What causes Matter to Move?

As far as the spirals go cave man have been drawing them since the first drawings. Which Man knows inherantly what is going on out in the universe. Children especially have a nack of making things that are abstract to us, look very orderly to them. Man at one time did not think like we do now. They were more like animals. Animals act on instinct alone. Not till man came along and invented fire. Which took a very long time for them to come up with any way. This was a turning point for us. It allowed us more free time to do what we wanted to do.

What does man do when he has nothing to do. He thinks. He thinks about things that are or could be. Then he makes it happen. (Free Will). With the coming of the industrial revolution and electricity man made another leap. In the next phase of new energy man will progress his thoughts even more. Some say one day we our selves will be pure energy.

This brings me to this. with little or nothing to do and we were based more on instict. We were more connected to one another via esp/telepathy. We were also stronger and faster then we are now. Also being in that state of mind then we could still tap it now. Like the baby traped under a car and mother lifting said car. Or seeing beyond what reality is put before us now.

But back to the main topic. There is a man in south america who picked coffee. packaging it so we could enjoy it. He ships it across the world. Store sells said coffee. You like coffee so you buy it from the store. You bring it home and drink said coffee. (just a slight example of butterfly effect.) If that man was not there to pick the coffee. would you still be drinking that coffee. Or that man was still there to pick that coffee and do all the steps described but poisioned it. would you go drink that coffee,How about if it wasn't your brand and wanted to try some thing new. Or while you went to go get your coffee you got in to a auto wreck. All of this just because a man picked said coffee.

Wow did I just ramble on or do you understand.
Stalker, its just not the cavemen, this stems back farther in Biblical history. The roots of our primordial parents. (Adam and Eve). Every written language that we have found has identity connections, which proves that there was "one" spoken and written language.

RM, you quoted:

The spiral (not necessarily defined as the GM, but the application is obvious) is the latest model for complex system development that is being embraced by NASA. It is defined as an inward-trending spiral, where each concentric arm represents one iteration of the design cycle, such that you are converging on the center point, which represents the ultimate goal. And yet, there is also the outward-trending spiral to match, and balance, the inward-trending one. We are currently using the outward-trending spiral to define the boundaries of our operational conceptualizations for how we get to Mars in "baby steps".

Are we talking about your theoroized closed-loop inward plasmoid spiral? Well there is so much here to know and it gets very complicated. I know it involves the "solar winds" and the Earth magnetospheres with a continuous outflow of plasma from the solar atmosphere (corona) into the solar system in which the flow streamlines form closed loops. Supposedly these gases might help propel us to Mars? This closed-loop is "bow" shaped!


It is the GM spiral with fibonacci growth pattern; you just have to look at it in 3-D. (like a helical coil)

As for quantum teleportation involving particle entanglement is the transmission and reconstruction over arbitrary distances. Individually, an entangled particle has properties (such as momentum) that are indeterminate and undefined until the particle is measured or otherwise disturbed. Measuring one entangled particle however, defines its properties and seems to influence the properties of its partner or partners instantaneously even if they are light years apart. Due to the fact that the two particles are entangled interaction on the one causes instantaneous effects on the other.

So in that respect, a particle can be delocalized (simultaneously occupy various probable positions in space), can be simultaneously in several energy states and can even have several different identities at once. Its called "emulation"!

Emulate this system throughout our galaxy and eventually expand out into the universe and we will have universal networking...

Can this method be used to gap space and time as a means of TT, ABSOLUTELY! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You said: Have you ever read the book "Qabalah: The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham" (Daniel Hale Feldman) or any of the "Work of the Chariot" material? Appendix B of Feldman's book has what I find to be an awesome treatise on Torah Berashith, wherein he aligns the 1st 28 letters of Genesis with principles of modern cosmology. It begins with "IT created SIX" as aligning with the 6 symmetry breaks of physics. Fascinating stuff, IMHO.

