What's with the mystery around Dr. David Anderson?


Temporal Novice
I listened to the Art Bell Coast to Coast that interviewed Dr. David Anderson in April of 2000. I found the research he talked about was very interesting. What they were doing with Time Warp Fields was astonishing to me. Then I try looking the guy up now and there is the andersoninstitute.com but I find all these other search blogs and sites saying either the guy is a fraud or is not real. Then some say he is in India working at some big lab. Does anyone know if this Anderson Institute and Dr. Anderson is legit or just another partial truth in a trough full of lies?

Everything about what he says on his research, mysteriously has not been verified. Without independent verification, how can you accept what he has to say? I think he is just someone else with a story to tell. To anyone who will listen.

Im not naive to the extent people will go just to be heard. I figured I would look him up and find what I can. I thought the similarities in the technology he spoke of and the technology in the supposed Titor machine was interesting. I mean he pretty much laid the blue print for someone to definitely make up a story of Titors machine.Change rotating magnetic field to rotating singularities and there it is. If you ask me if I believe the Titor story i guess I would say probably not with an open mind to the possibility. Is there anywhere to read about legit time science research?

There is no technology in the Titor machine. Everything he said about it is pure fabrication. He was playing on your belief in theories. No facts, just beliefs. There is a difference. Beliefs have a nasty habit of never coming true.

You can probably learn about time dilation. Lots of info to be found on that.

As for singularities? There is lots of scientific speculation on that too. But still no real singularities yet. Another waiting game of beliefs if you ask me.

Did you mean to say "uneducated guesses"? The way I see it, you don't need an education, if you're going to guess.

I tried to recover the old posts from 2002-2003 and they didn't come up so here's some of the information:

The announcement in August 2002 that Anderson had been hired at Detections Systems, Inc. (Security World Magazine)

Detection Systems Welcomes New VP

Detection Systems, Inc., is pleased to announce David Anderson as the newly appointed Vice President of Global Product Management for Intrusion Products, based at Detection Systems' corporate headquarters in Fairport, New York.

With more than fifteen years of experience in the security industry, Mr. Anderson also has experience as an officer in the United States Air Force and as a scientist. His educational background includes physics, philosophy and engineering, allowing Mr. Anderson to bring with him a vast and well-rounded wealth of knowledge to his position at Detection Systems.

Mr. Anderson comes to the company after several years with Newmark Technology as their Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. He has also worked in the security industry with ADEMCO, developing their commercial and government business. Mr. Anderson has extensive experience in strategic planning, market research and customer relations.

Mr. Anderson's responsibilities will include development of market programs for the company's intrusion products worldwide as well as the design and planning of new products. Additionally, he will assist in directing strategic support planning with the Bosch Security Systems group.

"We are very excited to have David join our executive team," stated Peter Ribinski, President/CEO of Detection Systems, Inc. "David's background includes the technical and security industry experience necessary for success in this position. We are certain that his influence will strengthen our ability to produce quality products and build upon our well-established brand equity in the marketplace."

Detection Systems, a member of the Bosch Group, is a leading supplier of equipment to the electronic protection industry, with facilities in New York, California, Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The company designs, manufactures and markets electronic detection, control and communication equipment for security, fire protection, access control, and closed circuit television applications.

Notice in the CV - not a word about his education other than he has an undefined "educational background" in physics, philosophy and engineering. Philosophy? He has to embellish a meager CV with philosophy? If he held a PhD (or even a BS) in physics they would have stated it in the press release. It also doesn't mention that David owns and runs his own "major" research facility. If it was true, why not? It certainly wasn't a secret because he was on the radio and internet proclaiming himself as the world's foremost authority.


There's no mystery. Back in 2001-02 Anderson was a semi-regular on Coast-2-Coast. He talked a lot about his Time Travel Research Center (TTRC). We did some digging (Rick Donaldson and I) and came up with this:

The "research center" was a PO Box in Smithtown, NY.

He sold "memberships" in the center. The membership granted access to "special, members only" portions of the TTRC website and a subscription to the monthly news letter published by the world's foremost authority on time travel - Doctor David Anderson. Yes, we made the investment just to see what would happen. We received the one and only edition of the newsletter - exactly the same newsletter that was shown on his website for two years. The special area of the website? Articles copied from other website and pasted on his.

The phone number for the "research center" was a phone in his home.

He was a full-time security alarm salesman, not a scientist.

