06:33: Which day is now?
06:35: 23rd April 2006th year.
06:38: The last thing I remember was the Wednesday, 23rd April, 1958th year.
06:46: This is very interesting. You want to say, that you appeared in the future, from your point of view.
06:52: I don't know.
06:56: This looks like a time disorientation, or subjective interpretation of time. As general such a
in the organism perform protective functions. People, especially those, who suffered a serious trauma or
stress, principally show symptoms of escaping from the reality, submersing in themselfs, going back to their
memories, because they feel comfortable there, but in the case with this young man, it was different.
07:20: Nevertheless, lets introduce each - other.
07:24: My name is Ponomarenko, Sergei. I was born in Kiev in 17th June, 1932
07:32: Yes, but I would give you 25, 26, but no more than 30 years of age.
07:38: I am 25. You can calculate that by yourself.
07:43: Well, fine. Can you remember the moment, before you appeared in our time?
07:52: I was in a day off, and wanted to go for a walk. I took my camera and right in the yard I saw a
strange object in the sky. It was looking like a bell, but was something different. It was flying in a
strange trajectory. I can't explain better what I saw. Better process the film. Then maybe it will become
08:18: This was looking like a psychotic disorder, connected with time disorientation. But to be established
a definite diagnose, of course, a longer monitoring is required. This is why I offered him to remain in our
hospital for observation. Then I noticed how he is looking at the clock, which was hanging on the wall.
08:39: The arrows of your clock stopped. Tell me, whats the time now?
08:51: The time was backward. The clock on the wall was showing half past one. My watch was showing exactly
the same time. We were talking with him at least half an hour. I gave him a paper, and asked him to write
down his last memories. I took him to the assistant. When I came back, I saw, that the clock on the wall and
the watch were working again, correct with 32 minutes backwards.
09:17: Of course, we may assume, that the usual clock on the wall simply stop.
09:30: But it is hard to question the quality Swiss watch, that the doctor had. It also was 32 minutes
09:47: For the modern physics the term "time" is something like the Pandora box. If it becomes fully
researched and puzzled out, then it is unclear what the outcome may be.
//// Vladimir Bronevskii Phd in physics and technics
10:04: After the first exam of the patient, the doctor discovered, that in his office all of the clocks are
backward. Unchanged somehow remained only the time, shown on the video record.
10:16: It is hard for us to understand it, but the importance are not the watches. We are dealing with an
unexplained even from a scientific point of view phenomenon. You understand, when at one and the same time
electronics fails, connections are lost, engines stop, it is impossible to be explained only with a
technical failure and to close our eyes for obvious things. After all, the time has the possibility to go
10:41: As known, practically time traveling is not possible. According to our conception of the world, time
is irreversible, and goes only in one direction - on one way road from the past to the future, the events of
which remain a mystery for us. We may plan our next day, we may talk about the previous, and no exceptions
from this are possible. But what if, however, there is a road back.
//// Vadim Chernobrov Ufologist
11:15: The time is the same environment as the space. It has width, debt, height. On the same way as the
space has 3 dimensions, the time is multi - dimensional.
11:27: For the classical physics the direction of time does not matter. Is it going forward, or backwards,
with positive or negative sign, but for the usual person, the time represents as an asymmetric phenomenon. We
place principal difference between past and future. For us they are as different as cause and consequence.
Therefore, the classic term "time" as for us sounds absurd. But for the science it is good.
12:07 Different from the other people, one man - Albert Einstein was not this categorical and spoke, that the
time can slow down. According to his theory if a spaceship travels with a speed, closer to the speed of the
light, the time in it can stop.