I agree. It is facinating stuff. Cat and I have talked about these things for quite a while now and have reached some amazing conclusions. It's gratifying to me to see her go much deeper into it than I have lately and her graphics are very good in helping to explain some things. However, I am very put off by the secrecy of it all. I see in the Qabalah community a desire to control that goes against my nature. To reveal so much "knowledge" only to hold back the meanings of the 13 Shira or the ten sounds and other esoteric information smacks of a ruling priesthood bent on ruling the world by demonstrating thier prowess over nature. Looking into the background of the authors, I found a great deal of hatred and bigotry--against palestinians of course--and Arabs in general. Like most other sources of information, I try not to "identify" with it. Perhaps this is a throwback from my 60's days, but it has been an unfailing guidepost for me. Of course, because they were so secretive, I had to search it out on my own and stumbled upon a piece of the puzzle that had significance for my particular area of study--the old testament sanctuary as time machine. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore Labs almost mirrors the sanctuary. Briefly, I'll try to explain.

The NIF has 192 lasers all pointed (directly and indirectly) at a cubic centimeter of space containing deuterium and tritium. Its role is dual--to simulate nuclear explosions and to fuse material together beyond the break even point to replace fission as an energy source. The sanctuary also has similarly placed "latticed windows" or "light against light". These windows are ruby lasers a cubit square. The walls and chambers round about are all encased in gold to keep the light in and "contain" the energy. In addition, there are 12 crystals in the breastplate that were known to flash forth. Also, there are posts and arches with "windows" in them so that you have a completely self-contained unit where there is no darkness at all. Also, the structure is built around a golden mean spiral that is identical to the layout of the pyramid at Giza. There's even some evidence that they were one and the same since Abraham was given dominion from the Nile to the Euphrates which would put the pyramids on "their side of the river". There is also evidence that this is not only a machine to manipulate time, but would take the Bible code to new heights since the ten "words" which are not "in" the ark but are facing toward the breastplate in the front of the ark. The "tables of stone" are just another form of crystal along with the sapphire throne, coral gates, etc. The permutations are infinite. In addition, the entire structure of the temple was not fixed to the earth. It was designed to move. Nothing attached it to the superstructure underneath and it WAS the chariot--built entirely on the design of Noah's ark with three stories of 33 chambers all connected together like a super collider. Add to it the walls surrounding the court which also had its chambers and "windows", and you will see a structure that looks very much like the NIF--which I believe is the governments attempt at creating a time machine--and it is failing because it does not have some of the features of the temple. Check out the NIF site--it, too, is facinating. There are several other parallel sites that are trying to attempt the same things. As an engineer, perhaps you can see some things I can't. I have some background in CAD and drafting but an engineer I am not--but would be if I could do it all over again. Cat is aware of all of this and we have discussed it in detail. Feel free to fill in the spaces Cat. Your input is always greatly appreciated.

By the way Rainman, baiting was not a negative term. I simply saw it as means to communicate on a level that goes beyond ordinary experience by "stretching" the imagination--not the shuttle.
However, I am very put off by the secrecy of it all. I see in the Qabalah community a desire to control that goes against my nature. To reveal so much "knowledge" only to hold back the meanings of the 13 Shira or the ten sounds and other esoteric information smacks of a ruling priesthood bent on ruling the world by demonstrating their prowess over nature. Looking into the background of the authors, I found a great deal of hatred and bigotry--against palestinians of course--and Arabs in general. Like most other sources of information, I try not to "identify" with it. Perhaps this is a throwback from my 60's days, but it has been an unfailing guidepost for me. Of course, because they were so secretive

Let me define this secretiveness to others and why so much emphasis is hidden! This knowledge is certainly not for everyone! Althought bless the hearts of the "Loving Ignorance" for they have gift beyond any knowledge...

Kabalah is very old and infact evil has been very misunderstood. Rather is doesn't necessarily represent "bad", but the true interpretation for evil, is "opposing"! However this opposing view is what can be considered bad when the opposing force has ideas of control, manipulation and inflicting harm on others to elevate and benefit ones self and status!

This is precisely what happened in "post" civilization with other forms of intelligence posing as false gods. Yes, they obtained the knowledge of such powers over nature and used it to manipulate and control "nature" for their bidding. But somehow good always manages to balance out! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So I think for its own safekeeping it should be kept secretive until ones true nature (of heart) and intentions can be determined.