He got divorced, moved to Rochester, NY and moved the "research center" to Rochester with himself and his new girlfriend. The address for the center was their apartment in Rochester.

Rick and I (and several other researchers) asked him directly where he received his PhD (what university), in what field, who his PhD adviser was, was his dissertation available to be read, when was he in the US Air Force, what rank his he hold, what his Air Force Occupational Specialty was (AFSC/MOS). Nada. He's steadfastly refused to answer any questions about himself.

When he moved to Rochester he changed employers (he was an exec but still selling burglar alarms). The company published his CV online. Not a word in his CV about holding a PhD in any field, not even a mention that he held a BA/BS degree.

"Doctor" David Anderson's only known connection to time is that he probably owns a watch. But he and his girlfriend he still run a couple dozen really nice generic websites for a host topics. Caveat: Keep your hand on your wallet. :)

You can find more detailed posts about this that I've made over the past dozen years here on the forum.

His next gig was the World Genesis Foundation. "Huge" worldwide business. He was even a special ambassador to the United Nations:

World Genesis Foundation(WGF World Genesis Foundationwww..org/worldgenesis)

Slovakia projects presently managed from United States office.

World Genesis Foundation

Moldova projects presently managed from Romania office.

Board of Directors:

David Anderson- Chairman of the Board

Barry Shaverin (Discovery Channel) – Advisory
WGF address cut per TTI TOS policy but it is located in Sector 3, Bucurest, ROMANIA. That was just the Euro address. The real deal, worldwide address for the headquarters? The United States Office? You guessed it. His apartment in Rochester, NY. We even verified it (as we did with his home in Smithtown) by looking at the sat photos of the address.
Oh, boy! I knew who Barry Shaverin was (is - you can look him up on Internet Movie Database - IMDB) so I contacted him. He was livid!He had no clue that Anderson had was using his name on the WGF stating that he was an "advisory" member of the Board of Directors. He was ready to lawyer up instantly. He was a researcher looking into Anderson and had no involvement with WGF at all.

Selected Press Releases

26 Apr 2002 - David Anderson Named As Ambassador of Youth for United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Association (UNSECO).

UNESCO is UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, not Association. He's named ambassador and he doesn't even know to what department of the UN? I checked with the UN (yup) - no such ambassador by that name was known to the UN.

5 Feb 2000 - World Genesis Foundation is Formed.

One problem. I said above "his next gig". But that's not exactly true. While he was running his huge time travel research laboratory in 2000-2002...he was forming the World Genesis Foundation, another huge worldwide organization.

Do I need to go on?

Re, on attributes said by Darby; The only thing that I know is the primary work by Anderson was based in large, lasik pressures, that would possibly effect time fields.This was somehow in conjunction with mass in space as being both neutral, or something solid, to nothing being there,.. still effected by a dis-time oriented laser beams.This is in archives.

On warp fields such as the space agency faster than light proposed spacecraft fields.I know nothing about this venture.I'm worried about parts of this program now being possibly made up or fraud.This is as if this is a government project, then it would have very tight security wraps placed upon this program.

Edited so you can make sense of what was said.

The only thing that I know is the primary work by Anderson was based in large, lasik pressures, that would possibly effect time fields.This was somehow in conjunction with mass in space as being both neutral, or something solid, to nothing being there,.. still effected by a dis-time oriented laser beams.This is in archives.
Get a small bulldozer, then pile up a berm of earth about six feet long, by three feet in height.Next take a peice of two foot high plywood to sit lengthwise with this long triangle shaped berm of earth.
Next take a long two inch diametered piece of pipe that is five foot in length and from your time side about a foot up in height on the berm of earth, now carefully push this through berm.This represents the laser light beam.

Oaky if you look from the end of the berm lengthwise, you have the sender's time line seperate by the berm of earth and the longwise peice of two foot high plywood.The other side of that peice is any target date the sender chooses.How Anderson by what I was getting made the target date, was to flavour atoms of the item to be sent, by what is termed as a, large laser altered light frequency beam.

This is the same system, as used on the new time travel series as twelve monkeys uses.

The only problem is, that while you can flavor, or make your sent item to that target date, as almost something that belongs there; the timeline "it seems is self intelligent".So even after while, it may be the timeline that sends the time traveler back to its starting point.There is something about grounding in the new timeline that I've heard of, that makes it possible to stay, however there may be problems to this ploy.

