What is the speed of dark?

Dark matter is not antimatter.

It is a stile of matter which is a leftover matter, which has its atoms distorted from extremely high pressures, which has alrerted its primordial soup.

Dark matter anther has the ability in this environment to flow up hill or out of a container, say if it were placed in a coffee cup.

This is so, as the physical actions of this matter has been greatly distorted and its actions are actually contrary or inversed to matter within this frequency.

This would not qualify it as true antimatter, would when uncontained, be violently reactive to this realm.

Dark matter fields are immense, however serve as balance functions in how the cosmos at this level of density is put together.

Without dark matter, regular matter may never be able to correspond to itself, so dark matter may act as a worm-holed ballast function deritive to regular matter as we know it?
Re: what is hair conditioner

Creedo offers apologies to board compatriot Razimus.

Not ugly as mud fence.

In contrast please note web site, universepeople.com, under pictures of female alien holding said ray-gun.At link, http://www.universe-people.com/default_e.htm
photo caption 003 and 009

Note condition of said female cosmonauts curly unkempt hair?

I sense wimen from said contacts, do not take care of themselves, as ones on this planet.

((Smack)) upside this poster's, (me) head, only curious, will shut up.
...its atoms distorted from extremely high pressures...

The concept of two Universes colliding with each other is a fastinating idea. If a parallel Universe collided with our own, the point of impact would result in pressure on the fabric of the Universe. The Universe that we observe merely the "shrapnel" of the impact.

Some portions of the "fabric" reacting in a way to cause visible light. An experiment demonstrates a similar reaction. I am sure some of you did this when a kid. Sprinkle pepper into a bowl of water. Then, place a drop of liquid soap into the middle of the bowl. The soap pushes everything to the edge of the bowl.

Could this experiment be a demonstration of what is happening to our Universe?

The pepper would be like the material of the fabric of our Universe. The soap similar to the point of impact with a parallel Universe. The soap dripping into the water, causing a distortion along the surface, the reaction of the pepper,--( inertia created by the collision )-- , moving away from the point impact, and eventually stopping when it reaches the edge of the bowl.


If shape like a sphere, will the visible matter eventually just expand apart until it all fizzles out?
If shaped like a flat surface, will all matter slam into an edge?
Good Overl.

I think that dark matter has qualities that are not defined as usual within this receptive scalier, in this recorded scalier of timespace.

The Eastgate phenomenon comes very close to this, as matter still had mass, there were beings within that ship, but all actions pointed to an exotic type, style of matter.

From link http://www.leftateastgate.com/

snipit >Suffolk, East Anglia, Southeast England.
One night late in December, 1980. a nineteen-year-old air-force security policeman, armed with an M16 rifle, stood guard at at remote point on the perimeter of a large American air base. There he monitored an unusual sequence of radio transmissions describing unidentified lights above the forest several miles to the southeast.

Soon Airman First Class Warren and other air-force personnel brought to that area witnessed a series of events that no one had prepared them for. Had either British or American officials disclosed the true nature of what occurred there that night, the special relationship then existing between the two governments might have been so compromised as to be unsalvageable. Some of humanity's most profound beliefs would have been swept away as well.

No information was ever released.\\\

Creedo>As I remember when the encounter occurred and these are impression from this book.

COPY>The ship landed, but they stood afar, not to come, so as to be so close.

The sides of the ship were dark, black.

But what was funny about the size of the ship, was the matter of which it was composed of.

The metal seemed dense, however a fuzzy, almost hot type of black.You could feel the radiation on your face.

It was there, but at the same time, no' it was not?

When they came out of the craft, the opening, door sliding beneath the craft, "oh God!", they came down as something akin to gumdrops, all smiling at frightened people, how were both amazed and awed at what they seeing.

They weren't really scared, however more dumbfounded, that something of this size, mass and nature could exist.

Weapons or any thought of using them at this point, was woefully a comical gesture, as at this time. We had no idea on heaven's Earth, what in God's name we were all looking at.

It was there, but at the same time, we told ourselves it was not.>>>End impression for Left at eastgate, the black matter UFO aliens encounter at Benwaters:

A type of matter, we knew existed, seeing what we were seeing but still having trouble in understanding what we were seeing and actions in matter observed, that we could see, but in no way could understand.
I don't agree with Rainmantime, a poster here, who says that dark matter can be tapped as a power source.

You seem to have misinterpreted what I have said, Creedo. At least you are using the incorrect words. I never claimed Dark Matter (DM) could be tapped for a power source...never once did I say that. What I DID claim was that the much larger energetic field of Dark Energy (DE) could be tapped as a power source....what we call Zero Point Energy from the Zero Point Field, otherwise known as DE. That is a big difference from what you say I said above with respect to DM.

