What's with the mystery around Dr. David Anderson?

I remember this as pulsed, measured, laser light amplitudes.Not anything at all to do with Tachyons.

Purportedly the late Dr. Fred Bell by some source was supposed to have been privately seeing the Pleiadean cosmonut Sem-ya-zee.I had read that our scientist, since Dr. Fred was so well known, that they wanted nothing to do with Tachyons, as these were unstable particles in the machinery that we had.

This is what I remembered, but again nothing what-so-ever to do with tachyons.

Stepped and pulsed laser light one can flavor by a number of differing technical effects plus crystals.I have to ask, did some of what Anderson was doing come out of the SDI defense initiative tech. of that time?

If you '?' myself about it, it's not my instinct that I can fail to believe that there ARE mysterious tachyons 'here & there,' why would they be too unstable, for instance the danger of Cherenkov radiation poisoning? Best wishes, J.A.

mysterious tachyons 'here & there,' why would they be too unstable
In order to understand tachyons, you must also understand both the Pleiadeans and the system which utilize them.Tachyons are particle that are now, almost always have ever been and will continue to be, as long as they are able to travel, faster than light.
They are not only a faster than light particle, but a faster than light part of a realm.They are always there and for a very long time will continue to be present.

One of the problems that they came up with, is that when you near the speed of light, mass as we know this to be as invested in solid object, contain photons.Since mass at the near upper end of what any propulsion system can move that object become absolity masive, then at near the point of light's top speed, this object will bein to bleed photons.It has to as the chanricter of that object has become absolity masive, as it still is carrying photons.So know if you attmpt to break the speed of light in your assigned realites spaceship, that spaceship will shatter and blow apart at the speed of light.This is a law of physics and must express itself like so.

A tachyion drive, first sets up a function of tapping into along with parcing the realms of tachyions.The drive creates a conversion to where mass is copied and then suplanted, converting all items as an assigned frequency mass as you know this to be, to another realmns signature.So therefore, in similar fasion to say a paint on rust converter, which changes the chemical strcuture of rust, into a usable oxide, the tachyion converter changes the entire charicteristic of what was the former constrction of mass of that spaceship, into another state of being.This is all metals, glass even biological entities, well into another state.

With the ship at another state of being, or if you wish to use the term matter, the ship's captain can now propel the velocity of what was formerly that ship, way past the speed limit of light within this universe.Very long expanses of space can be now traveled in a mere fraction of the time it would normally require to close that space.

Then, scientist had complained about realized tachyon particles that they had somehow either contrived or expressed as being too unstable of an energy quotient.There are some UFO E.T. encounter reports which tell of an explain stellar faster than light drives, but the biggest mystery still concerns the Pleiadeans.

Who in reality are they?Where do the really come from and call home?And lastly what is their direct connection to us Earthlings?Does this have something to do with past Atlantis, or is it an older relationship that in some cases goes way back beyond our collective ability to remember?

I think, fear that the answer to these and more questions about them, have to do with a maturity point that any civilization reaches.It seems to be expressed in the saying to where when one culture develops tremendous power, they must also then maintain the wisdom in order to utilize that power justly and correctly.Part of understadning this puzzle, in in part the direct understanding of ourselves.

Good mysteries should make one's eyes tear a little, as the ones it seems that are being tested, are ourselves in the reach that understanding.Pinter

I know of one case, Pinter that certain investigation journalists apart from concentrating on, why there are certain theories on this, also fear being murdered, ridiculed, that's a comprehensible topic that A Certain Giorgio A. Tsoukalos gives me no idea, whatsoever that I can hide from you, gold: Normally a metal, Creatures like these would use in & as a part of their propulsion fuel, note: God is An Annunaki, just A Reptile, good luck to us all, J.A..

know of one case, Pinter that certain investigation journalists apart from concentrating on, why there are certain theories on this, also fear being murdered, ridiculed, that's a comprehensible topic that A Certain Giorgio A. Tsoukalos gives me no idea, whatsoever that I can hide from you, gold: Normally a metal, Creatures like these would use in & as a part of their propulsion fuel, note: God is An Annunaki, just A Reptile, good luck to us all, J.A..
Okay? :cautious:

Why are you 'apparently' so easily persuaded? J.A. - P.S.: Well, anyway, if you know of Any Pleiadian, Who's willing to give me any good tachyon, anti tachyon info, of course I can only reveal that it'll be a big pleasure that he, she will enjoy contacting me, here online. :cool:

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Why are you 'apparently' so easily persuaded? J.A.
Not rteally if you desire the rtuth, then this is it.No one will believe me, so I'll come right out with it.I've always known something was a little differnt about me.I could not tell exactly what it was, but I was differnt.
On these Pleiadeans what I think that they had done, was to somehow find a twin's gne in me, that had dated back to a common ancestor in an out colony of Atlantis.They came here starting in 1975 and one of their cosmonauts experienced time travel with Billy Meier.

