A Discovered Time Traveler

I would like to put my 2 cents in on this again but I won't have time till the weekend. Until then let me leave this comment to consider.
Back before highways with marked exit ramps and road signs, a few here may remember Rt. 66 as I do. But even before that, when anyone was traveling , if they had any intention of returning to where they started from they would periodically look back over there shoulder and take a good long look. This was called "checking your back trail". Why look back? Because, going the other direction looks entirely different. Landmarks are reversed and even appear completely different. Walking a familiar trail, in the opposite direction than usual, will appear different. It's not a big deal.
I still look backward in parking lots, to see where my car is in relation to the door. Otherwise, I walk around looking like an idiot with my remote-entry key-fob under my chin, acting as a range extending antenna, trying to get the parking lights flashing or the alarm chirping.

Since physics is philosophy, let's examine the sixth sense. The gut feeling that tells you not to do something or the little voice that wants you to pay attention - that kind of thing. Trusting your instincts over your rationality seems contrary to enlightenment. I do it now, whenever I can push through my own skepticism and doubt that's based on logic. If other people are involved, it gets even more difficult. But, I've found it pays off.

Now, with regard to shifting into alternate worldlines through choice ... here's another opportunity. Chose to live a better life, in a better world, where you are a better person. If our mind slides from one reality to the next with every choice, choose better! The power of positive thinking may be less of a spiritual concept than a common sense thing. If you believe things will work out well, or that you are more capable than you thought - it could lead you there just as easily as choosing to turn left or right when you come to an intersection of roads.

Like I mentioned, my early altervus scared me very much. That may explain why I ended up in worldlines where things were worse than where I started. Flip that energy around to fearlessness, plus an expectation of a positive outcome, and the worldlines are your oysters!
I did something very out of the ordinary on Friday then had that old familiar altervu feeling. I haven't noticed any changes yet but will keep looking. The incident was positive and uplifting, so I'll see if there is any correlation vis-à-vis potential changes.
There are physiological as well as psychological attributes to "why" things seem different, "altervues" if you wish, when viewed from different aspects, whether physical or psychical. Added together they effectuate reality or, at least one's individual perception of it.
I am more familiar with the physiological aspects so I will offer my 2 cents from that perspective.

Many of you already understand that your right optical nerve transmits to the left hemisphere of your brain and likewise the left to the right hemisphere. You may also understand that the different hemispheres are responsible for different cognitive functions. This is where the fun begins. As you encounter your daily world, the objects within the field of vision on either side of you are received and processed differently according to the hemisphere that receives them. To avoid going into an overly descriptive analysis, I will present you with the basics and most of you will be capable of adding the relevance on your own as you consider these factors.

The left hemisphere/ right eye;
•Expressive speech
•Receptive language
•Language (general)
•Complex motor functions
•Paired associate learning
Liaison to consciousness
Conceptual similarities
•Temporal analysis
Analysis of detail
•Finger naming
•Right-left orientation
•Sequential processing

The right hemisphere /left eye;
Spatial orientation
•Simple language comprehension
•Nonverbal ideation
•Picture and pattern sense
•Performance-like functions
Spatial integration
•Creative associative thinking
•Facial recognition
•Sound recognition
•Nonverbal paired associate thought
•Tactile perception
•Gestalt perception
•Picture processing
•Intuitive problem solving
•Psychic experiences
•Humorous thoughts
•Simultaneous processing

The Superior Colliculus;
This is the direct connection between vision and motor-related actions. There is no thought involved in the process. This may have some relevance to the altervue phenomenon in that a person is focusing on what's there or different.
The general function of the tectal system is to direct behavioral responses toward specific points in egocentric ("body-centered") space. Each layer of the tectum contains a topographic map of the surrounding world in retinotopic coordinates, and activation of neurons at a particular point in the map evokes a response directed toward the corresponding point in space. In primates, the tectum ("superior colliculus") has been studied mainly with respect to its role in directing eye movements. Visual input from the retina, or "command" input from the cerebral cortex, create a "bump" of activity in the tectal map, which, if strong enough, induces a saccadic eye movement. Even in primates, however, the tectum is also involved in generating spatially directed head turns, arm-reaching movements, and shifts in attention that do not involve any overt movements.
This type response, looking toward a change in your surroundings and even raising an arm to deflect something whether actually there or not, should not be confused with the reflex action which involves more areas of the brain, this one included.
In other species, the tectum is involved in a wide range of responses, including whole-body turns in walking rats, swimming fishes, or flying birds; tongue-strikes toward prey in frogs; fang-strikes in snakes; etc
This is a big part in 'my' hypothesis of how/why fish can school, move in instant synchronicity. (Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with this part of the topic but, I just wanted to add it. It's my post. I can do what I want.)
Superior colliculus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To sum this up;
Altervues may well be a result of the abstruse nature of the brain and how it functions in "our" sense of reality.
Reality is the next topic for discussion in relation to Einstein's alternate time line experiments.

