Why now means nothing.


1. Einstein's idea that mass and energy are equivalent (E=mc2)
2. Ernst Planck's idea that every energy is associated with a frequency.
3. De Broglie's idea that matter can act as a wave
4. Einstein's gravitational redshift idea.

Playing around with matter waves = playing with time.

Introducing the Compton clock.
A rock is a clock: Physicist uses matter to tell time

Next stage:
Müller hopes to push his technique to even smaller particles, such as electrons or even positrons, in the latter case creating an antimatter clock. He is hopeful that someday he'll be able to tell time using quantum fluctuations in a vacuum.

The antimatter clock - aka the DeLorean time machine time indicator. :D

1. Einstein's idea that mass and energy are equivalent (E=mc2)
2. Ernst Planck's idea that every energy is associated with a frequency.
3. De Broglie's idea that matter can act as a wave
4. Einstein's gravitational redshift idea.

Playing around with matter waves = playing with time.

Introducing the Compton clock.
A rock is a clock: Physicist uses matter to tell time

Next stage:

The antimatter clock - aka the DeLorean time machine time indicator. :D


Please forgive me if I state this in a manner that is offensive. It is NOT my intention.

In your above statements you refer to each theory an an "idea". In each case it is much more than that. In each case we have experimental and observational verificatrion that the underlying theory is correct. Mass and energy are equivalent. Mass does behave as a wave (or a particle) depending on how one looks at the scenario. Gravitation is a component of acceleration, depending on the situation.

My point is: it doesn't matter what one's stand is on these physical facts. They are what they are and there is no denying or debating their existence. The only question that remains is wheter or not there are "work arounds" that allow, for example, a situation where one can accelarate to a certain velocity that is less than the universal limit of ~300,000 km/sec in vacuuo, such that the implied light speed limit effects occur but the special relativity speed limit is not violated.
The only question that remains is wheter or not there are "work arounds" that allow, for example, a situation where one can accelarate to a certain velocity that is less than the universal limit of ~300,000 km/sec in vacuuo, such that the implied light speed limit effects occur but the special relativity speed limit is not violated.

Hi Darby,

I don't think there is a need to accelerate velocity. Time slows down in a gravitational field. My last post is linked to the twin paradox effect to jump to the future. I was mentioning the view of matter as wave form rather than a particle, which scientists can play with to accelerate or decrease time rate by changing the matter wave frequency with gravitational red-shift.
In order for John Titor's story to make sense, his original time-line can not be altered or disturbed in any way least he lose his motivation for travelling. This means that for time-travel to exist logically in our fictional story, there must be at least 2 time-lines. You can not take a gold coin from one world and put it in your original world. Your original world must contain only 1 gold coin. You can then take gold coins from a 100 alternate worlds and put it in 1 of those alternate worlds. Then you have to live in that alternate world in order to spend the coins. Your original world must still have that original 1 gold coin.
In order for John Titor's story to make sense, his original time-line can not be altered or disturbed in any way least he lose his motivation for travelling. This means that for time-travel to exist logically in our fictional story, there must be at least 2 time-lines. You can not take a gold coin from one world and put it in your original world. Your original world must contain only 1 gold coin. You can then take gold coins from a 100 alternate worlds and put it in 1 of those alternate worlds. Then you have to live in that alternate world in order to spend the coins. Your original world must still have that original 1 gold coin.

I see you are investigating my get rich plan. But if this works, then there are an infinite number of alternate timelines. Just take one ounce of gold from 1000 different timelines, and then retire in the past.
If we look at use from an eternity point of view we never existed; but yet here I am since there will be no record so NOW mean nothing just a hypothetical blip. This makes NOW also hypothetical doesn't it since it never created anything. Because it creates nothing in it self it never existed. Mylo.x if you are right then time travel is impossible since the past must be destroyed to make the new present. But as Darby claimed earlier there is no PRESENT due to the delay of light and relativity between objects so there is really no present NOW. We need a new theory we just can't reference the past that does not exist example old texts and new age beliefs since your theory says they don't exist.

P.S. We exist in the past due to the chemicals in our brain so NOW means nothing since it is slightly in the past.

To Designer,

"But as Darby claimed earlier there is no PRESENT due to the delay of light and relativity between objects so there is really no present NOW."

Darby didn't assert that there is no PRESENT due to the delay of light. This is what Darby stated:

"A second problem is the neurochemical limitation on the speed of transmission of information."
"Now" is long gone by the time our brain processes the input."

Darby is basically conveying the fact that there are limitations in regard to processing transmitted information. The fact that information is being transmitted and there is a slight delay in the human brain recieving that information does not disprove the notion of the Now in my model, imo... The sensation I just had to sneeze did not only occur in the past...
I see you are investigating my get rich plan. But if this works, then there are an infinite number of alternate timelines. Just take one ounce of gold from 1000 different timelines, and then retire in the past.

