- Is time traveling prove[d] to be impossible after all?
Tell me more about this time watching machine. What is it watching?DHS and FBI ... NSA ... have time-watching technology at this moment with uranium oxide nano particle spheres. .... Met a time traveler when I was a kid, he was a soldier, (so was his mom)
Well, you can't actually prove that it is impossible. .... So far we simply have no theory, none, that concludes that it is actually possible ...
... what actually happens in the region of warped space ... as well of the effect of introducing matter (a time traveler, for example) moving into the warped region. Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture" is a humorous term that he coined but it is based on all of the full theories ....
Every time a time travel theory arises and is tested against all the laws of physics one or more of those laws throws up a barricade that prevents time travel.
Then you have to determine how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?
Tell me more about this time watching machine. What is it watching?
Why are you sure, that the man you met is a time traveler?
So, noone can say, that time travel will work, but also noone can say, that it will not work.
What is the Hawking's "Chronology Protection Conjecture"?
These questions:
how to navigate from A to B in a region of spacetime that is completely hidden from you behind some sort of event horizon. How do you get back? Can you get back? Do you travel in our universe or some other universe? If it's another universe refer to question 1 below - what is the purpose of time travel if the time traveler disappears into another universe?
Can they stop a future time traveler to come to our time?
I guess. The only thing is now you have to explain how there is now a dead and live version of the child in your timeline. And a missing person in the other timeline. Kidnapping is a crime.
So... if only a hologram can be send, then perhaps no biological mass can be moved, and nobody can be brought to the future?
I don't know. The absence of time travelers today may mean, that they do not have a reason to go to here at all.
We may appear quite useless for them ...
Maybe they will need people, if some sort of depopulation happens.E.g. if for some reason children stop to be born ...
Dead celebrity phenomena,... interesting. Buildings appearing in fields overnight that were never there before. These types of original version memory capabilities are the types of things that someone on here referred to as "being the 1 in 6 billion Chosen One". But I posit these capabilities may be more common than we imagine, but not for the reasons that first come to mind...You're just not looking in the right place. There is the doppelganger phenomena, where people have duplicates of themselves running around. No known explanation for that. But it could be time travel related. Then there is the dead celebrity phenomena where the celebrity mysteriously comes back alive. And the mysterious change or appearance of objects out of no where, that many people have experienced which may also be related to time travel meddling.
Dead Celebrity Phenomena: IN a time with time machines, there will undoubtedly be a black market time machine racket (likely and predominantly run by the Chinese, the experts at copying the brilliant works of others) where they target wealthy vain people, take them on a ride and get them to sign life extension policies. Certainly the dead celebrity phenomena should occur with less popular, but similarly wealthy people, but media just doesn't cover deaths of people unless the reporting of such has a statistical probability of increasing viewership and thus advertising dollars. Dick Clark, Sade, Sally Ride, the list goes on.You're just not looking in the right place. There is the doppelganger phenomena, where people have duplicates of themselves running around. No known explanation for that. But it could be time travel related. Then there is the dead celebrity phenomena where the celebrity mysteriously comes back alive. And the mysterious change or appearance of objects out of no where, that many people have experienced which may also be related to time travel meddling.
Dead Celebrity Phenomena: IN a time with time machines, there will undoubtedly be a black market time machine racket (likely and predominantly run by the Chinese, the experts at copying the brilliant works of others) where they target wealthy vain people, take them on a ride and get them to sign life extension policies. Certainly the dead celebrity phenomena should occur with less popular, but similarly wealthy people, but media just doesn't cover deaths of people unless the reporting of such has a statistical probability of increasing viewership and thus advertising dollars. Dick Clark, Sade, Sally Ride, the list goes on.
not at all, but i have at times been accused of worse Einstein. I just threw it out there to see if anyone took a bite (or a stab)