You are asking questions and that is good!! Here is something else that is good:
i find it very intimidating, and foreign. i do find it similar to the xy coordinates i was taught in the sixth grade though.
That is a big-time connection and we should run with it. In fact, the concept of directionality (x, y, and also z!) is half of what vectors are all about. You will always hear people say that vectors have
magnitude and direction. Force is a good vector quantity to think about because we are all familiar with the magnitude of a force...for example our weight. I am about 175 pounds. That is the magnitude of my force that my body exerts on the earth. But what is its direction? Well, thanks to what we know about gravity it is straight down towards the center of the earth. But a vector, such as a force, can point in ANY direction. Think of an aircraft engine that has
thrust vectoring technology. For a conventional engine the thrust always points straight out the tailpipe. By adding variable geometry (motors controlling the shape of the nozzle) we can cause the thrust vector to point in a bunch of different directions that may NOT be straight out the tailpipe. We could point it up or down or to the left or right of straight out the tail pipe.
So since space is 3-dimensional we need to be able to express the direction of a vector in all 3 spatial dimensions. This is where coordinate systems come into play...We will typially set up an X-Y-Z coordinate system and then break down any vector into its
orthogonal components within these 3 dimensions. This is also where trigonometry comes into play, and it is one fundamental form of mathematics that vector math is built upon. We can deal with that as we go. Now on to other comments/questions:
i am thinking that i am supposed to visualize a and b as a sphere and c as the axis.
No. A and B are vectors, just as they are pictured there. The best visualization for a vector is a line with an arrow at the end. The length of the line represents the magnitude of the vector (how big it is). The direction the arrow is pointing represents...well, its direction. The main thing we must realize is a simple geometric reality. ANY two vectors (lines), no matter how they are oriented, ALWAYS define a 2-D plane. Or stated alternately, I can always draw a plane that will contain any two vectors.
C is the vector that results when we mutiply those two vectors (using the vector cross product). We denote this in an equation as:
C = A x B
Note we use "x" and here it means "vector cross product". When we use "*" it represents the scalar (dot) product. One principle of the vector cross product that we can prove with geometry and trigonometry is that the result of crossing any two vectors (which form a plane) gives a vector (in this case
C) that is NORMAL TO (perpendicular to) the plane that contains the two vectors being crossed. As I tried to explain to Einstein there is a very easy way to visualize this with your right hand. Hold your right hand out so your fingers extend flat and your thumb is pointing up. In this orientation your fingers pointing out straight represent the direction of vector
A. As you now curl your fingers inward to form a fist you are mimicing the operation of "crossing
A into
B". (Imagine the vector
B as pointing outward from your palm). Now, the direction that your thumb is pointing represents the direction of the
C vector that results from crossing
A into [/b]B[/b]
"Fx / F = cos theta and Fy / F = sin theta
which gives us
Fx = F cos theta and Fy = F sin theta"
could you please help me to understand what this means?
This is where trigonometry comes into play. Have you ever taken a class in trigonometry, ruthless? The first line is merely showing us how we determine the angle between a vector
F and the X and Y axes of the coordinate system. Using the theorm of Pythagorous we can determine that the trigonometric cosine of the angle between the vector
F and the X axis is calculated by dividing the magnitude of the X component of the
F force by the total magnitude of the
F. Same thing for the sin of the angle, except that it uses the Y component of the
F force. The second line has simply used algebra to solve the first two equations for the Fx and Fy components.
can this applet be used for any geometric shape? just wondering.
No. This applet is only to help you visualize how any two vectors, when multiplied with the vector cross priduct, result in a vector that is perpendicular to the plane that contains the first two vectors. But this concept (the vector cross product) applies to a great many things in physics! It is a key to knowledge!
from the article: "The simplest operation that can be performed on a vector is to multiply it by a scalar. This scalar multiplication alters the magnitude of the vector. In other word, it makes the vector longer or shorter. "
ok, a few questions. is this simply a visual form of the math behind it? is this simple addition and subtraction? a+b=c, but what excactly is c? and how do i calculate it?
There are no dumb questions. The answer to the first question is "yes", kind of. If you mean the applet, the answer is "yes, definitely". The applet allows you to physically see two vectors, and the plane that is defined by them...and allows you to play around with the lengths and orientations of the
A and
B vectors such that you can see what happens to the
C vectpr as a result of varying conditions for
A and
B. The answer to your second question is "no". We are not adding vectors, we are multiplying them.
The quote you repeated above was talking about the scalar (dot) product. This is the more common form of multiplication you are used to. All it does is to either lengthen or shorten the magnitude of a vector...but it does NOT change the vector's pointing direction. Now, where the vector cross product is different is that it actually multiplies the magnitudes of the two vectors
and it also combines the two directions of the two source vectors to resolve the final direction of the final vector. This is what makes the cross product so unique and important! It addresses the fact that vectors pointing in space combine in spatial addition to simply growing or shrinking (the vector dot product).
The simplest vector cross product to understand is the torque.
T =
r x F
r is the vector that points from the central point of rotation to the point where the force
F is applied.
F is the force itself that is applied about the central point to create the torque
Again you can use your right hand to visualize this. Hold it out flat again with your thumb pointing up. The distance from your thumb to the end of your fingers represents the vector
r. If you not visualize a force
F pushing on the ends of your fingers to force them to curl up, you are simulating the vector cross product of
r x F. The result of this force applied at this distance from the central rotating point (your thumb) results in a TORQUE which is the rotational equivalent of a force. That torque is represented by your thumb. And by the "right hand rule" convention we say this is a positive torque. If we were to perform the opposite cross product multiplication of
F x r we would get the same magnitude of the torque, but it would be pointing in the OPPOSITE direction.
I hope some of this is helping you understand.