why the end of america must come.

Re: TV vs. Reality

Now at least we are getting somewhere. I do agree with some of what you say, but there are flaws in your thinking about what freedom means.
no i dont think most american's are what is portraed on t.v just the people that realected george bush
That's funny, because the people who elected George Bush are actually about as far away from the self-absorbed, "me me me" people you see on TV as you could get. Most of the people in the "red states" are hard working people...not the "guilded lily" Hollywood types.
bills should have been passed in the early 80"s to pervent buiness chain's and mergers of companys as well as over seas production
That is not free-market democracy. So are you saying you would pass laws to PREVENT companies from merging? Thus you would force them to continue to do business as they always have, even if they were losing money left and right? By the way, that would not do much for you basis for tax collection! If companies were not allowed to make profit, how could you collect taxes?
theres only a 50% chance the area they want to drill on will yeald enuff gas to suppy america for a year and a 95% chance at a couple months worth
What is your source for those numbers? I would guess they came from propaganda from people against the drilling, and not from any geological studies. The point is, it is oil that already exists under American soil. People are whining for us to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. So they can't have it both ways.
im not trying to bash a free market im just saying there shouldent be main stream advertiseing or public.
Then by outlawing advertising, it's not much a free market, is it? It is a fully regulated market. That's just not how democracy works.
not three 2 min segments in the middle of the show i was watching were you pretty much hafe to watch it or you might miss some of your show
Ever hear of TiVo? Or the more generic term "Digital Video Recorder"? I don't watch ANY commercials anymore thanks to this technology. And oh yes, by the way, this is yet more technology that came out of America's free market democracy!
i dont want to go to the store and have them tell me over the p.a about products im not even there to buy all as im saying is i want a choice to be advertised to and no
You have that choice...it is called the power to ignore things you don't care about. What you are really calling for is limiting free speech, and THAT is dangerous. You are completely free to ignore all the advertising. That is what I do. Why do you feel the need to regulate it out of existence? Don't you have the mental ability to simply ignore it?
yes i live in canada i would pretty much consider it nothing but a posher classer version of the u.s were you can allways find a good job and the goverment acually does give you free stuff
Ah ha! So here we see your way of thinking! You believe the purpose of government is to give you a bunch of free stuff? Hate to tell you, but that is not democracy. That is socialism, and can often lead to communism. No, we here in America tend to believe that you should EARN your stuff, not get it handed to you for free. You tend to have a greater appreciation for it when you earn it yourself. At least I do.
oh and just wondering if america is so free why would'nt your goverment get rid of the fedral reserve and switch to there own privet banks insted of the world banks.
Because when private banks fails, guess who has to bail them out anyway? Centralization of monetary policy has little to do with freedom. It is just good fiscal policy to ensure a healthy economy. In fact, it is through the actions of the US Federal Reserve that we have been able to mitigate economic downturns by having a tight control over money supply and monetary policy. If we cut loose all the banks, you should see how many jobs they would simply terminate when things started to get tough.
once agian im left felling like a one eyed man in the kimgdom of the blind.
It seems like this is the only "clever" line you have. Don't you have any others? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: TV vs. Reality

well i guess i lose agian. creedo first post ive understood in a while from you and my ranting did have something do with time travel i was expressing my view on why I thought JOHN TITOR migtht be right on predictions for the future america. heres my other one "i guess will see who knows the bigger lie"
Re: TV vs. Reality

i was expressing my view on why I thought JOHN TITOR migtht be right on predictions for the future america
So far, Titor's predictions (at least those you can pin him down on) have been pretty dismal. And let's continue the countdown folks: 8 days until the dawning of 2006, and still there is nothing even remotely close to a US civil war in sight. And also no weekly (or even monthly) Wacky Waco-like events. Are we all ready to party?
I still can't figure out what sort of "adult beverage" we should all shoot down at midnight that would be appropriate to Titor's story! Any suggestions? I don't think Titor ever said anything about alcohol, did he? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

heres my other one "i guess will see who knows the bigger lie"
Yes, I guess we will. But I prefer to put definitive timelines on when such lies (as Titor's) should expire. They should not be allowed to continue on and on, ad nauseum. My opinion is that the first big Titor lie falls on New Years Day 2006. His second big lie will clearly fall on February 10th at the opening ceremonies of the official Turin Winter Olympics. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Deny it all you wish, but these two events will, all on their own, debunk a majority of Titor's predictions for our future. Anyone who wishes to hang on to Titor's predictions after this is clearly a person with pessimistic tendencies.

