Temporal Novice
that an incredible theory and makes alot of sense but one thing ,i believe is the CTC already exists tome going forward and time going back with the present time running in the middle ,the three run parallel with each other and always have its all by natural phenomenon ,the things you just cant seem to explain ,any and all natural phenomenon is not bound by the laws of physics ,no matter how in depth you seek the answer it just cannot be found ,the CTC is not creatable by any machine but can be detected and the horizon at certain time of the days plays a big part in the CTC opening and closing but only around specific parts of the day ,specifically a few hours before the sun goes down and time dilation does occur 4 hrs in the present is like an hr or less in the past ,and the window is open till dark the ctc closes ,but dont worry when the window closes it throws you back to the present ,you wont be able to stay there