12:30 With the help of a strong gravity the time can be influenced to the point when it stops with the such
called Shvartz sphere. This is a sphere, that hypothetically limits the black energy. And what is outside the
sphere, after its border? While we are traveling through the dark matter the time slows down and slows down,
right on the border of the sphere it stops. But if we hypothetically proceed our journey further, what will
happen? It would have stopped already. It may remain stopped as it is, or it may start going on the opposite
13:17 Pavel Krutikov could quietly forget about his patient. Furthermore nobody was searching for him. But in
April 2006, the doctor started his own investigation.
13:32 I remember my first impressions and the behavior of my patient, and all that he told, even his
comsomol ticket. Everything this looked very truthful. And of course, I wanted to solve this case. I needed
to know what was on his photographic film.
13:47: The first thing he did was to find a specialist, who knows how to process old unprocessed films.
14:00: To tell the true, I was surprised. It was an old photographic film with 36 frames. All this was from a
past era. Its manufacturing ended in the 70's maybe even earlier.
//// Vladim Poizner Photographer
14:13: Still not knowing about the strange story of the film, the photographer was surprised and wanted to
know how, and mainly who managed to store it for so many years.
14:28: This unprocessed film can be stored for 2 years, 3 at max, and end. The jelly base, which is holding
the emulsion decomposes and the film goes in the garbage. And here we are talking about 40 years at least.
- And what was the condition of the film?
- Based on the photos, it was perfect. It was hard to find the needed reactives. They are not produced
anymore. I had to do some chemicals by myself, I was looking from what, but after all the photos were done,
and they were curious.
15:00 And so, several photos were made, which made the doctor think how his patient could do them. The first
photos were from well known by the doctor places in Kiev at the end of the 50's.
15:20: Followed several photos of an young man, who looked very similarly to Sergei Ponomorenko.
15:27: On the next photos was a good looking young woman at around 20 years old. The doctor suggested, that
this is a Ponomarenko's friend.
15:43: And at the end, the most curious of all photos. On it really, as Ponomorenko said, was captured an
unknown flying object, looking like a bell.
16:01 This is not a defect of the film, neither is a problem with the processing. These objects really were
in the objective during the making of the photos.
16:12 The researchers of anomalies know different shapes of unknown flying objects. The majority of them are
shaped like disks, or globes. Quite rare are being reported ellipses, cylinders, and triangles. Reported bell
- like shape of the flying objects are an exception from the rule. This photo is made by an Australian
citizen on the second of April, 1966
//// 2 April 1966 year Balvin, Malburn, Australia
16:42 The Victorian society of studding of flying saucers made an expertise of this photo and concluded first
that this is a bell, and second, this is the first photograph of an UFO shaped as a bell.
//// Photo made 2 April ----unreadable / with the camera -----unreadable / The frame is well documented /
Victorian society ----unreadable / unreadable --- the town of ---- unreadable / by sketching the angle of the
camera, the destinations, the azimuth of the sun, and fixed reflection of the light from the UFO. / As a
starting point for the calculations of the destination and the height was used a photographed chimney tube /
The society established, that the photo / "does not contain signs of ---- unreadable"
17:00 But if the photography, made from the Ponomarenko's film also shows a bell - shaped object, then our
researchers are ready to question the success of the Australian ufologists.
17:13 I have no doubts, that this is a bell. The thing is different. What if this man brought in the clinic
says the truth and he really came to us from the year of 1958.
17:32 The situation was very difficult. I have a patient, who claims, that has come from the past. I, as a
doctor - psychiatrist must establish a diagnose and to prescribe him a treatment. And all of the sudden, I
find proofs for his claim. On the photography, there is really something like an UFO.
18:06 Doctor, tell me, is there something wrong with me?
- You see, Seriodja, I am not considering you ill. There are still things, that I have to consider. I hope,
that you will help me.
- I am already here and I want to to go home. Do you understand, in my time.
- Seriodja, here we have photos, made from your camera's film. I am mostly interested from this photo. See
it, please.
- Are you convinced now, that I do not lie? I still do not know what was this object and what happened with
me. While taking the picture, I saw through the lense of the camera a completely different world around me.