why the end of america must come.


Temporal Novice
America was built on the blood of its self(native americans)and the rest of the world.America has no natural resorces.Americas people are in more debt per person then any one else in the world.America keeps trying to put off a resection by passing the debt off to other countrys.The world has alredy passed peek oil production as of november.America is only a small peace of the world but it seems to think the world revolves around it.Big business dosent care were you are long as they can make money and amarica is'nt where you make money anymore, the rest of the world is riseing fast and nobody will care about screwing over america when it comes to business because they taught the rest of the world how to do it.America thinks its stronger than china.The avarage chines person will make more per capita than the avarage amarican by 2038.you must remeber we only have this great life because the rest of the world is poor. so when china and india start becomeing better off than america and this will be soon. how will we support our lavish life style.do you have trouble finding a desent job? maybe kind of hard, well its going to get a hole lot harder when anti american president bush gives all the illeagle immigrants a green card.Do you think what happened in New Orleans last year wont take place next year. science can prove the north pole will be gone with in the next hundred years,yes by 2105,that means very irratic weather patters and earth changes over our life time. sorry bush lovers but not even denial can save you from this one.America will be a 3rd world nation by 2050.so now goahead and tell me im wrong and why this would never happen to the great america.
Notes: Granted America is a barrowed from others country, however, in some respects, the concept of America is giving back, to those it had barrowed from.(Microsoft giveing some theiorty thousand jobs, in microcomputers to India.)

America neglects the welfare of its own citizens and workers, but treating them as less, in the corporate way.

This is a mistake.

The native American in some of its sects, is crying, about spilt milk.

There are other minorities, such as some of the European wandering tribes, that have undergone just as much persecution and dislocation, as the American Natives.

So the American Native, does not have the market cornered, on pain and suffering.
Historic examples of boat-rocking nations:

The past Iranian government under the Shah Of Iran, was a past nation, that had sought aid from America.

The Democratic Republic Of The Belgian Congo, was also a nation, that had expressed one political philosophy to get aid, from one nation and then changed this phylopshy, to get aid from another nation.

This is why, in such movies as of recent, on North Africa, you can see either burnt out hulls of both Russian or American tanks, in the background.

Any politcal philosophy, that suits them, in their quest for aid, or power, seems to be what is in vogue that particular day.
America has no natural resorces
This is just plain wrong. America has oil, timber, copper, iron, fresh water and natural gas in rather large quantities (among others). And we do produce quite a bit of oil, we just consume too much.

America is only a small peace of the world but it seems to think the world revolves around it
The last time I checked I believe that America is ranked third in the world for both population and geographical area. Needless to say this is quite large. Also America spends a great deal in foreign aid.

America thinks its stronger than china
America is "stronger" than China and will be for the next few years. Population is not the only factor pertaining to an armies strength.

Do you think what happened in New Orleans last year wont take place next year.
Hurricane Katrina was a very powerful storm, the kind that is only seen once in a great while. Although it is true that increasing hurricane strength is nearly certain the immediate effects are hard to predict.

America will be a 3rd world nation by 2050
If a global war (world war 3) or a nuclear war hasn't started by then I find this highly unlikely.
yes i shouldt have said america has no natural resources.i should have said what you said america just consumes all it has and needs to import extra of every natural resource they have. What i ment by america only being a small peice of the world but seams to think the world revolves aroud it ,is exactly that. Take iraq for example the rest of the world dosent want america there even most of amarica doent want america there but low and behold americas doing want it wants like a big bully and is still there.As for all the money america spends on foreign aid go ask these countrys how much off the money they have seen or ask them if any af the contracts for cleanup or rebuilding didnt go to an american company or it wasent so america could get a few more of there soldiers in to there country.hahahahaha you still think america is stronger than china, china has been buying up any of the latest war tech, it can get its hands on while continueing to grow a well rounded army. america has a good army but it is not rounded.and continues to down size while replaceing downsizes with the late'st war tech. As you can see they cant relly do crap on the ground.and yeah they drove right in to iraq but they could'nt have done it with out its airforce.and its spred out around the world witch is another huge disadvatage considering if china did attack, russia or korea or india or iran or a hole lot of other countrys that are sick of americas bullying would probably be helping out.
Perhaps then we should take away all foreign aid and really see the world pissed off. We try to help these countries in some way and they complain, if we didn't help at all they would still complain. I say take what you get and shut up.

