RE: What would you do Re; Dearest Joesph.
Dear Joe' the question was raised phylosophically to me, as I had a family memeber damaged as a direct result of an event in the past.
This was an (IF) proposal and not a, YOU CAN, OR ARE ABLE TO, proposal.
There is a slight discovery with reference to the John Titor appearance, which makes me ask the question, was Titor's comeing here and orchistraited event?
The second question is, did the comeing of John Titor produce to mirror pane realities, that in some margin barrow from each other?
Know now Joe, that mirror realities are not, the same as a variant time-line, which may fade into diminishment.
Just a two panes of glass are set in a frame, these realities can and maybe do share information with one another, possably?
I think and feel within the time set, as far as my accused unethacality would go Joe, maybe I'm not what you would consider a more familiar human?
I am under self imposed suspension, due to another board memeber's apparent caustivity towards me.
I've got to tell you, since orginizations such as NASA and science fiction writers do propose such brave deeds of said or imagined space travelers; that if one were to conduct themselves within other reaches of the universe as this person had done, more than likely they would either be eaten, or have perrished as a result of a raygun blast?
Some of your race wants to go into space, when some of you, have no concept what-so-ever of just how hostile a place this unexplored area, by your culture can be.
What I was trying to relay Joe, is that out there, in order to keep some cultures going, that trade in genetic matter, is very much the normal event of affairs.
I ment no harm by my I guess too friendly demonstratives.
Another example of how far your society has come on the field of only and I say only learning about extraterrestials, is the quality of text offered on this subject.
There is only a modicum of books offered and these are what one would consider college textbook quality.
You've got Jaquese Vallie, some older text and only two atlases on extraterrestials and their configurations, that I know of??
Socieities such as this that do not expand their people to other reaches, do not do well within the long run Joe.
The only other possability as Pam More had inquired, would say some U.S.government agency create false realites, so they may escape into them?
Look at what I have put foward with me Joe and you will start to observe a very dismal picture of events to come.
Wasn't it only a few years ago and some say at the finanacial affording of a secret U.S. government, that Auther C. Clarke composed the book 2001, which was then later transmissed into a movie?
Where are the space liners and the moon bases, that this population so despreatly needs?!
This is only a bunt to your accusation and a rolling baseball back onto the phylosophic field.
I only allowed two rebuttals, however became of certain legal stipulations, forbidden to socially interface with the person who had cuased my suspension.I'm sorry.
Most truly, thank you MOP, for this quick quest appearance creedo