Re: Was the John Titor s-wamble yorpies?
Glug' what your not getting is that these are approximations of twin Kerr doublearities.
This black hole function, once it is established is a nonspecific boundary, which really had not event horizon, as a black hole does.
The idea behind the kerrs, was to prorogate an extendable boundary, from a zeropoint, inside of the said G.E. time displacement unit.
Not to have the twin microlarties, act as boundaries within the machine itself.
The outer boundary, is placed outside some eight feet away, from the displacement unit itself.
So the action of the now joined twin kerr boundaries, overlaps, instead of acts in the base of the machine?
What I had asked Darby Darbyshire, of Anomalies, is via what method do they inject electrons into the outer boundary, in order to gain plus or minus time values?
Darby said he did not know, or avoided the question to my recall.
However there has to be a method of injection of e values into the outerlarities, as without this, the nonspefic borders, will not attain either plus or minus time travel values?
The genesis point inside of the machine itself, is probably from rotational skills, which yields your superpoints?
The economy of the superconductors, in past P.M. Magazines, has been shown to be attainable at room temperature values, however much more expensive.
This article had been placed within a High Technology Magazine and showed how warmer room operating temperatures could be corresponded to, by the used of nobidium as well as other more expensively based materials.
However we are talking mythical 2036 here and who knows what materials they had at their disposal then....?
Blues of future past?
Thanks Glug'