We need money to build time machine

. . . check with your name on it is in the mail... it should arrive in 100.354 years from today

We need it now

Can you not plague this message board with your un-helpful comments and inane remarks. Please, spare us the pain of your interruptions.
Did you not read!?

I did not say he was a 747 pilot. He pilots small crafts which he has his license in. I mentioned this in the previous post if you bothered to read all that I wrote.

If you cannot bother read carefully, we can hardly expect any help from you. Please begone and do not plague us with your faulty reading skills.
but a truck cannot be insulted as an airplane is designed to do when flying. In other words, airplane is made air-tight versus a truck which never is.
I have good news for you (assuming you meant "insulated" rather than "insulted"). Some trucks are not only insulated but also capable of being pressurized (hermetically sealed) and will hold pressure to several earth atmospheres. Trucks that are refrigerated, and that carry evaporative and/or toxic liquids, should meet your requirements. The key concept is pressure differential from outside to inside. And these trucks are exactly like airplanes in this manner, in that the higher pressure is inside the vessel, and the lower pressure outside. Really, I cannot see why you specifically need an airplane.

If you would like some help, present your physical requirements for pressurization and I can tell you what sort of vessels are available that are much cheaper than a full-up airplane. But I am not about to give you any money.

The following website is a government dumping site. They put many types of aircraft on the block every month. Currently there are five (5) C-141's going for junk. Plus they have all kinds of parts...aircraft, engines and electronics. I just missed two oscilliscopes that sold for a couple hundred bucks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif


There are also many aircraft restoration businesses at Chino Airport in southern California. One or two have old fuselages from large bombers laying around. They also know where the aircraft junk yards are to get parts.
Yes, it is possible to taxi and land 747's via auto-pilot. Most of the newer planes are also fully automated. The industry has just not shifted the flight of the aircraft to computers without human interaction as of yet.
You shouldnt insult anyone in the TTI. Everyone is upset with Chronohistorians "Spamming", yet he never has asked anyone for money. I believe that asking us to dig into our bank accounts for something we never will see is as close to spamming as one can get. And I would imagine that IF you got the thing to work, and you travelled into the past, AND something went wrong, hopefully you have some plan to explain the aircraft in whatever time period you shift into! I am sure that it would be difficult to hide a vessel of that size. Maybe make it look like a building or something..eh?
Can you not plague this message board with your un-helpful comments and inane remarks. Please, spare us the pain of your interruptions.
Please spare *ME*\*US* of your begging. I wish you luck on this. However, I thik it's absolutely ridiculous of you to come on our forum asking for money and expecting people to take that request seriously. If I gave a penny to every person begging for money on the internet, I would be broke. Like I said, I wish you luck and I'm sure you will find some helpfull info from the posters on this forum.
You shouldnt insult anyone in the TTI. Everyone is upset with Chronohistorians "Spamming", yet he never has asked anyone for money. I believe that asking us to dig into our bank accounts for something we never will see is as close to spamming as one can get.

The thought had crossed my mind, but in the end I figured if people here were seriously interested in Time Travel, then one would not object to helping others achieve this goal including financial support. A bit of putting one's money where their interests lie. Assuming all things are true, how much are you willing to pay and what are you willing to scarifice for a time machine?
I have been in the Sales field for two decades and have sold everything from nuts and bolts to multi-million dollar homes. In requesting anything from people, you have to offer something in return. Your success in time travel may be a fantastic thing, and I too, wish you well, but that doesn't strike me on an emotional level causing me to yank my wallet out of my pocket.

If you try to get money from people on a logical level, it wont work. You have to satisfy a personal desire or need, to create excitement with your project.
Hows this...

....... In reading the posts in the various forums, many of you really have an in-depth grasp regarding the theories of REAL time travel and are serious about achieving success with a quest thought impossible by many others!

If you had the opportunity to really travel in time, where would you go? Do you imagine travelling back to a time and having the hair stand up on the back of your neck when a T-Rex gets a little to close, your heart pumping in fear, a fear that mingles with your excitement at actually being able to reach out and touch the flesh of this ancient predator?
Or do you imagine travelling to someplace in time where you are actually the first to walk upon the sandy shores of an ancient beach, the sea air filling your lungs with nothing but a pure, clean, un-touched scent?
Or perhaps you imagine travelling back in time and beating the crap out of that SOB who made your young life a living hell?
I too have these dreams and if you visit my links you can review my theories on making our dreams come true. We believe we can finally achieve true success, my fellow time travelling aspirants!
What a fantastic moment..We are so excited, We are so close...but we need your help in achieving success.

There are many components still required to complete our project. If you believe you can contribute anything to this fantastic project, please send me a PM and I will promptly send you a list of what items you could assist with to make Real Time Travel happen. Imagine being a part of a successful scientific adventure such as this...

Any assistance is welcomed and as mentioned above..I will gladly send you a list of our needs...And Thank-You all for your support and insights!......................

Now this was written with many distractions and without alot of time spent on really creating an effective request, but I am sure you catch the drift..eh?