I was asked to step the technolgy rift down a bit.Is this to everyone's satisfaction?

Anderson was between the dilemma of either remove material to get there, or a possible identical material flavoring, that would be similar or exactly like that new target date.You folks I hope got this too? *flavoring, atomic molecular structure of material changed to a certain other time frequency.

If so, okay then.

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was to flavour atoms of the item to be sent, by what is termed as a, large laser altered light frequency beam.
I think you mean:


Edited so you can make sense of what was said.Get a small bulldozer, then pile up a berm of earth about six feet long, by three feet in height.Next take a peice of two foot high plywood to sit lengthwise with this long triangle shaped berm of earth.
Next take a long two inch diametered piece of pipe that is five foot in length and from your time side about a foot up in height on the berm of earth, now carefully push this through berm.This represents the laser light beam.

Oaky if you look from the end of the berm lengthwise, you have the sender's time line seperate by the berm of earth and the longwise peice of two foot high plywood.The other side of that peice is any target date the sender chooses.How Anderson by what I was getting made the target date, was to flavour atoms of the item to be sent, by what is termed as a, large laser altered light frequency beam.

This is the same system, as used on the new time travel series as twelve monkeys uses.

The only problem is, that while you can flavor, or make your sent item to that target date, as almost something that belongs there; the timeline "it seems is self intelligent".So even after while, it may be the timeline that sends the time traveler back to its starting point.There is something about grounding in the new timeline that I've heard of, that makes it possible to stay, however there may be problems to this ploy.

I was asked to step the technolgy rift down a bit.Is this to everyone's satisfaction?

Anderson was between the dilemma of either remove material to get there, or a possible identical material flavoring, that would be similar or exactly like that new target date.You folks I hope got this too? *flavoring, atomic molecular structure of material changed to a certain other time frequency.

If so, okay then.

Go to the wayback, which I think is based in http. due to density volume storage.Enter in, (Time Travel Institute, pictures of Dr. David Anderson).They show a setup using large diameter laser beams and there is also a write up on their use.There is another website and I remember that it's a black page, with blue or purple script on it.But I think that this website also shows in more detail what they were trying to do with the laser beams.

What I remember is that they were originally trying to promote this system of travel, in cave systems for some reason?Where they were falling short, is that you don't have to do that, as frequency modulation through time does not depend on the surround mass, however on how the adjust sent frequency of that beam affects the target only.

In other words you first need a master dialer to the time destination that you desire, then a target to change that existing frequency of the object that you want to travel, to the destination's frequency.The item to be sent is not destroyed, however simply slides forwards to that sought after destination.

There was a time travel simulator which was a room in a cylindrical shaped large room that held a man.This device to where a simulated time could be projected around a subject to be sent, through the estimated time location by the use of a super computer.Then, I think as to why they wanted to go with the cave system of using this system, is that they had been afraid that everything surrounding the sent time traveler, would also go, so there was at first an attempt to set this travel system up underground.

A lab you can self do.Go out and buy a friction flint kid's raygun.Next place a any color jelly bean in your hand, but with thin string tied around that jelly bean.Third step, have an oatmeal tube with the friend standing off some four feet in the distance holding the oatmeal cereal tube in one hand, with hand on the string with the jelly bean in your hand in the other.

Okay' rev up to kids raygun making sparks and noise while aiming at the item to be sent. Then yell to your friend,"Alright' I think that we're charged up enough here, dematerialize and send to you"!

At that point the jelly bean is pulled from your hand because it is no longer similar to this frequency and goes through the tube to whatever's on the other side of that tube. Ya' got this Darb?

I pers. don't doubt, why you are, what you are, David, still give into no idea, whatsoever that I can fail to think about, why my poor mother can seem to get away w. being against me being just myself, best wishes, J.A., P.S.: Note: The T. Machine of course fascinates me, if The Tachyons don't exist, the mere thought itself is 'just a detail' that gives me no obligation, whatsoever that I can fail to be whatever good optimist, still & forever to be.

Since I started existing, David, Feb. 20, 1968, there were many, who were against me being just myself, who by no means knew, if I could 'testify' to being happy without making sure that I'd though bit by bit think about, what my optimism was, the thing that made me seek this place, greetings, J.A., long live The T. Machine, wherever It may exist, Whoever's Its Principal User, Owner, - I don't believe in This T. Tr. Serum Twaddle.
