Alas Babylon!

Cold war era spy?

No. Not a spy.

Darby, time changes everything, remember.

Time changes some things but other things remain, though somewhat evolved, the same. The facts behind my intelligence assessment, admittedly from the 1980's, has changed little over the course of the intervening time. Most of the players are still in place and their tune is the same. The only thing that time has changed for Bill Ayers, as an example, since the 1970's is that he's a bit older and a retired tenured professor from the University of Illinois, Chicago. Funny how that works. He tried to burn it down and blow it up (and succeeded in killing some folks - even some of his own as a result of the pre-detonation of an explosive device - but was never procesucted) and we ended up paying his salary as a public employee and now we're funding his public employee retirement.
Fascinating Darby. Ironically you spoke with someone out of time whilst you yourself are trapped in time. You got one thing right though awhile back. Remember when you said we couldn't survive a total nuclear war? You were correct.
Hmm, guess ive been gone too long. Can anyone inform me why this troll fella is using my shtick?

And whos this new john fella that acts like titor?
Fascinating Darby. Ironically you spoke with someone out of time whilst you yourself are trapped in time. You got one thing right though awhile back. Remember when you said we couldn't survive a total nuclear war? You were correct.

You're correct. Given the specific scenario posed I said that the OP would have little chance of survival.

With respect to Russia and kissing their butts to make nice and play like we are friends, it isn't going to happen. Losing one's life to a fast neutron flux or losing one's liberty to the "peaceful progressive people's" socialism isn't much of a choice. One is quick death and the other is slow death.
Where did that come from Darby? I thought socialism is always a minor party in the west's politics.

My friend, where you been the past 65 years since the end of WWII? The governments of Europe are all mostly socialist today. The progressive socialist movement in the USA began with the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912, spun out of control with FDR and the New Deal, crushed down on America during Lyndon Baines Johnson's Great Society and totally ignores even a wink-and-a-nod compliance with the Constitution during the current Presidency. As one of my State's great members of the US House said a while ago, if you want to know what's in the bill (Obama Care) you have to first vote on it. Wonderful stuff, Madame (Former) Speaker Nancy P. :)

But seriously, try this one on for size. Do you own or possess any gold? (Don't answer - it's a rhetorical question.)

Imagine living in the USA in April of 1933. The Great Depression is going full guns. Times are tough but during the golden years prior to 29-OCT-1929 you managed to get a bit ahead and sock away a few gold coins "just in case". And then WHAM! Good old FDR (and back then you probably voted for him - most folks did) issues Presidential Executive Order 6102 ordering the confiscation of all privately held gold in excess of $100 in value from each and every US citizen. And PEO 6102 made it a felony crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine for possessing in excess of $100 in gold. The order gave The People 30 days to comply.

Let me be clear - the President by Executive Order not only ordered the confiscation of personal property he made it a crime to possess said personal property. Last time I checked (I might be wrong) there's not a single word in Article II (The Presidency) of the US Constitution that authorizes the President to unilaterally confiscate anything from anyone absent a warrant "based upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized" (4th Amendment) or to create any law, let alone a felony criminal statute. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that that power is vested in the Congress pursuant to Article I (The Legislative Branch) of the US Constitution. Nor is there anything mentioned in Article II that authorizes the President to issue Executive Orders in order to create law if (s)he "can't wait for Congress to act."

But it was done for the "good of the people". Everyone needed to "pitch in and do their fair share." Ever heard that one before - maybe in recent times?

So much for your scraping a few gold coins together to sock them away for tough times. Thank you Mr. President.

Who needs a Constitution when we can just PFA laws because it feels right? That's progressive socalism at its finest. (PFA - pick from air)
To add to the above relative to FDR specifically but also to progressive socialist "economics" in general, when FDR ordered all gold confiscated the market value was about $20.00/oz. in the US and worldwide as well. The President then artificially fixed the price at $35.00/oz.

Sounds great. The Treasury Department had confiscated all private gold (they did pay the $20/oz. price to the people so at least they gave lip service compliance to the 5th Amendment) and the new wonderful price was $35.00/oz...the Treasury is now rich according to progressive socialist economics. . Well, not really. What idiot is going to buy US gold at $35.00/oz. when they can buy it anywhere else at $20.00/oz? For the rest of the people who have a whit of common sense they can see the very obvious falacy here: the world price is $20.00, the US price is $35.00. This is an arbitrager's wet dream if they lived anywhere on the planet except the USA where citizens would go to prison if they tried to sell gold after May 1, 1933. Hock the house, the kids, the car, dog, pony and everything else you own and buy as much $20.00 gold as you can and then sell it to the US Treasury for $35.00/oz. There in the middle of the Great Depression our wonderful progressive socialist government crushed the US dollar. Our Treasury did have a lot of gold - couldn't get anyone to actually buy it but they had a lot of gold anchors, bookends and paperweights on hand. Smart economics.

