CM, r = the position of the particle, r' = the relative position of the particle to the body's CM, v = the velocity of the particle, and v' = the relative velocity of the particle to the body's CM. Since all the particles in the body experience the same angular velocity, [1] can be rewritten to

*Abbreviations for Angular Momentum Quantum Numbers - s p d f Orbitals
--- Electronic Structure of Atoms
Each electron in an atom is described by four different quantum numbers. Three of these quantum numbers (n, l, and m) represent the three dimensions to space in which an electron could be found. A wave function for an electron gives the probability of finding the electron at various points in space. A wave function for an electron in an atom is called an atomic orbital. The fourth quantum number (ms) refers to a certain magnetic quality called spin.

---n-The Principal Quantam Number
The n quantam number relates to the size of the atomic orbital. n can have any positive integer value from 1 to 7. The smaller the n, the lower the energy, the higher the value of n, the higher the energy. In the case of any single-electron atom, or hydrogen atom, n is the only quantum number which determines the energy. The size of an orbital depends on n. The larger the orbital, the larger the value of n. Orbitals of the same quantum state belong the the same shell. To use an analogy for n, why not relate it to the size of a computer, where larger values would represent larger houses.

---l-The angular momentum quantum number
l can have any integer value from 0 to 3. This quantum number distinguishes orbitals of a given n value which have different states. Or, the secondary quantum number gives the shape of the orbital so the analogy can be made to the shape of the computer with larger values associated with computers with more components.

---M-magnetic quantum number
The third quantum number has to do with the orientation of an orbital in a magnetic field. Because of this, we can relate its values to different directions the computer might be facing.

The final quantum number is the spin quantum number, it describes the spin orientation of an electron.

The electron configuration of an atom is the particular distribution of electrons among available shells. It is described by a notation that lists the subshell symbols, one after another. Each symbol has a subscript on the right giving the number of electrons in that subshell. For example, a configuration of the lithium atom (atomic number 3) with two electrons in the 1s subshell and one electron in the 2s subshell is written 1s22s1.

The notation for electron configuration gives the number of electrons in each subshell. The number of electrons in an atom of an element is given by the atomic number of that element.

On the left we have a diagram to show how the orbitals of a subshell are occupied by electrons. On the right there is a diagram for the filling order of electrons in a subshell.

Here are some examples that show how to use the filling order diagram to complete the electron configuration for a certain substance.


Often times you will be asked to find the electron configuration for something that looks like this:
The 53 denotes the number of electrons in an atom of iodine. You would now proceed to do the electron configuration by looking at the filling order chart.

The orbital names s, p, d, and f stand for names given to groups of lines in the spectra of the alkali metals. These line groups are called sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental.

The orbital letters are associated with the angular momentum quantum number, which is assigned an integer value from 0 to 3. s correlates to 0, p = 1, d = 2, and f = 3.The angular momentum quantum number can be used to give the shapes of the electronic orbitals. s orbitals are spherical; p orbitals are polar. It may be simpler to think of these two letters in terms of orbital shapes (d and f aren't described as readily).

The electron configuration of an atom denotes the distribution of electrons among available shells. The standard notation lists the subshell symbols, one after another. The number of electrons contained in each subshell is stated explicitly. For example, the electron configuration of beryllium, with an atomic (and electron) number of 4, is 1s22s2 or [He]2s2.

Would you like to learn more about quantum numbers and electronic structure? Try this resource: Electron Configuration - This Thinkquest site discusses electronic structure of atoms and periodicity.


*Angular Momentum of a Particle

*Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum
Select the answer for each of the following questions, then press "Mark" at the bottom of the page to receive feedback.
A pen and paper may be required to assist in the answering of some questions. Questions beginning with "cont...." follow on from the previous question.

*Mechanics and Special Relativity
Introduction to Lagrangian mechanics, Noether's theorem, special relativity, collisions and scattering, rotational motion, angular momentum, torque, the moment of inertia tensor, oscillators damped and driven, gravitation, planetary motion, and introduction to cosmology.

--- and finally something else to shed some "Light" on the "Matter" ...
--- "I have always questioned my classical controls training, where we always stress operating any closed loop system AWAY from its resonance frequency...and when you cannot do this, to "notch out" the resonance with gain and phase compensation in the control law."

As another one put it,

"Even the fastest electronic components of today will probably not be up to the
job but there are a number of ultra small components being developed
which are known as quantum transistors. These are transistors so
small they will be constructed with individual atoms but being so
small will work at speeds much higher than currently possible.

Using these components it should be possible to construct the circuit
which would be used to send out the individual particles which make
up the waves. The circuit would be a type of shift register (a
circuit commonly found in electronic clocks). You store the ones and
zeros you want and these are then shifted out to one side and into a
material which emits individual particles (Fig 5). The particle
emitter should give off a particle when a certain amount of
electronic power is fed into it and the aim of the circuit is to
control this amount of power and thus control the shape of the waves
created by the particles."