Let’s compare the military strength a bit more now.
In the United States Manpower fit for military service: males age 18-49: 54,609,050

In China Manpower fit for military service: 281,240,272
It is indeed true that they have a substantially larger available military.
Let’s compare the spending.
U.S: Military expenditures - dollar figure: $370.7 billion
China: Military expenditures - dollar figure: $67.49 billion
It does seem that with that amount of spending difference the United States' armed services are not only better equipped and trained, but the ability to arm all of its troops is there.
Switch over to China now and see that in order to arm all of the 281 million possible troops they would have to spend a bunch of money. If each ak-47 they bought costs them $800 it would cost 22.5 billion, 1/3 of all their spending capability. America also has the most technologically advanced military, especially if you look into unmanned vehicles. Tactical missiles and deployment options are also something to look at. How does having bases spread out over the world hurt the strength? They are not all vulnerable to one attack, they can attack quickly if needed (as opposed from the time it would take to fly from America), and they could be consolidated and moved if needed. As for ground strength, having the most advanced tanks in the world helps. The chances of a single American tank defeating 5 Chinese tanks (t-72's) are higher than 5 Chinese tanks destroying one American tank (an Abrahams). Of course this is mostly my opinion.

Oh and also when you type Karrara, I think it may be better for you to not use any punctuation at all.

You have a bad case of blind hate. It is called blind hate because, in your case, you hate America so much that you are BLIND to the truth about America.
so now goahead and tell me im wrong and why this would never happen to the great america.
OK. The reason you are wrong, and the reason it won't happen is because this is just what you wish would happen to America, not what circumstances actually support. I wonder why you hate democracy so much? For it is quite clear you do when you read many of your comments. Like this one:
Take iraq for example the rest of the world dosent want america there even most of amarica doent want america there but low and behold americas doing want it wants like a big bully and is still there.
This shows a true lack of appreciation for democracy. The fact is that America (with our staunch British allies among others) took out Saddam. Now that Iraq has had SEVERAL successful elections, it is no longer about whether "the rest of the world doesnt want america there." At this point, neither you, nor I, nor anyone else in the world can make that decision. For what we see taking place in Iraq right now is the Iraqi PEOPLE making the decisions. Why don't you take a poll of all the Iraqis and ask them if they are glad that we took out Saddam? And while you are at it, ask them all whether they think we should leave right away... or whether we should stay so they can have more safe, successful elections. You are so filled with hate for America that you have totally lost sight that this is about the Iraqi people determining their own fate. So why not calm down and watch how a democracy grows there to replace Saddam's dictatorship?
As for all the money america spends on foreign aid go ask these countrys how much off the money they have seen or ask them if any af the contracts for cleanup or rebuilding didnt go to an american company or it wasent so america could get a few more of there soldiers in to there country.
Fine. We'll stop sending all money to anyone, anywhere. God knows we could use it to reduce our own deficits. But as Fletch rightly points out: When the US gives money, other countries whine that it is never enough...and they stand with their hand out wanting more. When we cut off funding (because of various things, but mostly if a country's government sponsors or refuses to crack down on terrorists) then we are demonized for that. I think you would be VERY surprised what would happen if the US completely stopped all foreign aid. And when you saw what happened, you would likely be one of the first to come here and complain about it.
As you can see they cant relly do crap on the ground.
No, I can't see. Would you mind sharing with us the data upon which you come to that conclusion? If you are inferring suicide bombers, I can guarantee you that no army on the face of the earth can deal with that any better than the US. Except, perhaps Israel, but that is because they have much freer rules of engagement (in other words, Israelis are allowed to shoot-to-kill in more cases than the US forces are permitted to do this).
and yeah they drove right in to iraq but they could'nt have done it with out its airforce.
A great US general once said: "Air power alone won't win a war, but you are not going to win any war without it." We have the most powerful air force in the world... and you should see the neat little flying goodies people like me are cooking up in our aerospace labs for our next enemy that underestimates our air power.

and its spred out around the world witch is another huge disadvatage
And this would show your lack of knowledge about military tactics. Not only is this not a disadvantage, but it is a definite advantage! As Fletch mentioned, we are not all concentrated in one place, but beyond that our rapid reaction ability is enhanced to be able to respond virtually anywhere in the world within hours. (there's that air power thing again...sure does come in handy!)

