White Hole

Hououin Kyouma

Temporal Novice
We already know time travel is possible through the use of Black Holes.

Unfortunately, it only would work in One Direction in Time.

So I came up with a Hypothesis.

What if there were Reverse Black Holes?

I will call this a White Hole.

This could be the equivalent of the process to create a Black Hole in an Antimatter Environment.

If anybody on here is actually qualified to look into this sort of thing, I.E., is a Cosmologist, Astrophysicist or Astronomer, please do.

If not, then simply discuss this. It is sure to get professional attention eventually.

The white hole should be something, that spreads matter into our universe. If there was something like that, the astronomy would have lready detected it.

The white hole should be something, that spreads matter into our universe. If there was something like that, the astronomy would have lready detected it.
Well something like this may explain expansion continuing in our universe. We are nowhere near the edge of the Universe, so perhaps those are where these sorts of things are located.And instead of Black Holes, perhaps they would be White Lines, as in a Line that surrounds the universe.

I am more likely to accept the view of the modern astronomy on that. And it is that the universe expands continuously because of the big bang. Everything moves away to each-other simply because in the space there is no friction, that to stop the expansion. This is scary, but if it is the true, then we will have to accept it, and to search for a way to survive that.

I am more likely to accept the view of the modern astronomy on that. And it is that the universe expands continuously because of the big bang. Everything moves away to each-other simply because in the space there is no friction, that to stop the expansion. This is scary, but if it is the true, then we will have to accept it, and to search for a way to survive that.
I have literally never read what you just wrote, and I frequent physics forums...

Well, it is the big bang theory. According to it, the universe started with from a very small size, that suddenly expanded (e.g.made a huge explosion of subatomic particles) in all directions like a sphere. Since then, it is constantly expanding. They depict it as a baloon, that gets larger and larger.

In the space, there is no friction, since the space is empty - no air in the space, and if you are away from the gravity of other objects, then when you start traveling, you simply travel unstoppably.

This continuous expansion of the universe is one of the theories about how the universe will end some day in the very distant future - everything will fly away from each - other, the stars (including our sun) will trun off, and everything will freeze to the absolute zero temperature.

Well, it is the big bang theory. According to it, the universe started with from a very small size, that suddenly expanded (e.g.made a huge explosion of subatomic particles) in all directions like a sphere. Since then, it is constantly expanding. They depict it as a baloon, that gets larger and larger.In the space, there is no friction, since the space is empty - no air in the space, and if you are away from the gravity of other objects, then when you start traveling, you simply travel unstoppably.This continuous expansion of the universe is one of the theories about how the universe will end some day in the very distant future - everything will fly away from each - other, the stars (including our sun) will trun off, and everything will freeze to the absolute zero temperature.
And Ants will survive for longer then us if that were to happen now.It's simple, Really.

We kill the Antman.

Anyway, in all seriousness,

the whole "No Friction" thing is probably just a Hyperbole or false.

There is other matter in the Milky Way alone, so that means there will be friction in some form at least from gravity.

I wish it to be so - there to exist a force, that to stop the exansion - but as far as I know the expansion still goes on, and it goes faster and faster.... and this is scary.

I wish it to be so - there to exist a force, that to stop the exansion - but as far as I know the expansion still goes on, and it goes faster and faster.... and this is scary.
Let's focus on the more prominent issue of Global Warming/Climate Change before we start focusing on this. Climate Change will kill us before the Big Bang does.

Let's focus on the more prominent issue of Global Warming/Climate Change before we start focusing on this. Climate Change will kill us before the Big Bang does.
Bullshit. It is a political scam (championed by politician Al Gore) to allow GOV to make more money off the people. Their models have not predicted temperatures. Even though the models do get better, the actual temperature data does NOT support their scientific claim of the sensitivity of temps to CO2 content.
See this thread for more evidence that the science of global warming is far from settled:



Bullshit. It is a political scam (championed by politician Al Gore) to allow GOV to make more money off the people. Their models have not predicted temperatures. Even though the models do get better, the actual temperature data does NOT support their scientific claim of the sensitivity of temps to CO2 content.See this thread for more evidence that the science of global warming is far from settled:

Yes, the one scam is the thousands of scientific studies funded by government, some of which are created by NASA, are the scams, not the 3 studies out of 2000 that say that Climate Change isn't real.

