You all are a joke. I'm a T' traveler.

Re: You all are a joke. I'm a T' traveler.


Time Traveler will not come here and tell people 'I'm a Time Traveler'.Why Time Traveler just only post a message or say Hi to 'Time Travel' related forum? Why don't they say hello to other forum?
Good question.
For example, John Titor had a political message and a warning about impending doom. Instead of going to a political discussion forum he chose a time travel forum.

Assume for a moment that he really was a time traveler. Had he chosen to go to a political discussion forum, avoided talking about time travel at all, and got people there interested in the message rather than the technology he might have had a much larger audience and a much larger acceptance.

This choice is much like a political science author going on a talk show to push his book by talking about how paper, ink and printing presses are used to print books.

Re: You all are a joke. I'm a T' traveler.

Okay Mr t traveler who wins the election in 08 never mind I'll tell you Hillary R. Clinton what is she most noted for the dissolution of the sovereignty of the U.S. in favor of the N.A.U. North American Union during her second term 2014. Which in turn forces Asian nations to follow suit 2038 the AU Asian Union openly attacks a N.A.U. cruiser in the newly open arctic ocean due to warming. As they wish to lay claim to the last of earths oil reserves. Ushering In total global war 7 billion out of 10.3 will die directly and indirectly from the ensuing carnage.

I can go on with all kinds of crackpot predictions based on trends and logic all of them far more feasible and chilling than you or Titor could come up with...

Re: You all are a joke. I'm a T' traveler.

I speak 500 langauges...
Interesting...500 ! Care to list the 500 languages you can speak ? Surely, merely providing a list of this skill and/or expertise wouldn't endanger anyone.
This request isn't meant in a negative manner, but more from a scholarly interest.

Re: You all are a joke. I'm a T' traveler.

Okay Mr t traveler who wins the election in 08 never mind I'll tell you Hillary R. Clinton what is she most noted for the dissolution of the sovereignty of the U.S. in favor of the N.A.U. North American Union during her second term 2014. Which in turn forces Asian nations to follow suit 2038 the AU Asian Union openly attacks a N.A.U. cruiser in the newly open arctic ocean due to warming. As they wish to lay claim to the last of earths oil reserves. Ushering In total global war 7 billion out of 10.3 will die directly and indirectly from the ensuing carnage.
Wow, did someone just come forward as the love child of Rush Limbaugh and Art Bell or what?

In your history you have had several species of human: Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis. My race is called Homo genusurecsus.I really hope we can live together and be friends.


Please contact me. Nothing to over surprising would be appreciated, but I'm interested in conversing with you. Sorry I'm late

In your history you have had several species of human: Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis. My race is called Homo genusurecsus.I really hope we can live together and be friends.
Please contact me. Nothing to over surprising would be appreciated, but I'm interested in conversing with you. Sorry I'm late

Thanks for resurrecting this thread. Nothing really of interest (I mean entertaining) to read. However, Darby did make a good point about "Titor".

Sykler,Please contact me. Nothing to over surprising would be appreciated, but I'm interested in conversing with you. Sorry I'm late[/quoteI'm on a mission lol