A serious experiment in time travel,need volunteers!!

Most likely,my current focus personality, THIS FOCUS VERSION OF ME, and all you out there, will not get any confirmation, but IN SOME UNIVERSE, in some timeline, THIS SAME POST here, where I am currently writing that it won't be confirmed for ME...well,in fact, for THAT focus version of Valeri, who also typed all the above...he will be mistaking, because it will happen for him and the versions of YOU guys,who will get the confirmation.

Would appreciate some clarification on the above quote from your post:

The way I am reading it, is that the "here" and "now" version of you and us most likely won't get a confirmation of the experiment. It potentially would be some other version(s) of you and us, in some [other] Universe, in some [other] timeline, that receives a confirmation, all the while we "here" and "now", are oblivious to success of the experiment ?
A short intro to explain where I am coming from with this:

I plan to,in all honesty, manifest back into physicality and into the current ''3rd'' dimension so to speak, but with the ability to do that as spirit consciousness, one is free to cruise the imagination of the illusion of time,which it truly is.

The human brain is engineered to experience events in an eternal now,but currently,the spirit consciousness contained inside a physical body,and thus we as humans can't ''move'' around into a past moment so to speak,that we experienced at one point in the ''eternal now''.

But once one returns to the 5th dimension,or even the 4th dimension(4th is where most dream when sleeping,the more ''aware and awake'' one becomes that one is a spiritual creator being having a human experience,rather than a human wondering if it has a spirit,the more one will dream in the 5th while asleep. That is the dimension,the 5th,from where,also the majority of soul aspects(not the whole soul) comes from into incarnation and also where it returns after death of the physical container), that is when one can travel in time and space etc,also manifest in the third dimension in physicality again, thus also simply experiencing/creating one of countless timelines of experience for the soul as just THAT GIVEN PERSONALITY alone(Valeri), and effecting the person you visit.

There are countless parallel Universes and versions of an identity, all having the same soul, and same spirit aspect even, to it, but a soul is multidimensional, it can house unlimited amounts of ''bodies'' at the same ''time''. Since both ''time'' and ''body'' are illusions, a creation of spirit/Divine consciousness/cosmic awareness/God(which all souls are a part of)/call it how you like

SO with that being said, I am proposing an experiment for all who are interested to be part of it with me:

As we discuss on this thread, I am happy and wanting to hear any original or even repeated ideas how to better test the validity of my time traveling back to this year of 2012, after this thread has been started and after I have gotten some good ideas from both you and myself, in the course of this thread, to how it would be best to confirm success for this experiment, which would be successful in ONE timeline, perhaps a few branching out of it, NOT ALL!

Most likely,my current focus personality, THIS FOCUS VERSION OF ME, and all you out there, will not get any confirmation, but IN SOME UNIVERSE, in some timeline, THIS SAME POST here, where I am currently writing that it won't be confirmed for ME...well,in fact, for THAT focus version of Valeri, who also typed all the above...he will be mistaking, because it will happen for him and the versions of YOU guys,who will get the confirmation.

You may ask me how I will know when exactly to visit ? I am not a newbie at this,in fact I have made plans and have a science to it.
My future self(who I am going to become) was and IS observing me ,but so that he is NOT SENSED by the people or animals in the 3rd dimension(or 4th for that matter). I will, when I feel the moment is right, give the green light to my future self by verbally(and will type it out on the thread here) telling him(even though he is able to read,and is viewing what I type even right now):
''NOW put the reality you were viewing on pause and enter this timeline,manifest into 3D and thus give the proof all the readers hope to see'' or something like that.

I may even say so several times maybe,so that for ex 5 days later, IN OUR ORIGINAL TIMELINE here, so to speak, where no confirmation comes, where my future self does not come into this reality, I will again, after reading some new great ideas from you guys(on how to prove it), I will once again tell him verbally(and he can read,because once he is done visiting and proving it first time around to you/us,he will,via thought, go back to where he put the original timeline on pause, the reality he was viewing, undetected , and simply ''push'' resume until he reaches the point where he sees me give him a new instruction and a new idea how to prove it) to materialize into this time and place.

So I ask for those who are open-minded enough,those who do not limit their own realities to the thoughts like '' impossible'' ''cant be done'' etc.
Those people have their minds made up,I am not here to argue with them.

But those of you,who have the connection to spirit,to source,to know,truly,that this is possible,or to at least be open-minded enough,despite seemingly no proof to this day of time-travel being possible(which can't be proven by being stuck in a limited consciousness state as is 3rd dimensional thinking),those who can entertain the possibility that reality IS stranger than fiction...

to those I say,please share ideas and discuss what could I possibly do,within our world,for you to get the proof you seek.

Bye for now.

