Replying to Walt while at the same time, not replying at Walt, is like a mother hen warming her peeps."You kinda have to be careful.So I've got to ask it this way,.. if you see the space pirates in this book, the fieldguide, as just being militarily manageable.This is with some of our most advanced weaponry, what would happen if from the well know space pirate set of aliens,"which usually hang out about the Mars vicinity", were to be stepped up one notch from what we're used to? This is like more numbers of creepy, hostile aliens, but with much better weapons technology. Is the Army, "don't know if your'e in anymore", maybe looking over that defensive potential too, like what to do and how to handle that,Walt?it may be that the left thinking folks will now regroup and take some time to plan a new direction after the surprise they got with the election.In the Army training we were told to look out for the counter assault after we took our objective. This next wave of trouble may not take place until spring or summer? The standing orders may be "Resist, Obstruct, and Delay" for now until they receive their orders from the shadow government funded by George Sorso and company?
Edited on advice.Yes Walt, I would like to own a watch to where it can advise you on certain points, but all you have to do is to speak to it. Review: How does Apple Watch first-gen compare to the Series 1 that replaces it?There may be another explanation for why our nations economic system is in such disrepair. Other then the psychological causes there may be general expectation of entitlement from a culture of narcissism from many years of a healthy economy. If we look back at the history of peace and war around the world you will better understand there is a cycle factor related to our economic ups and downs.If we have a zero sum world economy and one nation hogs up the economic pie at the expense of another, we will see anger and another war?This is just the observation of one low math score guy that likes to see us eat more pies.
"Not PC" sorry!
You mean due to government officials? Well, you forget who is in office now.Hey Kido,You would do well not to talk any more out of class about this subject. If people start to believe your words you may not be allowed to continue.I do thank you for sharing with me, but it would be best to erase the above information.
I like a wrist watch that all you must do, to get it to function, is talk to itHey Kido,You would do well not to talk any more out of class about this subject. If people start to believe your words you may not be allowed to continue.I do thank you for sharing with me, but it would be best to erase the above information.
hey walt i just wonder so they do have the tech stuff to put soul to the another body sound like they playing God..but how can they put Soul in hell or heaven that my question for you Walt.Hey Kido,You would do well not to talk any more out of class about this subject. If people start to believe your words you may not be allowed to continue.I do thank you for sharing with me, but it would be best to erase the above information.
Trump still has over 5,000 SES appointment's to fill before the good ship lollypop can turn around. Sorry, (senior executive service).You mean due to government officials? Well, you forget who is in office now.![]()
a Machine from space..but how come we don't know about many different races of alien and only a machine more powerful than a God himself yea i kind of doubt that..but A.I a machine from the future are here all ready in the future time line like there is million of human being not exit anymore so look like Machine rule there in the future times.The reason that I mentioned it is what is probable to come.Like I said, I do not know about heirs from the big space wars era.What I'm thinking is that they might be something machine-like.If you do chess scenarios with the Borg as an example, "not what they look like". They will beat you in a military capacity ever time. I, at one time was a military commander and a good one. Don't you think that I have a close eye on this probability, that if there is a faked alien invasion, that something that this society does not know, could hide in this play and use this to their advantage?
This is why at this point in time Obama is no longer an important issue.As they say with Elvis, "he has left the building".A new set of cards on the table that we may not have a clue as to how to win.Yes I agree let's change the subject.
All the others do, is to use humans a a gene bank for genetic materials.This thing is, is that bank consist of being in a paper bag on a busy street corner.
I have no clue if they can or how, but I did hear John Lear say it was real. I never understood what he was saying about that soul thing.hey walt i just wonder so they do have the tech stuff to put soul to the another body sound like they playing God..but how can they put Soul in hell or heaven that my question for you Walt.??
