What if...

Hello there,I was wondering, if someone came here and posted something like this and left, what would be our reactionm, just like yosked. Posting on this forum all the way back in 2014. Is this proof enough to you?"
And what it meant was that someone, for example, in 2040 was in a random forum still discussing if time travel was possible or not, then comes a titor-like member from 2065 who's asked to go back to 2014 and post something here as a test.

I guess we would have to wait until 2040 to know the truth, right? :confused:
Hello there,I was wondering, if someone came here and posted something like this and left, what would be our reaction:
"Ok, here I am, just like you asked. Posting on this forum all the way back in 2014. Is this proof enough to you?"

And what it meant was that someone, for example, in 2040 was in a random forum still discussing if time travel was possible or not, then comes a titor-like member from 2065 who's asked to go back to 2014 and post something here as a test.

I guess we would have to wait until 2040 to know the truth, right? :confused:
Hello there,I was wondering, if someone came here and posted something like this and left, what would be our reaction:
"Ok, here I am, just like you asked. Posting on this forum all the way back in 2014. Is this proof enough to you?"

And what it meant was that someone, for example, in 2040 was in a random forum still discussing if time travel was possible or not, then comes a titor-like member from 2065 who's asked to go back to 2014 and post something here as a test.

I guess we would have to wait until 2040 to know the truth, right? :confused:
Well Nicholas I dont believe anyone would be able to do that Because (time travels) in only one direction And thats only forward Which means That if someone did anything in the past It would not show up in their future Unless they stayed there where they had done whatever they had done And waited around to check out the results of the affects; Because as i had just said, Yesterday moves forward into Today at the same rate as Today is moving forward into tomorrow Second by second, minute by minute, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, ect.
Everything moves forward at the same rate of speed There for yesterday doesnt catch up to today And today doesnt catch to tomorrow and so forth Or else we would have a big mess And the only way to change today Our present time Would be to go into the future And steal from over there And bring it back to present day here, And You know how i can prove thats true, Cause when God made his Bible He started in his past and he only moved forward from his past And revealed himself gradually into the future but only as the future happened before him As he watched it from his diminsion Cause after events had already happened All he could do Was remind his followers of what had happened through visions which are like memories In other words

He would remind people of what he had done and so on And he never did something in the past expecting it to catchup to us and affect us humans Nor has he carried out Armagaden /Tribulations Cause therewouldnt be anybody there to go through it Cause the present time hasnt caught up to the time ordate he has planed; Which goes to show that Even he GOD follows the same fllow that time travels in Which is only forward Even he either didnt or couldnt break the laws of nature (Of the movement or flow of Time through Space)

And as for the speed of light Well Its not the fastest The fastest thing in the Universe is whats already there before the light even gets there And Im sure You guys Know what that is , Its GRAVITY !!! Why Because its already everywhere before the light even gets there where ever there is GRAVITY will already be there Hee hee hee I could tell You guys So much more But i would blow Your minds Oh and yes Time travel has already been done 100+years ago And a time traveler did show up And he only spoke to a like minded person that he could trust And one more thing; From an experiment that was done with the machine it was determined That the time Machine Creats GOD

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All right let me see if I get the OP straight. Someone comes here and says they are in the year 2014, would I believe them? To be honest probably not, would I have questions for them probably not, I was just there myself four months ago. Now if someone came here and said they were in the year 2040 would they peak my interest, whether I believed it was true or not. Definitely, I would have questions for them that I would want to know about. For example, what advances were made in medicine. What advances were made in technology. Did the world leaders finally get their acts together? All right we have been waiting for centuries for the last one and it still hasn't happened but I would still be curious to know what shape the world is in. So, yes I would be curious if someone said they were in the future, whether it was true or not. I just would want to know what they see there, even if its something they are making up. Who knows maybe some of the things they talk about could come to pass.

It might be best to think of it very skeptically. First we must make experiments and logic cycles so we get the best assurance that he/she is indeed a time traveler. I suggest the one I posted earlier regarding time capsules.

Step One. Make a time capsule with a blank paper inside and hide it in a place that is impossible to find unless revealed by the one who made the time capsule.

Step Two. Reveal the time capsule's location in 2040 (or in the future, however you want and whenever) and make them write something on it a day after you have hidden the time capsule.

Step Three. Take out the time capsule the day after you reveal to them the location and see if there is something written.

Step Four. Be amazed...