If you wish to understand this more ( or just see some of the crazy things I read ) these links are pretty good ones.
Spatiotopic perceptual maps in humans: evidence from motion adaptation
Visual perception - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Very cool information Gpa. Isn't it interesting that we can be right-eyed or left-eyed just like we are left-handed or right-handed?
There are physiological as well as psychological attributes to "why" things seem different
Who, what, when and where are easy. "Why?" is the most difficult question of all.

I'd like your opinion on something. I believe it to be fact, but I'm fine with you looking at it as a hypothetical. If people could perceive changes to the timeline (whether by their personal actions or the actions of another), how might the brain process it?

Researchers don't know which part of the brain memories are stored in. Experiments I read about a long time ago show tests on lab animals with different parts of the brain removed don't seem to have an affect on remembered behavior. Maybe there are some of us that have brains that don't correctly retrieve memories. I know my brain appears to be retrieving altervu memories quite frequently. Possibly my memories are on a bad server somewhere in another dimension where memory servers exist.
Florida_Jim said:
I'd like your opinion on something. I believe it to be fact, but I'm fine with you looking at it as a hypothetical. If people could perceive changes to the timeline (whether by their personal actions or the actions of another), how might the brain process it?
How the brain perceives time is still partially a mystery. We understand some of the ways but in many instances it crosses over from one area of the brain to another and another and some how it is all correlated together to give the needed outcome.
Neuroscience has conducted experiments in psychophysics using fMRI, EEG, and computational modeling to try and better understand how the brain perceives time. The ability to perceive time is crucial in many daily activities. Walking, driving a car, even picking up a cup of coffee require that your brain uses the correct time intervals. Athletes practice to enhance this ability. One study has determined that time distortion illusions are less apparent when Newtonian dynamics are involved. These are the everyday facts of physics we grew up with and they lend to intuition and an ability to "expect" something.
Might this expectation be a precursor to the perceived discrepancies in "altered time lines"? You expected one thing to happen but "it" didn't happen, something else did and as a result, you believe the time line was altered. What actually occurred was an error in your intuition. If your intuitive expectation was something you were "strongly expecting", for whatever reason, consciously or unconsciously, it may seem to appear as a memory, not an expectation.
That's the best answer I can give to your question. Hope it helps some.
If your interested in more reading, this guy is good.
- a relatively little known fact I believe about JW. He had Multiple Personality Disorder.

He suffered from bipolar disorder, not DID, dissociative identity disorder, the current name for what used to be called multiple personality disorder. For a diagnosis of DID he would have also have had to have been diagnosed with a host of other mental disorders. The multiple personality disorder diagnosis was a media rumor that went around in 1959. It simply wasn't true. But in the 1950's actors weren't supposed to get sick, have affairs or have mental illness. The mainstream media/press loved to sensationalize anything that deviated from the script (something that hasn't changed much). The rumor started because Jonathan was a comedian who specialized in character/actor impersonation. Thus his mental breakdown had to have been because he wasn't acting when he did other characters. He was the "other" characters - multiple personality disorder - PDQ. Being a talented, brilliant actor and comedian couldn't be the answer. ;)

He remained a reasonably active actor until early this year doing mostly voice acting. When Smurfs II is released later this year he will again be the voice of Papa Smurf. He lived in my community (Santa Barbara), was well known and out in the public all the time. He didn't die until three weeks ago.

Semper Fi, Marine! We will miss you.
Wow, different memories..... what a strange topic.

Or would be if I had not had an 'experience' First of all, no claims, not a whisper of another timeline/worldline... no preconceived ideas. Just a little memory that I do not understand. (I shall type the story as I remember it, not checking facts on the net... just a memory)

OK, the story goes like this. When I was at school, there was an oil tanker accident. The oil tanker was called the Torrey Canyon. It was somewhere off the south coast of Britain if I recall, maybe Devon, or somewhere like that.