They made the cretaceous period of time, which had been devastating on my personage, as what their cosmonaut Sem-ya-zee had gone through, so did I.However my disadvantage was that I was not time travel device protected as these Pleiadeans had been.I was bedridden during this time, as I was starting to pair with Semjase.I had lost weight for a period of three days, could barely keep anything down except bread and water and my intellect was changing to hers.

I came out of this realignment okay, but two things had occured to me.One my genetic protection from a type of plagues in the 1700s had been erased.This old genetic affectations got to me a year later.Then many years after this change, I started to revert to this disease.Somebody in that European consortium got to me and gave me an antidote.This was somebody in a pretty high places to do this, as I know for a fact that the antidote is vault locked and not just anybody gets this.

The second thing that occured to me, is while I had remembered a great deal about Atlantis, the Pleiadeans going back so far in time, had pealed one area off me, and this was my deeper soul core.This is very large frying reptile, which this society refers to as a dragon.I had a flashback of my great grandmother dragon which was a tall, about thirty foot tall shiny scaled black dragon.The odd thing about her, is that when I had this flash about her, she was smiling as if to say high to me.On top of that she also appeared how would you say, attractive.

On god, what I suspect is that they're using a rotating entry program, to test a number of differing being that seem or qualify as god.I know one little girl went to heaven and came back and she said god was a kind old man.Anyhter, still a girl that came back, said that god was a blue talking wall.Still another, a catholic preist, had said god was a woman.So this postion seesm to be a varible rotarting type of job, I'd guess you call it.

I, durring meditation was also approched by an assended master who yanked on my life cord, to be one of them.For technical reason I cannot.One being that my sould core is actually reptoid.From what I can remember, even though there were humans then, this is very long ago, our central master instructed us NOT TO EAT THEM.So I in realy know very littel about these reptoids here now.At times I can hear their thoughts but I can't make heads nor tails about them?

My warning area is this next war in probability is this atomic one that for some dumb reason they're going to let off to reduce the population, I think this is?Know that as of late, this central sun is not in that great a shape to do this.Very simply put, if you have that atomic war, you may succeed in making your sun go nova.I'm not kidding here, I'm dead serious about what I just said.This is a variable star and its action are placed in a time of phase and you may well through worm hole mechanics, due to the fact that fissionable product arte much m,ore intense that fusion, feed very concentrated energy into your central sun.What I'm thinking as I'm following what Ed Dames has said about this sun, is that it simply might just go; blow up.

I have one religious figure that I have been visiting as of late.But I would like to keep that affiliation private.

What does mean something to me as of late?This is funny but Darby.Please don't think that I'm making fun of him, but I think that it's a little brother thing.I would really like to see him in a kilt and high knee socks, like an Irishmen of his clan.I guess it's something like the little kid dresses up as a cowboy thing.Something along those lines.

That's about it and a genuine change of attitude that I seem to have had. Pinter

I'm sorry to hear that, Pinter, however, since you're all ready here, you will of course have a good reason to receive a good suggestion of mine that any truth, I per sé seek, is just a question to get away w. being a quite moral man, a good moral, I don't doubt you to be happy w., happy to hear, so that I can of course find out & so on, - IF The T. Tr.'s ARE impossible, the result itself is a big complication that even yourself please give me no idea, whatsoever that I can see as any 'relev.' conflict, best wishes, J.A., who pers., so far, doesn't feel that I can claim that The Tachyon Enigma is The WORST Universalisation Suggestion, since my unfortunate knowledge is that God's apart from being 'perfect' also very selfish, - it's a bad idea, The Buddhism is happy w. a good moral.

Horse shit. He's in Rochester, NY living in an apartment with his girlfriend Heather Caton. He's never done time travel research of any kind. Back in 2001 he had a website that requested registration fees for his Time Travel Research Association. It was a phone number and a post office box in Smithtown, NY. In 2002 he and his wife Marilynne divorced. He moved to Rochester and went to work as a burglar alarm salesman for Detection Systems, Inc. Heather moved in with him. End of story.

If we're talking about the same man: David Lewis Anderson, father of time manipulation, dazzler of Art Bell, etc.? Yeah, he's missing from the list of famous David Andersons on Wikipedia. I guess he isn't famous enough. :'(

Ha ha ha, "Absolutely love this man., best choice of words.Made me laugh, thanks Darb :LOL:
Hey, you're welcome. Too bad he isn't really a scientist. Salesman, yes. Scientist, no.
Yikes! Do a Google Images on Heather Caton. Yup - the first three photos are Heather, his girlfriend and business partner.

If we're talking about the same man: David Lewis Anderson, father of time manipulation, dazzler of Art Bell, etc.? Yeah, he's missing from the list of famous David Andersons on Wikipedia. I guess he isn't famous enough. :'(
Datz duh one. :)
