As promised... I wouldn't want to leave you wondering about the answers to your important questions. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
#1 - To question and/or stamp out information that is based in bad science which some are trying to pass off as scientific or factual.
#2 - To discuss a
science-based approach to understanding time, and perhaps achieving time travel (someday).
I could be snide and say "to counter people who don't use good science" and that would be part of the truth. See above for the rest.
Why do you shoot anyone down that doesn't agree with you?
If you look carefully, you will see that I don't. Rather, I shoot down people whose theories don't agree with accepted science... or, who cannot provide even meager scientific validation for their theories. You being the emotional type you are is what causes you to perceive what I am doing as "shooting down people that don't agree with me."
Why are you such a jackass?
I learned early on in life that being a reflection for people I encounter is not such a bad philosophy. When I encounter good people, I reflect that good. When I encounter jackasses... well, you know the rest.
Are you truly that blind that you can't open your eyes and look objectively at something?
We had a discussion about objectivity before, and I presented you with equations that refuted your subjective claim (the wind power discussion). You never addressed my clear objectivity in that case, and as far as I can see each time I present objective facts you always ignore them and do not comment or further address them. I've also mentioned to you that if YOU really wish to be objective, that learning mathematics would be a very good first step. In fact, I think someone else here (timer) also was trying to point that out to you. But I guess you only consider how YOU think to be objective... and when you encounter a strong personality like me, you brand me as not being objective even though it is quite clear I am being more objective than you are (IOW by using math & science).
You really think there's only one way to see things- YOUR WAY, right?
No, and I have pointed this out before, and you have conveniently ignored that as well. My guide is science, and principles that have a solid foundation of evidence to their underlying theory. Not "my way" but "science's way". Get it?
Yes, indeed I do. Did you ever call the Aero department and confirm the courses I teach? That would be some objective evidence for you, wouldn't it? But you have to want to know the truth, even if it doesn't fit your personal agenda to attack and demean me.
Just like when GoodScientist started a thread to seek truths for time travel and you posted "good luck" instead of "I'll take you up on that offer"
That sounds like more of your spin. Could you please show me where I said this? Indeed, I have been contributing in that thread. He has not responded to some of my concepts in physics and math, and I have some differences in his recent leap to black holes. But all in all I think that thread is going quite well. Maybe we need some of your "objectivity" to set it straight? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
What if John Titor was really a time traveller? One thing's for sure- the world wouldn't need aerospace engineers anymore.
If he was, the world is really in a bad way in 2036. And as Darby pointed out (thanks Darby) what you claim as "for sure" is actually not for sure. In fact, if all forms of engineers (I do not claim aerospace engineers are any more significant than other engineers) suddenly were gone from our society, the only thing that could be said "for sure" is that we would quickly descend into a decidedly untechnical, stone-age-like world. Who would design the wind turbines you so eagerly champion?
Either way we should celebrate- it's the end of YOU.
That is what makes it so fun to tweak your gourd... you always get emotional and go immediately for personal attacks. Meanwhile I stick to facts and your theories and harbor no personal ill will towards you at all. Such quotes as this from you make it all the more apparant that you are attacking me personally, while I am simply attacking the ideas of yours that have no foundation.
Why do I constantly have to rehash everything with you?
Because you constantly, and consistently, ignore the factual points I make about what you are doing. You once chastised me for "not responding" to things you post that I agree with. Wouldn't that just turn into a big session of patting each other on the back? Don't you think people can learn more (on both sides of a discussion) by focusing on, and exploring, the things they do NOT agree upon? And for every time I may have not responded to something you wrote that I agreed with, I could point out times where you did not respond to something factual I presented in response to an idea of yours that I questioned.
You are spinning information to meet some agenda. And even when confronted with it in this very thread, you deny it. You claim you are just getting Titor's words out, but then you feel the need to embellish them and footnote them. When I call you on this, you ignore it. Perhaps because I have pointed out your game? Clearly you are doing MUCH more than just getting Titor's words out... you are also trying to infer an interpretation of them and point to what you believe to be "validating evidence". If you addressed my points, and admitted in what you are doing, then you wouldn't have to rehash it. They call Bobby Slayton the "pit bull of comedy"... maybe you could consider me the "pit bull of science." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Why can't you just leave me the hell alone?
It's called freedom of speech. And once again I point out that I am not picking on you personally, but rather the things you try to pass off as science and/or fact. Of course, I could also look at the hate-filled words in this post of yours and claim to be a victim as well... Why don't YOU just leave ME the hell alone? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif But I don't really play the victim all that well. I like to take responsibility for my own affairs.