Also there is a Non-Profit resource center in the City of Santa Ana. There are volumes of books that list philanthrophists that donate money to many causes.
Of course the "professor" posted the same thread on "my" forum. This was my reply:

To construct a Tipler cylinder one needs at least a 100 km long and 10 km wide cylinder. The cylinder needs to be incredibly rigid and dense. It also needs to spin very fast. The cylinder could be constructed using several neutron stars or cosmic black holes. There are pulsars that have been observed which are spinning at a rate fast enough. To travel to the past one would space travel to the cylinder and orbit a few times. The mathematics is not really conclusive as to whether such stars could be used for time travel or whether we would need to pile up a few of them on top of each other to form a cylinder.

You forget a few things. The cylinder can never be created on earth. You need an advanced civilization to construct such a cylinder in space and it cannot be constructed near our solar system.

In short: This is a scam. The thread has been locked.

BTW: On that forum it still says "$100" and not "$100K". This leads me to believe I was right.
Dear "MadIce"

First, you are correct that in the original post and at your controlled quasi-public forum, I typed $100 and forgot the 'K'. Excuse me, but sometimes, people make mistakes. In this case, it is called a typo. Another arrogant ass decides to act like some cynic but not realising, as you did yourself, that it may be an error.

Second, since you ahve not the brillance, patience, and tolerance to invite outside discussion and assistance cf. your "locking" of the topic a post started by me at YOUR web forum, I am forced to adopt a cynical attitude and suspect that you are merely a front and clearing-house for the government to weed out, discriminate, and abort all efforts in the advancement toward this potential technology of time travel.

Third, evidently from your reply and others, no one on any "time travel" message board is interest in time travel because no one is willing to offer their help. Of coourse, money is not the only means of assistance. We do welcome other forms but money is the true grantor of assurring that things get done. Clearly, I was wrong to suggest that asking for outside help. I must face the music with my fellow (now dead in the proverbial water)-researchers and admit this was a bad idea to ask so-called time travel enthusaists for their assistance. Perhaps Sunil was correct in assuming that most of these boards are populated by 14-year-old boys and immature men who have not realised that "Star Trek" and "Xena" were just TV shows and not real.
We may not be physicists, well, actually Aaron is just a year away from finishing his degree at at nearby university, at least we have the background in mathematics and physics -- granted not all of us are in a Physics department ;-) From some of the ignorant ideas posted, it seems no one here can read a physics paper proper and lack the mathematical background to understand anything beyond the eight grade level.
Re: Histrical note

Historical note to the comment>Perhaps Sunil was correct in assuming that most of these boards are populated by 14-year-old boys and immature men who have not realised that "Star Trek" and "Xena" were just TV shows and not real.\

Note adds:It was told in UFO Universe Magazine, a Charlotte Publication, that said Bill Shatner was motobikeing on the desert, when he had hit a sand dune and lost consciousness.

He remembered people in silver suits gathering around him and giving him medical treatment and then somehow getting back to civilization.

It may be why the nature of the Star Trek series was so popular, is that in part, somehow it possibly was started under the influence of said alien beings.

This said is only a possibility.

This foresaid article, is in print.
The first two articles cannot be read without a subscription or buying them. You give little of no information of what actually is going on. That is of course convenient. It keeps away people from reading these papers. Let me reveal my sources (it's for free).


You may recognize some of the people involved in that program: Richard Gott, Michio Kaku, David Deutsch and Paul Davies. And oh... Some guy named Frank Tipler. I think the BBC put some effort in that program and got the idea of the Tipler cylinder right. If not then I am sure professor Tipler would have objected.

The advanced civilization is required to construct the cylinder. You don't move a neutron star, black hole or pulsar by blowing in their direction. It also sounds a bit hard to load the cylinder in a Boing. Let alone to take off with a 100 km by 10 km cylinder in a Boing.


That article is free (but readable for use mere mortals).

While it is true you can create micro black holes, this requires something like CERN's LHC.


Again a free link. In the scientific community this experiment raised some eyebrows because black holes have a tendency to absorb matter. The larger it gets the more dangerous they become. The onces generated by CERN are expected not to be a serious threat. So, make some room for a Large Hadron Collider in your Boing if you want to make them "by hand". Of course to make them bend spacetime for animals or humans to time travel they need to be a little bit bigger than those produced by CERN in 2007.
You seem under the impression that no time travel research is done in public. You couldn't be more wrong. This is a paper, for an example, used by a project conducted by professor Ronald L. Mallett:


True, not based on a Tipler cylinder, but a true time machine experiment nevertheless. Also, you can find lots of other scientific papers online. Some claim TT is impossible and others describe in detail how to construct time machines. Especially cosmology is showing an increasing interest.

It looks like I need to change my sig.
Eh..Professor...I am curious if you read my post or not. I offerred you a possible avenue for funding. In Santa Ana, there is a little non-profit resource center with volumes of notebooks that list contributors of whom donate cash to all kinds of projects. Including yours I am sure.

Also, on a government liquidation site they have 5 C-141 cargo planes up for auction. This site also auctions off every kind of electronic equipment you could possibly desire. Even has a nuclear section...havent seen anything offerred in that area yet though.