
I've been thinking a lot about things Darby has told me.
I am having a difficult time processing the information.
My latest post is my reflection of Darby's thoughts of Moving On in time.
Also the mirror thing was inspired by Ruthless's tag video.
Thanks guys!
Don´t Worry ....


you may undestand... latter!

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In terms of my quote, I was referring to the idea of "perspective".
Once again, everything is relative because in this scenerio I tend to imagine being empathetic towards someone whom is not only blind but deaf as well.
Try explaining sensory deprivation to someone such as that.
I've been thinking a lot about things Darby has told me.
I am having a difficult time processing the information.
My latest post is my reflection of Darby's thoughts of Moving On in time.
Also the mirror thing was inspired by Ruthless's tag video.
Thanks guys!

"We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances." - Isaac Newton

Time is a persons state being imprinted on another dimension of space. The space that was imprinted with the persons state becomes time. Time itself is a concept containing more than one dimension of space. Light is a good example of this. With light we can see millions even billions of years into the past. That light carries information of the past that was imprinted on it. So like another dimension of space that carries information of the past that was imprinted on it from another dimension of space. So it takes at least two or more dimensions of space to create the effect of time. One dimension of space contains the current state and the other dimension of space contains the past states. That past states is a record of past events being recorded. As I said light is a good example of this. The light from our sun at its source is the current state of events. Now go billions or trillions of miles out into space and view the light from our sun and you are looking back in time. Dimensions of space do the same thing to create the effect we know as time. To time travel you have to phase shift to that other dimension of space and travel in it then phase shift back to get back to past events. If you wanted to see our sun a million or billion or so years into the past you would simply travel out into space a million or billion or so light years then stop and look and now you are seeing our sun a million or billion or so years ago. Time travel with multiple dimensions of space would be the same thing except you have to be able to shift from one dimension to the other and travel in it then be able to stop and look back hence the phase shift from one dimension to the other. There you go.
Question for you reactor:

If you wanted to see our sun a million or billion or so years into the past you would simply travel out into space a million or billion or so light years then stop and look and now you are seeing our sun a million or billion or so years ago.

Is it possible you are missing another necessary condition in your claim above? Especially the bold part of it. There is another necessary condition which you have not stated here, and it is the ulimate focus that comes out of Relativity. You might call it "fundamental".

Would you like to state that other necessary condition, or should I?

Its a valid question and one that everyone should consider.

There's nothing wrong with what you said - going out X light years and looking back to see an an even older version of the sun (the one we see is 8 minutes in the past). The question that Ray is asking is how to accomplish actually seeing the sun as it was one million/billion years in the past. A very good question (and I'm assuming that he would agree that we allow the observer leave to get from "here to there" without any technical difficulties, i.e. we ignore the technical difficulties).

Hint: Think "gamma"
Do what ever you want to do. No one will stop you.

I was hoping you would take up the challenge to analyze what you said in greater depth, and thereby improve these thoughts, rather than your typical "there you go", and then walking away.

Darby's hint was right on the money. So what is the other necessary condition that must be satisfied to see the sun as it existed billions of years ago as you have described? (And yes, Darby is right, we can temporarily suspend the technical problems of actually achieving it to keep this instructive.) Examining this additional necessary condition is what will give folks an appreciation for the work of Einstein and how it relates to Time.