Yes, the one scam is the thousands of scientific studies funded by government, some of which are created by NASA, are the scams, not the 3 studies out of 2000 that say that Climate Change isn't real.
Let me warn you right now, I can destroy any and all arguments you may dig up trying to defend this defacto LACK of following the tenets of science. For example, as a professor of aerospace engineering, I tend to have a lot of students that go on to work internships at NASA. One of my top students worked an internship at Goddard Spaceflight Center (NASA), and he actually made friends with another intern who was, basically, part and party to CHANGING data to increase the perceived warming. They called it "data homogenizing" but strangely enough, it did not follow any sort of statistical norm for systemic errors (where the average of + and - errors is close to zero). Nope. ALL of the "adjustments" were to make the final temp data WARMER.
If you want to keep this debate going (again, I will warn you that you will have no legs standing, as I have quite a treasure trove of falsifying information), then I suggest you respond to the link I provided. Because continuing this discussion on this thread is definitely OT.


studies funded by government
And what makes you believe that government is averse to corruption? In fact, just the opposite is the norm for governments!

We already know time travel is possible through the use of Black Holes.Unfortunately, it only would work in One Direction in Time.So I came up with a Hypothesis.

What if there were Reverse Black Holes?

I will call this a White Hole.

This could be the equivalent of the process to create a Black Hole in an Antimatter Environment.

If anybody on here is actually qualified to look into this sort of thing, I.E., is a Cosmologist, Astrophysicist or Astronomer, please do.

If not, then simply discuss this. It is sure to get professional attention eventually.
Um, actually black holes permit both future and past travel. However, most topics preventing time travel is not the travel method but the temporal nature of, well, time itself. Paradoxes, cosmic censorship and time COPS or CPC tends to disprove of any travel.
However, those are all hypotheses and have not been proven. White holes are an oddity of nature that ejects energy, but a white hole has to be linked up to some absorbing object with no other exit. If you consider quasars as black holes...

P.s. Global warming is probably going to happen. The only thing relative about it is the timeframe. But be it 10 years or 10000 years later, it's still faster than cosmic expansion.

Asumming factor omega in the theory is above one and the theory is right in the first place

I will tell you a secret - you will die much earlier form aging :) and you are not doing anything about it.

And the question asked was does white holes exist in the way that Hyououin Kyouma imagine it - and the answer is they don't, because otherwise we would see them.

And global worming is survivable :) compared with the expansion.

I will tell you a secret - you will die much earlier form aging :) and you are not doing anything about it.

And the question asked was does white holes exist in the way that Hyououin Kyouma imagine it - and the answer is they don't, because otherwise we would see them.

And global worming is survivable :) compared with the expansion.

Aging is curable. Human instinct to destroy all they see is less so.
Why people make such absurd statements is an even bigger concern than all of these doomsday/death scenarios... with the exception of "crossing the street" which everyone knows is the most dangerous thing anyone can do. :D
But, back to the white hole;

Sorry Hyououin Kyouma, this is not a "new" hypothesis. It's been around since 1964.

"The possibility of the existence of white holes was put forward by I. Novikov in 1964"


I just can't understand why some physicists want to depict a black hole as some kind of in/out funnel looking thing. There is no way, if they do exist, that they would look like the depictions everyone is familiar with and certainly not a in/ black hole side... out/ white hole side. The images that are out there are some of the stupidest things I've seen come from astronomy/cosmology/ astrophysics etc.

As far as AGW/GW goes, I'd like to see the discussion restarted. I missed it in 2008-09.

I also believe, that aging can be stoped or cured. Simply I think, that it can't happen in the current moment (2015). One example how this can happen is with stem cells.
