Temporal Novice
As far as the spirals go cave man have been drawing them since the first drawings. Which Man knows inherantly what is going on out in the universe. Children especially have a nack of making things that are abstract to us, look very orderly to them. Man at one time did not think like we do now. They were more like animals. Animals act on instinct alone. Not till man came along and invented fire. Which took a very long time for them to come up with any way. This was a turning point for us. It allowed us more free time to do what we wanted to do.
What does man do when he has nothing to do. He thinks. He thinks about things that are or could be. Then he makes it happen. (Free Will). With the coming of the industrial revolution and electricity man made another leap. In the next phase of new energy man will progress his thoughts even more. Some say one day we our selves will be pure energy.
This brings me to this. with little or nothing to do and we were based more on instict. We were more connected to one another via esp/telepathy. We were also stronger and faster then we are now. Also being in that state of mind then we could still tap it now. Like the baby traped under a car and mother lifting said car. Or seeing beyond what reality is put before us now.
But back to the main topic. There is a man in south america who picked coffee. packaging it so we could enjoy it. He ships it across the world. Store sells said coffee. You like coffee so you buy it from the store. You bring it home and drink said coffee. (just a slight example of butterfly effect.) If that man was not there to pick the coffee. would you still be drinking that coffee. Or that man was still there to pick that coffee and do all the steps described but poisioned it. would you go drink that coffee,How about if it wasn't your brand and wanted to try some thing new. Or while you went to go get your coffee you got in to a auto wreck. All of this just because a man picked said coffee.
Wow did I just ramble on or do you understand.
What does man do when he has nothing to do. He thinks. He thinks about things that are or could be. Then he makes it happen. (Free Will). With the coming of the industrial revolution and electricity man made another leap. In the next phase of new energy man will progress his thoughts even more. Some say one day we our selves will be pure energy.
This brings me to this. with little or nothing to do and we were based more on instict. We were more connected to one another via esp/telepathy. We were also stronger and faster then we are now. Also being in that state of mind then we could still tap it now. Like the baby traped under a car and mother lifting said car. Or seeing beyond what reality is put before us now.
But back to the main topic. There is a man in south america who picked coffee. packaging it so we could enjoy it. He ships it across the world. Store sells said coffee. You like coffee so you buy it from the store. You bring it home and drink said coffee. (just a slight example of butterfly effect.) If that man was not there to pick the coffee. would you still be drinking that coffee. Or that man was still there to pick that coffee and do all the steps described but poisioned it. would you go drink that coffee,How about if it wasn't your brand and wanted to try some thing new. Or while you went to go get your coffee you got in to a auto wreck. All of this just because a man picked said coffee.
Wow did I just ramble on or do you understand.