Before you do anything,make sure your have all your math in check.Not saying you can do it, however, if you do manage,remember one thing.Interstellar drift.If you do not understand and you manage to pull it off without considering that factor.It was nice knowing you.:)
Ok. it makes sense.

However it looks a bit harder i think.. How can you tell if you're in this timeline and how would you manifest your astral body?
Hi Valeri. Your claim has taken my interest. I want to find out immediately if experiment get succeed or not. But if i were you and if I really had that kind of ability, I wouldn’t share this information on the net. Won’t there be some people want to use it? It’s only hypothetically speaking of course.
I’ll be waiting for some proof.
This is just one way of approaching it.As it is clear to everyone,my words speak for themselves in all my posts

Not everyone. They didn't speak to me and I don't believe they spoke to Ray.

You're proposing to run an experiment. Researcher bias, more formally known as confirmation bias, is always a problem with the sort of experiment that you posed. Given the choice of words that you used in posing the experiment I made my comments based on my knowledge, training, education and experience. In the end, it is your experiment. Good luck with it. But if the intent is to gain wide ranging acceptance of the results you should probably consider my comments.

If you want an example to consider, Google " René Blondlot + N-rays"

I understand that you don't see the problem - that is the problem.
I like to think of it as not everyone has the same solution to one problem and when something works for one person it may not work for another. I like this way of thinking but I'm also just learning the science side too in which I need to start again.
I was reading your posts and disscussing them in my mind. I want to understand theoritically before experiment. Since there is no guarantee, “me who visited” will may not “me in this timeline”, how will I know what happened in another timeline? Eventually the “me” in this devergence has nothing with other “me”s.

And also I have some questions about your theory of time travelling. It is absolutely interested me so I couldn’t stop myself.

-How can you materialize?
Being existing in pure energy and travelling like that acceptable for some beliefs. But creating a 3d body, other than the body you have at present.. Is there any opening for that in science?

-How long you can keep yourself in this form?
You who current timeline is not vanishing you said. It’s a part of your soul who travel. Then how could you part your consciouness? What if “you who traveled” never turn back to his orginal body? Let’s think, all Valeris in all timelines travel in same time. Isn’t there any paradox in this claim?

-Since when did you aware of it?
It is not something you are able to do with chance, right? And it looks like you traveled several times.

-Astrally travelling is like parapsychological experiments, more than scientific experiments. What is your opinion about that?
I haven’t seen anything about wormholes in your theory for example. All I know is, you travelling in 4th and 5th dimensions. How could you make it possible? I had read that travelling in 5th dimension only about mental(not about time or places).

I want deeply understand the idea. As you said, there is a lot of people with a lot of theories, delusions, fictions etc. Even for a fiction, your theory would be the fascinating one I think.
In my own mind I see the possibility of it working. Afterall I have the idea of the flux capacitor written in stone somewhere on this planet.
Valeri, I was the first one to volunteer, remember ?
Why don't you tell the rest of the guys what happened ;)

Look, It's a great idea, but your "experiment" is too easy
and too good to be true, and you know it. I already told
you that i agree with you on some parts, but it is ridiculous
to still believe that you want people to volunteer.
Hello Valeri:

What you are talking about is called Timephasing. Its not new, its not your idea, its not my idea, it isn't in fact anyone's idea. It has been going on for quite some time. However, it will not work for one simple reason.

In order for your experiment to work, you need to manifest a body in another timeline, reality (have your pick, there are approximately 156 alternate versions of this universe not considering sub-realities or dimensions). To do that you need a power source. That power source could be your consciousness, yes. But it will still not work.

When you timephase you need to understand the intricacies of timespace. Timespace is a pretty big place, consider it like an ant adrift the universe. Once you release your consciousness into the Stream (that's exactly how it is called the place where all other timephasers linger between reality and reality) you will need sufficient energy to know the exact place you came from and the exact place you went to.

Its not like you are saying "Now I am there and Now from there I am here. If it is like this, you will be fooling yourself. No. Its more like temporal reality 123.34 adjacent to reality 122.23 N/reality089.56E/reality23.76S/154.34W/reality16.27Up/reality 30.21Down plus or minus the degrees of temporal distance and into reality 12.45 adjacent to reality 121.23 N/reality059.56E /reality3.76S/14.34W/reality34.27Up/reality 50.21Down (plus several other mathematical formulations Darby could easily conjure up) This is so because you need to know where is it you are heading.

You need to know your coordinates map and that is a sixth dimensional coordinate map. To be able to act on a sixth dimensional coordinate map you would have to be an heptadimensional being and believe me we are nowhere near in being like them.