This sort of economics sound familiar? It should because you're living it. And those people elected FDR not once, not twice, not even thrice. He was elected to the Presidency four times and only got out of office by leaving these mortal coils. Why did they elected him over and over? Because he "solved" the Great Depression with his brilliant economic policies. It only took from 1930 to 1945 to do it but it wasn't his economics. It was a little skirmish called WWII starting in 1938 and the Lend Lease Program that put America back to work.

In reallity, once the war was over we quickly discovered that the Great Depression hadn't ended. It was just postponed. It didn't actually end until 1960 - 30 years later. It took Jimmy Carter's progressive socialist economy and double digit inflation to get it back on track.
You're correct. Given the specific scenario posed I said that the OP would have little chance of survival.

With respect to Russia and kissing their butts to make nice and play like we are friends, it isn't going to happen. Losing one's life to a fast neutron flux or losing one's liberty to the "peaceful progressive people's" socialism isn't much of a choice. One is quick death and the other is slow death.

Maybe on your time, Darby. But this is my time. I feel like Mr. Hand in that movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".
Maybe on your time, Darby. But this is my time.".

Thank you!!!!

In just two sentences you have completely stated the case against progressive socialism. Brilliantly done.

I'm still here. You're still here. We're all still here. Therefore it is still "our time". Yet the progressive socialist insists that everyone else's time has come and gone and, even though they are a minority of opinion and numbers they desire to, and in many respects succeed in, cramming their agenda down the throats of everyone else whose time they deem to have come and gone even though the agenda is contrary to our best interests. Bat shit crazy egalitarianism designed to keep the poor poor and bring everyone else except the socialist elite down to that level so that everyone is absolutely equal: equally poor, equally miserable and equally cut out of the progressive socialist elites' power market. This is the case of progressive socialism today, as it was the case yesterday and the day before. Nothing has changed in that respect.

The progressive socialist sees the world from the perspective of, "Socialism is for the masses - not the socialist." That's why, for instance, the progressive socialists in Congress made damned sure that while the rest of us are stuck with Obama Care they will continue to have a seperate and wholly unequal medical insurance system. No waiting in line at the walk-in clinic for the socialist elite. We get the Volt and they get the Mercedes (I'd say Cadillac but they don't buy American luxury cars, not even Government Motors Corp. luxury cars.)

The 4th of July still has great significance for most of us. Declaring our independence from progressive socialism is the current revolution in America.

No, Thomas, this is not "your time". The Constitution is under serious attack and it is possible that it may well fall under the progressive socialist assault. But until that actually occurs it is still our time.
Socialism has its known problems. One problem is giving people something for nothing. Capitalism also has its known problems. Greed being the main one. Communism and Monarchy should be stamped out. The only way to do that is to avoid revolution by treating the people fairly and giving them enough of the wealth to live on in exchange for an honest day's work. Another way to do that is to keep the wealthy from exploiting the non-wealthy through legal regulation. The U.S. is headed for revolution because it is failing to protect the worker and the wealthy have made what should be illegal into what is legal. They take our savings without our permission and gamble it away on the stock market. Then they take our taxes to cover their losses. Nobody goes to jail for it. They'll get the guns in a Communist takeover. They'll get the wealth and form their own Capitalist elite. Then they'll pass the guns and wealth to their sons in a Dynastic Monarchy. They'll then be too weak as a Monarchy because the idiot son can't keep it together. They'll be conquered by a more egalitarian nation. Yes. I love the U.S.A. and that is why I hate seeing it devolve into this. Republicans and Democrats don't defend the workers enough. Sure Unions are a bad way to protect working wages. Sure Unions protect people who should be fired or make too much money. But we can't depend on the government to protect workers when it is the corporate owners who control the government. And every worker should set aside a part of his or her paycheck for health insurance. We're already paying taxes for their uninsured hospital visits. It still accounts for 25% of all hospital expenses which drives up our own health care costs.

And Darby, that is why we always have argued in the past. You're a cold war true blue believer in Capitalism. I also believe in Capitalism but am quite aware of its evil side which must be regulated. And that regulation is by its very political nature Socialist. But calling myself a Socialist would lead to misunderstanding. I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in a real free market where the wealthy are kept from making illegal things legal. Corporate profits are at an all time high in 2012 yet the U.S. family is struggling at an average of $12.50 an hour. It was $14.00 in 2005. Is it any wonder the U.S. consumer and middle class has died.
What's all this talk about capitalism? USA hasn't had capitalism since the first government "bailout" of a corporation.
Yeah it's hard to even find jobs here and everyone is just surviving for now while the elite are going I to space for paying $200,000 a ticket.
Socialism has its known problems. One problem is giving people something for nothing. Capitalism also has its known problems. Greed being the main one. Communism and Monarchy should be stamped out. The only way to do that is to avoid revolution by treating the people fairly and giving them enough of the wealth to live on in exchange for an honest day's work. Another way to do that is to keep the wealthy from exploiting the non-wealthy through legal regulation. The U.S. is headed for revolution because it is failing to protect the worker and the wealthy have made what should be illegal into what is legal. They take our savings without our permission and gamble it away on the stock market. Then they take our taxes to cover their losses. Nobody goes to jail for it. They'll get the guns in a Communist takeover. They'll get the wealth and form their own Capitalist elite. Then they'll pass the guns and wealth to their sons in a Dynastic Monarchy. They'll then be too weak as a Monarchy because the idiot son can't keep it together. They'll be conquered by a more egalitarian nation. Yes. I love the U.S.A. and that is why I hate seeing it devolve into this. Republicans and Democrats don't defend the workers enough. Sure Unions are a bad way to protect working wages. Sure Unions protect people who should be fired or make too much money. But we can't depend on the government to protect workers when it is the corporate owners who control the government. And every worker should set aside a part of his or her paycheck for health insurance. We're already paying taxes for their uninsured hospital visits. It still accounts for 25% of all hospital expenses which drives up our own health care costs.

