You asked for it


No need to try the more recent past. I'm convinced. You're a time traveler. (Now how screwed is that?
Lol....can you imagine the time traveller sitting there 24/7 waiting to make sure that his post number corresponded with that in the link ! This is something the time traveller would find impossible to control......and that's a good element in any test.

It won't work either. I think John might have did something like this and everyone said the mods or MOP had something to do with it. You have to just face the facts that there is no way for a time traveler to prove he is one online.

Here: web page
((where does it say it is limited to 11 pages though...I don't see it.??....wait a are not looking at the third open folder at the top of the page are you?
....YOU posted that! hehehe))
I was just trying to be clever. However, I am still unable to see any postings past 412. Can everyone else see them?

I respond:

I wasnt aware that the postings had numbers. you didnt go back and count all 412 posts did you? this is the last post I see on MY computer......copied and pasted:
(I wonder if everyone else has the same this the last one you have too?)
unregistered posted 26 January 2001 12:55
What happened to Pamala and TT_O? They both dropped off the board at the same time.
PC crash, hanky panky?

maybe the Mighty Moderators will check into it. Mop will get to the bottom of it. he'll be able to tell us what is happening to mysterious page 11!
TTO- check your email I sent you something!


The funniest thing is the postings DID NOT have numbers but then when the site got redone later the postings did have numbers which I talked about in a thread somewhere but everyone said MOP was behind it or a moderator. Of course the site has been done several times and right now they do not have numbers again.

Even when you show something it can always be refuted
with some kind of excuse. He was trying to be clever alright but how did he know in one of the changes that that particular posting would be numbered that particular number?
That has actually NEVER been explained. I didn't understand when he posted and didn't know it till
later when the web site got updated. Only MOP himself would know if he intentionally placed that posting at that number. Other than that there is NO explanation.
Of course people will come on and have all kinds of excuses but at the time the posts were disappearing and reappearing on the board I dont even know how he could have counted them.
The thread became corrupted and now it no longer exists on this web site at all.
Of course the site has been done several times and right now they do not have numbers again.

Even when you show something it can always be refuted
with some kind of excuse. He was trying to be clever alright but how did he know in one of the changes that that particular posting would be numbered that particular number?
That has actually NEVER been explained. I didn't understand when he posted and didn't know it till
later when the web site got updated. Only MOP himself would know if he intentionally placed that posting at that number. Other than that there is NO explanation.

Oh really? How sure are you of these statements I have made in bold, Pamela?

It is possible that someone who DID know the real answer just did not have the patience to give you a lesson? Well, lucky for you, I am a teacher so I have the patience.

The TRUTH is that posts here have ALWAYS had numbers. You seem to only base your statements on whether you can see those numbers within the textual area of a post. But if you keep your eye on the URL window on your web browser, you will notice a parameter in the code while you are viewing threads that has the name "Number". Look at the URL bar right now as you are reading this response to me.... in that string of text you will see "&Number=" with a number after it.

If you understand how databases work (which is what the PHP boards utilize, and TTI is based on PHP) then you would realize that all posts MUST have numbers so that when you "reply" to a specific post, the database engine knows precisely which NUMBERED post to retrieve the posted text you are responding to so it can display it in the window below where you compose your reply.

Try again?
I see you deleted your reply, Pamela.

Let me assure you, I also know what I am talking about.

What I am suggesting to you is this: Even if the post numbers were NOT displayed in the text area of a post, there was (and is still) a very simple means to determine the number of any given reply within a thread. Simple arithmetic is all it takes (that, and knowing what your display defaults are set to in your user account).

What I am pointing out to you is the very basis of whether one believes a wild claim or not: There can quite often be a much more mundane explanation than what you are willing to believe is a more extraordinary claim. In this case, you are attributing John's ability to know a post number to being some sort of "supernatural" ability. And I am telling it is anything but this. He was just aware of something you were not, and used it to appear prescient.

If you understand how databases work (which is what the PHP boards utilize, and TTI is based on PHP) then you would realize that all posts MUST have numbers so that when you "reply" to a specific post, the database engine knows precisely which NUMBERED post to retrieve the posted text you are responding to so it can display it in the window below where you compose your reply.

Correct. For instance the post I'm responding to is number 66475.


On the version of UBB that was being used in 2000-2001 (Version 5.38a) post indexing was done differently. The first number was thread number and the second number was the post counter for the thread. For instance, the first post on "Topics Limited to 11 pages..." was by TTO and the second was by Dave Trott:

TTO: topic=000433.cgi&ReplyNum=000000

TROTT: topic=000433.cgi&ReplyNum=000001

So as you can see, you can't go by the index number for an old post and be sure that something's amiss. UBB upgrades between 5.38a and 6.1b1 (current version) included different indexing schemes thus the database was re-indexed during the installation of the upgrades.

We can make a pretty good guess at the total global number of deleted posts since January 1999 when the first post was made after the transition from the Xone server to the current site. It's about 1100. Your post was number 66475 and if you add up the total number of posts on every forum it comes to about 65300.

But we know that ~480 of those posts were lost when the Time Travel Paradoxes thread was corrupted. That leaves about 600 deleted posts (and users do delete their own posts) over the course of ~3900 days, or about 1 post per week.
In response to my challenge they must go back and post something very specific...content that I specify in the here and now, before they go back to post. I usually tell them to post in a specific forum (usually here in TT claims), and I give them a specific thread title to create, and I tell them something very specific in the body of the post that they must write.

That wouldn't work?
If someone went into the past, then 'now' has not occurred yet if they remain on the same line due to some universal 'law' that made such occur.
So following that pretext, you would not have made the 'specific post' yet when they arrive before doing such.
What I'm saying, is the action that pre-empts an action on the 'same line' must always have it's cause & effect? Do some theories not contain that? I was sure I read at least one reference to a theory that was similar. However there could certainly be a theory that upholds what you are saying - it's just probability of certainty?

Interesting in any case. 'Just as soon as I re-read that statement and think it's perhaps correct, I then re-read it and find it is greatly flawed - at least in it's communication of the thought purely. Feel free to rip it to shreds ^^.
By the way Oncoming, your speculation on the 'conspiracy' value of this site recently (in the according thread) had some positive connotations (brain Storm) in the way some current events unfold.
Like I said before, I'm not worried about the CIA, or anything to do with NATO.
In the grand scheme of things they are there to protect us in the long run more or less.
Why don't you time travel back to before you posted anything, and warn yourself not to post on this site.

I am never going to get those few minutes back I spent reading this thread.
not trying to be smart guys but time travel is obviously impossible and the evidence for that statement is here already so bs it up as you will but disqualify it i dare you?