The other possibility is this:
God purposely created the universe using Quantum Mechanical rules so that even He wouldn't know what the exact outcome would be. If the motions of planets are managed by chaos, then calculating where things will be billions of years in the future would be VERY difficult, but not impossible. If, however, the rules involve perfect randomness, then even an infinitely powerful computer would not be able to predict what would happen.
Also, if God has given us free will, then even he couldn't predict what the future would be like. For example, if you know the exact speed at which a roulette wheel is begun spinning and when the ball will be dropped, then with a VERY powerful computer, you could figure out where the ball will drop. But if you don't know exactly how fast the wheel will be spun or exactly when the ball will drop, then you will NEVER be
able to guess the final resting spot. If we truly have free will, then God will not know how fast the wheel is spun or when the ball will be dropped. Thus, he will not know who, if anyone, will win and how that will affect their lives.
He can, however, control major events so as to move history in the direction he wants. Thus, on average, the evil may be punished and the good may be rewarded, but not in any specific and predictable way.
So instead of lying down and just waiting to die as Lee suggested (<g>), I would suggest that you liquidate all your assets and give them to me because I am CERTAIN that whatever God there is would think it a very selfless act of you and would reward you later in life! <g>