"His second big lie will clearly fall on February 10th at the opening ceremonies of the official Turin Winter Olympics."

Speaking of, February 10th is my birthday.
I do want you to keep a few things in mind, man.
1) I can make a list of clues to a future civil war for you, but that is not what this thread is about.
2) Keep in mind that the summer olympics were almost cancelled due to "terrorist threats" and the terrorist scare. And there has been talk of cancelling the 2006 olympics for the same reason.

Just a few reasons to keep an open mind for a little while.


I do agree with you about a few things you said about America. To be honest, I think that China does have a stronger Army. Americans have tooken pride in being the strongest country for years. That is why it is so hard for some of us to admit that China possibly may have become stronger then us.

But let's imagine for a minute. There are two Army's on a battlefield staring at each other. There is the Americans. And an Army tripple our size (China). Our advantage is that each soldier is equipped with an AK47. On the other side each soldier may not be carrying an AK47 - But they all have a weapon potential of killing. Your looking across the battle field at an army the size of a large country. The army you fight for is pretty big - But it is small compared to this Army.

I want you to think about this. We pulled out of the Vietnam war. Even though we had the bigger Army, they managed to devestate us. It is the only war that we have ever lost. But it has shown that America is not as strong as we believe we are. It can be argued that we have trained in jungle tactics and have become stronger in case a war like that ever happens again. But now you're going against an army triple the size of yours that has practiced many of the same military tactics that you have. Each soldier capable of taking out atleast two soldiers before being killed theirselves and vice versa for our side. By the end of the war - all of our soldiers are lying dead on a battle field while China still has an army the size of what ours was previously.

In my opinion - China has become stronger than us.

I also want to mention that I am not here for science purposes. I am here because awhile back I was interested in the John Titor story. I come from the average world. And guess what? In the average world we all agree that it was a mistake to go to war with Iraq.

But on these forums, everyone is so caught up in science or they all feel that they are highly educated. Everybody here is a thinker who thinks the way that they were educated to think. And I'd like to point out one poster who put Karrara down because his typing isn't perfect. We are educated to believe that someone who can type without grammar and spelling mistakes are the people that are the most creditable. If they can't type - we put them down. "I find it funny that this person can't spell but yet they are telling us the flaws of America". You know what? Albert Einstein wasn't a great speller. Nor were half of the scientist that you look up to

I'm sorry but that just gets on my nerves when someone tries to discredit someone because they aren't the greatest typer in the world.
You have a bad case of blind hate. It is called blind hate because, in your case, you hate America so much that you are BLIND to the truth about America.
I agree. But you RMT, yes YOU, have a bad case of blind love for America. You love your country so much that you are blind to see anything wrong with it
I agree. But you RMT, yes YOU, have a bad case of blind love for America. You love your country so much that you are blind to see anything wrong with it
Maybe. Maybe not. I admit that I am a cheerleader for my country. I like it here. But that doesn't mean I think we are problem-free. I certainly see plenty of problems, but I was always taught to view problems as opportunities for fixing. And if there is one thing that we in America think we are pretty good at, it is fixing things and solving problems, and developing things that can make life good for ALL people. Yes, I do tend to focus more on the good things that we do here in America, good things for the world, even if the world does not recognize us for doing them.

I've mentioned several already in this thread... and no one has seen fit to argue with me that these things the US has brought to the world (internet, GPS, etc.) are bad things. And I don't see any of our world critics offering up any $ to help pay for this stuff that we give to the world. To me, that smells of ingratefulness. But when other countries never give us credit for the good things we do for the world (and don't ask to be reimbursed), and THEN these countries want to criticize us when some things we do don't turn out as planned... well, what I say to that is "if you other countries want to step-up and take over the job of DOING things in the world, then go for it!" But you have to DO things to solve problems in the world. You can't just sit around and talk about what Utopia is going to someday look like. That is a problem that I see in the past workings of Europe, and what the EU could become in the future. Twice the countries of Europe diddled around (and did NOTHING about problems on European soil) and allowed two major wars to break out. Not a very good track record for DOING things about your problems before they become problems for the rest of the world, eh? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So... allow me to end this reply in my typical "US cheerleader" manner. How cool is the US and our National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) that they provide a program, for FREE download, with these kinds of capabilities:

"World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there.

Virtually visit any place in the world. Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or along the African Sahara."

To the rest of the world: You are welcome. The software you can download and use from this site brought to you by American know-how and the American taxpayer. Enjoy your free product.