You just can't...

RE: You just can\'t...

What Jake67 describes is of course the traditional method of time dilation, not real "time travel". But just to clear this up, the dilation is not due to the Doppler effect, which only affects the wavelengths of the light you emit, making the light redder as you speed away and bluer as you come back. The time dilation comes as a natural consequence of general relativity.

And, to answer Jenee, time dilation precludes time travel to the past, because it isn't real time travel - you have to go through the time, you just experience it passing differently.
RE: You just can\'t...

Actually, Janus, the Doppler effect defined is "the change in frequency of any wave due to the motion of the source or the receiver." If you make a diagram of that example using waves for the flahses of light, you'll see that the outcome is quite analagous to the doppler effect
RE: You just can\'t...

er, yeah, frequency too. But with light, the speed is always constant (in vacuum) so when wavelength varies, so does frequency. So again, the Doppler Effect only changes the colour (and intensity, assuming you're not changing the intensity of the source) of the emitted light, and relativity is responsible for the time-effects.

Remember, c=wavelength*frequency.
RE: You just can\'t...

First, time is not an illusion--not some man-made invention (to pass the time
). No, I am afraid time is real, very real.

We know this to be true by the observable fact that a cup of cold tea would never spontaneously boil, not without energy being directly put into it, and the broken glass will never spontaneously reassemble into a whole piece of unbroken glass plate without some energy directed towards making the glass pieces whole again.

This is how we humans can definitely identify the direction of time and subsequently mark the passage of time.
RE: You just can\'t...

Hello, I read all your messages with great interest...
I'd like to change the perspective on time a little. Once someone or a bunch of people did an experiment with dreaming. Monitoring the test-person his eye-movement, they could determine if the subject was dreaming. At this point they made a subtle noise (like a bell or something). The subject then woke up and had to tell what his dream was about. Now, in this case the dream started with the ring of the school-bell and he experienced a whole dream ÄFTERWARDS...
This implies that time isn't such an important factor... It is just a measurement of "things-that-happen-and-because-they-do-not-happen-at-once-we-automaticly-associate- a-previous-happening-with-the-next(this is just how our brains work)-and-this-order-of-appearance-we-call-time...How's that for you all ?? Weird hey?
RE: You just can\'t...

Hello folks
You shouldn't see time as an object or thing that we invented.
Look if we were beeings that never dies then we wouldn't have had the whole concept of time, cause we then weren't interested.
But if we want to prescribe the dimension we are in to a beeing that doesn't have any dimensions we have to take time as a law or a barrior of our demension. If we can ecceed time then we can extend ourself beond the boudries of the galaxy. But it will be a lot harder then ecceeding gravity! (and maybe impossible , maybe we are prisoners in this dimension). The space-time contuum explains our dimension in great detail! so please don't brag about it! We experience time, so we invent time, just like that we see 3 dimension , so we invent 3 dimension, it is as hard to proof that there are 3 dimension as to proof that tehre is time! So I don't here you guys arguing about the 3 dimension you see! (because something you can't see , doesnt meen it doesn't excit!!!!)

That's my story,
RE: You just can\'t...

I DREAMED that I heard a qiuck loud snap and DREAMED that it woke me up. Then still asleep, I heard the self same quick loud snap and it woke me up. I know the sourse of the real noise mentioned, it never happens twice in a row.

So wich came first the noise or my awareness of it? Do things ALWAYS occur one after another?
RE: You just can\'t...

Interesting story...Shadow

If you ask me for an explanation I'd say that in the first place it didn't happen at once, nor did the real noise occured twice in a row.
What I do think is that when you heard the sound your sub-conciousness created a dream that would explain the noise you've heard, but since this dream was so life-like, you DID wake up. The (real)time that passed while dreaming could be milli-seconds. And when you wake up, your brains created the idea that you were awakened by this noise you've heard (wich was true, but since you were asleep then...) When you opened your eyes the noise already has occured.

Look, your brain is an incredible tool for "filling up empty gabs" in general. Now let me give two examples.
1) You remember an event and since it was a long time ago your real-memory of that event got full of gabs. Now, the brain can and will fill these gabs with bits of information you shall see as REAL, but they may have never occured.
2) All people with eye-sight have what is called a 'blind spot'. This means that there is a place in our 180 degree vision that cannot be seen by our eyes.(If you're interested I can give you proof of that, but now just accept it as a fact) My piont is; we do not see a black spot in our vision. Our brains fill up that space with what it thinks is there.

So you have two memories. One telling you that you've dreamed about a noise waking you up. Secondly the memory of the noise that really awakened you.
Talking about fooling yourself without noticing...

I hope you can make some sense out of this. I await your reply...
RE: You just can\'t...

Ok, so I heard the noise, percieved it as/in a dream, then woke up. Yes this is a logical explaination.

But I wouldn't pay a lot of money for it because I was 'there' and I remember it in this sequence; 1) beginning to wake up in anticipation of a loud noise about to occur, 2) hearing the sound, 3)waking up.
The sound happens at completly random times with no prior indicators, so there are no pre-event hints to go by.
RE: You just can\'t...

I have an opinion on the subject,Primarily time can be accelarated, but not reversed. This solves the "grandfather paradox." This also is the reason we have never seen future time travelers in our time.

As to the fact of time existing or not, it has to. If a vacuum is expanding rapidly, particles appear, apparantly out of nothing. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another. Therefore, some energy must be changed into these particles. It is very possible that time itself is an (the) energy.
For the "its all in your head" theory, any time you view an object, it's "all in your head". Your eyes convert the light entering them into a nervous impulse to your brain. Your brain then decyphers the impulses into a "picture." Would you now say that that object does not exist, because what you're seeing is "all in your mind"????