All-in-all, you are a person who simply hates America. I got no problem with that, as the purpose of democracy is to be free to feel and think what you like. But if you hate America all that much, perhaps you should be fighting for the terrorists...why not take a trip to Iraq and join the insurgents? I bet you wouldn't last long!

well once again you leave me felling like the one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind. i guess will see who knows the better lie.hey cool job. I can totaly picture you building things to kill people whos opinion veryies from your own.
Why Iran is headed down a slippery slope

Cultural isolationism by decree is one of the primary tenets of setting up a facist regieme. So let's have a look at what the president of Iran did today:

Iran Bans Western Music

Apparantly, their fundamentalism is so strong that it prevents them from learning from history where decisions like this eventually lead.

Re: Why Iran is headed down a slippery slope

That Iranian president is going to be in some trouble, first saying the holocaust never happened then banning western music and all in 2 weeks time! So not only has he pissed off Israel and Germany, but also the rest of Europe and America. Smart guy eh?
Re: Why Iran is headed down a slippery slope

Its funny that Karrara has trouble with spelling, in some words, mis-spelled, however she gets the conjugative arent? Hmmm?
Re: Why Iran is headed down a slippery slope

NO NO NO not George Michael or booo whooo whooo kenny G nuke him right now.god for bid someone make it so i dont have to be subjugated to crappy tunes playing in the back ground at wal-mart and every other place i have to shop. damn thay no loger have the top ten list to tell them what the music industry thinks you should be listening to.you mean to say they would have to develop there own individual thoughts and discover what they like on there own. now they'll have to go all the way down to the market to get influenced by britney spears. see here's the problem with american culture it seems to think it has the best culture on earth and it wants everybody else to share in this wonderful culture but its not culture at all its consumerism and an ideology. preached by big business to only further there own intrests. freedom in america only goes as far as your money.and thats as far as american goverment ever wants freedom to go. American t.v tells me that unless i have the top 10 play'en on my satellite radio ,get cosmetic surgery ,get a make over,swap wifes with my neighbor, see DR. phil,get a nanny to fix my disfuntional family ,sing on american idol,attend a post secondary institute,get married ,have kids,get a loan,get a new car,live in a new subdivision,get a t.v bigger than the one i allready have or if its the same size better make it a flat screen,my kid wont be popular if i dont get them a 100$ pair of shoes,and i wont be if im not playing goof i mean golf. the american dream will never be more than a dream to the mass'es it will be left to the select few that climbed a later that takes them a life time to obtain and for what a bunch of material crap that means nothing.Then america try's to spreed this ideal to the rest of the world ,the world that slaves away for penny's an hour to supply america with its endless amounts of crap. THE ONLY RESON YOU HAVE THIS GREAT LIFE IS BECAUSE THE REST OF THE WORLD DOESENT.only a small portion of the word can be true consumers because you need the rest of the world to support it. also there is no way this earth could enviromentally support a world consuming as america do'es. all this just leads to false ideals and unattainble and unreal expectations which leads to stress and depression which leads to major health problems,family break ups and social disfuction. sound like a country your familiar with. big buiness runs the american goverment and there for its verstion of democracy and what it considers freedom. once agian you leave me felling like a one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind.
TV vs. Reality

American t.v tells me that
Wow. Your rants just get better and better! If all your judgments about America are based on our TV then our master plan for world domination really is working!
But seriously, you do realize that most of the crap on American TV (and yes, I will agree that most of it is crap) is aimed at shallow women and that part of America that doesn't choose to use their grey matter? Again, if you buy into American TV as the reality of most of America, then you deserve every bit of ignorance you cultivate.
Then america try's to spreed this ideal to the rest of the world
We force none of our culture on no one. The fact that the FREE WORLD (yes, capitalist, free-market forces DO, indeed, predominate around the world) wishes to buy into some of the latest American fads (and yes, I will even admit to many of them being lame consumerism) is THEIR CHOICE. And you continually want to avoid discussing any of the points I have made above... such as answering my question as to why democracy is a bad thing! You seem to be living in Canada. What, you like democracy there, it appears, right? Or is that just because you are waiting to sneak into the US so you can spread your fascist ideas in this country (or worse, depending on who you might be!)?

