There's no mystery. Back in 2001-02 Anderson was a semi-regular on Coast-2-Coast. He talked a lot about his Time Travel Research Center (TTRC). We did some digging (Rick Donaldson and I) and came up with this:
The "research center" was a PO Box in Smithtown, NY.
He sold "memberships" in the center. The membership granted access to "special, members only" portions of the TTRC website and a subscription to the monthly news letter published by the world's foremost authority on time travel - Doctor David Anderson. Yes, we made the investment just to see what would happen. We received the one and only edition of the newsletter - exactly the same newsletter that was shown on his website for two years. The special area of the website? Articles copied from other website and pasted on his.
The phone number for the "research center" was a phone in his home.
He was a full-time security alarm salesman, not a scientist.
He got divorced, moved to Rochester, NY and moved the "research center" to Rochester with himself and his new girlfriend. The address for the center was their apartment in Rochester.
Rick and I (and several other researchers) asked him directly where he received his PhD (what university), in what field, who his PhD adviser was, was his dissertation available to be read, when was he in the US Air Force, what rank his he hold, what his Air Force Occupational Specialty was (AFSC/MOS). Nada. He's steadfastly refused to answer any questions about himself.
When he moved to Rochester he changed employers (he was an exec but still selling burglar alarms). The company published his CV online. Not a word in his CV about holding a PhD in any field, not even a mention that he held a BA/BS degree.
"Doctor" David Anderson's only known connection to time is that he probably owns a watch. But he and his girlfriend he still run a couple dozen really nice generic websites for a host topics. Caveat: Keep your hand on your wallet.
You can find more detailed posts about this that I've made over the past dozen years here on the forum.