A bit off the subject, but would like to comment on your perception of perception not being reality. I tend to think, my reality may not be your reality, due to different perceptions, but it is still my reality.To answer OP question, there is a present, as explained so thoroughly byThat it our major flaw, our perception. We have extremely limited means of perception and according to that we assume that we are viewing reality, but it's not the case. We should develop our senses and only after that we are capable of seeing reality.
with the present being few milliseconds, it still exists.
Some good reads on the subject, well at least I found interesting, are by Kant and St Augustine. So, yeah this question of time in the past, present, and future has been pondered for a long time.
For example, back to the subject of perception, Is space and time dependent upon the mind for existence to identify the present,led me to an article from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, on Kant's Views on Space and Time, but a bit over my comprehension (still need to sort through his philosophy).
Now, I am not inferring that space and time can not exist without my mind, but more is my or your perception of space and time dependent on our minds? St Augustine writings suggest, "knowledge" of time can basically not exist unless someone has a way to measure the passing of time.
"I said then even now, we measure times as they pass, in order to be able to say, this time is twice so much as that one; or, this is just so much as that; and so of any other parts of time, which be measurable. Wherefore, as I said, we measure times as they pass. And if any should ask me, "How knowest thou?" I might answer, "I know, that we do measure, nor can we measure things that are not; and things past and to come, are not." But time present how do we measure, seeing it hath no space? It is measured while passing, but when it shall have passed, it is not measured; for there will be nothing to be measured. But whence, by what way, and whither passes it while it is a measuring? whence, but from the future? Which way, but through the present? whither, but into the past? From that therefore, which is not yet, through that, which hath no space, into that, which now is not. Yet what do we measure, if not time in some space? For we do not say, single, and double, and triple, and equal, or any other like way that we speak of time, except of spaces of times. In what space then do we measure time passing? In the future, whence it passeth through? But what is not yet, we measure not. Or in the present, by which it passes? but no space, we do not measure: or in the past, to which it passes? But neither do we measure that, which now is not."
So, thanks for asking such an interesting question about the present time. Enjoyed reading all the replies.