You just can't...


Temporal Novice
You just can\'t...

I mean you just can't travel in time since time is something theoritical.Time does not exist,it's in our head only.We made it up!!!
And of course it's all these paradoxes...

Get Serious...
RE: You just can\'t...

Good point. And since I (we) just made up TIME in our heads, the next logical step is to just make up time-TRAVEL in our heads. One should be as easy as the other.

I can immagine lots of space but I can't park my car in it.
RE: You just can\'t...

I'm not sure if I am correct on this, but the way I understand it, time is an actual dimension.
RE: You just can\'t...

you dont know that time is real or not. none of does. it only seems theoretical because we cant see it, sense it, or do anything with it. we just seem to live in "it." it only seems to be something that we made up. try living a day without wondering "what time is it?"
RE: You just can\'t...

you dont know that time is real or not. none of does. it only seems theoretical because we cant see it, sense it, or do anything with it. we just seem to live in "it." it only seems to be something that we made up. try living a day without wondering "what time is it?"
RE: You just can\'t...

We don't know if God is real or not - She is only a theory. I mean we don't know if God is female or male!! It all depends in what you believe in!!
RE: You just can\'t...

D-Berry's right; time is an actual dimension, albeit with different properties than the spatial dimensions. Gravity isn't just a warping of space, it's a warping of the combined entity called spacetime. To figure out the amount of time dilation, one needs to look at the observed velocity of light, and dilate the time scale so that this equals 3E8 metres/sec.
RE: You just can\'t...

Time is not a fourth dimension. It has no properties that can be equated with space. Einstein failed to realize the true nature of time. Time exist as a continuum only in the minds of man. There is no space-time continuum. Time is a human concept that space has no need for.

Gravity does not affect space or time. It only effect mass that is in space. There is no warped or curved space, however there is curved trajecties of objects in space.
RE: You just can\'t...

Time can be 'no-THING' but that doesn't mean that it is nothing. Time would have to be as real or as unreal as space since the only way to describe time would be to call it a sequential set of complete spaces.

Space would be as substantial as that which occupied it. (So would time.) Real space is never empty, in fact the concept of empty volume is an artificial construct.

We measure every thing is terms of matter and energy. If all matter and energy were removed form a volume of space, in that region, time and space would be undefinable. That is to say it would contain infinite volume or no volume: infinite time or no time or any amount in between, as you like, because you would have nothing to measure it BY.

We could find middle ground by saying that space and time are unreal properties of real mass and energy.....or visa versa for the spiritualist in the audience.
RE: You just can\'t...

I believe that time is a dimension, but we only can barely concieve it for we only exist in the now. It's a very circular reasoning built around ourselves. Since we only exist in the Now, logically all of our sentient existence is Now i.e. we are living in the past and future.
RE: You just can\'t...

Why haven't we seen time travellers? This is a challenge to time travel that has been raised by some, including well known theoretical physicsts. Several logical explanations come to mind:
1. Time travel is in the hands of a precious few and is therefore carefully controlled. This makes since since if TT is possible it will undoubtedly involve a massive project similar to the space program. 2. Time travel is not invented until a future time and for some theoretical reason not understood based upon current scientific knowledge is limited in time range. This may be due to power requirments, distortion effects, or unknown factors. Thus time travellers have not been able to travel to our time and will never be able to do so. We may of course yet live in a period of time reachable by time travellers. 3. Time travellers are among us and have even attempted to communicate this fact to some people. No one listened. They were thought to be crazy.
I'm sure there are other explanations which are possible.
What are the chances of Time Travel? Based upon the present understanding of science, slim and none. The problem with science now is that it really believes it understands the nature of the universe. I do not believe that we have seen the "End of Science", at least I hope not.
RE: You just can\'t...

I completely disagree with you, Optimistic. We do that God is real. How do you know that the grass is green? You see it. How do you know that gravity is real? You see and sense the effects of it. It is the same with God. You know that HE is there because of your senses. You have experienced God. That is how you know He is there.
With time travel, I suppose it is the same way. You have experienced it, so you know it is there.
RE: You just can\'t...

Whoa! Science believes it understands the nature of the Universe? I have to argue that. Maybe a very small minority of people think that all the questions about the fundamental properties of Nature are solved, but in reality, science is a constantly changing body of knowledge. I don't think that you could find a single physicist, for example, that thinks that Quantum Mechanics is the be-all and end-all of physical theory. Every theory is created to explain as much as possible at the time, and make predictions based on current knowledge. At any time solid evidence of something contradicting theory could completely mess up everything in the current theory. No-one serious ever thinks that we actually understand anything on a fundamental level.

On a different topic, the problem with saying "Time doesn't exist" or "it's all in our heads" is that we're so completely linked to our heads. I mean, if time doesn't exist, but we all experience this non-existant thing in pretty much the same way, and can predict and observe its effects pretty well, then doesn't it, in effect, exist? But then the discussion becomes philosophy.
RE: You just can\'t...

time travel is not at all as unbelievable as any of you may think..there is a logical stairway of thought that will prove that time travel into the future is possible at an expense of a smaller time of your own, as long as you remember that the speed of light is constant: If you are in a spaceship moving at 87% the speed of light away from the Earth, and you send a flash of light every 6 minutes from your ship, it will reach the Earth every 12 minutes due to the doppler effect. Say you go out on the ship for an hour, then head back to earth. On the way back, you will still be sending the flashes every 6 minutes, but they will be receiving them every 3 minutes, once again due to the doppler effect. So, you will have sent 20 flashes in 2 hours. but 2.5 hours will have passed on earth, because they received 10 flashes and 12 minute intervals (2 hours) and 10 flashes at 3 minute intervals (30 minutes).
Therefore, you have traveled 2 hours and 30 minutes into the future at the expense of 2 hours of your own time. this is time travel, is it not? The time "skipped" increases at as you increase the time you travel.
RE: You just can\'t...

Time Master Said this:

Time is a human concept that space has no need for.

There has to be a space-time continuum. One can't exist without the other. To see what would happen if we only had one or the other:

If you didn't have any space to occupy, you can't exist, even if you have plenty of time to occupy the non-existent space.

And say you have lots of space. You can't exist with just height, length, and width. You also need duration. This is why many say time is the fourth dimension.