This is my graphical presentation of the John Titor travel story.

Argument A:
Notice the impossibility of travel line (b). In many worldline theory, you CANNOT travel in the same timeline, it must be a diagonal travel line. Therefore, John Titor group FAILED. :p

Argument B:
As mentioned in the bottom note below, you can NEVER return to the original timeline (a.k.a. post WW3 Titor timeline)
Therefore, strike TWO!

John Titor Saga is a fable.

Anyone is free to use the above diagram without permission. But please give me credit for it.

Pamela, Thank you for welcoming me into this forum many years ago. I had a great time here, after observation in nearly 7 years in this board. I hope you are not part of the story making Group Titor. You had private messaged me when I first arrived, asking if I believe in the Titor Saga, I said I didn't have enough evidence to answer that question. Not until today.

God bless!

Log off.
That's a lot of work ServantX.
The first time John Titor became known was through a series of faxes.
Titor with the aid of an online kid by the name of SerbRyder, sent faxes to the Art Bell Show in 1998.
That's right. Did you know that SerbRyder is still around and can verify this?
Thus, John Titor was born in 1998Jul29.
That fax was important because in that fax John Titor said that a new building would exist where "two buildings" don't exist in New York.
Art's reading of the fax was altered mysteriously there.
There is one thing that John did. He proved to Art Bell that he knew 911 would happen.
Don't believe me? Ask Art Bell himself.
That's a lot of work ServantX.
The first time John Titor became known was through a series of faxes.
Titor with the aid of an online kid by the name of SerbRyder, sent faxes to the Art Bell Show in 1998.
That's right. Did you know that SerbRyder is still around and can verify this?
Thus, John Titor was born in 1998Jul29.
That fax was important because in that fax John Titor said that a new building would exist where "two buildings" don't exist in New York.
Art's reading of the fax was altered mysteriously there.
There is one thing that John did. He proved to Art Bell that he knew 911 would happen.
Don't believe me? Ask Art Bell himself.

And what if we don't believe you AND we don't believe Art Bell? What then?

The problem remains that through your own efforts you've killed any chance on this site of having credibility. You, simply put, are not a reliable source of information on John Titor. You have spent far too much time both claiming to be a Titor Saga investigator on one site while at the same time on another site telling people that you are John Titor. You've been doing that for a very long time. And you and I know that the claim is not true. You would have had no reason to try to dupe AOL into giving you the client information on the Sanguina@AOL.com email account all those years ago if you were TTO/JT. You would have known the owner of the account.

So even if SerbRyder were to come here and say that he sent the faxes that would not necessarily be considered reliable information absent a boatload of back-up documentation that could be independently verified. And given that the event occured almost 15 years ago that would be a bit difficult. As to the faxes we have what is known as Secondary Evidence. We didn't have access to the original faxes themselves but we did have the archive of the show. The faxes that we have are direct quotes from the transcript of the show. The reading of the faxes was made contemporaneous to his receiving them. He said what we have in the transcripts. Someone claiming 15 years later that he misspoke is 15 years too late - absent compelling evidence that can be shown to have been created on or about 29-JUL-1998 and not altered in the mean time.

Art Bell isn't a reliable source. He's an entertainer, not a reporter or researcher. When he suggested that David Anderson may have disappeared because of a time travel misadventure of some sort we already knew and had known for a long time what happened. He got divorced, he changed employers and moved to Rochester, NY. Art knew or should have known better. It took me less than 5 minutes on Google to find Anderson. He made it up for effect.
Did I kill this site's credibility or my own?
How long would you say that I have been interested in this?
I never tried to dupe AOL into giving me any information on Sanguina@AOL.com
I don't need to dupe anybody to get the information I need.
I have a professional background in that sort of thing.
I was also a computer guy in Scottsdale, Arizona.

I believe SerbRyder can prove his involvement in sending those 1998 faxes.
It is up to him if he wants to step forward on Time Travel Institute to do that.
This was a link to his video response to me which has since been removed.