But what if in the future you can have whatever you want so wealth is no longer important?
Think with me.

There are multiple false temporal presents tenses in creation.


If you are at point A and go through a worm hole and end up at point B there is a time differential between the points right;
two false presents tenses so which is the true present there is non OK. So there is no true NOW OK since they are different
temporally speaking.

The idea of now is a spiritual notion and does not apply on this plane of existence it is a new age trap.

Your river idea does not work through a worm hole in water information is lost due to the nature of water thus no multiple
false present tenses between A and B with a worm hole in between since events can't repeat!

In the river idea there is a loss of information but in normal reality there is no loss of information.
John Thomas
But what if in the future you can have whatever you want so wealth is no longer important?

Yes you can have whatever you want but to get it at what cost, heart attack. Id stick with the gold idea. I prefer living in the past and living.
MICHIO KAKU, Hyperspace

Previously, Newton considered time to be moving like a straight arrow which unerringly flies forward toward its target. Nothing could deflect or change the course of this arrow once it was shot. Einstein, however, showed that time was more like a mighty river, moving forward but often meandering through twisting valleys and plains. The presence of matter or energy might momentarily shift the direction of the river, but overall the river's course was smooth: It never abruptly ended or jerked backward. However, Gödel showed that the river of time could be smoothly bent backward into a circle. Rivers, after all, have eddy currents and whirlpools. In the main, a river may flow forward, but at the edges there are always side pools where water flows in a circular motion.

MICHIO KAKU, Hyperspace

Previously, Newton considered time to be moving like a straight arrow which unerringly flies forward toward its target. Nothing could deflect or change the course of this arrow once it was shot. Einstein, however, showed that time was more like a mighty river, moving forward but often meandering through twisting valleys and plains. The presence of matter or energy might momentarily shift the direction of the river, but overall the river's course was smooth: It never abruptly ended or jerked backward. However, Gödel showed that the river of time could be smoothly bent backward into a circle. Rivers, after all, have eddy currents and whirlpools. In the main, a river may flow forward, but at the edges there are always side pools where water flows in a circular motion.

Consider this. Get out of the river, and reenter at a different location altogether.
Incorrect, but I do not expect you to comprehend the truth as of 2013, because such would not be possible. I am unable to alter the future (other than such minor alterations that are not of notice), however, I do know from conscious experience that your ideas can not be truthful, as we have proven such at this point. Everything is always 'now", as long as there is an awareness to observe such a thing. Otherwise, nothing exists. Sort of like the tree falling in the woods, does it make a 'sound' if no one is there to 'hear' (make a conscious audible observation/measurement) of it? Of course not. Likewise, there is no difference between 2013 and 1885, for example, other than your observation and measurements which are based entirely on the electrical input to your brain from your sense organs. Otherwise, neither exists. This is the on-going 'gray area' between the quantum reality and the ability to apply a measurement to such. And that is key, but, will not be realized until 2236 and the development of the "Torus Model".
Incorrect, but I do not expect you to comprehend the truth as of 2013, because such would not be possible.
Of course it would be far too difficult for us Neanderthals of 2013.
Why do you, while "pretending" to be a time traveler, need to step into a discussion and act like you know something we couldn't possibly be aware of, while not saying anything revealing any greater understanding of the situation?
I did a quick Google on the term Torus Model and got 3,440,000 results, in 2013 mind you. I didn't look into them as that was not the purpose for my inquiry.
It seems the opposable thumb we just discovered has a reasonable "grip" on it.

Sort of like the tree falling in the woods, does it make a 'sound' if no one is there to 'hear' (make a conscious audible observation/measurement) of it? Of course not.
I do like the "If a tree falls in the woods..." thought problem though. The argument is easily settled.
First, it's not "if" but "when". When a tree falls in the woods.... "If" is too ambiguous. Does the tree fall, or not. That makes a big difference.
Second, it's "sound waves" instead of just "sound". ...does it make any sound waves...
Third, it's "detect" instead of "hear". ...if no one is there to detect it?
So we have; "When a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to detect it, does it create any sound waves?
Answer: Yes, always.
What if life is destiny? What if someone travels back in time to meet with you and thinks they changed things but they were always meant to go back and do so? Not that you could not change things but...destiny.
What if there are other perimeters, rules, that prevent you from changing things.
Say you go back, steal money and come back to the present to find that your family perished on their way to the Caribbean?
I never leave God out of the time equation, religion I can live without but I have faith in God
so with God watching I am sure it would be understandable to prevent tragedies, but I can not imagine it being a good thing to spoil yourself in greed.