Why people make such absurd statements is an even bigger concern than all of these doomsday/death scenarios... with the exception of "crossing the street" which everyone knows is the most dangerous thing anyone can do.

But, back to the white hole;
Sorry Hyououin Kyouma, this is not a "new" hypothesis. It's been around since 1964.
"The possibility of the existence of white holes was put forward by I. Novikov in 1964"
I just can't understand why some physicists want to depict a black hole as some kind of in/out funnel looking thing. There is no way, if they do exist, that they would look like the depictions everyone is familiar with and certainly not a in/ black hole side... out/ white hole side. The images that are out there are some of the stupidest things I've seen come from astronomy/cosmology/ astrophysics etc.
As far as AGW/GW goes, I'd like to see the discussion restarted. I missed it in 2008-09.