First off Obama was never allowed to call the shots as he was a told and did not tell Soros how to do things.There is a new kid in town and the game has changed from cards to MMA? Obama plays the game well enough to befriend Cuba that has no extradition with the western states. Notice how he said he was going to California and then turned around towards Cuba?The reason that I mentioned it is what is probable to come. Like I said, I do not know about heirs from the big space wars era.What I'm thinking is that they might be something machine-like. If you do chess scenarios with the Borg as an example, "not what they look like". They will beat you in a military capacity ever time. I, at one time was a military commander and a good one. Don't you think that I have a close eye on this probability, that if there is a faked alien invasion, that something that this society does not know, could hide in this play and use this to their advantage?
This is why at this point in time Obama is no longer an important issue. As they say with Elvis, "he has left the building". A new set of cards on the table that we may not have a clue as to how to win. Yes I agree let's change the subject.
All the others do, is to use humans a gene bank for genetic materials. This thing is, is that bank consist of being in a paper bag on a busy street corner.
They are coming up with micro circuitry and pathways that are so small now, that they could transfer your household companion talk-to, is a wrist watch.Of course this would certainly bite into the cell phone market.First off Obama was never allowed to call the shots as he was a told and did not tell Soros how to do things.There is a new kid in town and the game has changed from cards to MMA? Obama plays the game well enough to befriend Cuba that has no extradition with the western states. Notice how he said he was going to California and then turned around towards Cuba?Hillary still thinks she will be protected from prosecution...she won't.
It won't be Trump's hands that will run her through the ringer. His hands will be clean as he will delegate as a good company man will do.
I hope in your past life you or we were on the same team sir!
I think but am not one hundred percent sure that I was Vader.This had been over a thousand years ago.I got the hint when Vader was talking to his father the Emperor via a hologram in the first movie.When I had seen this, I got a musty body odor in my nose right away.I was so bad that I had to get up and use the washroom because I became nauseated.Then, they got fifty percent of Star Wars right and I have no idea how they had done this, other than either the time tunnel and Montauk, or some form of remote viewing, or maybe some other kind of machine.I hope in your past life you or we were on the same team sir!
I'm standing in this hardware chain and this steel selling shed PC starts showing me sensitive store chain financial records.I have the look of panic on my face as the system, "not me", hacked through to get them. "it must have been the store grounding wiring system, into the corporate headquarters in Oregon", to show me that in a few month that the entire store chain was going into chapter eleven.I am trying to figure out how this little dedicated computer could do this, without an interface that nobody is controlling.What I did right then and there is say this to the little PC, "I realize your concerned here, but I don't think that we should be looking at this information.Your'e doing a very good job here, but "Please", get back to selling these steel sheds"? and the PC did. This happened a long time ago, but in our time.How did this little Pentium system know not only who I was, but where it was and what the corporation was doing, as far as business, progress wise? This is when I put two and two together and figured out earlier what I had felt during Star Wars was not a figment of my imagination.Creedo kido, I'll let you in on a little secret: It took me a long time to understand that I may not be normal as a human. I did try my best to keep a low profile but while in the army it did not work. When push came to shove I pushed back and people died. The same thing has happened many times before and after and it continues to happen still. I gave up trying to stop the loss of life and now accept the fact the it is what it is. It would be nice to find others like me out there to answer some questions. Maybe we're not suppose to know why me? You seem to have one hell of an imagination for a long winded guy. If I told you everything about my strange life you would not believe a word. I find it strange that there are so many folks wanting to know if aliens and flying saucers are real. They are! Now the big question is why are they here and why must they remain in the shadows? Bill Cooper said that aliens are not real and the driver shot JFK. Both are false, but why did he say that? I did promise to keep what I know a secret, and I did keep it secret longer than Phil Corso. The funny thing is that most people just don't believe what I have shared with them. Others are afraid to come forward for fear of the grief they would receive after seeing how others were treated for telling what they know. The problem may be that there are way too many bull shit stories to sort through for the average guy to accept the real story? I now spend my time looking for hoaxers as a way to remove them so the public may believe the truth and demand disclosure. Be advised that I am good at what I do!