What time period would you visit?

I know I meant this to be fun, but think about the implications of visiting other time periods... You know what....I'll just make another thread and keep this one fun.

The far future would be great, too. I love technology. I'd have so many questions.

So who here would mess with historical folks? Like visiting Napleon and telling him, " Yes, go to Waterloo, you're gonna kick butt ! " or maybe sign on as a navigator for Christopher Columbus and make him zig-zag all around the Atlantic?

So who here would mess with historical folks? Like visiting Napleon and telling him, " Yes, go to Waterloo, you're gonna kick butt ! " or maybe sign on as a navigator for Christopher Columbus and make him zig-zag all around the Atlantic?
I would be more interested in seeing what historical facts have been altered. And then maybe investigate the who and why.

So who here would mess with historical folks? Like visiting Napleon and telling him, " Yes, go to Waterloo, you're gonna kick butt ! " or maybe sign on as a navigator for Christopher Columbus and make him zig-zag all around the Atlantic?
Walk in on Nikola Tesla wearing a pearl necklace?
Nah, I wouldn't be so mean. I have so much respect for him!

For fun: If you had a time travel device, what time period would you be most interested in visiting?

I would love to visit the 80's again and have a little fun for a few days, and then I'd want to see something totally futuristic, like 500 years from now.

How about you?
Personally, I would like to go back to the times of the ancient Sumerians. There seems to be a lot of speculation recently about them. Many people believe that many of the UFOs showing up today are the Annunaki or Igigi, that the Sumerians documented. The Igigi are said to be android/cyborg workers who are servants of the Annunaki and remain in subspace around the planet.

Personally, I would like to go back to the times of the ancient Sumerians. There seems to be a lot of speculation recently about them. Many people believe that many of the UFOs showing up today are the Annunaki or Igigi, that the Sumerians documented. The Igigi are said to be android/cyborg workers who are servants of the Annunaki and remain in subspace around the planet.
That's a great idea - find out for yourself first hand. By the way, I like your name because I used to have a cat named Sparky. :)

If I had the ability to travel back and forth as I see fit I'd be all over the place. I'd be like a more serious minded Peabody and Sherman, cept for all the word play and puns (can't be too serious!). I'd also love to just travel into the future and see what happens with humanity. Whether we'll survive and expand, or be the cause of our own destruction.

If it's a one way trip? Hard to say. I love the idea of time travel and all, but I'm happy where I'm at now in my life.

Honestly, as exciting as the future would be, I am a little too pessimistic to want to go too far ahead. I could only imagine the distant future as being something in line with Wall-E or similar to the 2nd episode of the UK show Black Mirror. As a Classics major, I would absolutely love to visit Ancient Greece during the rise of Athenian Democracy. Knowing exactly how and why this system was created and how it was intended to be used would provide a great wealth of knowledge. Either that, or being about to actually visit the Great Library of Alexandria and absorb all that knowledge that was lost forever.

If we're talking about only visiting and not changing the flow of history:

First, I visit Nikola Tesla, I'm an Engineer and Tesla is like an Engineering Saint so I want to meet him.

Second, I visit the future just like you said. I mean, who wouldn't want to?

Third, find the year when Jesus Christ is still alive and meet him (Something religious for you guys).

Lastly, find out the limits of how far I can go to the past or to the future.

Definitely the 60's and 70's. I missed it the first time around and would love the opportunity to experience it. It isn't just about the clothes and the music. There's a certain "vibe" associated with that time period that I want to experience myself.

I would go back to the 1960s as a freewheeling Hippie for a vacation.

Now if it is for a serious purpose, I think I'd move ahead 500 years, to see if mankind has gotten over some of our ills, like racism, misogynistic behavior, and poverty.

If I could only go back and could only make one trip, I'd want to explore something that's far outside of my experience like ancient Rome at it's peak, well before Christianity got a hold on the world. If that was too far back, I'd love to visit america before the Europeans came over.

i would visit the early 18th century or so during the early 19th century so that i can talk to Hitler and stop the war from coming .
What would you say to him to talk him out of it? How would you be able to get close to him? Just curious if you have a plan. hehe :)

What would you say to him to talk him out of it? How would you be able to get close to him? Just curious if you have a plan. hehe :)
Well if i cant get near, then i'd better shot head. I would bring my long rifle or probably would travel to his youth days and influence his liberated mind :D

The distant future. I agree with Cosmo- to see if the world had made it to the Star Trek age. Then I would jet off to the past to talk to my great great great great uncle, Gen Robert E Lee!

I would want to visit the late 1880's. I have enjoyed the Anne of Green Gables stories all my life. I like the clothing and how people behaved with manners. I think this is a similar time as Little House on the Prairie. New inventions and medicine were being developed too. I think I would want to have a mini romance during my stay in that time period. Some young man who was strong, intelligent, and courteous to enter my life.
