So what ? If you are confident with who you are, what does it matter what anyone else says about you - anywhere?
The greatest men and women in history were labeled, not kindly either. Didnt slow them down any - if anything inspired them to push forward all the harder. Edgar Allan Poe - was labeled with an assortment of negatives.
However, his legacy lives on. And to what depths the man travelled, don't believe there are many people in Edgars time and today that have any idea just how complicated a man Edgar Allan was; which was (and is) sad for those who choose to over-look the man's brillance, and focus on his negative attributes. They really have no idea what they're missing. Joke's on them. People are still diggin holes in the ground looking for hidden treasure that may or may not have been a hoax started by Edgar Allan Poe.
He did encode several of his writings. Few know , or bother to learn, that Edgar was involved in Cryptography. Kind of funny to me, reading his works, knowing that there are stories within his stories, and a vast majority of people have no idea.
Whose loss is that ?
So the issue isnt remarks on the topic or method,the issue for me is the attacking of the persona,unwarranted accusations and claims of knowing who I am and what I do in my life.
Again, so what ? There are some people in the world that seek validation (pumping up thier ego) by trying to diminish what truly independent individuals are accomplishing. Doesn't mean we don't take the time to listen to what is being said or read what is written, however, to do so with discernment. We know who we are - regardless of other individual's animalistic/pack behavior. They will never know that they are responsible for their own evolutionary process. As sad as that may be, whose loss is that ?
Yeah, will say that at times, it becomes rather lonely Hard to convey exactly who our companions are as we few journey through -
the unknown - to the many.
Example :
I make it a habit to wake up just before sun rise and venture outside to experience the dawning of every new day. Not long ago, was granted an awesome sight. The first rays of sun light barely visible upon the horizon, a full moon still shrouded in the darkness of the night sky above, and behind it, a few planets were in alignment. The view was majestic and magnificent. I ran inside and got my camera, and attached the longest range lens I have, and snapped off a few photographs. And after I ran the photographs through pp, was astonished with what I got, a photo of Venus and one of her moon's.
Not too bad considering it was done with an obsolete camera and lens. Ironic part is that a neighbor was walking his dog and gave me
one of those looks ; me standing out in the early morning with my camera pointed towards the heavens. He has no idea what "I" experienced, but, I know what "he" "missed.
Regarding what I wrote about the other me's :
Without dredging up my past all that much, already have been betrayed with sharing too much. One of my companions - way back when - was a gypsy girl. WoW - what a blast that was..did she have interesting perspectives on "things". We used to chat for hours - sometimes talking through an entire night until morning.
During one of our conversations she mentioned details about me that she was never told. She also gave me a list of about 10 events that were to occur during my lifetime, individually specific events, and to date, she has been dead-on.
I forget what she said, then when one of the events occurs, remember her words.
She also told me something that I was never to repeat to anyone. Eh, unfortunately, I have, however, won't make that mistake again.
The irony with what she said, was that it followed a sequence of dreams (that were more than dreams) I had prior to the conversation(s) with her. Most of them, I had "years" before I met her. She clarified the dynamics within those particular dreams.
The other me's - are not in this awareness of time and space, but are elsewhere. Where ? Can't really say other than the places were definitely not here - as far as any reference to time - would say all is concurrent.
Not separate branches of choices made during this lifetime - but - entirely different me's - outside , not inside ? if that makes any sense. With those particular me's, was granted the insight as far as knowing my name's.
Thus, with regards to your experiment, would also be an experiment for me. To see if you indeed come across one of those others me's in your journeys.
There is no way you would know the names or be able to describe those other me's, since the only one that knows (accurate/intimate details) is the gyspy girl. Unless, you actually do meet one of those me's.