If the triplex structure of Matter/Energy is as described below with respect to a surface area defined by c^2 (what Max Tegmark calls the Hubble bubble), then we have yet another perfect fit for the teachings of the mystical Qabalah and the Tree Of Life:

DM = "core energy of the spherical light universe." More dense than Ordinary Matter (OM).
OM = "spherical surface energy on the Hubble light bubble." Less dense than DM.
DE = "extra-spherical etheric Energy of the ZPF." The majority player in total universal Energy that is accelerating us away from the Big Bang.

I feel that dark matter may not entirely be stringed matter, but another off-frequency stile of matter, which is almost syrupy, to which the rules of normally perceived gravity have been altered.

Note to Note about String Theory: The prevailing views in this segment of cosmology are that there really are a total of either NINE or TEN dimensions of "stringed reality". Interesting to note that even though there are theoriests who support either nine or ten, that no matter which of these they decide upon as being "correct", they both neatly align with.....yet again.... the Qabalistic Tree Of Life (in different and unique ways).

You could describe the stringed universe from either perspective: As the living matrix of 9 dimensions (interacting with a 10th), or as the living matrix of 9 combined with its opposite to form all 10 dimensions. Perhaps the knowledge of the mystics, hidden within their mystical texts (including and especially Genesis 1), has been telling us String Theory for thousands of years?

I do agree with you about DM being at a different frequency from "us" in our state of OM. More syrupy, as you say. I'd also say that all DM is at distinctly LOWER frequencies than the light band (c^2 surface) where we perceive our physical reality. Complementary to this, I would hazard to guess that all DE is contained higher in the frequency spectrum from where we perceive.

There was something you said that I had determine you meant DM was could be used as a power source, or would not have said.

OK, as long as it was a misunderstanding, I understand. Now you know I meant tapping DE or the ZPF as a clean energy source.

What do you think about that? Do you agree that tapping DE will be the key to generating energy without the need for fossil fuels?

Tres Geometries, Amigo!

OvrLrd, I really like the diagram you posted. A good summary of 3-point (planar) geometries (or what we could call collectively as a trinary topology).

If shape like a sphere, will the visible matter eventually just expand apart until it all fizzles out?
If shaped like a flat surface, will all matter slam into an edge?

I know you expected something like this when you asked these questions: What about if space (or rather Energy) is "shaped" like all three? Flat, Sphere, & Hyperbole? What if these are the three different forms of Energy...in other words:

Flat = Dark Matter (DM). The flattened core surface (or flattening ellipsoid) within the sphere.

Sphere = Ordinary Matter (OM). What we perceive in our reality as spheres (stars/planets) and circles (orbits and orbit energy). Sphere defined by "c" speed of light.

Hyperbolic Surface = Dark Energy (DM). That which is beyond our perception, and that which draws us towards it at an accelerating pace.

Is it possible our true selves exist across all three of these forms of reality (Energy)?

Re: Tres Geometries, Amigo!

I don't think that solely dark matter is leftover from the big bang.

From what I can tell the big bang, was genissed from more than a singular point in time?

*See argument between Friedmens at Carnegie Observatories, Pasadenna Califorina, giant ghoast velis, Scientific American.

The new cosmologies, state that in sections of space, for some unknown reason, space simply goes through a period of creation and destruction.

This may be at any place in the universe, however is a space-time fabric wide affair.

I feel that in this respect, that dark matter is genised from these series of disruptions and is leftover as a denser matter, which is structured from compressive forces?

I don't think that one can tap this power safely, as one would have to reproduce it.
Have seen zero point energy means, however not practicle applications thereof?

I'm now currently looking for replacements fro gasoline and other non-safe flues, as we only have forty years of petrol fuels left.

I'm looking for off the shelf components only, which would power family vehicles.

The other choice for me, would be to leave this system and live life elsewhere, away from volatile and subjugated humans.
Re: Tres Geometries, Amigo!

RMT said>Is it possible our true selves exist across all three of these forms of reality (Energy)?

Creedo answers>I'm not debating you.If I were to debate everyone, I would loose my sanity.

I feel that people who are here in this reality, perceive themselves as they are, as an isolate linearity.

Where problems stem, is either the crossing of these barriers of time and reality by ones interested, or when they come to us.

I myself, have been responsible for one instance, of them coming to us.

I feel that where the problem lies, is in the misunderstanding of what they are seeing and not understanding it fully.

In my early experiences, I had only found one lady, who could transcend barriers at will, by meditational techniques.

She was employed in Los Angeles and this is all I will say.

However' she could sit down and these beings, "I think it was from an antimatter universe"; would come at her meditations.

They would kind-of, knock on the walls inback of her and these sounds would come downward, or descend.

She also could, for some reason visualize these beings.They looked as if they were fairy tale beings, from a children's novel.

This lady was professionally employed and in no way, what one would call a meditation guru.

She simply had the talent to get across these barriers.

I feel that the dark matter fields, are an undiscovered country.

The first in these contacts, were already mentioned by me, as the Left At Eastgate book phenomenon.

On other power sources, I will list them in alternate energies.