A Test For Time Travellers

19:11 These were the last words of Sergei Ponomarenko, recorded in the clinic. After that the cameras show
him going out of the doctors office with the camera, that the doctor gave him back. He walked along the
corridor and returned in his room.

19:30 When he went out, I looked at the watches. They again were back-warded with the time, which he was in

office. So far no watchmaker can explain this phenomenon. After some time they told me, that Sergei has
disappeared. From guarded hospital, from my department and through a one way room.

19:50 This looks more than strange. Sergei Ponomarenko dissapeared from a room, where all windows were with
bars. The only exit from the room was under a constant surveillance. Of course, theoretically we can suggest,
that he managed to escape. But how and why?

20:31 Sergei Ponomarenko dissapeared the third day from his stay in the private clinic.

20:38 Even if the window is opened, it is impossible to go through the bars. There is only one entrance
and exit. When he disapeared, I found on his bed a magazine and the records, that he was making by doctor's

20:52 In his records he wrote information about his address, that he was born in Kiev in 1932, and that he
was working in the Kiev metro.

21:07 This data was given from Pavel Krutikov to the police officer, who brought Ponomarenko in the clinic.

21:19 If the written is true, then Ponomarenko, Sergei Valentinovitch, born in 1932 has been living in
Peschannaia street number 8, apartment 3. My inquiry showed, that this is the old name of the place, where
we found him. If it is him, of course.

21:31 As the police officer's inquiry showed, the building, where Sergei Ponomarenko lived, was demolish in
the 80's and a new 9 floors building was build on its place. Exactly infrontof this building Sergei was
found on the 23rd of April, 2006. But it appeared, that this is not all.

21:57 According to operative information, Sergei Ponomarenko has been reported missing, and look at the date
- not June, 1958, nor 2006 when we found him, but April 1978. In the archive was found also his photography.
Here is it. If this was happening now, I would conclude, that this is the same man, but older. The man on
this photo is 46 years old.

22:24 The man on this photo is 46 years old.

22:25 In the text describing his appearance we find: He went home, took with him a "Fet" camera and didn't
come back.

22:41 I will not be surprised, if this is the same "Fet", which was in our time. Anyway, the description of a
missing person gives us reasons to believe, that this is not a simple coincidence. And that Sergei
Ponomarenko really can travel in time and come back.

23:00 Ufologists try to prove the impossible and arranged the events as follows. In the year of 1958 the
young man went in the future, and more precisely in the year of 2006, e.g. in our time. Then he went back and
was living in Kiev at around 20 years, until the year of 1978. What happened next is a mystery.

23:30 I would like to compare our story with a photo, made in Canada in 1941.

23:39 There among the people can be seen a young man, who is dressed completely unusual for the 40's. The
upper clothing, the T-shirt with patterns, the hair - cut and the sun glasses, anything in him does
correspond with this time. When the specialists examined the photography, they didn't manage to find
anything, that to suppose forgery. They reached to the conclusion, that this was an actual guest from the

24:03 Another one possible ambassador from the future was found in the advertisement of the Charlie Chaplin's

movie "Circus" made in the year of 1928.

//// Frames from the advertisement of the Chaplin's movie "Circus" from 1928 year.

24:16 The woman, who you see on the screen is holding something with her hand close to her ear and is
behaving as someone, who is talking on a mobile phone. It is absolutely possible this to be just a
coincidence. But what if really, someone have made out the phenomenon of time.

24:31 If we say, that the time traveling is not possible, then we will confess right away, that many
postulates of the physics are incorrect. For example, from the Soviet times until now, in nearly all books is
written: "the speed of light is a constant value". But this is not true. Now it is known, that the speed of
the light can be changed. Then, the time flow also can be changed. Simply, it is too hard for us to imagine


24:55 Recently a very interesting study was published, by an american physicist Eonald Mallet, that the main
mechanism of the time machine soon will become the usual beam of light.

25:12 The idea, that the time and space can be bended with the help of light is not new. However, Eonald
Mallet went further. In his experiment he really managed to slow down the light to several meters per second.

//// Eonald Mallet / Professor of theoretical physics / from the university of state Connecticut

25:35 This is giving us hope, that the nearest future if not the experimental physics, then at least the
theoretical physics will manage to make the time traveling possible. And most important, without the help of
any aliens.

25:58 In this audio tape is recorded an incredible prediction, made in the year of 1958.

