Nature and strucuture of the universe
In frequency, sections of the universe, which are also called other universes, are and can be different shapes.
However, the overall design of the universe, is sphere.
This design is due to the mass attractional gradient of gravity, which makes the grand design spherical.
As one goes out into the universe in very great distance, the layers become lighter in density.
There is eventually and end to were the universe goes and ends.
Stringed space, explains the differing frequencies of the universe, which is important to understand.
Don't confuse anything optically you see as structures in space, as after you go a certain point in distance, what you're seeing is older information.
By light signature access, this time is accessible.But by traveling to that distant light, where your vehicle can not be tuned to your original goal, then that viewed time, is not.
This is the mirage effect, to where one can walk to a goal and never reach there, as the object of their travel fades.
There is a method to measure space and this is a parsed method, also a mathematical formula.
However there is a new problem with this forced form of measurement, and this is the deciphering of what is the quality of space that one is looking for, concerning that chosen goal in space travel?
This is well illustrated by say a chosen goal to travel to a closely star system, using superluminal, or near superluminal velocities.
The spacecraft is readied, the crew is ready and the spaceflight is given launch to this system.
However because of the velocities involved, once the flight is underway, this flight can not be stopped.
Could you imagine the shock on the ground control teams part, if the next day this star system had disappeared, as the information that they were viewing, was older to to how long light takes to travel in space?
It was said in Carl Sagan's tape series Cosmos, that differing sections of universe realities exist, which might even be termed as flatland or inch-high land?
Understanding what Sagan was trying to put forward in this excellent tape series, is the very beginning of understanding of how this universe is put together.
Light is composed of waves and pressure.
Light is also measured via force or dynes at time.
However in your minds eye, light tells you of what, by it image in portrayal of the information that light itself brings?
This one statement should cause you to reexamine what you think you already know.
By Tran oo1s sayings, what would be a proposed Chronotron.......?