Its a great idea....but it lacks center, direction and the most important part it lacks the wisdom of listening to others and getting in one's head only what one wants to listen to. I am sure you are a very bright person, I would like to think that you are wise as well....listen to the rest, they are not opposing you...they are simply trying to help you and trying to keep you away from a dangerous position.

If you are interested in topics of the development of consciousness I am happy to talk to you.
Oh here we go again!!!!

All I am trying to do is help, as the rest of the people in this thread. But all too soon I perceive a tinge of superiority, of all divine-ness about you. Let me tell you this young chap...I've heard claims like yours many times over. People coming forth claiming to be, to be able or devising all manner of ways to time travel just to get a little attention.

In your case I believe you are the....

Mind Spirit Techno Wizard. Probably read some books on spirituality, masters or illuminated beings, maybe attended some magical ritual, meditation shack or spoke of individuation and all of a sudden you are one of them.

Neet, let me tell you this...it doesn't work like that. Your logic is categorical. You are all too right and we are all too wrong. You might think your wise Valeri, but you don't fool me. You are just a simple minded young man trying to be exceptional. So sad.

Even now you are speaking in really categorical terms, "Everything has been solved, all the problems had been taken care of, Millions will reach this level and such"...that's categorical my friend, it means you are putting emphasis on something you know it has no emphasis whatsoever. In other words you are lying to yourself, the forum, being arrogant and treating those who believed in you as if they were dull pieces of mushroom.

Its very convenient that you are the only one making the visitations. Its a win win for you. You will end up visiting all the US that are not US and WE will not be visited because you visited the other US that WE are not. That's Great!!!!

Hey listen I just visited you...you don't remember....oh it must have been the other YOU. (How is this allocated only Valeri knows with his Phony Super Powers)

Let me suggest you something, why dont you visit the real people in this world that need help, assistance and a little hand. I know why you wont, its better to visit them in your mind and not move a muscle. Its better to sit and chat, sit and chat and never really care for the ones outside...the supposed millions that will ascend and converge into timespace (don't you think that millions entering timespace is irascible, imagine that!)

It's good this is in the claims part because I smell yet another juicy hoax
Well and that's that!
Then you can't grasp what multidimensional reality truly means,or rather parallel Universes. In a parallel Universe you were already visited by me. In this one,as time proved,you were not. Now you are a bit cynical it seems,because you ended up being not the one visited. I warned you of this being a potential result from the get-go.
I also warned everyone In my OP(original post)

So if people pick and choose what to read,skipping the parts where I say that not all parallel versions of self will be visited,if they ignore that heads up,then it is their choice, they don't want to understand parallel realities,multidimensional reality. They just see it as one timeline, time being linear.

So - fill me in again. This experiment; what's it's purpose? It appears that you've already decided the outcome.
I have a feeling people in this timeline will not be visited by you, while you will believe you have indeed visited them. Beware Valeri, that is delusional
Then you can't grasp what multidimensional reality truly means,or rather parallel Universes. In a parallel Universe you were already visited by me. In this one,as time proved,you were not. Now you are a bit cynical it seems,because you ended up being not the one visited. I warned you of this being a potential result from the get-go.
I also warned everyone In my OP(original post)

So if people pick and choose what to read,skipping the parts where I say that not all parallel versions of self will be visited,if they ignore that heads up,then it is their choice, they don't want to understand parallel realities,multidimensional reality. They just see it as one timeline, time being linear.

So when you say ''too good to be true,you know it'' - You know what I know? I know it is not to good to be true,in fact it is very doable and realistic. If this is not realistic for you,if you have become jaded due to not being the version who got visited,even though I warned you several times of this,then that is not my fault either.

So if it is ridiculous to you,then why are you still posting ? Just a question,I am curious. If you see this as some hoax,then why not leave it be ?

See,the thing is,my OP gives all the info one needs,with some valid questions further asked and I already replied to them. If people see it as ridiculous,then this thread is not for them. I might be wrong,but I think you are just a wee bit bittered now that you were not visited IN THIS timeline,this version of you.You knew that risk!

You lost nothing,but you may have gained some potential insight.
I tried to help you actually, i don't see why you're being so defensive all of a sudden.

Apart from the fact that parallel universes aren't even 100% proven to be true (still a great chance of being true
though), i think if your fun little experiment would work, then everyone would be doing it, and we would be visited
by thousands of "you's" from different world lines.

I repeat this for your own good : If you still believe in your experiment, then you are DELUSIONAL.

And just to be clear, i volunteered because i thought you meant you would astrally travel, not "materialize" and pop up in front
of my house or something. XD
I repeat this for your own good : If you still believe in your experiment, then you are DELUSIONAL.


Come on pal. It's always expected that we take strong positions on subjects when we disagree with a member. God knows that I do. But let's try to avoid the ad hominem argument and retort. "Delusional" is not the best choice of words.