What happens when you alter time?

What happens when you alter time?
To answer this asking, this process is as if you taker a very large animal and then segment it into five pieces with glass panes cutting through the animal, however the animal still functions as one unit.What occurs is that if you alter time enough, you change the character of each domain of that animal, to a different character.
So in the end, you have rear quarter and tail about the size of chihuahua, the middle part about a the girth of a horse and the head the size of an elephant.

Sometimes these conditions functioning as one often right themselves immediately.Other times depending upon the amount of tampering do not.

Another condition associated with tampering with a timeline is the full closet syndrome.This is to where say if people want to correct a mistake in their lives, so think that they can do this by going back or forwards in time to either put something in or take something out of that timeline happening.

Say if I were a creep and wanted to make money off of people's e underiable parts of life, this would be the same as letting people go into an upstairs bedroom closet.One after another would go into that closet all thinking that they were affacting the outcome of their future.In realituy what one is managing to accomplsish is n more and more people jamed into this little closet, till you have fifty people in there and your floor joist start to become affaxcted.

Like an inner tube blown out, you also get timeline expulsions.This is where an item from another timeline will get blown out in this process and you have an automobile, say for instance named a Franklin that nobodies ever seen before parked in a driveway or a business parking lot.

The registry might say that this car belongs to the Ustanza Province, and has passed it's daily inspection.Nobody can figure out where this vehicle has come from, nor why the documentation is so strange.

Hope this helps.Pinter
