Temporal Novice
Explanation for what, may I ask?
Oh, well, looking at the dates of posts I thought the information posted in them was written before those events took place. I suppose this forum doesn't show if posts were edited later?
Explanation for what, may I ask?
Oh, well, looking at the dates of posts I thought the information posted in them was written before those events took place. I suppose this forum doesn't show if posts were edited later?
Servantx used to type in the date when each post was edited. Servantx has not indicated the dates that recent posts have been edited.
Ok, my english really sucks, therefore I might come to ... wrong conclusions. In his last post dated Sep 23, 2013 Servantx posts information that happened on November 24, 2013, is that correct? If that post is not edited after Sep 23, 2013 how could he know what would happen on November 24, 2013?
Servantx forgot to type in the date that he edited the post for the events that occured on November 24th etc. Sevantx created the post on September 23, 2013 but did not actually post anything until much later than September 23rd (this is what creates the confusion). I will provide an example in a post below. (P.S. keep an eye out for my post below, in March 2014 and the date it was posted)
However, this thread is posted in "time travel claims" section, so I don't see how is this time travel claim, am I missing something?
Those self-claimed time travellers can use this thread to match their timeline comparing to this universe. Any event that does not match the traveller's own history/prediction indicates a change in their timeline, and they will never return to where they came from, but to a new universe with this event list as history of fixed points. I edit the posts as time goes by until the period ends or ran out of characters in a post. Nothing unusual here.
Wait.... So if you time travel you never return to your universe of ORIGIN!?!?!??!?!?