Dear "MadIce"
First, you are correct that in the original post and at your controlled quasi-public forum, I typed $100 and forgot the 'K'. Excuse me, but sometimes, people make mistakes. In this case, it is called a typo. Another arrogant ass decides to act like some cynic but not realising, as you did yourself, that it may be an error.
Second, since you ahve not the brillance, patience, and tolerance to invite outside discussion and assistance cf. your "locking" of the topic a post started by me at YOUR web forum, I am forced to adopt a cynical attitude and suspect that you are merely a front and clearing-house for the government to weed out, discriminate, and abort all efforts in the advancement toward this potential technology of time travel.
Third, evidently from your reply and others, no one on any "time travel" message board is interest in time travel because no one is willing to offer their help. Of coourse, money is not the only means of assistance. We do welcome other forms but money is the true grantor of assurring that things get done. Clearly, I was wrong to suggest that asking for outside help. I must face the music with my fellow (now dead in the proverbial water)-researchers and admit this was a bad idea to ask so-called time travel enthusaists for their assistance. Perhaps Sunil was correct in assuming that most of these boards are populated by 14-year-old boys and immature men who have not realised that "Star Trek" and "Xena" were just TV shows and not real.
We may not be physicists, well, actually Aaron is just a year away from finishing his degree at at nearby university, at least we have the background in mathematics and physics -- granted not all of us are in a Physics department ;-) From some of the ignorant ideas posted, it seems no one here can read a physics paper proper and lack the mathematical background to understand anything beyond the eight grade level.