It indicates to me that he has done exactly as instructed. And that is a wonderful thing.

I will grant you that SerbRyder nor Art Bell can confirm that John Titor knew of 911 and that John is a traveller.

We've been playing this game for years.
There is still time on the clock, Darby.

You identified the members of the Foundation.
But what does a lawyer, a computer security expert and former IBM employee, and an apocalyptic science fiction writer have to do with each other?
It isn't just about a movie.
What is it about and why did it seem like I was involved? I was told about my future thrpugh a book after coming onto this forum and 8 years later that book gave me instructions that saved my life. I don't really know what is going on and so what is going on?
The 1998 faxes to Art Bell didn't exist until after Titor left in March, 2001 - from my perspective and that of the others who sent emails to 1998. As I recall, one fax stated, "... except for a building missing in New York." which would be an odd thing to say if he knew several buildings were destroyed on 9/11/2001.
One building is being build now over the remains of 2. One building don't would be an odd mistake for someone as literate as he. Unless he is speaking in a southern drawl. People from Florida don't, as you know.
Did I kill this site's credibility or my own?

No. Not the site's credibility. Your credibility. That you absolutely did kill on your own. You did that in equals measures with Gary Voss. You both started out as "Titor Researchers" of some sort and then decided to go onto other sites and pose as Titor.
One building is being build now over the remains of 2. One building don't would be an odd mistake for someone as literate as he. Unless he is speaking in a southern drawl. People from Florida don't, as you know.

Perspective. When were the faxes sent to Bell? 1998. What happened in 1993? Omar Abdel "The Blind Sheik" Rahman's truck bomb that was intended to bring one of the towers down. It failed to do so. The reference in the fax could just as easily be related to that bombing where, in the fantasy alternate world he was refering to, it succeeded (the same fantasy world where, according to the faxes, Y2K was a deadly disaster).
No. Not the site's credibility. Your credibility. That you absolutely did kill on your own. You did that in equals measures with Gary Voss. You both started out as "Titor Researchers" of some sort and then decided to go onto other sites and pose as Titor.

That was such a long time ago that my recollection of it is a little cloudy. I did not do that maliciously.
Perspective. When were the faxes sent to Bell? 1998. What happened in 1993? Omar Abdel "The Blind Sheik" Rahman's truck bomb that was intended to bring one of the towers down. It failed to do so. The reference in the fax could just as easily be related to that bombing where, in the fantasy alternate world he was refering to, it succeeded (the same fantasy world where, according to the faxes, Y2K was a deadly disaster).

You're absolutely right. There was an attempt to destroy the World Trade Center in 1993. The guy playing Titor could have easily been referring to that event instead of 911.
What happened in 1993? Omar Abdel "The Blind Sheik" Rahman's truck bomb that was intended to bring one of the towers down.

The 1993 terrorist plan was to cause the bombed tower to topple into the other tower, destroying them both. Thankfully that failed. I think the death toll would have been higher than it was on 9/11 because there wouldn't have been time to evacuate anyone.

In 2000, my sister and I took my nephew and my young son to tour the Statue of Liberty. When we got to the observation area at the top, my son asked me about the twin towers and said he wanted to go there. I told him we'd tour them another time. We stopped at the gift shop on the way out and bought the boys foam spire hats. My sister also bought a souvenir book about the Statue for her son and I wanted to buy one for my son. He insisted I buy him the twin towers book, even after my attempt to dissuade him. A year later, the towers were gone.

Two years ago, I was going through a box of memorabilia and found that long-forgotten book. Maybe my son had been prescient that day. Time travel of the mind.
. My sister also bought a souvenir book about the Statue for her son and I wanted to buy one for my son. He insisted I buy him the twin towers book, even after my attempt to dissuade him. A year later, the towers were gone.

Two years ago, I was going through a box of memorabilia and found that long-forgotten book. Maybe my son had been prescient that day. Time travel of the mind.

Or maybe your son just simply wanted a book about the twin towers.