//// ----unreadable ---- fragment from an audio program ---- / with the participation of ---- unreadable

25:07 Good day, dear listeners! Our guest now is the inventor and the manager of the circle of the young
technicians in the pioner organization Ponomarenko, Sergei

//// audio record fragment from an audio program 1960 / with the participation of Sergei Ponomarenko

26:16 He has an unbelievable story about the achievements of the future science. Hello Sergei!
- Hello! I want to tell you about the wonderful future, that awaits us in the near future. With the help of
the inventions of our scientists after 40 - 50 years the life of the people will become much better. What we
now consider as a fantasy will be absolutely possible. We will only have to wait for example 40 years until
starts the production of an artificial hearts.
- If your conspectus was not so detaily described, I would consider you as a mentally disturbed.

26:57 If we were living in 1958 and we hear such a prediction, we would think, that this is a fantasy. And
you will be even more amazed, when you hear who made this prediction.

27:11 Considering the data, that we received from the police, we may expect, eventually, that his
subconsciousness will fuse these data, this information, which is written, his photography, his biographical
data, and he can fuse all that and it may come to his consciousness. Because he now he is in an absolute
disconnection from the reality. He falls in memories, that are not connected with the present. We may
consider to use a hypnotic dream, hypnosis, suggestion. It is completely possible this to help. But he is not
here. We must be searched.

27:59 After the disappearance of Sergei Ponomarenko doctor Krutikov aimed to find someone, who may know the

28:14 To find someone, who know Sergei Ponomarenko, helped him the same police reference. In it was pointed a
woman, who signaled for his disappearance.

28:26 Before to ruin the building, its habitants were token out of it. Even though, we managed to find her.
It was interesting, that when we asked if she remember Sergei Ponomarenko, who disappeared in 1978 she said
"he is not death. He is alive. He will come back. "

28:43 Good day! Please enter.
As Pavel Kurtik noticed, it turned out, that this woman, Valentina Kulich was the same woman from the photos
made by Sergei Ponomarenko. But in order not to push her, the doctor decided firstly simply to talk to her.
Valentina Petrovna said, that they were very good friends, but after his disappearance in 1978, he was
considered death. His place was given to another people. They threw away all items from the previous
inhabitant. Valentina Petrovna managed then to save one photography.
29:24 It was long time ago. This is the only photography I have, that we are with Seriodja. It was made in
Lets compare it. The photo, that Kulich has was made in 1958. Suposingly in the same year are taken the two
other pictures, in one of which Valentina is together with Sergei.

//// Valentina Kulish / Sergei Ponomarenko's friend

29:57 It is hard to imagine, that these are different people.

30:04 I had a copy of the photo with the young woman. When I saw her, and when I introduced myself to
Valentina Kulich, I understood, that this is she. I show her the photo, and she started to cry. Of course,

wanted to know from where I have the photo. Then I was forced to lie, that the picture has been kept in the
police archives. I can not just say her, that someone, who pretends to be Sergei Ponomarenko has come to me.
Valentina Kulich could not believe, that this photo was kept somewhere. While looking at the photo, she
remembered important details.

30:45 I was at around 16 years old.
- And you believe, that Sergei is alive?
- Seriodja was a strange person. He was talking about such things, that at this time could not even be
imagined. He claimed, that he saw the future. Something changed in him. He started to write to magazines,
radios, and he was telling such an unusual stories.

31:07 I had doubts for all of these coincidences, that Sergei Ponomarenko, about who Valentina Kulich
talked, my patient are one and the same person. But I had to proceed the investigation. This is why I turned
to the government archives and received a completely unexpected positive answer.

31:29 This old tape was staying in the archives for 50 years and was well preserved. The speaker describes
really incredibly accurate predictions for the future.

31:54 Believe, the cooking will become an easy and fast procedure. For example baked potatoes can be made
with the help of a device, that looks like an usual and transportable box. You are plugging it in the
electricity, and then you turn on the timer.
- Excuse me, turn on what?
- Timer is a device, that can be compared with a wake up alarm, which works in the precise moment and turns
off the oven. After several minutes your lunch will be ready.

32:25 When I saw a microwave oven, I remembered Sergei. He knew about that long time ago. Now I can't figure
out from where he knew all that.

32:40 From where a simple electro-mechanic from the Kiev metro could know about the microwave oven. The

answer of this question found Pavel Krutikov himself. Pay attention of this video record. During his 3 days

in the
clinic Ponomarenko managed to get known with the microwave oven, which was used from the assistants in the

33:14 I remember, that he was asking a lot of questions about the microwave, the mobile phones. On the desk
were placed medical and popular journals, which he was reading many times.

33:34 You were talking about an apparatus "artificial heart". What exactly did you mean?
- There is nothing strange about it. Look at the heart as an organ, which pumps the blood. If the heart
becomes useless, it can be replaced with a new one, but artificial heart, which will have an accumulator, and
it does the same functions, as the usual heart. Its simple, and after 40 years the science will be able to

produce such aparatus.