As for me, it's the love, honor and respect for this force of creation rather than seeking useful manipulative intentions for using it, I don't foresee that ever changing! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey CAT!

Anyone ever tell you that you "give great diagram?" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Of course, you must realize that men (and engineers!) are visual, and think more in pictures. This last one is very comforting and familiar to me, as it also represents the airflow patterns around a 2-D airfoil. And understanding these flows is, of course, fundamental to understanding aerodynamics...my own little fetish!

But as your diagram shows, this same (self-similar?) sort of dynamic is also what is going on in the space of our solar system. So indeed, the fractal concept has proven its worth, and truthfulness once again. Now, two things that I need to work on to help quantify the relationships here are: (1) Work the equations that describe this flowfield, and how we will use it, just as we use the terrestrial aerodynamic flowfields to lift our aircraft and make them fly. (2) (And this is where you might be able to help) Develop some tutorial prose to go along with this, and your other diagrams. Once again, my interest here is in being able to quantifiably teach this to others in a science and engineering environment. I think we might make a good team to do just this, whaddya think? Let's write a book and go on a teaching tour! :D

It is the GM spiral with fibonacci growth pattern; you just have to look at it in 3-D. (like a helical coil)
When you say "it", I am assuming you are referring to the feature labeled "plasmasphere" in your diagram...? Is this correct? I'd love to be able to get some visualization of this in 3-D!

Are we talking about your theoroized closed-loop inward plasmoid spiral?

Well, what I was talking about was just a spiral model for sequencing system development. For example, for our goal of going to Mars, the first thing we have to do is establish a vehicle size (called the Outer Mold Line) that we can use to get to the Moon and Mars. The first "arm" of the spiral development process is to develop the basic spacecraft shell and rudimentary control systems, and then launch it into orbit (unmanned) and recover it back to earth. This proves the initial physical design and collects actual flight test data with the rudimentary control systems. This completes the first arm of the spiral development. The next arm begins by taking the basic design and enhancing it to do more things...such as, get everything designed-in to allow a human spaceflight safety rating. The testing with this arm is similar to the first one, but now men will be onboard, go do some test orbits, maybe some orbit tranfers, then recover the vehicle again to earth. The next spiral arm after this would be to go to the moon. Then the next arm would be to establish a rudimentary moon base to accomplish certain things (like producing hydrogen and oxygen for fuel). The next arm would be to send the same vehicle, unmanned, to Mars and retrieve it back to earth. Then the last (?) arm would be to finally send a manned mission to Mars and recover them back to earth.

Obviously, the spiral arms can continue inward forever! Anyway, I've been long-winded enough here. This was what I was meaning when I talked about an inward spiral.

Kind Regards,
This forum deals with the topic of the discussion of time travel.

The super-numerary extrapolation of religious values and or control, are sheltered from in this forum.
The super-numerary extrapolation of religious values and or control, are sheltered from in this forum.

MYOB, Creedo. There's plenty of wacky stuff that you post that would be considered WAY off topic. So I don't really need to hear you playing forum cop.

Kind Regards,
Ray, Im not an engineer, Im the collective conscious.

Do I know what it is that you are seeking, yes! Can I see it, yes! Can I tell you what it is? NO!

I cannot begin to describe an engineering application of the future that my visionary senses see, simply because there is no scientific names and or pictorial descriptions for it yet. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear.

Many are confused about TT and what it really is? Their hypothesis is focused on paradoxes when infact its nothing of the sorts. You see we are creating the future now as we speak, we do have choices. Even if I were to see the future tense, time is always in motion and can certainly change. Many people have no clue how to use "free will" to persway the future.

A good example of this is, if your familiar with the Bible code. Yitzhak Rabin (Israeli prime minister) assassination on November 4, 1995. His assassin was Igal Amir, who fired three shots of which one hit Rabin fatally in the chest. This can be found inscribed in the Bible: http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/dilugim/rabin.gif

Now, (just the same) that if they searched even further or more thoroughly they would have discovered that in those same paragraphs they could also find Yitzhak Rabin "lives"! And likewise for every occurrence there is its opposite. The conveying beauty in all of this is that in fact we do have "free will" and "choices"! The future is not set...