The children's news programme at the time on BBC1 was John Craven's Newsround. (It is just called Newsround these days) Anyhow, I remember leaving school and running home across the park every night, because on Newsround we got to see the RAF flying out and dropping incendiary bombs on the oil slick to try and burn it away (I guess dispersants and booms were a thing of the future)

As far my home was concerned, I can remember it clearly, the TV, the carpet, my mum and dad. All as I remember it. But then logic shows me that I was wrong. I was wrong on so many counts.

The School that was on the other side of the park was my secondary school (ages 11 to 16) and by the time I was at that school, we had not only had our first colour TV, but we were using a TV with a remote control.... yes, fancy :D

I recall the news reports on a black and white TV. This would be a problem, as we went colour when I was still at Junior school (I remember the man from the shop coming to install it...... and yes kids, back then, you did not buy a tv and take it home, you made an appointment for it to be delivered and fitted..... :D). When I was at Junior School, I started to walk home ON MY OWN!! (very grown up) but again, I did not cross the park when I walked home from that school either.

So the current major failings of this are the TV was wrong, it was the Black and White one, not a colour. The direction home from school did not apply to a school I went to whilst we still had a black and white TV.

Now this memory has bothered me for a long time, but only because of a chance conversation. I would have been about 14 maybe 15 years old at the time, and on a Friday night, my father and some of his friends used to go to the pub for an hour or so. One night, they started talking about the Torrey Canyon Disaster (possibly because another tanker had had an incident.. the reason for the conversation was unimportant) but it became a bit strange when I joined in, and was telling them all about when I used to run home from school to see the RAF "Unleash Hell!!"

At which point the question was asked by one of my father's friends, "How old are you?" and therein lies the problem.... The Torrey Canyon went down in 1965 (I think)...... A full 4 years before I was born. So how can I have memories when I would have been at least 11 years old (because of the direction I took home from school) but with the wrong TV (although it would have been the TV my parents had in 1965)

Or was it just a dream? It is a story I have mentioned a few times over the last years, but maybe this site and the 'other' forum with a similar subject matter has raised the thought again. Although my primary reason for joining is the Philly Experiment, rather than time travel, the time travel forums are still very very interesting. And, if I have success with my Philly Experiments..... well I think the expression is "Today Invisibility, Tomorrow The whole of space and time" :D

Anyhow, whatever you make of the story above, it would be cool to hear about it. Or, am I (as I suspect) just insane? :D
For more weirdness ... I recall (although there is a slight chance I have this confused with someone else) that the actor Scott Bakula who played in Quantum Leap had accidentally shot himself with a gun that was a prop for a TV or movie set and that prop was supposed to be loaded with blanks. In my recollection he died. This was back in the early 1990's.

Just saw this, and wondered is this not what happened to the actor in "The Crow"?

There was a scene where a bullet was loaded into a gun, then off-camera, the bullet was replaced with a blank. Obviously the bullet had had the gunpowder removed. But when they removed it, a fragment was left in the barrel and when the scene was filmed of the crow getting shot, he really died. I believe they finished the film using a digital mask..... At least I think that was the story.
Welcome, Phil.


Learning about your experience of time,
I can understand your being absent-minded.
What I don't understand are your self-contradictory
assertions about so-called feasibilities of time travel.

Pertinent to some of your experiences
are some terms associated with déjà vu:
Thank you Syzygy, That was a brilliant bit of video. And yes it does explain quite a bit. Maybe not the recollection of an event several years before I was born but maybe I have just amalgamated memories so that a documentary of the Torrey Canyon became mixed in with my own childhood..... Who Knows.

As far as my experiments (both the car and also the Philly Exp) I have to be objective. I have a strong belief that time travel is possible, but there are so many fakes and attention seeking numpties that I will not allow myself to believe until I have evidence. This is also why when I have the test rig all assembled, then I can start to document and monitor what is happening and see if there are any unusual effects and then focus on those. I hope then to be able to build my own evidence. Part of the reason for broadcasting this live whilst I am doing it is to ensure that everything is 'peer-reviewed' so I know I am not seeing an effect just by the force of hope.