34:10 Note, that Sergei Ponomarenko in his interview uses terms from our time. In 1958 even the medics have
not been listening for an apparatus of an artificial heart. And the first transplantation of a donor heart in
the Soviet Union was made in the end of 1980. And Ponomarenko could know about that only from the medics
in the clinic, or from the journals in the clinic.

34:35 On this record Sergei Ponomarenko is holding a magazine. It remained in his room after his
disappearance. As it turned out, in this magazine was well described the ...serial production and the
principles of working of the artificial heart.

34:51 Excuse me, when you were describing the technologies of the future, for example a telephone without
cables, with musical signals and build in phone book, how you imagined these ideas?
- It will not be only a phone. It will be an apparatus, that will be able also to show the blood type, the
temperature. Alot of things await us in the future. The science will make big achievements.
- Thank you for the interesting story, about the fantastic future,that awaits us. Our guest was the
inventor, and the manager of the circle of the young mechanics in the pioneers organization Ponomorenko
Sergei. Thanks alot!
- Thank you too.

35:36 According to Valentina Kulich, after the radio broadcast, Sergei started to prepare for entering in the
politechnical university, but he was forced to resign. He introspected in himself, because he couldn't
understand why the clocks around him were stopping.

35:53 Seriodja was taking this motive very seriously. Rumors started and he closed in himself.

36:09 The arrows of your clock stopped.

36:13 The importance is not in the watches, but in the man. It is possible, that he was the carrier of this

36:18 Your watch is alright. Tell me what's the time.

36:26 Unfortunately, at this moment, we may only guess about the phenomenon of the time stopping. In the
Einstein's theory of relativity there is a posture, that time enclosed in a plane, can change its directions
under the influence of the gravity of a very large objects. But to stop the time, it is very hard to be
explained even by the experimental physics. And to understand it is impossible.

37:05 We would forget this story long ago, but after two years I received a call from Valentina Kulich, and
she claimed, that she has received a letter from the same man, who names himself Sergei Ponomarenko.

37:22 For some time Valentina Kulich was not home. When she came back, she found in her post box an envelope,
over which was not neither a stamp, nor a return address.

37:34 I had problems with the heart, and the doctors recommended me to stay in the hospital. When I was
discharged, I opened my post box, and there was lying this letter. In the envelope was this photograph.
It is Seriodja. Look. He almost hasn't changed.

37:57 According to Valentina Kulich on this photograph Sergei Ponomarenko is 46 years old. The exact age from
his disappearance in 1978. Furthermore, the photograph was made in Kiev. Behind Sergei Ponomarenko is the
river of Dnepr. But is this possible?

38:27 This is Kiev. But it gives the impression, that the photograph is taken in the future.

38:35 You see Kiev the Ukraina's capital today from the same point, where is Sergei Ponomarenko on the
photograph on the right. Comparing them is difficult to mistake Kiev with an another city.

38:51 Yes, I have seen this photography. It is a strange photo. But I can not explain or comment it at any

38:59 From the point of view of the usual perception of things, a man can not move into another time. Even
though, Valentina Kulich is sure, that on the opposite side of this photo is a message left from Sergei
Ponomarenko with his handwriting. "I am fine. I will try to come back. "

39:25 We maybe previously thought, that the time traveling is impossible. But this photo shows the opposite.

39:40 In order to protect their confidentiality, the names of some of the people were changed. Undeniable
proves for the existence of extraterrestrial beings on the Earth does not exist. To believe or not is decided
only from you.
Thanks for the translation. You didn't mention the name of the show or what kind of show it is.
It is obviously a dramatic recreation of "events" but we have and have had several shows in the US that take extreme dramatic license with the "facts". Might this be a Russian version of the same?
I did notice that the photo at the end, around 35:00 thru 38:00 or so, that is a "future" picture of Kiev looks photo-shopped and rather poorly at that. Unless, of course, the architects in the future really like using the same buildings to fill in a skyline.
Thanks for the translation. You didn't mention the name of the show or what kind of show it is.
in a skyline.

Thank you for appreciating my work, people!

The video is located at youtube:

It was in one of the comments, made by Mylo.X. in this topic at page 5 comment #82
A Test For Time Travellers | Page 5 | Time Travel Institute

we have and have had several shows in the US that take extreme dramatic license with the "facts". Might this be a Russian version of the same?
I don't know. At this point I think, it may be everything - a fraud, a mentally ill person, who has many coincidences in his benefit, some sort of sick joke, or maybe a real time traveler. But the proofs, that were gathered were really very convincing.