Space exploration is fascinating! And eventually we will get off this planet. But sadly, a sense of regret as to what starts as a quest for knowledge will turn to an abusive conquest by being naive in not realizing that any species with a sense of curiosity to explore is in actuality and even perhaps unknowingly setting out to dominate and conquer!!! This was not our original purpose and intent, we were meant to be "caretakers"!

Computers will be used for emulation purposes to form a "global networking empire" combining and connecting the universe through particle entanglement and nano technology/VR. In addition with nano technology we could engineer nanos that are injected into our bodies that are designed to carry away old brain cells and promote the growth for new and better ones making us smarter. They could also have instructions to keep the entire body in peak performance and regress the aging process.

"Emulation / Global Networking" using particle entanglement. We will literally be able to plug our brains into the Internet with a device that allows us to experience virtual reality (so real that we will not be able to tell the difference!). It will be able to connect us through the universe, (Time and distance through space will be instantaneous) and though we may not be able to travel there physically, in a sense with VRT (Virtual Reality Telepresence?) we would "somewhat" really be there...With VRT we could be everywhere and anywhere all at once and with the use of nano technology we could achieve immortality! WE WOULD BE LIKE G-D!

I feel an uneasiness in all this? This Global networking entanglement is the path that gives false gratification and supremacy and mimics G-D! This might be somebodys trick? Strange feeling tell me that this computer technology is an unnatural manufactured guised oddity in the nature of things. An evil tool used to forge the creators omnipotentancy and overtake his body.

I hope Im wrong! I cant see beyond this point???
CAT' Rainman is a structialist, he can not adjust to multi-timed levels.

Him and his cohort, Sigmund, "if you can call him that", have proven this.

This is something new, in all forums.

Barge in, degrade, threaten, harrass, "if they can get away with it"?, then they feel that they have conqured.

What Ray, (as you say it), does not understand, is that this is only one of a many differing times forum.

This is analogous to someone going to a party, who only drinks an occasional beer or a glass of wine and then someone giving him a hit, on the biggest marijuana bomber, that one could possably imagine?

This guy would end up trying to crawl on the underside of the ceiling, while shoutting for Chirst's dress!

These guys are the divide and conquer team and not very reverent or respectful of those who have parted, to second their level of their errors.

I'm going to ignore these guys, as if they knew what they were getting into here, they would probably back out now.

They have no idea of the terratory they are in now, nor what this invovles.

Thanks CAT. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

creedo... why cut on Rainman... He's been nothing but polite to you. I, on the otherhand... well... Have at thee, said, knave!
Barge in, degrade, threaten, harrass, "if they can get away with it"?, then they feel that they have conqured.
Hang on a second, Creedo. Let's make sure we have an accurate description of what our differences have been. No need for you to go casting false aspersions. First, I want to thank Siegmund for admitting to our difference in styles in how we seek to keep you honest, Creedo. Now, as to your charges in the quote above:

1) I'm not sure I ever "degraded" you, Creedo. If you interpret holding you accountable for incorrect technical statements, or asking you to clarify statements that cannot be understood, as "degrading" you, then this is a perception issue at your end.
2) I know for a FACT that I have NEVER threatened you. Threats are not things to be taken lightly, and I am concerned that you have even insinuated that I have threatened you. I would like you to publicly correct this mis-statement, if you please.
3) Harrassment? Again, I am not sure how you define harassment. But if you post statements that I believe are incorrect, or marginal, I have the right to respond. I have attempted to keep my cool, and not let it erode into harassment, but sometimes your pompous attitude can really "get my goat."

These guys are the divide and conquer team and not very reverent or respectful of those who have parted, to second their level of their errors.
We are nothing of the sort. Siegmund had some professional/technical issues with you in the realm of neurology and clinical definitions, and he was pointing out your errors. I have had similar technical issues with you in the realm of aerospace fundamentals. I have no need to "conquer" you, but when you posture yourself as an expert in an area that is the basis for my entire professional career, and then you make clearly incorrect statements, I am going to point out your errors.

It almost seems as if you are appealing to CAT to help you "defend yourself" against attempts to hold you accountable for errors in your statements.

Kind Regards,