Epochal Historian
Dark matter is not antimatter.
It is a stile of matter which is a leftover matter, which has its atoms distorted from extremely high pressures, which has alrerted its primordial soup.
Dark matter anther has the ability in this environment to flow up hill or out of a container, say if it were placed in a coffee cup.
This is so, as the physical actions of this matter has been greatly distorted and its actions are actually contrary or inversed to matter within this frequency.
This would not qualify it as true antimatter, would when uncontained, be violently reactive to this realm.
Dark matter fields are immense, however serve as balance functions in how the cosmos at this level of density is put together.
Without dark matter, regular matter may never be able to correspond to itself, so dark matter may act as a worm-holed ballast function deritive to regular matter as we know it?
It is a stile of matter which is a leftover matter, which has its atoms distorted from extremely high pressures, which has alrerted its primordial soup.
Dark matter anther has the ability in this environment to flow up hill or out of a container, say if it were placed in a coffee cup.
This is so, as the physical actions of this matter has been greatly distorted and its actions are actually contrary or inversed to matter within this frequency.
This would not qualify it as true antimatter, would when uncontained, be violently reactive to this realm.
Dark matter fields are immense, however serve as balance functions in how the cosmos at this level of density is put together.
Without dark matter, regular matter may never be able to correspond to itself, so dark matter may act as a worm-holed ballast function deritive to regular matter as we know it?