And Darby, that is why we always have argued in the past. You're a cold war true blue believer in Capitalism. I also believe in Capitalism but am quite aware of its evil side which must be regulated. And that regulation is by its very political nature Socialist. But calling myself a Socialist would lead to misunderstanding. I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in a real free market where the wealthy are kept from making illegal things legal. Corporate profits are at an all time high in 2012 yet the U.S. family is struggling at an average of $12.50 an hour. It was $14.00 in 2005. Is it any wonder the U.S. consumer and middle class has died.

Socialism is the problem. Whether it is Soviet Marxist-Leninist Socialism, Hitler's NAZI National Socialism, Musollini's Facist Socialism, Progressive Socialism or Democratic Socialism. In the end each form of socialism comes down to a hard or a "soft" tyranny where the ruling oligarcy determines what is best for the collective people and the individual person be damned. In other words, regardless of the particular name one gives it socialism is just a form of collectivist repression of the individual. You're good just so long as you don't get out of line and make it known that you want to do for yourself and not the collective.

But there is an answer in America. Get the damned federal government out of our everyday lives and back where it is supposed to be - following the Constitution. The states can do just fine, under the 10th Amendment, taking care of their own citizens. Next, get rid of about 70% of all federal departments. There's not a single word in the Constitution that authorizes the federal government to be doing what those departments are involved in. And that includes the Departments of Labor, Health, Education, EPA and the rest.

Struggling as $12.50/hr? Why? Why are people struggling at $12.50/hr while the Democrats chant their mantra abut more money for schools? I'll tell you why Californians struggle. Over half, 52%, of the entire California State budget goes to the State Department of Education. And they have the gall to plead, cry and faint dead away on the street begging for more money for the schools. Two decades ago, ten years after the voters decided that Cakifornia home owners should not be required to shoulder the lion's share of the school budget by having their homes suffer the school tax, the Democrats came up with the California Lottery to "save the schools". They got their wish. What did they do with the new-found billions in funds via the Lottery? Took the tax money from the school budget, added in the Lottery money to the school budget and then cried, "We need more money for the schools. The Lottery didn't fix the problem." They were right. The Lottery didn't fix the problem. It became a part of the problem. But the socialists knew that they'd had their way because Californians will fall for the next piece of bait while the state legislature continues to expand the state budget and social programs - right up to the door of the Bankruptcy Court because California, the Socialist Republic, is broke. Flat broke. And they still want more because the "fix" is just a matter of tossing a few more quid at the problem. (The Constitution is the Constitution so we can't legally split California without the consent of the other states but boy, oh, boy would I love to split the Bay Area into it's own little state.)

Kids are screaming that they can't afford to pay back their college loans. To a large degree they should be, though they knew going in that when they took out the loan that they would not be able to pay it off on time. Why are their loans so big? Why is college so expensive? The US Department of Education, that's why. It's the good-old-boy socialist system. Today a college education costs X dollars. Kids get a US Dept of Education guaranteed loan. The college needs to build something thus needs more dollars. They raise the tuition and call the Dept of Education and "suggest" that the maximum amount for college loans be increased. Done. Now the kids get an even bigger loan. Re-cycle the above a few times and the California State University tuition ends up equalling the Harvard tuition. Oh, but kids are entitled to a college education. It's a human right, correct? Let's just forgive the loans because those evil bankers are gouging the students. Hotel Sierra. It's not a right, human or otherwise and the banks didn't gouge anyone. The US Dept of Education and the college and university administrations are the gougers. Banks are there to make money, not to be conduits for social democracy.

Thomas, I have been there and done that with the socialists. The philosophy sounds nice on paper but it is a scam. Western Europe is a living testiment to the scam. Anyone who voted for the current administration in Washington, DC is further testiment to how the scam works.
I believe nobody should get anything for free including corporate socialists. Walmart gets our taxes for free. They didn't earn it. You want to get rid of socialism -- fine. Start with big business. I swear On my eternal soul my real name is John Thomas. You may call me J.T.
I believe nobody should get anything for free including corporate socialists. Walmart gets our taxes for free. They didn't earn it. You want to get rid of socialism -- fine. Start with big business. I swear On my eternal soul my real name is John Thomas. You may call me J.T.

If you can point to the Constitution and show me where the federal government would be authorized to do this (get rid of big business - whatever that really means) then we can have the conversation.

I will give you one point - government give-aways to business or individuals is not covered in the Constitution as a federal power.