I don't want you to consider this an attack about this but I must ask... Why do you feel the "e-mail" has anything to do with your "alter-views"? You said you don't remember any e-mail in 1998 and your views started in May 2001. It would seem they are totally unrelated. Had your views started sometime in 1998 or 1999... then maybe you could assert a connection but, three years later with no recollection of a revelation in 1998...no.
No worries. I've developed a thick skin and I don't expect anyone to believe me; it's an unbelievable story. I'm also aware of the taint put upon my story due to its connection to John Titor, who is widely believed to be a hoax. As far as the connection between my email to 1998 and my experiences in May 2001, I can only offer conjecture based on deduction...
Causality seems to exist, no matter the time or dimension involved. My action in March 2001 caused a change in a parallel universe in 1998, thus locking me in sync with that time and dimension. Again, it was not "my" 1998. It was the 1998 of an alternate version of me whose life must have run very similarly to mine, until the introduction of the email. I conclude the similarity was close because the other me seems to have been able to answer the six personal questions I posited. Either that, or the passwords on the zip file I sent were cracked by someone else, which I anticipated. At that point, things diverged dramatically between my 1998 and the one which ran closely parallel. Titor claimed there would be no effect on this worldline, but he had himself experienced awareness of the differences between worldlines while traveling. Pamela experienced altervus while Titor was still here. I was late to the party!
Why though? Wouldn't the changes be immediate from the moment I chose to send that email? They weren't. They were delayed. Once again, I can only make supposition. Perhaps Titor arrived in March or April 1998 and didn't send the emails immediately. Perhaps it took alter-Jim, or someone else, almost two months to crack the zip file.
I have traveled the same route from my town to Chicago literally hundreds of times. One day, after a sever storm the night before, I noticed a small pop-up trailer that I had seen many times before setting on the west side of a pond, the kind you see near overpasses where dirt was taken to build up the ground level to cross the highway. This morning it was all the way across to the east side and setting half in the water. I said to my friend, "Look at that. The storm blew that trailer all the way across to the other side and into the water." His reply was, "You don't look around much do you? That's been over there since last summer."
Now, imagine you arrived home after this experience and asked your family and friends, "When did that trailer end up there?" and they all agreed with your friend. Then, you went online and chatted with a few people who claimed to have similarly bizarre experiences at the same time, revolving around a singular event.
A time slip? No. An alternate universe? No, nothing so spectacular. A familiar place that had changed but my memory of it hadn't because the change, as far as my brain was concerned, was to insignificant be placed in long term memory. Not everything is or even can be saved by your brain into long term memory. That's one of the reasons for dreams. The brain sorts out the information it has recently accumulated in what we may experience as a very real event or a jumble of mixed up events and it discards what it deems to be unnecessary. That's why most dreams are so hard to recall. They have been "deleted" from memory.
I hate to be such a damned scientist, but this explanation is far more likely to be correct than time slips.
Occam's razor, right? I respect that. I remember watching a documentary maybe thirty years ago where a brain surgeon brought patients out of anesthesia, while their brain was exposed, so they could talk. He electrically stimulated the memory centers of the brain and found that people were able to describe, in perfect detail, moments from their past. There are people who do have much better recall than most. The actress Marilu Henner is one. She consulted on a police-procedural drama based on this phenomena. It's called, "Unforgettable" starring Poppy Montgomery.
Had I been the only person connected to Titor that experienced altervus, I would have believed I lost my mind. But I've come to believe that these experiences can (and do) happen to many people - if not all people. We dismiss them because they don't fit our psychological and sociological beliefs. We want to be "normal" and altervus are anything but.