You have a bad case of blind hate. It is called blind hate because, in your case, you hate America so much that you are BLIND to the truth about America.
so now goahead and tell me im wrong and why this would never happen to the great america.
OK. The reason you are wrong, and the reason it won't happen is because this is just what you wish would happen to America, not what circumstances actually support. I wonder why you hate democracy so much? For it is quite clear you do when you read many of your comments. Like this one:
Take iraq for example the rest of the world dosent want america there even most of amarica doent want america there but low and behold americas doing want it wants like a big bully and is still there.
This shows a true lack of appreciation for democracy. The fact is that America (with our staunch British allies among others) took out Saddam. Now that Iraq has had SEVERAL successful elections, it is no longer about whether "the rest of the world doesnt want america there." At this point, neither you, nor I, nor anyone else in the world can make that decision. For what we see taking place in Iraq right now is the Iraqi PEOPLE making the decisions. Why don't you take a poll of all the Iraqis and ask them if they are glad that we took out Saddam? And while you are at it, ask them all whether they think we should leave right away... or whether we should stay so they can have more safe, successful elections. You are so filled with hate for America that you have totally lost sight that this is about the Iraqi people determining their own fate. So why not calm down and watch how a democracy grows there to replace Saddam's dictatorship?
As for all the money america spends on foreign aid go ask these countrys how much off the money they have seen or ask them if any af the contracts for cleanup or rebuilding didnt go to an american company or it wasent so america could get a few more of there soldiers in to there country.
Fine. We'll stop sending all money to anyone, anywhere. God knows we could use it to reduce our own deficits. But as Fletch rightly points out: When the US gives money, other countries whine that it is never enough...and they stand with their hand out wanting more. When we cut off funding (because of various things, but mostly if a country's government sponsors or refuses to crack down on terrorists) then we are demonized for that. I think you would be VERY surprised what would happen if the US completely stopped all foreign aid. And when you saw what happened, you would likely be one of the first to come here and complain about it.
As you can see they cant relly do crap on the ground.
No, I can't see. Would you mind sharing with us the data upon which you come to that conclusion? If you are inferring suicide bombers, I can guarantee you that no army on the face of the earth can deal with that any better than the US. Except, perhaps Israel, but that is because they have much freer rules of engagement (in other words, Israelis are allowed to shoot-to-kill in more cases than the US forces are permitted to do this).
and yeah they drove right in to iraq but they could'nt have done it with out its airforce.
A great US general once said: "Air power alone won't win a war, but you are not going to win any war without it." We have the most powerful air force in the world... and you should see the neat little flying goodies people like me are cooking up in our aerospace labs for our next enemy that underestimates our air power.
and its spred out around the world witch is another huge disadvatage
And this would show your lack of knowledge about military tactics. Not only is this not a disadvantage, but it is a definite advantage! As Fletch mentioned, we are not all concentrated in one place, but beyond that our rapid reaction ability is enhanced to be able to respond virtually anywhere in the world within hours. (there's that air power thing again...sure does come in handy!)
All-in-all, you are a person who simply hates America. I got no problem with that, as the purpose of democracy is to be free to feel and think what you like. But if you hate America all that much, perhaps you should be fighting for the terrorists...why not take a trip to Iraq and join the insurgents? I bet you wouldn't last long!