Re: What could be brought back as proof of time tr
By Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Time travel will be discovered in approximately the year 3050 by a man named Taatos. He is the Hermes of ancient Egypt and the very first chrononaut (time traveler). Prior to his actually traveling back in time, holographic images were sent into the past. This is why the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, etc. described "visions" by their oracles, soothsayers and psychics.
We can summarize the characteristics of time travelers as follows:
They have mastered hyperspace travel between dimension, and can move through walls and solid objects.
By existing in the fifth dimension, they can observe us and remain invisible.
Genetic manipulation of our chromosomes is a routine procedure for them. They have greatly speeded up our rate of evolution.
The origin of these chrononauts is Earth from 1,000 to 3,000 years in the future.
Their main purpose is to accelerate our spiritual growth.
You do not have to be abducted to talk (telepathically) with a time traveler. It is simply a matter of using the Fifth Dimensional Travel exercise that I present on this website.
The first time traveler I met in hyperspace (the fifth dimension) was a pure human calling himself Traksa. He lives in the thirty-sixth century on Earth when time travel is manifested by way of teleportation. This means that Traksa can beam his physical body back to our century without requiring a spacecraft. He is pictured on page 25 of my book.
Time travelers use names that represent their current mission. One of Traksa´s assignments consisted of introducing me to Art Bell. If you spell his name backwards it reads "ASK ART!" I have had the pleasure of being interviewed by Art nine times. Good work Traksa.
Janine Cooper is an artist and a friend of mine. I hired her to paint portraits of the chrononauts I described in Time Travelers From Our Future. Janine got her inspiration from her own subconscious, not from photos or movies. Traksa told me that he telepathically directed her in each of the portraits, especially this one -- Traksa himself.
The actual photographs of Traksa and the three other time travelers groups presented in my book Time Travelers From Our Future are available.
Traksa has told me that there are many times travelers around today. They do not hold public office or place themselves in positions of attention. Their function is to be in the background, spending most of their time in the fifth dimension so we cannot see them. In order for us to be able to see a time traveler, they must slow down their frequency vibrational rate (FVR) and enter our three-dimensional world. It is only then our physical eyes will be able to see them.
Here are some of the other chrononauts I have met in hyperspace (fifth dimensions):
1. MUAT - Traksa´a supervisor. He was active in Mu (Lemuria) and Atlantis and is from the 40th Century.
2. NIREV - 31st century - Focused on the Industrial Revolution
3 ALSINOMA - 34th century -Tutored Da Vinci (Mona Lisa)
4. CHAT NOY - 50th century -Assisted in the development of time travel. His name stands for "tachyon."
Chrononauts are spiritual people. They follow us from lifetime to lifetime, tracing our souls back to previous lives and monitoring our spiritual unfolding. Their ultimate purpose is to facilitate the perfection of the human soul to allow for ascension and the end of the karmic cycle. There are also future problems - wars, pollution, infertility - in this and parallel universes that they are trying to avert by assisting us now in our spiritual progress.
As we grow spiritually, so do they. They are us in the future.
Time Travelers I have Met (with photos) - As we grow spiritually, so do they. They are us in the future.
During the Coast to Coast AM interview I briefly described Art´s past life in Atlantis at about 50,000 B.C. in which he was a geophysicist/quantum physicist named Drako. Drako developed mathematical models for time travel that were, in fact, accurate. He was married to Meirah (Ramona in her past life) and accurately predicted the first of three cataclysms for Atlantis.
The media (Atlantis had both radio and television) would not allow Drako (Art) to warn the population of this catastrophe. A medical TV reporter named Forat did grant Drako air time and many thousands of people were saved, including Meirah and Forat. Drako was killed, however. Forat was one of my former lives, so the devastating earthquake and flood did not end my past life, nor that of many others.
Drako and Meirah belonged to a religion that worshiped cats. The other main theology consisted of bull worshipers. You can now see many ties to Art´s current life. This information was obtained by me using one of my Access the Akashic Records tapes. The script is presented in my latest book Astral Voyages. Or, it could be known to me by reviewing 35th century archives.