And while you are quick to point out the "crap and fluff" that comes from America (which I don't disagree that there is plenty of) I see you also ignore some of the things that came out of America that people readily and eagerly use, but seldom remember that these things wouldn't have happened without America leading the way. Yes, there are a lot of them, but let's list just three from the recent decades:

1) Internet
2) GPS
3) Communications satellites

Yes, I am sure the world hates these inventions of the US. But ask them to stop using them, and what do you think they would say? We can even go back further and wonder what happened if the Wright Brothers were not FREE to explore and develop aircraft.

Go ahead...keep talking hate. It just gives me more ammo. And the more you ignore my salient points (because you have no response to them) the more I will point it out.

Re: TV vs. Reality

well i dont think in any of my post have i ever said i hate america please surch through my post to correct me if im wrong.no i dont think most american's are what is portraed on t.v just the people that realected george bush.i dont think think there is anything wrong with democracy i think the way large corporation have used it to thire advantage is wrong. bills should have been passed in the early 80"s to pervent buiness chain's and mergers of companys as well as over seas production.look at the bill in congress that there trying to pass wright now so they can dill on alasken wildlife refuge land theres only a 50% chance the area they want to drill on will yeald enuff gas to suppy america for a year and a 95% chance at a couple months worth.if that passes it just goes to prove how much corparations influence american goverment . than theres the whole iraq war plea's tell me you belive the george bush version of 911. that its all about terrorism cause if thats the case you have a huge war ahead of you.should the u.s not have there army in sirra,iran and all the african countrys that are supplying the terrorist.shouldent there be a battle going on in the philippines to free there poor country of its terorrists.yes i live in canada i would pretty much consider it nothing but a posher classer version of the u.s were you can allways find a good job and the goverment acually does give you free stuff and we have almost an unlimited amout of enviromental resorces to rape and as a canadian im pretty sure were probably the biggest consumers on earth good thing thers not alot of us. im not trying to bash a free market im just saying there shouldent be main stream advertiseing or public. i'll go to your website or talk to other people that used your product if i need it so bad or if its relly that great.if your such a great singer and are relly that talented ill here about it if you fell you relly want to tell me about your product buy a hafe hour infomercial time segment. not three 2 min segments in the middle of the show i was watching were you pretty much hafe to watch it or you might miss some of your show.i dont want to go to the store and have them tell me over the p.a about products im not even there to buy all as im saying is i want a choice to be advertised to and no, no i cant leave the privacy of my own home or turn on my t.v with out being subjected to it.the only reson i ever started pointing out what i feel are the down falls of america was to help support resons to titors predictions of americas end.oh and just wondering if america is so free why would'nt your goverment get rid of the fedral reserve and switch to there own privet banks insted of the world banks.oh yeah lincon tried and so did j.f.k but we know what happend to them cause thats what you get when you try to build a free america or any other truely free country. once agian im left felling like a one eyed man in the kimgdom of the blind.
Re: TV vs. Reality

I think I've seen your posters while visiting Canada.

Something was scrawled on a building, (Smash capitalism!)

Let me tell you Karrara, that if your utopian world of socialism, does occur and you come home and another is fooling around with your one and only, all of a sudden this utopian world your predicting, will have come to an end.

Why? Because it's not fair.

Someone had the audacity, to steal your one and only lover and this is just, plain, not, fair!

If it doesn't bother you, then maybe your brain's too burnt out and you should take the line to the bridge with the rest of your deluded people?

Sell your swill, somewhere else?
Re: TV vs. Reality

what? get out of the pool now all the other monkeys are going to know you were drinking.and your mom called agian she said you still have'nt cleaned up the barf in the back yard from the last party.
Re: TV vs. Reality

You see kar, the entire idea of television is to advertise. The reason the public broadcast stations are free for you is because advertisers pay them to show off their products. What is wrong with this you ask? I sincerely don't know.

what? get out of the pool now all the other monkeys are going to know you were drinking.and your mom called agian she said you still have'nt cleaned up the barf in the back yard from the last party.
Judging by this comment I would not be surprised if you are actually 9 years old. Also it may be beneficial for you to use a spell check of some sort before posting.