The same mindset is also applicable to the car test. I have a problem all based around the conservation of energy. It is a law that I cannot see a way round. Therefore in my mind, the car experiment is doomed to 100% failure. Having said that, I know PHD students who are writing theses on this subject; from my own prototype, I have seen how much gas can be created, so maybe there is a very small percentage of success.

Also I sometimes get surprised when I give a lecture, demonstration or even just chatting; people ask me how I know what I know. I don't think that it is anything special, but others sometimes do. So maybe my contradictory views are maybe not so much as a 'not possible' response, but maybe more of "it is possible, but beyond my skills to achieve".

But there is only one way to determine my skill level with both of these..... and that is by experimentation. So, if you hear on the news that a new black hole has been found in our universe, and it is currently 'eating' Yorkshire..... You will know that I had a little more success than I was expecting :D

What I don't understand are your self-contradictory
assertions about so-called feasibilities of time travel.

If you elaborate, I'm sure I can clear it all up. Just remember facts will remain facts, but fiction can change with the direction of the wind.
Until I complete the test rig, I do not know what I don't know.... Once I have something in my hands ready for testing, Then I can start to ask the proper, relevant and pertinent questions.... Until then, I am more focussed on the design and calculation side of my start point. :D

Once I have that fixed point to begin from, then I may start to find out what I don't know..... And elaborate my questions.....

That would be good for me, but maybe not for the rest of you as then I will be plaguing you all with questions... "Why is this doing that? why has by ship melted? why does the car not work? What have I done to cause my neighbour to hit me with a shovel, the explosion was not that loud :D"

I need my start point, and the next few weeks are going to drive me up the wall with frustration whilst I wait to turn on the switch......
Thank you Syzygy, That was a brilliant bit of video. And yes it does explain quite a bit. Maybe not the recollection of an event several years before I was born but maybe I have just amalgamated memories so that a documentary of the Torrey Canyon became mixed in with my own childhood..... Who Knows.

As far as my experiments (both the car and also the Philly Exp) I have to be objective. I have a strong belief that time travel is possible, but there are so many fakes and attention seeking numpties that I will not allow myself to believe until I have evidence. This is also why when I have the test rig all assembled, then I can start to document and monitor what is happening and see if there are any unusual effects and then focus on those. I hope then to be able to build my own evidence. Part of the reason for broadcasting this live whilst I am doing it is to ensure that everything is 'peer-reviewed' so I know I am not seeing an effect just by the force of hope.

The same mindset is also applicable to the car test. I have a problem all based around the conservation of energy. It is a law that I cannot see a way round. Therefore in my mind, the car experiment is doomed to 100% failure. Having said that, I know PHD students who are writing theses on this subject; from my own prototype, I have seen how much gas can be created, so maybe there is a very small percentage of success.

Also I sometimes get surprised when I give a lecture, demonstration or even just chatting; people ask me how I know what I know. I don't think that it is anything special, but others sometimes do. So maybe my contradictory views are maybe not so much as a 'not possible' response, but maybe more of "it is possible, but beyond my skills to achieve".

But there is only one way to determine my skill level with both of these..... and that is by experimentation. So, if you hear on the news that a new black hole has been found in our universe, and it is currently 'eating' Yorkshire..... You will know that I had a little more success than I was expecting :D

I'm inclined to believe your experiences cannot be defined in those terms,
while the words and their explanations are useful for comparative contrast.
I'm inclined to believe your experiences cannot be defined in those terms,
while the words and their explanations are useful for comparative contrast.

Just a quick one, it is now nearly 9pm, I am going to have to go home soon (I need to eat) I have an hour drive from my office. So I shall respond in the morning, but by can they not be defined in the terms I used...... What terms could be used? What do you think really happened?

If you elaborate, I'm sure I can clear it all up. Just remember facts will remain facts, but fiction can change with the direction of the wind.
Examples that immediately come to my mind:
You maintain the speed of light necessary to time travel.
We've discussed your questionable sources / contradictory definitions.
You expect time travelers should be not only capable of choosing an exact destination
but of returning with souvenirs as proof of their journeys.
And you post statements, e.g. about black holes' supposedly being nonexistent,
without qualifying your opinions' contradicting substantiated reports ...&c.
I never said anything about the speed of light being related to time travel. Maybe you are confusing me with the real Einstein.

Black holes are fiction. If you believe they are real, then that's your choice. There doesn't appear to be facts to support their existence. Only opinions.

I don't have any factual data on time travelers other than my own experiences that suggest they exist.