As I mentioned before, "Nothed Out" of phase particle emissions have been accomplished by many means, the examples have been published in research papers on the subject of Angular Momentum and Quantum Fluid Dynamics.

Since then I have thus exahsted covering the subject of Angular Momentum, I will now provide more information on the latter...
Re: An in Time Travel

This entire work offered by T-12 is nonadhearent.

In the truest sense, atoms do not always have orbitals, as the Bohr model predicts.

2.Stringed density, near planets is not measured by any source that is now advertised.

So mass density with reference to true classical angular momentum, can therefore not be verified.

Examples have been rotational wheels in distant as opposed to near Earth stationary orbits and or placements.

These are constant high speed rotational wheels which place any sat, in a desired true stance as this sat would be opposed to Earth.

Micro-quantum mechanics would state and interphase sensing ability, to adjust compensational state.

Stringed M+, or M- minus states, in gravitational densities are referenced with a gravitomenter.

However this sense must be aligned with mulitphasic states, of stringed space, not classically Newton held ideas.

Simple, Common-Sense PHYSICS
The MechanicalComprehension of NATURE
THE COSMOS of the all-pervading "AETHER"
A Non-Mathematical Understanding of the Universe Dissident Alternative to theoretical Pysics

From Pulsed Plasma Power -
To the Aether Motor - A 3-part documentary on the work of Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa in 1987-2002. With introductions by Dr. H. Aspden and Dr. E. Mallove. Filled with simple demonstrations of massfree aether energy

*Quantum AetherDynamics
What a complicated mess the world of physics is now! Endless generations of particles, dark energy that seemingly causes the universe to expand, M-Theories, string theories, supersymmetry, and on and on. It seems that the search for a “Theory of Everything” is leading to a reevaluation of the most fundamental foundations of physical science.

What if the ancient and universal idea of an Aether proved to be the true foundation of reality?

Imagine that the universe is an ocean of living energy. Acknowledgement of the Aether solves many problems in physics. A dynamic Aether would explain some of the most complex difficulties in the Standard Model.

As the search for the true nature of space-time becomes more “chic”, we are seeing that new discoveries and theories in space-time are looking more and more like the ancient concept of the Aether. Instead of space being an emptiness, a void of nothingness, it is turning out that space is the mother of everything. The “Quantum Foam” of the modern physicist is a vibrant and dynamic caldron.

This Vacuum Energy is being explored with the potential of being tapped as a source of endless energy. As Dark Energy, it is being used to explain how the universe is expanding at an increasing rate. Because of breakthroughs in the precise measurement of the amount of mass in the universe (measurements of the cosmic background radiation, galactic distribution, and supernovae speed), we now know that ordinary matter and energy play a minor part. About 85% of the "missing mass" in the universe could be explained by the Aether.

Maxwell’s physics suggested that space is occupied by a light conducting medium, which he called the “Aether." In 1887 Michelson and Morley designed an experiment (the MMX) to find this Aether. They used an interferometer to compare the speed of light in the direction of the earth’s 30 km/sec motion around the sun with that at right angles to this motion. To their surprise, they found no fringe shift, indicating that the speed of light was the same in all directions. This result is known as the MMX null result. In spite of the null result of the MMX, Michelson remained a firm believer in the existence of Aether until his death. They were searching for an Aether that they assumed was at absolute rest, a stationary and solid Aether. That incorrect assumption and the inability to find an "Aether wind" has caused physicists to dismiss the Aether for over a century.

Our Quantum Physics Model is a Unified Force Theory that proposes to unify the four known interactions, or forces — the strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational forces. Using the principal of reductionism, the forces are unified by a simple set of general laws explainable by the fabric of space itself: a dynamic, quantum-scale Aether.

Einstein tried unsuccessfully during the last 30 years of his life to develop a theory that would represent forces and material particles by fields only, in which particles would be regions of very high field intensity. As a "knot" in space-time, a toroidal vortex of Aether explains the spin, charge, and mass of fundamental particles and provides the answer that Einstein searched for.

"The vast interplanetary and interstellar regions will no longer be regarded as waste places in the universe, which the Creator has not seen fit to fill with the symbols of the manifold order of His kingdom. We shall find them to be already full of this wonderful medium; so full, that no human power can remove it from the smallest portion of Space, or produce the slightest flaw in its infinite continuity."

Clerk Maxwell, 1878
There is a second component with reference to mass en-mass and mass where stringed space is, that this area does not cover massless aetherdynamics in near-Earthed or on-Earth spatial quanta.

Electromass in action of fusion, in stringed space differs from underload principles on Earth.

The function is the same, however the locality dynamics, always differ.