You asked for it


Quantum Scribe
I completed my time machine. Instead of explaining how it works, I will only provide proof, since that's all you seek anyway. I will go to the past, create a new username on TTI, then make posts here. Bye. :D
I'm quite surprised someone hasn't removed this site and put up an index.html that says something to the effect of;
SITE REMOVED "insert past date here"

That would be illegal, but yet I'm sure would generate a few chuckles.

(I'm pretty sure the 'educational purposes only' refers to one's own box and not servers owned by others - just in case anyone gets any ideas ^^).
Ta da! That worked really well. You guys are still discussing it. :D Of course I knew in advance that it would work so it's really not fair. I created the Titor story but I was drunk most of the time because it was the only way to act "in character" without cracking up laughing. :D Maybe I'll try the more recent past too.
I completed my time machine. Instead of explaining how it works, I will only provide proof, since that's all you seek anyway. I will go to the past, create a new username on TTI, then make posts here. Bye.

Nice try but you went too far in the Past...
that your username was lost in the upgrading process...of TTI Server
Next time you should post twice....
Your screwed either way.

I completed my time machine. Instead of explaining how it works, I will only provide proof, since that's all you seek anyway. I will go to the past, create a new username on TTI, then make posts here. Bye.

You do know that your screwed either way you go don,t you. If you go to the future and make a prediction Darby and Rainman will tear you apart and if you go to the past and learn something new and unknown still Darby and Rainman will tear you apart. Your just plained screwed either way you go I am telling you. The best of luck to you. Nice try but your doing it in the wrong place at the wrong time.
For convincing proof of time travel I am settling on my earlier requirement of a dead body. Bring your deceased carcase back from the future and we'll start getting serious.
Re: Your screwed either way.

You do know that your screwed either way you go don,t you. If you go to the future and make a prediction Darby and Rainman will tear you apart and if you go to the past and learn something new and unknown still Darby and Rainman will tear you apart. Your just plained screwed either way you go I am telling you. The best of luck to you.

Re: Your screwed either way.

If you go to the future and make a prediction Darby and Rainman will tear you apart and if you go to the past and learn something new and unknown still Darby and Rainman will tear you apart.

Not just your run-of-the-mill Stalinist dictators... but Stalinist dictators of the entire timeline of history!

Well damn if that isn't cool! Whaddya say, Darby? Do we deserve such an important promotion?

Re: Your screwed either way.

Not just your run-of-the-mill Stalinist dictators... but Stalinist dictators of the entire timeline of history!

Well damn if that isn't cool! Whaddya say, Darby? Do we deserve such an important promotion?

I'd say it's not really a badge of honor.
What's to stop someone posting a bunch of odd and unexplained posts now.......and then in 6 months time claiming that they were posts inserted into the past ?
What's to stop someone posting a bunch of odd and unexplained posts now.......and then in 6 months time claiming that they were posts inserted into the past ?

At least one other person has already tried that, and we caught him as soon as he started because we understood what he was trying to do.

The "remedy" for that is how I came to my specific test for a TTer, and that is that they cannot just go back into the past and post whatever they want (which is what the above ploy relies upon). In response to my challenge they must go back and post something very specific...content that I specify in the here and now, before they go back to post. I usually tell them to post in a specific forum (usually here in TT claims), and I give them a specific thread title to create, and I tell them something very specific in the body of the post that they must write.

To-date no one has met the challenge...but of course, they will lean on the (lame) excuse that "it would be in another timeline, that is why I would never see it here on this board in this timeline." yeah.....right!

The "remedy" for that is how I came to my specific test for a TTer, and that is that they cannot just go back into the past and post whatever they want (which is what the above ploy relies upon). In response to my challenge they must go back and post something very specific...content that I specify in the here and now, before they go back to post. I usually tell them to post in a specific forum (usually here in TT claims), and I give them a specific thread title to create, and I tell them something very specific in the body of the post that they must write.
The problem with that is that you will probably do a search for something which has never been posted before you make the request. So even when someone meets your request, you change it the next time around. A sort of negative feedback I guess.
I'd be more impressed if the time traveller could cut and paste the contents of a post that does not yet exist...and then post a link to it. I'd make it a post that will not yet exist for at least two weeks or so.

Lol....can you imagine the time traveller sitting there 24/7 waiting to make sure that his post number corresponded with that in the link ! This is something the time traveller would find impossible to control......and that's a good element in any test.
I'd be more impressed if the time traveller could cut and paste the contents of a post that does not yet exist...and then post a link to it. I'd make it a post that will not yet exist for at least two weeks or so.

That was attempted as well. That attempt did not bode well for the claimant.

This is what seems to be overlooked, that long-time posters have just about seen it all...there really isn't much left that would be considered novel and new at this late stage in the game.

Rainman's challenge is the best one presented so far...because I figured out a way to defeat my own challenge regarding the AMS Report.
The problem with that is that you will probably do a search for something which has never been posted before you make the request. So even when someone meets your request, you change it the next time around. A sort of negative feedback I guess.

I'm not so sure why that is a problem, because in fact, I always thought that was the most redeeming feature of the challenge. It is not that I search for something that has never been posted, but rather that I am tailoring the challenge to each new claimant to prevent exactly what was stated above (pre-positioning posts that they could claim are to meet a challege to go back and post something).

The basis of my challenge is founded upon the presumed claim that someone (a) is a time traveler and (b) has ready access to their time traveling device such that they can go back in the past to meet the challenge.

If this is, indeed, what the claimant is claiming then there should be absolutely no issue with them accepting the specifics of what they need to post from me, hopping into their time machine, going back a couple days, or a month, or whatever, and actually making the post as requested.

In the past (no pun intended), I have even asked claimants to register with a specific, new username so we could see their register-date show up as in the past, and then gave them specifics of the title and content of the post. Of course, none could do it! But I hope you would agree that it is not because the "challenge" is impossible, but rather that we have seen no actual time travelers.

And now I will await all the non-scientific boneheads who will try to (once again) tell me about "infinite worldlines" and why my challenge is not "fair"... The challenge is perfectly fair if one continues to believe the "romantic" notion of a whole person being capable of time travel (i.e. the way it is always portrayed in stories and movies). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I can never quite understand how it's a piece of cake to fit two micro-singularities into a device no larger than a suitcase, travel back to 1975 and grab an IBM 5100, travel forward SPECIFICALLY to 2000 to meet relatives, hang about for 5 months thirty six years in the past.....

....and yet......passing a SIMPLE little test like the sort Comrade Rainman suggested, is sooo difficult or met with pathetic excuses.

Well, actually, yes I can understand why. There is a perfectly logical reason why people cannot or will not take such tests. They are not time travellers.